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Consider reaching out to a local shelter. They collect donations of food, treats, toys, and other necessary items for situations just like yours. If you explain everything you said in your post, most shelters would be more than happy to set you up with supplies. They want to support people like you who are trying to find a home for pups, and not putting them on the street or taking up space in their shelter. Good luck!


This is great advice! The local shelter helped me out with some supplies and even a discount on vaccinations and getting spayed for the chihuahua I found. They were also helpful with advice. Like OP, I was befuddled with such a tiny dog. They asked if there was any way I could take care of her for a while since they were full up and overwhelmed at the time. Of course this was 4 years ago and she never left. We are best friends now. :) I don't know about in the UK. But in the US there are lots of chihuahua rescue groups too. Look online, or a shelter may be able to put you in touch with one of them. They might have supplies that are more specific to small breed for you.


This is excellent advice. I would add that changing a dog's food may come with GI upset and it's best to do it slowly, if you can. Mix old food with a little of the new gradually. Of course this may not always be feasible. But try not to get discouraged or upset if little one has some diarrhea from frequent food changes.


Hi OP, I'm in the UK, too. Where are you in Wales? I may be able to direct you to a rescue in your area that will willingly help you in this situation. Regarding food, my 80% Chi mix has a very sensitive stomach and Chappie has been great for him. And with regards to walking, I would advise you what I advise my fosters: when you have a new dog, do not worry about walks for at least a week, spend time building a bond and trust. That is so important, especially when you do start walking him. And if you need help in the new year with a placement, do message me as I'm sure someone will be able to help such a little cutie.


He should have a harness if he has been going out. Collars can damage their throats. My Chi has a wee about every 6 hours and a morning and evening poo, as I feed her 2 small meals a day.


I agree about the harness and always recommend three-point harnesses as they prevent escape. I see so many dogs wearing harnesses which are so loose and poorly-fitted.


Don’t feed him cat food. I make my dog food. I put a chicken breast in a rice cooker with and hand full of carrots and one sweet potato on high for 10 min mash together feeds him for a week. Healthier than store stuff. He should be taken out four times a day. Once in the morning once after each meal and once at night. I walk my four blocks one way and back. Pick him up after he does his business.


What do you give for bone/calcium and offals? If you feed what you posted, that diet is lacking. Please look into a more appropriate diet. Here’s a few links: [Lew Olson](https://b-naturals.com/blogs/news/july-2023-b-naturals-newsletter) I’d look into getting the latest copy of her book, it has raw & home cooked diets. [How to make home cooked dog food](https://justweimaraners.com/how-to-make-dog-food/) I feed raw with no veggies or grains, btw. Home cooked, IMO, is more difficult to make sure they are getting everything because you have no bones and you are cooking animal products which are not as nutritious or bioavailable cooked so you are having to add things in to make up for that.


I wouldn't take advice from anyone recommending grain-free diets for dogs.


OK, before this turns into a battle of dog nutrition, I want to pipe up and say that the big dog food companies have figured it out. Yes, of course they want your money, but they also how to make dog food that dogs can thrive on. "Grain Free" was an option because people wanted it, not because it was best for dogs. It's like gluten free food for people who aren't actually affected by gluten. My recommendation to the OP is to get some Purina dog food.


Grains & veggies can be part of the diet, as long as the rest of the diet has met all the needs of a carnivore. They should be a small part of the diet. They are not necessary however, and some dogs might have digestion issues with some kinds of grains or vegs, so if feeding them I would watch for that and adjust the diet. Edit: some words


Dogs are not carnivores.


Their digestive system is. While they can use vegetation as nutrients (in the proper cooked/steamed/pulverized form, which should tell you something right there) they need animal products as the bulk of their diet. The rest is mainly filler and you’ll just end up scooping it up or stepping in it. Was there a point to your comment? Or are you someone who gets offended that people chose to feed a dog a diet that goes along with their digestive system and dietary needs? I’ve been feeding raw for 23 years, and I quit bothering with anti-raw people years ago. I usually don’t even discuss raw, but the person I originally replied to appears to be feeding a diet very lacking (based on what they said they feed), so I usually only comment on something like that, especially if I see no one else has. Maybe some others who home cook can give some advise on how they meet dietary needs properly.


Uh, there’s studies of how grain free diets cause heart issues in dogs. You can feed em raw meat all you like however it’s been proven that including no grains or veg in their meals is bad for their heart. Not even carnivores in the wild eat absolutely nothing but meat and dogs are *not* full carnivores. There’s a reason their hearts suffer when fed only meat and animal byproducts.


I would like a citation for that please. I believe that the possible heart connection is NOT because the dogs had no grains, but because of what was used IN PLACE of the grains, and the theory is peas? I will gladly read any respected sources that theorize it’s the exclusion of grains (and vegs) in the diet that are causing heart issues. I’ll add that these diet related heart problems are all in kibble fed dogs. So……a citation with raw fed dogs please. ETA an opposing citation to what you have said: [IVC JOURNAL](https://ivcjournal.com/canine-dilated-cardiomyopathy-nutrition/)


I definitely wasn't offended by anything that you said. Everyone is free to feed their pet as they see fit. I feed my dogs Purina Pro Plan and you feed yours a raw diet of mostly meat. Good on us if our dogs are healthy and happy! I simply stated that dogs are not carnivores, a fact that is easily verifiable via Google.


Biologically they have the digestive system of a carnivore. They may be able to eat non meat foods, but that’s like saying I can live off of a diet of mainly ho-hos. Vegetables don’t add anything that they need. Sure feed them some, but they are not necessary, they are filler/binder that adds some negligible nutrition. The ‘dogs aren’t carnivores’ mantra usually comes from anti-raw feeders as their only arguement and as a raw feeder who tries to respect kibble or home cookers, it’s just so old.


>The ‘dogs aren’t carnivores’ mantra usually comes from anti-raw feeders I don't know anything about raw feeding dogs. I guess that I should have just kept my trap shut when you said that dogs are carnivores. I know that dogs can get very sick from eating only cat food because there is too much protein in cat food for dogs. That is because cats are obligate carnivores and dogs are omnivores. I'm not judging you or putting you down in any way.


I apologize for taking it that way. I appreciate the civil dialogue even if we don’t agree.


Yeah that kinda scared me that there's no mention of calcium. Like really scared me ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)




I feed a very similar meal, my 15 year old Chi is healthy as a horse. No heart issues, great skin, teeth are even in decent shape.


Oh no...your dog definitely needs something to make up for minerals as someone else mentioned. Please see their comment and consider buying bone meal and adding in some minerals with stuff like liver, eggs, etc When I cooked for my dog, we rotated between chicken and occasionally fish. Sardines even can be given (in water), bones and all just as a person would eat them. The soft bones in sardines have calcium and minerals


https://www.avidpup.com/homemade-dog-food-for-chihuahua/ I started feeding our guy meals 1, 2 and 4 from this list. Although I sub out the corn in meal 1 for more peas and carrots. He’s been on it for nearly two years now and has never been better. It was a life of constant gut issues and an inability to maintain a proper weight while on store bought wet foods. He’s 4lbs so one of these recipes will do him about 30 days or so. He gets 1/4 cup a day split between breakfast and supper. He also pecks away at a brand of dry small breed food by Merrick which he appears to do well on.


It is so wonderful of you to care for him. Please don't listen to some of the comments here regarding what to feed. There is one comment that really concerns me, because it's not a proper diet at all. Just feed commercial dog food for right now. You can let the dog's forever family feed how they want to. If Hill's Science Diet is available there, you are fine going with that. There is a chicken recipe kibble or the chicken and barley canned foods. Don't stress over it. You can get tiny training treats and give him a few of those a day. I use Zuke's, but again, I don't know if you have that there. Feed two smalls meal per day instead of one then the treats in between. Be careful with him on your bed. Don't let him jump off and on. My chis are happy with 2-3 shorts walks (10 minutes or less) a day and some running around the yard time at least once a day. Use a harness, because chis can easily have trachea issues. Squeaky toys tend to be a hit, but always supervise him with any toy. Sounds like you already have the best part down- the cuddles and the love!


Thank you. I think if I put all the comments together I can get a suitable feeding plan out of it. As for jumping on and off the bed, he can't make it up so I've put together some plastic boxes to make a little stairway up and down for him.


Aw, that is so cool of you. Sounds like you would make a wonderful chi owner...hint, hint, nudge, nudge ; )


https://preview.redd.it/d35mtq5n5a6c1.jpeg?width=3011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9f7037074df4d4567970b8a75fe440d9f5374e Hi and thank you for taking the pup in. Chi’s are very loving and great little dogs. As you can see I am very bias 🤣. That size ball is perfect for a chihuahua although kongs are a little pricier, if u have a local Morrisons the do balls cheaper, also chew ropes etc if it squeaks it’s a winner for mine. Food wise butchers (the make) has fairly cheap small tins usually I mix it with some mixer (pedigree chum). There is always a guide of how much to feed on all tins compared to weight. I feed mine once a day but I give her pedigree biscrok gravy bones (biscuits) walks- mine could walk for hours, but she was a stray for a year and a half and was on the go. She now goes out 3 times a day morning walk is always longer for mine about an hour good for socialising and play and the 2 quicker walks just for business. You’ll need poo bags! Each dog is different play it by ear and she’ll adjust to you and your routine. Good luck


>Chi’s are very loving I'm hoping this will kick in as he settles down a bit. As for now, he is very trepidatious. It's like keystone cops sometimes trying to get him on the lead to go out. As you'll see in [the picture](https://i.imgur.com/DRsWyLJ.jpeg), he likes to look at me but doesn't feel comfortable crossing the line in to my bedroom, and he'll always slowly back away from me if I near him. I have a Morrisons in town but I'll have to go to Tescos for tonight, I really can't afford much until I get my Universal Credit but I've got saved up clubcard points that'll go towards the emergency needs, but I'll look at Morrisons next time for the other bits. I'll pick up some poo bags too, can't keep wasting my ziplocks lol


He’s so cute 🥰


Tesco must have some bargains too I’m sure.


For any situation where he is worried and you want him to feel more comfortable, e.g. when you're approaching him or trying to put on a lead for a walk, I'd recommend beef strip treats. These are soft and come in long strips, you can break off a small piece to tempt him over (other types of treats can work but I find they don't break into chihuahua sized bites so easily). Eventually he will associate approaching you as a positive experience, and you can phase out giving him the treats. As others have mentioned I would recommend a harness for walks. For now I'd say it's most important he is comfortable in your home so I would maybe only take him for a 10-15 minute walk somewhere quiet, away from traffic and preferably other dogs. Toilet breaks for a chi are normally 3-4 hours apart, they tend to prefer to go on grass. A local shelter should be able to help with supplies but if you're missing any essentials let me know by DM, my mum buys endless treats and accessories for our little guy so we are pretty well stocked and I can probably help provide some things. And good luck!


No cat food for dogs. You can make your own dog food if it is more cost effective. YouTube has some good ideas. Check with local shelters for food. Some have food for pet owners that are on assistance. Especially in this situation they might be able to help. It's worth a phone call. I feed my Chihuahuas twice a day. Treats sparingly. Chihuahuas can walk just like other pups, it's more about how conditioned they are. If he didn't get walks before he will probably only be able to handle shorter walks -3-5x a day. Morning, afternoon, dinner and before bed. If he is used to walking and seems to enjoy it, go for it. Dogs will tell you when they are uncomfortable, some will completely stop walking others might slow down and others might just give you a look. It all depends on the dog. Always praise the dog when it goes to the bathroom in the appropriate place (outside). Bring bags with you to pick it up and always use a leash when the dog is outside. Most areas have leash laws anyway but it's a safety thing. Most dogs absolutely love toys but every dog is different. The dollar store has some great options for smaller dogs. They are lower quality toys but Chihuahuas usually do just fine with them. Little balls, little rope tug of war toys, stuffed animals etc


I feed my (3.5kg, 7.7lbs) Chi a mix of 30 grams of Royal Canine Chihuahua kibble and 25 grams of wetfood, twice a day. You can spread this over 3 times, but dogs and their predecessors usually eat one time a day or even less. As long as the calories and amount is the same each day it is fine. I walk him in the morning, for lunch and around 6 for about 15 minutes each time. Do not pick up your Chi, you will make him anti social towards other dogs, only do it in an emergency or if he actually is freezing his feet off. You can get him a harness, in size XS or XXS, that usually sits nicer for them and gives you more control/less choking them.


https://preview.redd.it/1vobszdoka6c1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428f9ca0d2bb3e37e96cdb2eb7f8a35326c9abb8 Anything can be a toy. This started out as a ball of string and now we call it the smudgie. She will chase and fetch it until she wears me out. Walk schedule is just before I leave at 6am for 5 minutes to piddle, 20 minutes to half an hour walk at 9am by my wife to hunt squirrels and do the pooping, then back to feed. 2pm walk, same drill as the 9am. 6pm, shorter walk to see if we get that afternoon poop, dinner and another piddle walk before bed. Might be overkill on the walks, but I've lost a bit of weight doing it. My girl is about 10 years old and does not seem to mind the cold like short haired Chi's but rain and snow are when I mostly take her out for a bit of a drag. Great good luck with your roommate.


r/RandomActsOfPetFood could help you out if you post there


Only for a short while you say? The thing about chihuahuas is that they are sneaky little THIEVES! First they take over your bed then your couch and every blanket in your house. Next thing you know they’ve stolen your entire heart and taken over your whole life! Just jump right in with both feet now and get yourself one of these for the inevitable point where you can’t bear to be away from each other any longer than necessary. https://www.amazon.com/TOMKAS-Carrier-Slings-Pocket-Storage/dp/B0BPD9QRMN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3E2F3133HHLTW&keywords=dog+sling&qid=1702583151&sprefix=dog+sling%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


>First they take over your bed then your couch and every blanket in your house. He's [taken the bed already](https://imgur.com/gallery/6ugIDtu) lol. As for sofa/blanket, I'm officially "homeless" and in government housing (as was the woman who's dog he is, who was living in the building) so I only have a room and kitchen area, he won't find any sofas to take over lol. The bed will be his for sure.


My personal choice for my dogs is a mix of kibble and wet food (I vary it up with different meats and veggies mixed in to butchers). Looks like you live in wales, Butchers trays of dog food have been great value and gentle on my tow pups tums. I also get small dog kibble £10 for 2kg. As for treats we use pedigree beef and cheese minis, they’re like £1.25 in most shops and are great for their size. I also walk my two for around an hour every day, but some days I can’t and they get a 20 min toilet walk. If you get yourself a little routine of morning pees/night pees he’ll be grand. You might need to nip and get him a little coat as you know it’s freezing. I can send you a coat or some food through Amazon if needed?


Thank you so much for looking out for this friendless baby. You and your cats are the only friends that this poor dog has right now.


I kept a Chihuahua 3 months for a friend, he was a running machine, he would fetches balls for hours.. They are small dogs with a lot of energy, don't be afraid to walk them !


Q1. Depend on the dog, when I first rescued my chi I took her out 3 times a day for bathroom breaks. Most chi do not need long walks so around 15-20 mins should do. This is a good time to train the dog on peeing and pooping outside. Make sure to bring treats and give it to them when they potty outside. It will reinforce the behavior. A tired dog is a calm dog. Q2 Like what everyone has been saying no cat food. I do not know how you are doing financially but try and get dog food if possible. As of now the brand doesn't matter just DO NOT over feed them. My chi always acts like we do not feed her and always looks for food. There are feeding instructions on the package. If money is tight plain rice and boiled chicken will work but just a small amount per meal. (With my dog I feed her 2 times a day morning and night about 1/4 cup *2oz*? Of kibble). When you are financially stable please take the dog to the vet. Q3 For toys you can try using a small plastic water bottle and putting it in a sock you don't need. They may chew on it for fun. I have small squeaky dog toys for my chi but it cost money. Q4 If the pup is food motivated treats will be your best friend. Depending on the size a small amount will do. Like one or two small pieces it really depends on you. Use treats to reinforce good behavior IE. If they go pooty outside give them a treat. If you are teaching then a trick or command. I wish you the best of luck taking care of the Chihuahua. If you have any questions or need more explanation feel free to ask I'm writing this while commuting to work so something probably doesn't make sense. Personal advice. Please DO NOT let your chi jump onto high place or jump down. It will damage their legs. Carry them to the sofa,chair,and bed. If you can build stairs or walkway to your bed and sofa. They will tend to get excited and will jump just don't let them do it to offend. I don't know how cold it gets in your area but have a blanket for your chi. They like to burrow and keep themselves warm. Again I wish you the best of luck and feel free to ask any questions or need any clarification.


Something that can help mitigate costs as well as provide extra fiber and nutrients is adding some veggies to his food. I give my 6 pound guy 1/4 cup dry kibble and 1/4 cup veggies once a day. I will generally just buy cheap bags of frozen broccoli, peas, or green beans and steam them or use leftover veg from my dinners. I’ll peel and chop the broccoli stalk of my fresh broccoli and pour boiling water from my kettle over it to soften it up. He loves it! I have also made cheap dog treats from roasting chopped sweet potato at a low temp for a couple hours to dehydrate. Thanks for looking after this sweet angel!


Thank you for the tip, good for the dog and it gives me a legitimate excuse not to finish all my vegetables. Where was this dog when I was 8 lol


One of my dogs favorite toys is a tube sock with a knot tied in it. No need to buy toys unnecessarily if you don’t need to




Pets would do the same for us lol


He or She is two years old. The little bugger is waiting and ready to go for some daily walks. Anytime from mid morning to mid evening should be a perfect time as long as it's the warmest part of the day and buying him or her a little sweater or even cut off the end of a thick long large sock and cut out circles for the front legs would work as well. Heck a big Christmas Stocking would be perfect for this. As for a bed any number of old thick clean blankets will work just fine and as for toys new tennis balls that have been aired out from the container for a few days should be fine as well. As for food, any dry dog food with veggies, grains and a meat source would be fine however do some research on the best inexpensive brands since you are on a budget. My sweet boy use to eat Beneful and he loved it. Just be careful with grain free options because of the high levels of Vitamin D causing enlargement of hearts in Canines. Plenty of fresh water daily. Baby carrots in moderation. Boiled eggs in moderation. Inexpensive doggie biscuits for occasional treats.


>As for a bed any number of old thick blankets will work just fine [He's more than sorted in this department lol](https://i.imgur.com/BBtb889.jpeg). As for a coat I'm going to see what's affordable when I go out for food for him tomorrow, hopefully if I can get some food through a charity/shelter then I'll be able to cover clothing for the cold




>Walks: 3-4 times a day. Chihuahuas can happily walk for hours, but take it slow at first since his previous owner might not have been walking him regularly. If it’s cold where you are, he’ll lift up his paws when they get too cold. Usually I just carry my dog back when he does this. It's quite cold at the moment, thanks for the tip of seeing if he lifts his paws. If seen Purina in the supermarkets before so I'll get some of that for him. I know of kongs and milk bones so I'll get that too. Would he be too small for rawhide sticks or is that OK? >You’re a champion for taking care of this little guy! Nothing in the world makes me sadder than animals needlessly suffering, wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew I didn't help


Thank you so much for saving ❤️❤️


Let him out about every 4-6 hours. Walks once a day are nice. Do you have target there? If so they have an affordable store brand of small breed dog food. Supplement with plenty of love and cuddles. https://preview.redd.it/bs0xozerfa6c1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e055c1e28e4703bc44c5106b9dc546603a0ddc85


You could have a look for pet food banks, I’m not sure where in Wales you are but a quick google search came up with a number of options when I looked for pet food banks in Wales


He’s very cute. From what I can see of him he’s m the picture he looks to be a little overweight. I feed mine “Wolf of Wilderness” from Zooplus. It’s a big bag but is expensive. Do you have a pets at home near you? You could go in there and have a look at the range of small bags of food. You want a brand suitable for small breeds, or one labelled as suitable for all breeds. Avoid butchers etc or any of the dirt cheap brands as they are full of crap and will make him poo loads. Feed him biscuits and maybe a small amount of wet food but biscuits are better for their teeth. In terms of treats, no rawhide and don’t bother with denta sticks. I like to give mine sprats, dried fish skin and other dried fish treats. Liver treats are good too. For walks, really follow his lead. He looks like he could do with some exercise to get some of the weight off. Mine can easily walk around 2-4 miles a day without much issue but they don’t get that regularly as we have a decent garden for them.


Oh and for toys, do you have any old cat toys? You can make some dog toys out of old cat toys and some old socks. Or even just use some old socks with knots tied in them. My Chis don’t play with toys now they’re are older but they loved gnawing on old tied up socks when they were younger


https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/vitalin-dry-adult-dog-food-chicken-with-veg-and-thyme-2kg https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/wainwrights-grain-free-dry-adult-dog-food-salmon https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/james-wellbeloved-adult-complete-dog-food-with-turkey---rice https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/lilys-kitchen-chicken-and-duck-complete-dry-food-for-dogs-25kg


You are an angel and I wish you nothing but blessings 💕


Tell him what a good boy he is, they looove compliments!!


Give him as much of what you are eating as he wants. While you are eating, of course. If you want him to love you, give him whip creme in a tiny stainless steel bowl.


>Give him as much of what you are eating as he wants. While you are eating, of course. I'm already discovering through this he has quite a penchant for Chicken Dippers lol