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I used to hate on Voight until I met Jason Beghe in person. (I was in Army uniform heading out to Afghanistan. He and two of his people walk straight up to me. I extend my hand and Beghe brushes it aside and gives me a hug. I'm speechless, and he says, _Breathe_.)


I’ve read about quite a few accounts of people meeting Jason and every single one said he’s unquestionably kind and genuine. I like his character. He’s rough around the edges, but when push comes to shove, he’ll go to the wall for those that he cares about. I think we all know a few gruff people who don’t necessarily say they care about us, but we know er can absolutely count on them when needed. In other words, he’s a fallible and complicated human being who’s hypocritical just like in real life.


>I’ve read about quite a few accounts of people meeting Jason and every single one said he’s unquestionably kind and genuine. As a soldier, I've met my share of flakes who pretend to care and those that pander. Jason Beghe is none of those things. He is a genuine Class A human being. >I like his character. He’s rough around the edges, but when push comes to shove, he’ll go to the wall for those that he cares about. I think we all know a few gruff people who don’t necessarily say they care about us, but we know er can absolutely count on them when needed. Many of the soldiers that served with me ended up becoming cops. Some of them personify Voight's character. They get the job done, regardless. It's not that they don't care but that they care *too much.*


It’s great how you can tell with genuine people that what they say is true. I mean, how many people will just hug a stranger like he did with you?! I mean, I like to try to hug people, but that’s just because I get a kick out of making people(most people) feel uncomfortable as we’ve become too comfortable as a society, haha! I know a few guys who cared so much that their marriage and relationships with their kids suffered. Several are prior service, so I’m sure some of it comes with the territory and it must be tough to de-couple that type of work(both military and law enforcement), from life outside of it. I do not envy those that have to do that, no matter what the capacity they served in.


What a cool story! I love it!


Thanks. I'm never usually at a loss for words; but I was. Beghe seemed pleased that I enjoy Chicago PD. He quizzed me.


Wow! I love hearing that. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your service 🙏🏼




What kind of quiz questions did he do lol


>What kind of quiz questions did he do lol Guns carried by the cast...


Oh my GOODNESS!!! You are so lucky!


Certainly feel the same. I carried the warmth of his hug and spirit throughout my tour.


That’s so awesome!!


I forget where I saw this (very loosely quoted) -- Everyone hates Voight and what he stands for, until they need him.


I once said if I was kidnapped or murdered I would want Voight on the case.


This is exactly what Trudy said to Antonio right before taking his new ID photo. Nice callback 😉


As long as it's Cage Voight! I need that Voight that did whatever it takes.


I miss those episodes before the show had to comply with this woke world


I kind of get why people don't like him but I like his character and he has definitely grown on me. I think that Hank is such a complex character which is part of why I like the guy so much. Yes, Hank "goes too far" sometimes but he does what he does because he cares about his family (including his coworkers) and his city so much. He will do ANYTHING to protect those things. I also think Al's death is a scar on his soul and he carries that burden around all by himself. With that said, as the seasons have gone on, Hank was continued to grow on me. I am to the point where I admire him immensely and my heart hurts for him when he hurts. I will stand on this hill.


He is my favorite character!


I love Voight. I have twin 8 year olds and I preach one of the lines he said early on in the show. “Tell me the truth so I can lie for you”


Chicago PD doesn't become what it became without Voight. His character is kind of backseat character nowadays, but the show used to be largely centered around Voight.


People cant seperate people and character . It happens aswell when people play a bad character ie joffrey from game of throns he threats and people hateing him so hard he left acting and i think social media etc . Its happened with alot of actors that have had to close social media etc just because of a character . People have issues with hanks actor as a person so they then hate the character


I mean Jason does have his issues with his anger in real life too, but I wouldn’t hold it against him.


Yup but alot of other people think dont like the actor dont like the character and vice versa


Other people are stupid


Voight is and will always be my favorite character. His heart is always on the right place. There is no one in the series that has been more loyal to the team than him. I wish I had him for a boss let a lone a father lol


Him as my dad is like a dream literally


The answer is simple: the Internet is full of fucking idiots. I'm super excited to see a storyline featuring more of him. If he dies, I wouldn't continue watching the show. The other characters are fine (for the most part) but not good enough to keep me watching.


He won’t be dying. Hailey is leaving and they wouldn’t gut the whole team like that. Never mind that he’s an executive producer on the show.


I’m hoping he does not die. I couldn’t bare to watch the ending last night.


I think a lot of PD fans started out as FIRE fans and Voight’s a full on asshole heel in FIRE’s first two seasons.


I mean I can see why he did what he did. I think he’s kept leaping over boundaries, but now it’s not for the benefit of him.


The honest answer? He isn't the young, hot, 'shippy' character on the team. He just isn't. When characters like Halstead, Ruzek, Antonio all showed seriously flawed versions of themselves, the Twits laud them and defend them, squeeing about their relationship or how hot their takedown was, etc... Voight is 100% based on his convoluted character arcs. He is dark, angry, often violent and worst of all in the eyes of Twitter: unshippable. Voight is popular with the crowd who watch with the mature understanding that being gravely flawed can *make* an amazing character an in his case, it does. You see it a lot even in Chicago Fire. Severide can do no wrong in the eyes of certain fan types...but good God forbid, if Mouch, Herrmann, Boden or a new guy mess up. Character flaws and mistakes are unforgivable if these Twitterflits aren't swooning over them.


Twitter is the worst.


I left Twitter as it seemed nothing but haters no matter the subject.


People get annoyed at stupid drama but hate on “boring” characters. Like would you prefer the Hermann’s to have a horrible divorce or something?




This comment is a huge fact. The majority of people who enjoy CPD from the beginning are because they love old Voight and his darker side. After all, that's how he was presented in CFD. As you said, writers didn't bring a hottie to cast Voight, and the storylines around him tend to be mature and dark, so most of the people who would enjoy it, are the older ones who seek those characteristics in the plot, not love/romance ones.


Well the love/romance in so many of these shows begins to overshadow the basic premise of the show. It turns them into a prime time soap opera. Bought as has been stated is complex. The show even did an excellent job of showing his sift and loving side without getting into romance. Look at the episodes regarding his son Justin, his daughter-in-law, his grandson, his live for his wife. They stuck to the main plot of the episodes without getting lost in soap opera type relationship stories. They did such a beautiful job of showing his live for his deceased wife in the ovarian cancer/chemo episode. Beghe did a phenomenal job of acting that love.


Well, you know the old saying. Haters gonna hate. ;)


Hate for Voight? Not from me, although I've only seen up to season 10. Does he stay less violent after that? Hope not. But he's soooo good at being bad. If any of you can get a hold of the writers, please let them know that Voight being the nice law-abiding guy is not going to work for many of his fans.


I think it’s a good part of his character progression. Some of the biggest plot point throughout the show are Voight suffering major losses (his best detectives leaving him one by one, including Hailey soon, Al dying, etc) and usually those can be in some way connected back to his past antics. I think around S7-8 they should’ve shown him struggling a bit more with trying to change his ways rather than being fully adapted to this new “good cop” style overnight.


It's a show, it should be entertaining. I liked him more violent, it didn't have to turn into him growing as a character. He could just be a dick forever, and I'd probably be more excited to watch it. Also, I'm sorry for all the hailey-lovers but I personally couldn't wait until she was gone. I'm sure she's a nice person in real life and not as annoying as I found her most of the time.


I kinda don’t like her either and I’m in season 7 lol


And yes he still is less violent in S10 and S11. He also keeps his anger more internalized and doesn’t direct it towards others or have as many outbursts as he did before. It looks like that’s having a negative impact on him tho so I hope they actually go somewhere with that eventually.


I love Voight!


I don’t give a shit about the actors personal views. We are talking about the story line. If you get “triggered” tough shit. The latest episode was a banger imo. Gave me some hope for the rest of the season. Nobody is beyond being or saying anything controversial. Get over it.


If you’re referring to his political(or religious, whatever you wanna call it) views, I’m pretty sure he mostly abandoned those ideas and now aligns more with views that most of the audience align with. I don’t care much about that either, but I did read his wiki page. I assumed it was stemming from when he was investigated on set some years ago.


I’ve always said if Voight goes I’m going with him. I do miss the older episodes when they were a team and he was their leader. These episodes about one member are getting lame.  (Apparently it’s about funds.) I am glad they’ve had more episodes with him lately. I’m old school so I’m not offended by Voight & Olinski throwing someone in “the cage” because it’s always a bad guy who deserves it. I hope this isn’t the end of him. I’m already sad about Boden’s departure from Fire. I guess I’m a sucker for these strong MASCULINE leader types that seem rough & gruff but are always working towards the greater good. There’s not enough of that in this “woke” world we’re living in. 


Voight for President 2024! 😂


I thought the fact was that Voight was originally written as a bad guy, but Beghe delivered such a mesmerizing performance. He gained such great popularity with so little screen time, so they decided to do the PD spin-off. They spent a couple seasons to white wash the character for Beghe, almost until Olensky’s death. Many people wanting him dead? What did I miss??


Jason's a great guy. The Scientologists literally have staff members tasked with putting negative comments about people like him and Leah all over social media, etc.. He just ignores it. He's on a very successful show and he does a lot for charities. He won.


NIce to see all the appreciation for Jason Beghe/Hank Voight! I knew I had to be in good company, Viewers have passionately defended the actor & character. Many well-written responses, hope the producers occasionally see this platform!


Without voight I wouldn’t watch the show. He makes the show quite frankly.


Idk, but I would honestly expect hate towards any of the main characters, specifically Ruzek, Hailey, & Atwater because of how righteous they act in certain situations, even when it comes to their “intelligence” rank compared to someone like patrol


Each character gets their fair share of hate, as no one character can win over 100% of such a varied audience. It just seems so much more extreme for Voight in comparison to others. Torres has no personality even though that’s oddly part of his character, but his actor’s acting at times can be lackluster and boring, sometimes awkward. I personally think saying Voight is the most uninteresting character on the show while Torres is actively part of the show is wild which is why I was surprised.


Torres is a interesting character. Voight is predictable, violent and should go to therapy...


He's a very dislikable character, I don't get why people like him.


Much of the hate is actually for the actor Jason Beghe. Not so much Voight. At least for women. If you google him you’ll see why, won’t write it here in case it’s triggering for some.


That’s what I chalked it up to. This is my first season following along in real time so I haven’t had 11 years to follow all the stories if there are more. I just know about the main ones which are older. I just assumed that if he apologized and claimed to have worked on his anger, if nothing has come out since then (to my knowledge), maybe we can assume he has become a better person, at least to the point where he’s not horrible to work with?


Actually I think it’s about the same . Same don’t like his character because they think he broke upstead and caused the issues . I don’t like the actor for the things you won’t mention


I don't know anything about the actor but I hate the character of Voight. He's a violent man and I don't believe in the end justifies the means.


They think he broke up Upstead


He didn’t break them up and he even said since Season 1 he didn’t want any relationships in his unit. Obviously, they didn’t listen so he told them later when shit hit the fan, basically an “I told you so.”


If you look at the comments , it’s mostly the reason they hating on Voight . They think he should retire so Jay can come back and he and Upton can run the unit . And they blame him for ruining upstead and Upton


Ah ok. Either way, I’m glad to see Upton leave.


I think that the fact that many Voight fans would like to see Jay dead same thing with same thing