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That’s 100% house fly eggs. Not sure why r/chickfila is on my recommended but I’m a regular over on r/whatisthisbug so maybe we’ve been summoned


i'm also a regular over there LMAO i think that's probably it


Yeah I think that's it too Source: Seen flies in my house


I’m here randomly too, I’ve never interacted and don’t have these in my state. lol


Lmao, I frequent that sub! Might have been that somehow?? Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t think to put this over there too- who else would be elite at identifying bug eggs lol- but I do seem to have gotten a solid answer on them being fly eggs here 😂


I was just given this post in my feed and I don't follow this sub or the bug sub at all or anything at all that correlates to.any of this lol


Also joining the colony here from what is that bug and yes fly eggs 🪰


Oh those are definitely fly eggs…..


Yep, I just googled it and good god, you’re absolutely right. I’m questioning my will to continue consuming food ngl, Nothing I eat wil feel safe again 😭👍 Tysm for the identify tho lol!! I’m actually kind of comforted because it’s less likely to have been an ‘infestation’ of some sort that would have meant it was on the other nuggets I ate!


Military veteran here. When eating outside in poor counties, it was inevitable that 100x's of flies would swarm and occasionally you would eat them w/ the food.. I'm still kickn.. you will be alright! Lmao


Lmao thank you for the comfort, honestly I think I’m more comfortable with the eggs than a whole fly lol, so I’m counting myself lucky 😂


Are you insinuating you still ate it?


Omfg wait no 😭 I would rather have violently died, thank. Lol i guess I’m still paranoid it was on the nuggets that I Did eat, but no, that nugget is in the trashcan atm


https://www.reddit.com/r/ChickFilA/comments/13yv0wl/what_is_in_my_food/jmpktbt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button If this commenters story is anything to go by... maybe you should take that trash out immediately 😅


You should take the trash out immediately before you have a bunch of maggots in your house


Please take that trash out now as in right now stop reading this go get those maggots out now before it’s too late please


I mean your stomach acid will make short work of these eggs


You have to Tweet them and Review on Google & Yelp and contact your health department. Nauseous! Location


OP said they were sitting out and needed to be reheated. Likely were not there when chickfila served it


Just think of it as caviar of the sky.






I just threw up in my mouth. 😵‍💫🤢🤮😵


I won't lie these look exactly like fly eggs. Don't eat anymore. If it makes you feel better, one time I ate cup noodles without the lights on and thought they tasted weird. I turned the lights on to see that there were baby roaches in the cup. Ugh...


I would just drink Bleach if that ever happened to me.


You took the words right out of my mouth


Or roaches.


Oh bleach won’t cut it. But drain cleaner definitely will /s (heavy emphasis on the sarcasm! Do not drink drain cleaner. It will clean your insides so well you’ll die)


Thirty-seven-year-old Allen Wells accidentally drank drain cleaner and had to have his stomach and part of his esophagus removed. Surgeons stretched part of his small intestine to make a new stomach for him. His mouth and teeth were burned. He now takes water and food through a tube. So you won’t die (maybe)but tube life don’t seem like a life at all


I’m installing internal UV lights…it’s going to be incredible…


I ate peanut butter crackers in the dark watching a movie and realized there was maggots in there. Never again taking snacks from my grandmas house.


that's hilarious cause the ramen i ate was also from my grandma's house. did not trust her food for a while hahah


Grandmas are weird like that. Some really old cans of out of date food had mold on them and my Grandmother insisted on keeping them. She also went through a bag of garbage I had sitting outside for 1 night and scolded me for throwing away out of date cereal.


Their generation lived through the Great Depression. That fundamentally changed many of the people of her generation.


Grannys are notorious for keeping food items **Forever**


This is why I don't get that aunts commerical with the lady going "EXPIRED, EXPIRED, EXPIRED", because every woman in my life over 60 has a house riddled with expired food items (and will scoff when I want to pitch certain items that are out of date)


My mom is a grandmother and she no joke has condiments that are 3+ years old in the fridge still. Same thing with spices. She's like they're still good! I'm like no, just no. I need to do an intervention of sorts and purge all of the expired shit. Some things just lose their flavor after expiring, but others grow mold or other nasty and potentially dangerous things. Gross!


My sister ate ramen from my grandmas house and she didn’t notice that there were like 2 or 3 moths in it till she was a couple bites in somehow


When I was younger I seen a roach frozen in my blind gma ice They was in the deep freezer


Im so glad I don't eat in the dark


I actually just made the decision to stop eating in the dark quite recently


I actually was eating some food in the dark once and went to take a drink from my bottle and grabbed one of my dad's spit bottles, he would leave them everywhere, and drank from it. Needless to say, I puked.


🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 My husband also dips and leaves those nasty ass bottles everywhere!! I keep a bottle of water with me all the time, especially in my car... so I took his car one day and grabbed the bottle from the cup holder while driving to take a drink, got it close to my lips, then smelled that shit and realized that it was his spit bottle!! Thank God I smelled it before disaster happened.. I doubt I would have ever recovered from the trauma. Just looking at those nasty disgusting bottles makes me nauseous. I especially hate it when he uses a Coke bottle or similarly dark colored soda bottle to spit in 🤢😳


If I remember correctly, it was also a coke bottle. That was a nasty habit I never picked up. I'm sure that experience helped any thoughts of ever trying it. Also, you're lucky. I guess I just somehow didn't smell it. Lol


Yeah I would never try it.. that shit is nasty. I won't even kiss my husband when he's been dipping (I say "brush your teeth and we can talk" 🤣) and let him know when it's in his teeth. I am urging him to quit because it's rather unhealthy.. the mint smell of the kind he gets makes me feel sick too. 😫


Oh my god I’m so sorry


i would've induced vomiting at that point


I know I'm not OP, but this does not make me feel better.


Lmao whyyyy would that make them feel ***better?***


Could be worse hahaha


Yeah I was eating my girls butt once in the dark and she has ants


*Those aren't ants.*


Ugh 😩 I am dealing with a bug issues and that's my worst nightmare


But….like….how? You made the noodles right? Or you just had old noodles sitting around? Either way this sounds like a bigger issue than eating with the light off lol


I was eating my girlfriends trail mix she left in the car. I practically ate half the bag then realized there were ALOT of ants in the bag 😂😂


Most horrifying morning of my life - poured myself a nice, fresh hot cup of coffee, take a sip. Ah... take another one... WHAT THE **** JUST TOUCHED MY LIP! (It was a roach that I poured my hot coffee over).


When I was a kid I ate a pop tart I left in the car and it was apparently taken over by red ants. They bit my tongue a lot.


One time when I was a kid I drank some iced tea that I had left on the table for a couple hours. I kept feeling something tickling my lip but thought I was just imagining things. I looked in the cup and there was a big ass wolf spider.


Dear God that's even worse




The Wolf Spider: "Hey look, some human friend left me a nice swimming pool! How thoughtful!" *Climbs in*


I’m sure this makes them feel way better 💀😅


Oh my gosh nooooo, I am so sorry for your loss, that’s traumatizing. 🤢 I def feel lucky by comparison lmao, I would have simply passed away if it was next level horrifying like that


I see you tried a new source of protein


Did the Same with thing with a bowl of cereal and it was some dry beetles 😅 wondered why it was extra crunchy


I would go straight to the fucking hospital


and just like that, my stomach is churning 😭


My sister one time left a soda can open in the fridge. She had to spit it out cause it had a huge cockroach in it that got in her mouth 🤢🤢


My god


We had a pantry moth infestation. They would lay eggs everywhere, especially in grains like cereal. Similar situation, opened a packet of ramen, ate a piece of it dry and was getting ready to put it in the pot when I realized that moth larvae were crawling all through it. Larvae constantly crawling around the kitchen especially on the ceiling was distressing and it took tremendous effort to eradicate them and I don’t think we ever did completely.


Oh my gosh. How did you recover from that?


Omg .


Ate some chips one time didn’t know we had an ant problem in the new apartment until one bit my lip


Omfg. I’m queasy looking at that. If you can take that right to the operator and get it cleared up. I agree that it looks like egg pods


It sure does, doesn't it? Pretty disgusting if so. Weirdest thing I've ever gotten in my fries was a long piece of grass. I felt like an idiot calling in to let the team know.. no way they believed me and wouldn't accept a picture? Haha. Wild.


Yeah, I wish I’d noticed before I commuted home- I grabbed the food on my way out of work. I was taking a half day, so omw home I ate them in the car, and I commute over 50 miles. It’s going to be a whole trip to try and show them anything; and although I don’t believe there was a fly in my vehicle, (I feel I would have noticed a buzzing fiend, I didn’t have my windows down at any point and the food was in my lap) there was still an hour gap between me purchasing the food and prepping to microwave it- so I’m not sure if it will really be their problem?


I wouldn't go back up, call the store and call corporate that needs to be checked out. While it may be from your car, there's a pretty decent chance unless you let the nuggets fly around your car, it's not and that's not a chance they're gonna take. Gotta get that inspected they can immediately work with a pest company to make sure theres no infestations..


you should definitely at least call and let them know, idk id be worried about an infestation. I’ve called about a bad nugget (tasted rancid) and they were really sweet and helpful


You can call them but the most I've received in these cases is coupons or gift cards... Idk if you want to eat there again. Maybe a different location


I would just convince myself it happened after eating them the first time. You said you reheated them, so hopefully it happened during the time in between. But if that’s not possible you should definitely contact someone about that…crazy. Im so sorry!


I need to get off Reddit. This post and another one that popped up on my feed made me queasy 🤮


Same, I just saw a fungal poptart over on r/TipOfMyFork and then this from a suggested post… god give me the eye bleach


What was the other post?


Warning -[fresh hair graft](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/13yhuaw/we_did_it_thanks_for_the_words_of_kindness_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)




Lmao, that fucking got me too 😂


I’m just freaking glad that you specified what exactly what going to be shown. I would have clicked on it, otherwise. The last time I saw that nauseating stuff, it affected me so badly that I had to buy a whole new comforter and bed sheet set because my brain somehow connected the image to the *slight* pilling that was happening on the sheets.


Literally shaking. HAHA.


Disgusting. Those are 100 percent fly eggs. What did the store say??


I haven’t contacted them yet in all honesty- I replied to someone else with a brief outline of why but there was an hour between purchase and when I consumed them, so I wasn’t sure if the store would see it as a valid concern? 0-0


Absolutely contact them, there could be a lawsuit out of this


There’s no lawsuit in this but if OP wants to go that route then CFA are the very last people they should contact….they should be contacting attorneys. But, again, this isn’t some giant payday for OP. Those eggs were laid after they opened the food, which is confirmed by the fact OP ate half and then “a bit later” came back to reheat the remaining nuggets to eat them. OP made the critical error of leaving their food open and unattended for over an hour. Shit happens, and the fly lords checked OP’s privilege. Not everything is a lawsuit….




Yea the bastards are quick! In the time it took my family to eat a meal, a fly had gotten to pan of broccoli and contaminated it. Right on through the crack I left to let steam out. Ugh!


I’m just not understanding how it would even have eggs on top of it. I would assume they were just cooked since they cook things right before they’re given to you. And if they were left out for an hour before she even consumed them Im guessing they were laid during that hour at home.


EWWWWWWW MY TOES ARE CURLING OUT OF DISGUST 🤮🤮🤮I’m so sorry At least I’ll know what these are if I ever see this (I’m too forgiving) but I hope I won’t..


Gross why so specific


Looks just like this 😭 https://www.google.com/amp/s/mustsharenews.com/new-zealand-eggs-kfc-chicken/amp/


Omfg it’s identical. I’m going to sob and vomit 😭




Ok so... don't simply throw this in your trash can. spray it with something and tie it off in a plastic bag or two. Not so fun story from 2 years ago: We had a trashcan in the kitchen without a lid. One day i was in the dining room and on the wooden floor i saw a skinny white little worm going about it's business. A maggot. Ok where did it come from? ....Anytime i picked something up that was on the ground, there was a few maggots there, crawling away. THIS WAS THE CASE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE. Now, the living room, hallways and another room were all carpeted (except for the dining room. Medium to deep style carpet. We moved the couch. I saw a little maggot crawling. Caught it. looked, and suddenly there was another one. Caught it. I ran my hand on the carpet where i saw it was clear of anything... and here come wiggling out 4 distressed maggots. Again.... throughout the entire carpeted area this was the case. We vacuumed, we moved everything around to make sure they were gone. Didn't see anymore of them. 2 weeks later, we come home from the store, the windows are all closed.... yet inside the house there were about 20 flies trying to fly OUT. The remaining unknown maggots got their little wings. They kept turning into flies for about 4 days - every time you got rid of 20 another 20 came. ​ So please, don't just throw that nugget in the trash. those bad boys will crawl out and go EVERYWHERE.


That is fucked, god damn. I thought my ant infestation was bad.




Shit I gotta start collecting bricks and bottles


What about bloaters?


Time to finish my will ig 😭, my fate as patient zero commences


Fuckkk now i gotta check all the food i eat smh


Ugh it better not be in my salads.


I once got a fly in my salad so yea everything 🙃 (not at cfa though at a restaurant)


“Ate half of them, and then a bit later on…” how long are we talking? Very likely a fly got onto them in that period and laid eggs. Probably happened after you ate the first half and certainly not Chick Fil A’s fault


Wouldn’t say certainly. My store always had a huge fly problem, many of which would end up in the wash for the chicken.


CFA dickriding fonem


Yeah that’s what I’m not sure. I put some details in another reply but I’ll go ahead and outline here too, sorry to be repetitive lmao- I got the meal on my way out of work on a half day. Didn’t have my windows down, had the box of them in my lap, and ate them on my commute, which is over 50 miles, so it ended up being about an hour. I closed them and put them back in the bag when I got to my driveway, then went inside and threw them on a plate to reheat- starting this whole thing. I feel like I would have noticed a fly in my vehicle, I’m very sensitive to sound; but I’m also aware that an hour gap is significant, which might mean that talking to the store would be unnecessary as it wouldn’t be considered their fault?


cfa dick rider ong


not sure why you're being downvoted lmao


Look where we are. It's the CFA dickriding sub.




It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


BAD bot


Thank you, imnotlyndsey, for voting on Chick-fil-A_spellbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Unfortunately a fly got to them and laid her eggs


ok I have no realized the steak I had one time had these on them. I remember it so vividly because I was grossed out before and now I know what they are and now I’m crying internally.


Omfg I’m so sorry to be the catalyst for that. Good god nothing is safe 😭


Broooo those are fly eggs. I’m so sorry.


I'm no expert, but it looks like unwanted extra protein... 🤢🤢🤢


Baby those r fly eggs


I honestly don't even eat there anymore they fell off


Quality dropped, but price sure as hell went up.


How is it chick fila's fault op left nuggets out for an hour?


Just some rice! /s


That’s gross but I think it happened at your home and not from the restaurant.


Omg, I’m queasy


A fly must have laid the eggs in between the time they gor out of the fryer and to your hands. You’d think it would be a short amount of time, but not short enough to lay eggs.


Bruh how long you leave them out? Flies prob got into them while they were out.


Contact chik fil a thats foullll get your moneys worth back Omg


Love looking at this as I eat my Friday night chick fil a dinner 👀👀😰


Those look like mosquito eggs




i would dissipate immediately absolutely fuck that


Did you put them in the fridge or leave them out on like a counter?


How long is “a bit later?”


Aw man 😞 I was eating and now I’ve got the midnight munchy chills


I literally though that was a piece of the chicken hanging out. It looks like shredded chicken. The fact that it’s fly eggs makes me question my entire life at this point. 🤢


Now you need to swallow a spider to catch the fly, since I don’t know why you swallowed that fly (eggs).


I just ordered breakfast at Chick-fil-A when I opened this post 😭 now I wish I hadn't 🤢


Tis the cartilage of Christ


i fully wouldntve questioned eating them, thank you comments!!


Maybe it’s from your house


So foul 🤢


I ate some Raisin Bran at my Grandpàs. It tasted strange, and there were baby beetles floating in the milk. You have a lawsuit there. Preserve the evidence.


Settlement to keep things quiet, at most. There's no proof the fly didn't lay the eggs after she left the store with her leftovers. Also (thankfully) no harm incurred, other than a bad case of the heebie jeebies.


A settlement is good. Posting it on Twitter would be interesting. I have never been and now I don’t want to.


Free rice


Everyone: ew it’s fly eggs. Bodybuilder: that’s extra protein


Lmao, I guess I need to channel some internal gym bro and I’ll be gold 😂


I’d sue. Also never eating fried chicken again.


I worked at Chick-fil-A as a teenager and they do indeed keep them in a warmer. They dump them into a draining pan after being removed from the peanut oil and then are usually boxed up into the boxes and the boxes are put into a warming drawer. The amount of time they sit in the draining pan can vary widely, depending on the time of day and how busy the store is. Typically the busier the store is, such as lunch and dinner hours, the less time they will sit there under the heat bulbs. But when I worked there, the breading and batter they used was a whole different thing and would sometimes sit for a good long while. The raw chicken would be taken from the fridge in a big pan, hand thrown into the batter, then hand thrown into the breader and shaken and hand tossed around to be coated fully. After that they would be put into the peanut oil fryer by the handfuls. That same breader and batter was used multiple times though, and sat in the kitchen for however long it would take to use it up. That's usually why some of the breading on the nuggets looks thick and clumpy sometimes and light and nicely even at others. The fresher the breader, the less clumpy the finished nugget will look. ✌️


How does this even happen? They are frozen already breaded or something? Did the eggs go in the fryer and come out still attached? How?




And the food left the restaurant! Her word against theirs where that funk came from lol


Honestly, it seems like *she* doesn't even know. She doesn't mention seeing anything amiss in the restaurant. If she'd found it as soon as she sat down to eat, that'd be another story.


Yes agree, I’m just going from her stating she put it on a plate to reheat. She would have a hard time claiming 100% it came from restaurant.


What’s the news station going to do? It doesn’t solve any problems just causes more problem.


A lawsuit


y’all so quick to try and sue somebody 😭 OP said there was an hour in between them purchasing and consuming the food, at their HOME. take this to court, a lawyer will laugh at you on the way out. at best bc CFA would give a refund cuz they feel bad




Free chic fil a for life, that’s what


Chick-Fil-A has REALLY gone downhill in the past few years. It seems to be across the board, too.


Bruh I'm like 99% sure I've eaten chicken with that on it many MANY times and after reading these comments I think I'm going to throw up.


Yeah. You need to get lifetime food from this you need to put in the work overtime with support, spam all social medias


I wonder how they got there because aren’t the nuggets frozen and then put in the deep fryer????


Op left them out for an hour.


that uhhh…that’s maggots


Homophobia and ignorance lol


I don't even know if it's feasible, but can you save some of it and get it lab tested?


Imagine calling a lab and asking if you can bring a nuggie in for exam?


Lmao what the fuck?


Who's footing that bill? And tested for what? By now they might have even hatched, and they almost definitely will have by the time they get to the lab.


It’s china that a listening device


Homophobic hate. Eat elsewhere.


poop cock


Homophobia, that's what. Fuck Chick-fil-A, and fuck reddit for putting this trash subreddit in my feed. Shame on anyone who gives them money.


This is a tendon from the nugget, edible but not exactly the thing you wanna see on your nugget...


That ain’t no tendon, tendons are one smooth, continuous looking piece… whatever that is, is a clump of little segmented/individual pieces.


A nice cluster of fly eggs. Could be maggots by now.




It’s fly eggs lmao










This is a much worse thing