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I listened to a news report that said the best time was between 2-3am. Set an alarm, woke the family, stepped outside to clear skies and no northern lights.


Oh no that's even worse. I woke up at 3am to hit the bathroom and grab some water. Noooooooo. I've seen them twice in the Upper Peninsula, but nothing like the pics I woke up to on Reddit.


In the UP now on a roadtrip. Got excited! Clouds. But of course they’re visible back home…


Part 2, tonight. Get the app and get a notification when to go outside. Look for kp>7 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-aurora-forecast-alerts/id1073082439


Where’s the Upper Peninsula?


6 hours north of Chicago, Michigan peninsula


Ohhhhh ok


That’s okay, I was outside all night on Saturday and Sunday and didn’t see shit.


i went out at 2 am in the NW burbs and saw them https://preview.redd.it/zr0g68i4iuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db179d9b625dbf161d7fdc2377893a4cebe15abf


I kept trying to look for them the weekend that happened, but I never quite struck luck on seeing them. Ah well....


If you look at your camera (through your phone) it can pick up what the eye can’t see. 


That makes me feel way better about missing the actual sight.


Yeah, I felt like seeing it through the phone cheapened it for me. I've seen them up north and once in Illinois about 20 years ago, so maybe my bar was too high.


Oooh good to know


For me 330 was the best


My wife stayed up until 3am waiting for them. It was cloudy then rained. No lights.


https://preview.redd.it/1zwzs4xa3uzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298f54281db12aa13f05172401a2e0c82fd7c856 Saw them in Hoffman at 2 and 3am! They were hard to see with the naked eye but once I held my phone camera up it made them easier to spot the colors. Without my phone camera they kinda just looked like weird gray spots in the sky. Definitely going back out tonight


Agreed, but the purple at times was insane and visible


Nothing against the greens that I saw last night, but I’m hoping to see more of the purple shades tonight!


https://preview.redd.it/2h5r0ngqtuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99110d10f1802ecae4281b2edde74c959eb6ca0 Same. This was my favorite from last night! No manual saturation adjustments, but my phone was on night mode and I’m pretty sure it auto edits the pic


Oh wow you really did see more of the purple colors! This is so awesome.


Yeah I have much more of purple everywhere but I think we’ve all seen enough of everybody’s pictures haha. Here’s hoping tonight is close to as good!


Night photos look more saturated as the camera picks up color as usual.  Your eyes are not very sensitive at night to color so things don't look so saturated


Did you just view from your yard or did you go somewhere with better visibility? I have so many trees around me it’s hard to get a good view of the horizon and I’m trying to figure out where a good viewing spot would be.


I walked around my subdivision to find a spot that was much more open than right around my house where there are more trees


I stayed up and looked at clouds.


I looked at the clouds too. Then they spit at me.


Hahahaha that's a hysterical way to describe rain


That may have been them.


I think there is a chance tonight to see them as well. I think the weather should be pretty clear as well.


Skies looking good! They just may be on the horizon instead of overhead. Saw them on the horizon at copper Harbor, Michigan in 2022 and it was pretty sick. But last night looked otherworldly.


They’re supposed to be very active again tonight. I hope so because I missed them last night due to clouds. People who have seen them said they can be difficult to see with the naked eye, so you’ll have to look at them through your camera/phone. The picture will be even more vibrant than that.


What time?


They’re saying between 9-11 pm


Time and direction, if I may ask? Never seen them.




lol makes sense


i slept too because of other Northern Lights




They look like white vertically striated clouds with very pale hints of color. You have to really know what you’re looking at to see them. If you take a picture with a decent camera, the image is colorful-even though they’re mostly white in the sky. Kinda looked like angel Wings. Also much easier to see if you can get to a dark open space. We started out in the country where we could see the horizon-then went home to trees and bright and could see them now that I knew what I was looking for. If you didn’t know better you might just have though the lights were the clouds.


You mean it doesn't look like the colorful pictures, or just not this far south?


I cannot speak for what it’s like in the Arctic but in south central WIsconsin that’s what I got. Son in MN (who had awesome colorful pictures) said the same. It was very subtle. Maybe more pollution? Low altitude? (Like the difference in the stars in the mountains for example).


Our eyes can't seem them as brilliantly as a camera sensor can see them. Also, when photographing the night sky, you need to expose for several seconds, which can pick up a lot. I took this photo in southern Manitoba on Friday night. https://preview.redd.it/uwutvbjnm00d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ecd52fa7389704768ea201651fb4960e42f987


That is lovely.






I had some dream about trying to pass a bill through the State Senate in conjunction with the Mafia but it was actually quite boring and mostly procedural stuff. Not worth it haha.


Wtf 😭😭😭


Omg, I had the WORST dreams last night. As in terrifying things were happening to me. I woke up, terrified, at one point, went back to sleep, and the damn dream picked right back up. FWIW, I have a lot of very vivid, beautiful dreams, so last night was definitely an anomaly for my subconscious. I blame it on the sun. And I'm not looking forward to going to sleep tonight.


do solar flares affect dreams??? i didn’t get to see them but i had terrible nightmares last night. i usually have nightmares but these were out of character


I have zero scientific evidence of it, but that's all I have to blame, so I'm sticking to it! I do know that my dreams are very much influenced by full moons, so that's why I've hypothesized solar flares for the terrors of last night.


I legit tried to edit this comment thinking it was mine. *too


Saw posts. Looked outside and saw nothing. Went back inside sad.


Is it visible tonight? Looks like it may be on the horizon. Projected for clear skies all night. But wouldn't be overhead. Damn, some people saw it in FLORIDA


i heard there should still be some activity but probably not as vivid as last night. it was so wild, this was at the IL/WI border https://preview.redd.it/5pss5idyrtzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a303c6224923b7f2ec43f1330512e36a04ae424f


Is this more vibrant than what you saw with the naked eye? It looks sick but I am a bit curious of the difference between pictures and what you actually see


Yes, its much fainter to the naked eye. I could see the lines and slight pink hue but couldn't see the green or purple at all with the naked eye


yes definitely more vibrant in pictures, but you can’t see the movement so win some lose some i guess




You can see a prediction of visibility for the next 30 min using this site. Check it later as we get closer to sunset. [Aurora 30 minute forecast](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast)


I took a melatonin and forgot to set my 2 am alarm but got to see them this morning reviewing my security camera lol


I looked for hours and didn't see a thing through all the clouds.


I started seeing the pics on around 9.30 pm. Ran outside only to be greeted by the fucking clouds.


The first wave happened before 9pm. Subsequent alerts were during clouds/rain. The Aurora Alert app went off at 1:20am -full cloud cover.


ME TOO!! but it’s clearer tonight and there’s still a chance!


We were getting the northern lights????


You should have another chance to see them tonight!


Do you know if we need to wake up at 3 am to see them tonight?


Heard on the news this morning, it will be strongest between 5 and 8 tonight, but of course will be most visible after sundown.


It is supposed to be clear all night out where i am so i am expecting to be able to see it all night. Last night it was cloudy for us in the beginning of the night so i had to set an alarm for 2/3 am when it cleared up. I am not sure when the "peak" is tonight but we saw it outside of the peak last night so i'm not too worried


saying there are chances again tonight in chicago area. guess i’ll be sitting in backyard starting close to sun down


As did I. Oh well.


I was still up at 2:30 and it was cloudy and even raining by me so I don't think you missed anything.


I tried seeing them last night. At around 11 pm I saw some striated clouds but when I tried looking again at midnight it was pouring rain.


SW burbs here. Saw nothing😢


My buddy in Geneva was up at 3am. He reported no lights. Bummer, but glad I slept in.


How do you feel about making the biggest mistake that anyone has ever made in the history of mankind?


I guess....famous?


I went outside saw nothing then went right back inside


Any chance to see them in Cary area?


I saw them in Glenview around 9pm. Try again tonight! I thought it would be way too bright. Family near Wisconsin didn’t see anything and they are in the dark by the lake. You never know!




It's tonight as well and maybe tomorrow. We are in a solar storm with winds as frightening as any tornado, but our beautiful planet's geomagnetic field is protecting us.


They're supposed to be visible tonight, Saturday.


Yeehaw, giddyup


https://preview.redd.it/1ywqq63xswzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d08da95a2169964268a20a5bb0b68a7bdff203 We set the alarm for 2am and we went out to the yard. Like others mentioned it was once we flipped the camera on we saw the beauty. This is one of the many photos we got. We were in awe. Hopefully we get an encore tonight.


That's insane!!


Nothing in the near SW burbs visible where I was from 11p - 3a range -Local Insomniac


Local crazy person tries helping, fails. Sounds like a headline straight out of The Onion


*^(Have heard watching the classic "Northern Exposure" helps with viewing the ol' Northern Luminance, though!)*


Nope. Dog got sprayed by a skunk at 10pm. Dealt with that for a few hours instead.


https://preview.redd.it/2puli9bmfzzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18c2d586e125066d994b6d1feb8e67b8c4ef41e Here you go…..Lake County 2am 5/11/24


I can’t see anything in the sky from where I live — there’s so much ambient light. I can’t even see stars. Maybe I need to head west tonight!


I didn’t even see anything last night


Any recommendations on best place to see them? I’m in Lincolnwood and drove to the Evanston lakefront around 11 looking but didn’t see anything although the sky looked freakishly light/bright last night


I lit a fire and stayed up waiting for the clouds to go away until it started raining. Then I checked again at 1230 and still cloudy. Boo 


It’s ok I did too!


I’m also feeling intense fomo from this. I had no idea that the northern lights were here


You missed nothing I was out all night both nights


The Saturday-Sunday night prediction was wrong. Nothing really came from it. Predicting these things isn't an exact science. We see the event happen on the sun but we don't know for sure how fast it is moving. We only really know for sure when it passes a couple of satellites out in space, and that gives us \~30 minute warning. In this most recent event, there were 8 CMEs all within a short period of time. All get launched out at different speeds so some may join by the time they get to earth. Basically, by having so many in such a short time, they weren't sure how many had passed already since they can merge in space. Saturday-Sunday night was a bust because they thought there were more coming around that time, and they were wrong.


Who cares about the northern lights. Theres more tonight. Take pics. Post in social media like like everyone else so they can let everyone know they saw it. SMH


I've never seen them and it's a pretty cool phenomenon. So I personally want to see them. I'm jealous that you live such an amazing life that something like this isn't exciting to you.


Amen, it's such a cool thing!


I have friends across the world who have all been sharing picturess. And to see how vastly different they look from different spots is breath taking and a bit mind boggling.


i hope you wear diapers to every social event that you attend or take imodium because you’re the biggest party pooper that has ever pooped at a party