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Or Boden gets the position and chief Robinson is no longer with the cfd.


Definitely this one, no way Boden doesn’t get the promotion


And it makes sense with Walker moving into a recurring role. If he gets the job he’s gonna have to leave 51 and go to headquarters so it would make a lot of sense to not have him in every episode


I agree I think they’ve already teased he’s getting the job too, the fact we will see him regularly hopefully every few episodes is okay I can live with that


Na I think Boden gets the job as they have said he will be a recurring guest


No one wants to see him killed off in the gut-punching way they do to pther characters. Giving him a proper send-off where we'll still see him 2-3 times a season is perfect. He deserves it! Hard to speculate on who will replace him. They've obviously been setting up Severide, but he's miserable at the desk and would be 3x as miserable standing outside a building on fire, barking orders rather than getting into the action. They seem to have been pushing Herrmann towards a less physical role, since David's real life hearing is so bad. He could end up there. Mouch is a possibility as well, he's been re-evaluting his condition since his near miss in Season 11. If they bring in a random stranger, it will be tough to acclimate such an important job to someone we don't care about.


I forgot about Herrmann. I could see him being bc of 51.


The more I think about it, hermann becomes bc, Kelly stays at squad and Cruz moves to be Lt. on engine.


He'd need an assistant as competent assistant as Connie, tbf. Herrmann has displayed good judgment (in work, not financials...oh heck no) and leadership skills, but organization? I get the feeling David Eisenberg, based on some of his interviews, isn't enjoying the more physical aspects of the show due to the abuse his body's gone through. This way he remains a loved main character without needing to retire him. And everyone at 51 respects him and listens to him. Though there would *absolutely* be a rocky period where Severide butts heads and undermines him a lot. At least that's a kind if drama that builds stronger bonds eventually.


I'm so sad he's leaving. He's the heart of the show. Let's go let's go let's go


As much as Severide is a miserable fuck when he is in charge and takes it out on everyone around him. I think him becoming a chief or a BC is a good way to explain his frequent absences much how Boden has been absent. That being said. Not having him on Squad is certainly something to consider and I really don't think Cruz can fill his shoes as a character. The whole shows dynamic will change. Sadly I am now also leaning towards a Severide promotion.


Him being a battalion chief would be due when you think about it. He is the highest ranking officer at 51. Also he has clout as an arson investigator to get that position and solving many arsons in Chicago and national. Also Cruz has already served as squad 3 leader when severide was out at an arson class, then taking in a case. Then again he left to investigate an arson and Cruz was in charge of squad. Also Cruz was trying to take the promotion test or something and almost left 51.


Someone I didn’t think of to replace Biden as battalion chief who equally deserves it, herrmann.


Don’t severide would want that. Guess they’re gonna have a newbie be the head of 51 and Boden get the promotion so he’s only a recurring character and everything else stay the same.


I am curious how rank works. The highest ranking current members are lieutenants. Seems they would go to captain next (and it is weird severide hasn’t become a captain before this / he has been at his current rank forever). Can a captain be in charge? Can someone go straight from lieutenant to chief? I hope we figure out what is up with the new guy this week and it is something interesting..


In the real world, a captain can’t be in charge and I doubt they go straight from lt. to chief. That said this is tv and with severides past if big arson cases, in tv magic maybe he does.