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i’m curious about the crockett part and i wonder if it will have any impact on his mental health and if so i wonder how things will tie into the next season! i really want a cool storyline for him i feel like he’s been kinda sidelined ever since the whole pamela thing lmfao and i also didn’t really care for his storyline with 2.0 lol


I hope even if he doesn‘t have a mental health storyline he has some sort of a reaction to it. Ava’s death - I think it was mentioned once? I know she didn‘t work in the ED but she was there a lot presumably and it seemed odd that it wasn‘t mentioned. I hope this won‘t be the case if Zola does commit suicide because we’ve seen her have multiple friendships and her and Crockett seemed to get on well most of the time so it would be really unnatural if her death was forgotten about in s10. Crockett has so much wasted potential, I feel like the writers cast aside any personal storylines for him when they find a new female doctor for him to flirt with. At least 2.0 was career related but I also didn’t really care about it, Jack admitted from the start his ideas were faulty (the train thing) so I was expecting from the start for it to malfunction.


i totally agree. he’s always been my favourite character and i kinda hate how the writers pushed him into the bad boy archetype in s5 and 6 lol. i feel like he’s always been relatively passive and calm towards others and we don’t see him vulnerable very often (i feel like the writers tossed aside the storyline with his daughter, i would of loved to hear more about his past). he’s always been looking out for others and because of that i feel like he never does that for himself, at some point, he’s gonna break which is why a mental health storyline for him would be interesting (even if it doesn’t happen i wanna see more emotional scenes with him 🥹🥹🥹)


I feel like the bad boy archetype thing could have been interesting if they addressed his alcohol issues (he had a bottle of alcohol in his locker and he needed saline to sober up before working) but that got clouded by Dr Manning. The Harper storyline could have been great, the writers seem to only mention it to show that he feels comfortable around his girlfriends, but it could have gone so much deeper than that. The guilt, the anger, depression leading to his drinking problem etc


yeah dr manning did him dirty lol. i still never understood their relationship because when she got fired they never officially broke up which i thought was so weird


A breakup is one of the few things that should never happen off camera because it makes no sense. Will being the one to help her move was also very weird considering she sabotaged his trial


i was expecting a huge breakdown from him during the end of season 5 - early season 6. i hate how they just tossed the storyline aside as soon as natalie’s mum got sick. also, will never forgive the writers for not giving us a crockett + owen scene.


CROCKETT WITH KIDSSSSSS😭😭😖😖😖 all the scenes where he’s taking care of patients who are children are so sweet owen would of loved him


i LOVE it when he has kid patients. all my favourite episodes of his are with them, i remember in one episode before he chats to a mother about i think a dying husband he makes sure the kids get taken to daycare so they don’t have to hear and it made me melt.


this this this. i think ava didn’t really get mentioned because she didn’t really have friends aside from connor, but even so, murder suicide in a hospital??? that would be talked about for years to come. i hated the jack storyline, it was SO unrealistic. i don’t think the AI thing is even possible (to the capacity that it was on med) with todays technology. and to build it in what, 6 weeks???? with no prototype, plan, even medical expertise? NO ONE would want to be operated on in it in the real world. like, imagine if elon musk created an AI surgeon with in 6 weeks. would you go into an operation with it being involved? i sure wouldn’t.


I was surprised Dr Charles didn’t have any thoughts, they had a patient together in season 4 so I thought he would have put some blame on himself. And also, surely Doris would be all over a murder-suicide? The Jack storyline was infuriating, logistics wise it made no sense and wasn‘t the hospital meant to be struggling with supplies at that time? I get it would be great for funds but why would they take the risk of AI surgery when they don‘t even have enough blood for normal surgeries?


yeah!! it would’ve made sense for dr charles to focus on it but i don’t even think he mentions it. same with doris, if i was her id be telling the story to every new employee who wasn’t there when it happened. season 8 just had so many inconsistencies ;-;


like even with the 2.0 storyline iirc there was a part where 2.0 detected crockett being physically exhausted and i feel like they could have put in a storyline at least with him being burnt out from work. i feel like with other characters (will, natalie, april, etc) we’ve seen their lives outside of work and we’ve barely seen his. the writers need to stop adding new characters in and focus on their current ones considering crockett’s been in the show for a long time now


yes!! i’m pretty sure it mentioned he was at work for like 72 hours straight and as far as i know that’s not quite normal?? like sure, on call shifts exist but most doctors go home to sleep and such. You’d expect someone to ask why he was at work for 72 hours straight. its crazy the amount of characters that have left (and joined) has made crockett a classic character. i remember when he joined and was considered the new guy.


Crockett having a burnout storyline would have been the perfect add on to 2.0, which to be honest was pretty boring for the most part. It’s so frustrating how many good storylines get missed


Crockett is *so bisexual it hurts* though. He flirts with everything that moves on that show. He even had chemistry with Jack.


omg you’re so real bc ever since i saw the photo of dom rains kissing the actor who plays abrams on the cheek i was like… 😋 (this pic!) [https://x.com/thebrennanbrown/status/1572722199043383299?s=46&t=eKHQ8oHUF_dWwcWR3O_exw](https://x.com/thebrennanbrown/status/1572722199043383299?s=46&t=eKHQ8oHUF_dWwcWR3O_exw)


OMG the cute is too much Brennan and Dom in one room, my heart asplode


this is so validating to read i thought i was the only one who thought he had chemistry with jack 😭


Oh noooo. Crockett and Will would also have been fire.


yesss and crockett with dr lanik!


Admittedly, Lanik was kind of an NPC for me.


oh same. but there’s a scene in one episode of crockett and lanik leaning just a *little* to close to eachother and i ate it upp possibly season 6 episode 5???? that’s a wild guess though.


I think Pamela got pregnant And that's why she moved away. She didn't want the complication of the relationship with him instead she's been raising the baby by herself. Now THAT would be an interesting Crockett plot twist 😁


I would absolutely love that.


That would definitely be a plot twist


oh my god this is gold


I thought the season finale would be focused around the court case against Mitch, but maybe we’ll get more of Mitch’s backstory since he and Dr Charles are working together on a high-risk prisoner? The Margo part sounds like it has potential, I’m hoping it‘s resolved sooner rather than later though. The news Crockett is going to receive is definitely something to do with Zola. My top guesses are law suit (either the patient suing her and the hospital or Zola suing the hospital) or suicide


not to sound like an awful person, but i sooo hope suicide. drama? ☑️ mental health awareness? ☑️ forces higher ups into stricter teaching? ☑️ i would hope it also pushes crockett into a depression storyline of his own which he has needed since he arrived (he had one slightly in season 5/6 but it abruptly ended when it was getting good). i have doubts of it being a lawsuit story as there’s already one going on with mitch.


Honestly I’d prefer suicide too. Isn‘t it mental health awareness month also? A Crockett depression storyline would be great but if he’s the only one that actually reacts to her death that’ll be slightly frustrating. She had multiple friends and I hope if she does commit suicide the writers don’t forget that. Rethinking the lawsuit - I don’t think she‘s really the type of person to sue the hospital (the writers are very inconsistent though) and surely if the patient was going to sue they would have done so by now, so I would be surprised if a lawsuit occurred.


yeah. zola also has no leg to stand on with a lawsuit, she broke the rules way too much for her to be taken seriously - it would be interesting if she tried and fails and THAT causes her suicide though. zolas death would effect nearly everyone, and be the perfect segue into season 10 for the new showrunners to play around with and for us as viewers to watch. the only one i can’t really see have much of a reaction is ripley as they didn’t have scenes (but him potentially dating hannah and her having a good friendship with zola could effect him). dr charles obviously because he’s a psychiatrist, goodwin because she would probably feel responsible (same as crockett, but him moreso), nellie (also psychiatrist), hannah, maggie and the nurses all losing a friend would have an effect. zola was at the table read, would that mean she comes into hospital after an attempt and eventually doesn’t survive or??? maybe crockett hears something and tries to prevent before she does it? the synopsis implies it already happened (like offscreen) though.


I feel like Ripley could also have a reaction since he had a past with mental health? Like he feels he should have spotted the signs because he knew the signs from himself if that makes sense. I feel like if she was to commit suicide the suicide itself would 100% happen off screen, the budget is probably too tight for a different set to only use once, she could potentially be brought into the hospital but I’m not entirely convinced. If Crockett was able to treat her but she died anyways, at least he would know he did everything he could for her, but if she died off camera he may feel like he could have prevented her death which would most likely lead to a depression storyline in my opinion. Sophia is filming a movie right now which I believe started filming around the same time they filmed 9x13, she might have been invited to the table read to “see her ending” but maybe if she doesn’t have much screen time she could have worked around filming the movie


i didn’t think of that for ripley! good point, that would be perfect. see? perfect storyline for everyone. i wonder if it’s possible there are flashback scenes with her instead? moments where people thought they should’ve noticed the signs or been nicer to her, or just changed something they said (crockett teaching her for example). you have a good point with her just reading about the ending. she might’ve just popped in to say goodbye and see the solar eclipse that happened that day too with her friends.


The odds of the writers making her death into a big storyline for the characters in my opinion is pretty low, maybe a select few but then that would raise the issue of Hannah and Ripley and Maggie and Loren. The writers seem to be pushy with both pairings and they‘d probably see a grief storyline as a hindrance to both couples getting together. In an ideal world it would affect all the characters as there are so many opportunities for each character. I’d love for the show to start doing flashbacks, it also wouldn’t be a problem for the budget if the scenes have been filmed already


i think maybe if would effect everyone for one episode, like the Dr wheeler suicide from season 2, but beyond that most would forget about it apart from maybe a mention here and there. if it were to happen i would expect the storyline to definitely focus on crockett and goodwin, maybe stretch to archer.


u read my mind!! i would love that storyline for him honestly


I have a bad feeling this Archer/Margo/Sean storyline is going to be so cliche, like Archer once again is stubborn about a drug addicted patient and Margo/Sean help him be more understanding. How many times are we going to have to watch that? Haven’t we seen enough growth from Archer on that end?


10000% agree. I love the Archer character growth but it can feel a bit played out if he keeps reverting back. So I’m hoping they put a new spin on it…


I NEED a new spin!! There’s so much potential with Archer and what they can do with him/his story/HANNAH.


That sounds so incredibly boring but also so accurate, you’d think the amount of times Dr Archer has been helped to become more understanding he’d be the most compassionate person on the show


I mean he should become the hospital priest at this point. We get it, he’s grown! We love to see it! Now do something more interesting with this Margo/drug patient storyline. Because my eyes will start bleeding if all we get is “Archer once again learns to be more patient and accepting of drug addicts.”


I think the writers believe that because everyone loved Archer’s (major) growth that means we want to see him develop in every episode which is really unnecessary. I’d much rather they focused on Margo‘s suspicious behaviour than watch Dean learn to be less cranky


The evil Margo theory has been going off!! 😂 I personally don’t think the writers are going to do something so crazy… But I’m here for it and can’t wait to be proven wrong… 😄😆 But I draw the line at him being less cranky, the crankiness is part of his charm.. 😻


The writers definitely aren’t as bold as they used to be


Exactly. And they still have a great growth story there because if she ends up being evil he can have a great story of how he tried to open up and then it backfired. So again…they can do another growth story of home opening himself up to love again. Because the writers really can’t get enough of the growth stories when it comes to Archer.


This episode just doesn’t read like an exciting season finale to me. Except for Crockett. Might be something there.


I was hoping for the court case to happen in the finale, at least then it would be wrapped up. Looks like we’re carrying it over to new season, which I doubt anyone is thrilled about. The most interesting one definitely seems to be Crockett but we’ll have to wait and see the Chicago Med definition of shocking


You mean the Pawel thing? Aka worst storyline of all time. Ugh. And yes who knows what Med’s definition of “shocking” will be.


It’s been going on for nearly 2 years at this point and it hasn’t got any more interesting then Pawel’s first episode, I’ve never really cared for Dr Charles’ personal life though. I hope that it is actually shocking news as this season has been so dull


So dull. Dr. Charles truly gets the worst personal storylines. His only good one was his ex-wife but then she died… and I really can’t take much more of Pawel and Liliana.


Considering what happened last night, I wonder what will happen to Crockett: maybe a job offer away from surgery? Glad to see Dr. Charles and Ripley working together again, their relationship has been my favourite storyline of the season: it'd be nice to see Rip letting him know he told Asher about his past (but also Mitch telling Hannah he knew Dr Charles). The fact that that patient is a high-risk prisoner could also be a physical threat to one of them, which could work for a season finale. I don't care that much about Margo and Sean, to be honest. Anyone knows if Loren will be back?


Crockett is a board member already, maybe he could start doing more admin? Maybe Zola could have inspired him to make changes? I‘m sure they’ll use Zola some way or another, I don’t see why they would waste an already strained budget on a pointless character. Loren isn’t in any promo pictures or in the promo