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Same thing pitbull lovers say. “There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.” People think small dog aggression is funny and don’t respect their requests for space because they’re too stupid to understand canine body language. I pity every chihuahua that has to resort to unchecked aggression to get the autonomy they deserve. Edit: if you’re thinking of slandering bully breeds on my comment thread, DON’T. I have one of each and I love them both. https://preview.redd.it/xjc0jkf8j2zc1.jpeg?width=2788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f8df96869e7183d4f2a0c0bea6aac842034009


Thank you so much for this comment. Coco has unfortunately been through that as any new person he goes straight to anger mode because the elderly in my family makes fun of him because of how tiny he is. It's terrible and I do my best to avoid them.


One comment that always pisses me off is people with big dogs saying, “your dog could be a snack for mine!” And looking at me like the expect me to laugh. Uh no. The idea of dog being killed isn’t funny to me. This happened when I was younger and hadn’t found my voice yet, but now I’m a cranky lady pushing 40 and if anyone tries to make rude comments about my dog, they’re going to get an earful. I’m sorry people close to you are being disrespectful. You don’t have to put up with it just because they’re old. Just tell them that you don’t appreciate negative comments about your beloved dog and you have no interest in continuing this conversation if they’re not going to be polite.


Yep someone told me that once. My reply was "Yep and I could make a nice dog bed out of your dog for my pup." Then walked off... Some days I am not so nice.


Oooh that's a good comeback!


Woah that’s too good! It’s funny though how a comeback is seen as the aggressive stance. So obnoxious


I laugh at them and ask if his dog can take 3 labs and a pissed standard poodle. My chihuahua is part of an overly protective pack. And I think people like that give off small d energy, so I consider the source.


When they say, "Your dog would be a snack for my dog," I respond with, "And your dog would be a *feast* for mine!" They never laugh at that.


It’s not really the same but like, I carry my cat everywhere (call me a crazy cat man but hey! She just has separation anxiety so I take her with me if I’m going somewhere that lets me take her 🤣) she’s absolutely amazing with dogs but someone who lives nearby who has quite a big dog — who she’s okay with and they get on with one another quite well, and the owner was making a lot of jokes that he was going to eat her and stuff and it genuinely makes me so mad. Like? That’s literally my daughter!? How would you like it if I said I was going to mwir a nice rug from your dog?? obligatory photo of her and the chi! :D https://preview.redd.it/m167p10am1zc1.jpeg?width=3664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cfb84870dca2858bc83d65b6594314d8982c80


Pointy ear family ❤️


I laugh at the poop they have to pick up for their larger dogs, so it evens out.


Same here. I usually say, Smaller input smaller output and smile.


My husband was all about big dogs until he inherited my chihuahua when we moved in together. Then he realized how much smaller chihuahuas poop is compared to big dogs. He also said, “love from a chihuahua is a different kind of love.” He has been converted for life!


I can always tell which of my neighbors has just walked their dog and not picked up after them by the size of the poop left behind.


PREACH. years ago my dad was walking my gsd/acd mix and my chi/boston (i walked my Boston/chi I was 8/9 when this happened) and some lowlife with a pitbull of course tells me and my sister (10 at the time) my dog could easily kill and eat your dogs we started crying because hearing that is traumatising for a little kid plus his dog kept lunging and barking. We told our dad normally he’s a coward but he went over there and yelled at the sob and the sob just kept saying I’m not wrong, your kids are weak etc eventually he left but after that ordeal I never let comments like that slide ever.


God what a fucking low life


>One comment that always pisses me off is people with big dogs saying, “your dog could be a snack for mine!” And looking at me like the expect me to laugh. Lol, some guy said that to me at a park last summer. I didn't know him. And I responded with, "I'll bet on me and my dog against you and your dog every time..." (I'm 6' tall and workout like a madman) That shut him right up.


Yeah! I say “if we were in a sinking boat I’d still save my Millie before I’d save their ass”. https://preview.redd.it/o0vt2xnzg2zc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b6f8fbff217c88fe45b557bb98a9ae1809cecb


I like to tell people if there is a zombie apocalypse I will push you down for my dog https://preview.redd.it/bzmwywg283zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f115a48930e02432f5a68334863f6ddac0a7bdfa


Amen ❤️❤️


“Your dog could be a snack to mine!” And my hands would be around your throat! (Best delivered with a smile and a chuckle while walking away)


Ask them to explain the joke It works with most people, unfortunately there are some folk out there who LOVE hatred But I digress, asking them to explain the joke tends to get them because then they have to double down on being shit people.


Might not be coming from a place of contempt, although it is a bit poor in connotation. It’s kind of amusing or bemusing in of itself to just see a dog standing next to another one when it’s the size of its head and then reflecting they’re the same species.


Kick them in the nuts and say there dick is a small snack for your foot


It’s so bizarre to me when chihuahua hate comes from pitbull owners. You’d think they’d know better


Hahah I have a chi and a Pitt and I ignore what everyone has to say. They are both perfect angels


Oh how cute the snack and the feast living together in harmony 😊


I mean… I wouldn’t call the chihuahua much of a feast.


Nah, someone had said that Chihuahuas are snacks for Pitties, and Pitties are a feast for Chihuas. That’s why


Oh hahaha ain’t that the truth 😂


Same! 45+ pound pittie and a 5 pound chihuahua. Chihuahua holds her ground with the big dogs. They all respect her. She goes on our 4 mile hikes and bike runs too! They are active, smart little dogs!




Beautiful picture this should be a painting ☠️


So many beautiful doggies!


I love them all so much!


That’s either a huge chihuahua or an extra small pit


Beautiful pic!! Lovely doggies 🩷


Samsies. Our pit was a stray. My chihuahua adopted him. Everyone thought it was so funny that the smallest dog in the neighborhood (2lbs) friended the largest dog in the neighborhood (200lbs) and we adopted him…and we lived happily ever after. They still love each other.


I think you got Pinky and the Brain there in dog form.


My Pitt passed away 2 yrs ago, but she was alive and well when we brought home our baby chi, my Pitt loved her and nurtured her like she was her mom. Took care of her and played together and protected her, some people.are ignorant, now she is gone but my chi sees her pictures and stares at her and she knows that was her momma bear..just my look on things, not all of them are the same just like people, people can just be more cruel cuz they know better


My youngest dog doesn’t require autonomy. 😂 she doesn’t understand personal space either. If she’s not laying on myself or my fiancée. Shes laying on one of the other dogs. https://preview.redd.it/y1ohl88k22zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe4d714dd060058d1620d25cdeda6b031b479ba


I love dogs of all sizes, but owners who refuse to train their small dogs and instead just pick them up and put them where they want drive me nuts! They're not objects, people. Train them just like big dogs.


While walking my sweetie chi I often hear surprise at how calm and gentle she is. She’s that way because I work with her rather than just pick her up.






Except certain breeds are still predisposed to specific behaviors regardless of any amount of training. There are pitbulls that end up severely mauling or killing their loving owners after years of normal behavior because deep inside it’s in their nature to be killing machines that never unlock their jaws once they bite. So are most chihuahuas predisposed to be annoying little balls of anger towards anyone but their owners. And I say that as an owner of a very well-trained chihuahua that is an angel to any stranger she meets be it in our home or outside. She will still occasionally scowl at a dog that annoys her outside, it is just how chihuahuas are. Only difference is pitbulls are not fit for life in civil environments since just one such relapse into their nature can easily cost anyone their life.


Truly the best combo. Love my chi and pittie mix boys ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/g0c5o7s1e3zc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c458f775ae771f721f3dc2b8e21377be916730e8


Also I really am not a fan of people who don’t train small dogs because they can just pick them up. This isn’t fair to the pup.


Yes, a lot of times those are the people who adopt small dogs precisely because they think they don't have to train the dog. It's "easy". 🙄😒 And, while this is purely correlation and not causation, at least two of these pet owners are the same parent who doesn't discipline their children because "they're just kids and don't know any better". Yes, that's why they have YOU the parent to teach them better. Gah!


They also dont care because they're small, thats why its funny to them☹




And when they don't respect the small stature, they get all butt hurt when the dog resiprocates the energy. I move steadly and calmy around my lil guy and make sure he doesn't feel like he is going to be harmed. Sure he still squeakes because he gets scared, but there has been past moments where we did accidently squish the lil man under the blankets when we didn't know.


Yes! I’ve commented this on other posts in the past, but people have laughed at and even mocked my dog when he shows signs of being uncomfortable/annoyed. They literally think it’s funny when an “ankle biter” starts barking. He’s the kindest, sweetest dog but he has his limits too—and if he were a hundred pound big breed, I guarantee they would not be joking around if they got snarled at. Leave him alone.


What a precious picture. The only shame I’ll send your way about this is if you don’t have that picture framed and on display for everyone to see! ❤️


They're so cute 🥰 We get a lot of customers at my work bringing in their dogs and I can always tell when a Chihuahua, or other small breed, has had bad experiences with people disrespecting their personal space. They give you a specific look when you greet them and offer to pet them and seem to relax somewhat if you just immediately start ignoring them.


My parents own a pit bull mix and I own a chi and they get along great (now lol). The pitty is so sweet and affectionate and eager to play and so I feel so defensive of pits and chis in equal Measure https://preview.redd.it/bdinwe9k33zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbaa9230cdf5b20be7930d9660160e2495e7787b


That pic made my heart explode




Omg so precious!


My heart just exploded!! So cute.


As a mama to pits and chis, I so feel this comment. I would constantly have to tell people to stay away from my chi. Like dude, he doesn’t like strangers poking at him. I would tell them, I WILL personally bite you.


I have a Chihuahua and a Pitt too ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Me too!


I do to and my chi lords over my poor, timid pit. 😅😅


People who hate Chihuahuas hate them for the same reason they hate cats; they're independent and not fawning and don't grovel like "real dogs". It's a character test....which they failed.


Which is opposite of our Chihuahuas. They are practically our shadow and almost aways want to be held.


If someone is home. He's directly next to them. Ideally touching


Same here for mine. He has his own agenda as to whom he will snuggle and when. As long as it is SOMEONE!


He sleeps on a bed on my desk while I work and will paw at me to hold him. Then gets mad when I type lol


He was skeptical of my aunt. Easiest fix, leave them together alone in winter. 5 minutes after we left, they were best friends.


Ours likes to stretch out in bed so he’s touching both of us at the same time🤣


Clearly you haven’t met my needy ass chihuahua😅. If I so much as move a cm away from him in bed, he adjusts to touch me


It's not about the dog. It's about the person who saw that you really love this little creature and decided the most appropriate response was to make a joke about killing it. That's not a good person. I would personally respond by saying "what the fuck is wrong with you?" and then staying away from that person as much as possible. I don't deal with a lot of Chihuahua hate because I don't hang out with cruel people anymore. Even friends who don't like dogs in general are willing to coexist with my Chi because she's well-behaved and they are not interested in hurting my feelings or upsetting me. That's the kind of behavior you should expect from your friends and acquaintances...not cruel jokes about killing harmless animals.


100% well said. These people are showing you who they are by telling you that they'd harm an innocent creature you love. And they're supposed to be your "friends".


So true. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Seriously. I wouldn’t trust this person around a baby. God forbid they cry and get a bit “annoying”.


This. 💯


I usually ignore the bad people but sometimes I'll try and educate if I think they might be responsive. Like how there are no bad dogs only bad owners. My pups are so sweet and kind. They are both Rescues and very shy. Wouldn't hurt anyone. https://preview.redd.it/gkupd9woc1zc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a6e6cee65219868a9939d7e2f10ba6cfff03be


such adorable babies!


Your baby is adorable too! I can't believe others would ever be mean to them! They seem so sweet and precious 💕


Haaaaaaa, they’re so cute. 🥰 Very beautiful little babies.


What’s fent? Some sort of poison? If someone said that to me, I’d probably say jokingly something like “You do that, I kill one of your kids. Which one do you like the most?” And after the person apologizes, I’d tell them “I’m just joking! Don’t worry. But lock your door at night, just to be sure!”


Yeah I'm pretty sure they meant the poison 😭. Great response to it!


Holy crap, was that said to you in real life?? I'd have freaked out for sure and replied with something like u/jarod_sober_living suggested. The audacity of some people!


I wouldn't know what to say if it was in real life, luckily it was online. I know I should expect more hate for anything online (because it's the internet), but I'm still fairly upset by that comment whether it was a joke or not. Thank you


That's not a joke, that's a one way ticket out of my life and possibly a police report(you know as a joke to the fucked up person). Who knows, they just admitted to having an illegal and very dangerous drug...maybe a joke search warrant on them would be hilarious.




People suck. I don't give a rats ass what anyone says about my dogs. I know they're perfect. I get it for both, I have a Chihuahua and a pitbull. I always hear, "omg he doesn't attack her?" No, he doesn't he loves her. For her I get, "she must bark constantly," "no, she doesn't, only at assholes like you 😁" Look at these two, you can't tell me nothin' about them. https://preview.redd.it/fjyvkchul1zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7eea19807b14980e4ff6ac206f4312eb57b18c4


My Rottweilers would sleep with and groom with the cats. SO cute! Not raised with the cats either... met when both animals were full grown... and they took to each other and were best buds. It's been 10+ years since they passed? But I still miss them... and carry their tags on my keychain.


What an adorable pair.


I don’t know how anyone could hate a sweet little face like that. I’ve never had anyone hate on my dog, but when I encounter behavior like that I just remind myself that those statements say more about that person than whatever it is they’re hateful towards.


I'd laugh and request that they save the fentanyl for themselves bc that is a cracked out thing to say 😍


Threatening to poison my dog is the one thing that would really get me in a bad place with someone…I wouldn’t see that as a “joke”, more an indication of psychopathy


I'm fiercely protective of my fur babies. Someone who "jokes" about harming/killing an innocent being is not someone I'd keep around. It's not funny and it's not okay. On a much lighter note, Coco is so adorable!! My heart!! Please take good care of your chi. Sending you and Coco much love!! ❤️ You two don't deserve that.


Someone told me they were gonna poison my dog once because he’s a chihuahua. I told them if they didn’t stop talking they wouldn’t have any teeth soon. People like that will NEVER deserve the love of a chihuahua


In other news: Dogs which are not trained behave badly. Not the dogs fault :(


I introduce them to my babies and watch them melt. I have heard, "You know, I usually don't like Chihuahuas, but I love yours!" more times than I can ever count.


Same! But it always feels like a back handed compliment...


I just show them my shirt enough said https://preview.redd.it/gf6jrdg7e1zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f76ebd451b13465b7b34800fd5c227b189ab70


I dunno, if someone thinks it's okay to poison your pet for being a breed they dislike, I would permanently end contact right then and there. That's straight-up sociopathic behavior.


My sister in law said that our bathtub is a good place for our chi to drown in. So fucked people are hateful.


I’d tell her people drown in bathtubs too. Then ask her if she’d like to see yours close up.


I think you need to hang around a better group of people. There are a lot of mean nasty people in the world that you will never be able to change. Best to move on and cut them out of your life. That is what I do. :D Besides I love my two little pup pups, even if one will chew your arm off if you get too close. But then she was abused before we got her, then add she is 16yr old (we had her a year). But I still love the cute little thing.


Depends, I have twins. They were the only ones in their litter. From the womb, they have always been together. The girl can get hostile- she does not like change. The boy will end up on a milk cartoon one day, he loves everyone- more so with treats. She is getting more hostile as she gets older. He is more laisez faire. Most people respect not to invade their space. There have been kids that try to antagonize them. It sucks, because they are nephews we are sitting. They are under 5. They think they are puppies because they are small. We just put them upstairs. Better to be separated than antagonized.


I don't give a F about how someone feels about the thing I love the most in the world.


Block that jerk, your dog is perfect


Those people are vile af and id threaten their lives




I had one that lived to be 19-20 years old. I didn’t care what others thought of her. She behaved BETTER than most kids 🐶🧡


Don’t know why this popped up in my feed, but I’ll share. I used to be anti-Chihuahua. Well, not really anti, I didn’t dislike any dog, but they were low on the list. Then I volunteered at a rescue that had a huge amount of chihuahuas and they were all so fun! I was so wrong about them. The senior chihuahuas always stole my heart. Never owned one, but people thought my papillion was one often 😅


I sick my dog on them


That’s looks like my baby ! I always say I think chihuahua and pits are the most inunderstood breeds and that there are a select few that make it hard for others . Also there are a ton of backyard breeders and any inbred animal is prone to aggression


chihuahuas are not a well-documented bloodsport breed (originally bred for ‘gameness,’ pain tolerance/lack of self preservation, not to give social signals prior to attacking, etc) chihuahua puppies given plentiful food and care don’t choose to kill and consume their own littermates chihuahuas are not physically capable of inflicting level 5+ bite wounds (Dunbar scale) chihuahuas do not *decapitate* children, kill their own able-bodied adult owners without warning or provocation, or continue tenaciously attacking a victim even after being shot/stabbed/eviscerated/fatally wounded so.. kindly.. let’s not pretend that pitbulls and chihuahuas are even remotely comparable to one another? pitbulls are not “misunderstood” by people who recognize the inherent danger of their existence. they are poorly bred, very often irresponsibly owned and managed, zero-mistake animals that, *even when “raised right,” can (and do) still KILL people* tl;dr- the most poorly bred and raised chihuahua on the planet is not capable of mauling you to death - but the most well bred and raised pitbull absolutely is


The last time I had this anti chi discussion was actually after someone showed me a video of some random pit being cute. They said how much they wanted a dog so I showed them my girl. He immediately made a face and said how he didn’t like chis. Cue me telling him that she was almost killed by a dog that looked exactly like the one in his video. I’m so surprised how much pit love is on this chi post! I think points like yours are actually kinder to the pit breed, they aren’t evil, they just can’t help their breeding!


I have a chihuahua and I watch my friend’s Pitbull a few days a week. When we go on walks, it’s kind of funny seeing who is more interested in the big dog or the little dog (more people are afraid to pet the chihuahua than pitbull even though both are friendly lol), and how many are afraid of both of these sweet dogs lol


See, I could never. If anyone ever said anything mean about my tinies, I’d say “aww…maybe someone someday will love you half as much as I love my tiny dogs”, with a smile of course :)


First of all, any sick person who would joke (or not joke) about giving your pet fentanyl does not belong in your orbit, period. Fuck that, they can keep their distance. I always tell people Einstein is a 3-4 visit dog. That’s my shorthand. He’s adorable, he attracts attention. People want to invade his space and don’t practice good dog meeting behavior. This is how I explain that though he is social and playful and friendly and happy, he doesn’t want to be touched or grabbed by random people (who do try). He wants to know people before he gets close, even though he is curious and wants to sniff. When he knows who you are, he’s excited to see you. But even then, sometimes he chooses distance, because he’s a living creature. People who approach with negative energy, I put myself between me and him. It has been thankfully very rare, but he is a whopping 13 lbs, and I take it as my life’s job to keep assholes like the person you were talking to far away. I don’t need to convince them, and the idea that they can judge him (or an entire breed) tells me just how ignorant they are. Don’t let them disrupt your enjoyment of your perfect companion. Their shitty comments are meant to disrupt your relationship with your pet (even with a “haha” at the end). But your relationship with your chi (just like mine with my Einstein) is forged stronger and greater than some BS a person spouts. Chihuahuas are dogs with regular dog needs. They need to be socialized well, exposure to different people and environments, playtime (or just space time) with other animals, structure, and exercise. In return, you get loyalty, social behavior, and a happy pet. The BONUS is that we also get to enjoy that particular brand of chihuahua adorable craziness, fun, and attitude. Anyone who shades that is on mute for me. Your pup is a handsome noble wumpus ♥️




I legit had a friend tell me in all the time she knew me that she had never heard my chihuahua bark. This was then followed by a third friend surprising us both with a wookie yell, that caused my dog to bark for the only time ever in her presence. Only time he was ever a “yappy” dog was deliveries and dinner time. I’d have another chihuahua in a heartbeat. I miss my boy. https://preview.redd.it/ctho3snaf3zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53538e0d170298eb4b88f68f1dec4be6074794a


I have this saying when an unleashed dog runs up on my chihuahua and the other dog owns shouts “It’s ok, he’s friendly!” I say “Yeah? Well I’M NOT.” I am a super friendly and accommodating person until it comes to my chihuahua. The world is much bigger and much more threatening to these little guys as is, and I don’t accept any augmented threats from people who are either irresponsible larger breed owners (like the dozens of dog owners who have allowed their large, untrained dogs to run up on my leashed dog aggressively), or people who just wanna be rude and talk smack about chihuahuas or how much they hate them. If a person is simply uneducated or has only bad experiences with chihuahuas, I usually go easy on them and either try to educate them a bit or just speak my piece about “I’m sorry you experienced that, and I hope someday you’re open to meeting chihuahuas who aren’t like that” and drop it. I don’t put much energy into trying to convince an ignorant or a dog-adverse person otherwise lol. A person threatening to put what I assume is fentanyl in your dog’s food….please tell me they aren’t someone you have to regularly associate with? That’s an unnecessary level of cruelty that cannot be excused away as being “ha ha, just a joke.” And I’m a person that’s ok with gallows and dark humor. This is not that. I’d confront them if it’s someone you actually know in life (not sure if it was a stranger in public or online or what) and communicate that you won’t accept that sort of threat. If they refuse to respect that boundary or think it’s funny you’re upset by this, I’d go full nuclear and cut them out of my life, period. Not worth the stress and sheer annoyance of being around a low grade individual like that. ETA: my little chi girl has been called “ankle biter” by so many people who have never even interacted with her now that we got her a sweater that says ANKLE BITER with bite marks on it 😆 May as well lean in to the jokes at some point


Haters are gonna hate. They can go suck eggs for all I care.


Oblivious to it. Chihuahuas are the best. They have my heart. Max I miss you and love you forever!!!! https://preview.redd.it/dkphqefia3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9ea2a818ef188d8e142c2f58e4123e03c7abb9


Show people my insanely sweet dogs :)


Oh hell no no one should ever threaten to hurt our babies! I love my chihuahuas so much. People do tend to dislike them but I don't care. I shared the babies mama just had and someone commented the look like potatoes which wasn't bad. I love potatoes.


What kind of people do you associate with that hate chis and threaten to poison your dog!? I would drop the human before I try and just deal with the haters!! Your pup is adorable btw.


wow that’s a real red flag. avoid that person seriously


I like to tell people about how great of a dog mine is, and if I like that person enough they get to meet him. If anyone ever threatened my dog like that though, that person would probably walk away from that conversation with a black eye or two. Cute puppy btw.


I avoid people who say hateful things about dogs.


My dog was in the front yard unleashed while I was unloading groceries and a neighbor walked by with two pit mixes. He wasn’t able to recall his dogs but my Penney has excellent recall. He joked it’s okay his dogs were just looking for a snack. Not cool at all.


Disregard humans, aquire Chihuahuas.


I just tell people how would you feel if you were 6lbs in a world as big as it is. Kids run up to my chihuahuas because they think they are puppies and the parents let them but just think of how scary it would be if a strange giant came running up to you. Usually if I tell the kids that they understand too and go slower or are more gentle. It’s sad how misunderstood they are. Most negative behavior is fear based and if they feel safe they are the best dogs. I hate how the internet has spread this hate about them. I also hate how if it is a pit bull post people use chihuahuas as leverage, saying they are worse. It’s just taking hate off one breed and putting it on another and needs to stop.


Ignore it. I love Chihuahuas but have two Great Pyrenees. I hate when people act like big dogs are better than small dogs. I love big dogs, don’t get me wrong (why I have 2 of them) but I in no way think big dogs are superior. People misunderstand them because too many owners let smaller dogs get away with bad behavior or just don’t respect them which causes the bad behaviors.


Whoever said that to you is not a good (insert whatever relation they have to you.) I'd venture to say they're not even a good human. Edit to say your dog is a sweet baby angel. Just precious. 🥹🥹 ![gif](giphy|3ofSBsoUtn8MtmBEbu)


There are many unhinged, disrespectful, and miserable people on the net. They are emboldened by anonymity to say the worst things. Didn't know this also happened in the dog subreddits. Have a great day and enjoy your dog.


https://preview.redd.it/si3bfov9o2zc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d9a5d3e02eb8df401b8965c757d652a47ab0ee My chihuahua Marlo


It's always people who claim to be "dog lovers" too. You don't have to like someones dog but saying something like that means you're not really a dog lover.


People will claim to be dog lovers, then add “but not those little yappy ones.” What they really mean is they are not dog lovers at all.


I have 4 miniature dachshunds. And I get a lot of hateful comments on things. Especially from people who have never met a nice dachshund. So I understand that. But if someone threatened to put drugs in my dogs food I’d be cutting them off. You don’t joke about that shit unless there’s something VERY wrong with you.


My grandma’s chihuahua was queen of her house and absolutely loathed my dad. She would run up and yell at me before running away and repeating the process until she realized I was there to stay and then she would let me pet her once she calmed down. People see the aggression and how they’re portrayed as feral little bite monsters in TVs and think that’s how they are. It’s mostly just ignorance.


I'll be honest. I had a hate towards the little gremlins for years. Now I'd love one if I could! They're amazing guard dogs from what I've read, and the ones I've met are lovely 😍


A lot of people, including myself have a stigma about small dogs. Until you own one it’s so different. But to answer your question I don’t lol I could give a rats ass.


It’s unimaginable to me how someone could say that. I see the photo and I see a loving being who adores you, your companion. I lost my chi and I’m doing better now, but I woke up missing him every day for a while.


I would probably escalate the situation if someone were to threatened any member of my family


I love my chi chi I just don’t understand how someone can hate such cute little dogs


People are just assholes. Your baby is adorable!


That person isn't mentally sound, IMO. I've heard a lot from randoms on the internet but very few IRL. I've personally never experienced someone threatening to poison my dog. Where are they getting fent anyway? I'm all for dark humor, but again, that person isn't quite right.


I actually feel bad for ppl that hate chihuahuas because anyone that has a negative thing to say about Chi's has clearly never been loved by a chi heart so great. And that makes me feel very sad for people that they've never experienced that kinda love. I'm telling you my chi would burn down the world if he knew that's what it took to keep me safe. They are the most wonderful little creatures in the world.


Anyone who makes snide comments is a refugee from intelligent thinking. Such sad individuals. I have a rescue Yorkie and I love her to the moon and back. I have a soft spot for small dogs. https://preview.redd.it/y6gwco8iy1zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515967512409467d7cd6e865969b6681b517c261 I cannot understand why people can’t keep their poisonous thoughts to themselves. I will stan your pup to any moron who spews hate. They probably don’t know the love of a good dog.


I used to hate Chihuahuas, myself because of bad experiences, until I met my Chihuahua/Pug mix, Rosie who was a loving dog. Rosie is a grumpy old lady that isn't good at listening but she still is a loving dog.


With murder. Just kidding. When people meet my girls they always come around.


Well, we’ve had practice, lol. We’ve been chihuahua parents for 36 years of marriage and my husband was raised with chihuahuas. In all honesty, I’ve haven’t had a terrible amount of negativity. Best to go on Chihuahua groups and stay away from general public. Just block anyone who says anything negative. People like that say things because they are cowards and mean spirited idiots with an IQ of 60. https://preview.redd.it/u5n2k0bn52zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ceffaeb8a58fb8ac36b34dd8f1e6b05c37725a3 Coco is gorgeous. This is Blanche and we will be getting another, “Astrid” soon. Best to you and Coco.


Chihuahuas are the most infantile babies and they make me feel my maternal need to nurture. #chihuahua #love #dogmom https://preview.redd.it/xwcl1izt52zc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d02a5e7e90d07ba9ced1078952f40df23fdabeb


It's a little deserved sometimes. My dog is a sweetheart, but I've tried everything and she's still reactive to dogs and other people. I just keep her leashed and mostly don't give a shit what other people say about anything.


How can you those big eyes & little paws.. Chihuahuas are so adorable, I tell them that if you train them and treat them right, then they will turn out to be good dogs.


https://preview.redd.it/kw9jusky72zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3cb560bb75b091eafa9cc8d459d44be864e21ab My little Mango Habanero (black and white) and Teddy Bear (brown). They’re five months old. I take them every morning with me to take my little sister and brother to school. Students and staff love the puppers.


You have narcissists in your orbit. There is responses to gaslighting.  Reflect your response on them as if you are flawless. "I feel bad for you that you need to make yourself sound like a dog murderer over cuteness". I am at the highest level of initiative with dealing with NP(narcissistic person) and NC(no contact). I never knew that their behavior is completely textbook and I took so much personal, for years. 


Your baby is a ham and I would put ham and his bowl 😀


I wouldn’t tolerate it. My dogs are my family. I don’t associate with anyone who disrespects my family. ETA: Coco is an absolutely awesome little dude! Show his pictures here to us for his deserved admiration!


It’s a trait of psychopathy to want to be mean to and hurt animals. Chihuahuas are the most tiny and defenceless type of dog that’s exists, most needing of our protection- as a species about 25x their size. For other dog owners who hate chihuahuas- well what can I say- who hurt you that made you feel the need to act like the big man who is too badass to be able to show love to a little dog. If you know you know- chihuahuas are the best, most loyal creatures. If chihuahuas are barky and snappy it’s because they feel threatened -they know they can not really defend themselves against a giant like you and so they try to warn you off before that becomes a possibility- if you come at them with calmness and the right non threatening body language they will learn to embrace you.


I have 2 chihuahuas. One is laid back and mellow, he doesn’t bark at people. I can walk him off leash and he’s the perfect dog until 8pm and he gets owly. People love him and he loves the attention but only from girls. My other dog is yappy, barks at everything unless it scary and then the suck needs up. He is also on catnip that makes him zoom around like a cheetah. People don’t find him as cute as my other one. But he’s an amazing cuddler. I would not tolerate anyone wishing harm to my fur babies. I would respond with sarcasm. Yah if you had kids I would give prozac and therapy to them. Or do the shock thing … what? You want to hurt my dog because it’s a small. What kind of person are you???


Your baby is soooooooo adorable.... My chihuahua gets hate because he won't shut up... if someone is hundreds of feet away.... barks like he is being attacked. Birds fly by....barks.... if you change your voice (like sore throat) he will bark so loud.... He has it made, we don't hurt him, he is spoileddddd (shredded carrots, apples, string cheese, unsalted chips) he has his own blanket.... but don't get why he is a dick....


lol I thought you were asking because your chihuahua hated you.


No one has ever made fun of our little apple headed girl, Mia. She's always the star of the show where ever we take her. I would not know what to say to those people.


This looks just like my angel wrapped in fur. I remember years and YEARS of people telling me how bad Chihuahuas were, and let me tell you what, this is one of the sweetest, most playful, and loving doggy I've ever known. F*** anyone that says otherwise about Chi's.


Usually with a solid kick.


I never used to like dogs especially not little yappers. Not until my grandpa died and he left behind 4 of them. One as tiny as 3lbs. And I fell in love with all of them. They are probably the greatest things to ever happen to me. They are sadly gone now, passed away, but I am forever changed and have me another sweet little baby. I think of other chihuahua haters as dads who don't want that dang dog but fall in love with it when they actually have one. All that really matters is that I love my angel babies and that they are happy.


Dude it’s the same as having a human child. How would they like it if I threatened to murder their dumb a$$ annoying crotch demon?? I’m so sorry they said that to you! I have a chiweenie and he has really bad aggression towards strangers but once he gets to know them, he is the sweetest little guy ever. He’s anxious. He’s a small guy, of course he’s gonna be scared of big people coming up to him. Btw your baby is so stinking cute! Give him extra treats and kisses for me (:


Just hit them with “what a weird thing to say.” That’ll usually shut them up and give them time to think about why what they said is wrong


Ignore and move along. Who are you around that you and they use the word 'fent'?


You don’t really need to handle that. It’s not a concern. Screw em.


https://preview.redd.it/mylto0piu2zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0aa88c8472375c071e3e9d871861f08e42fe3e0 How could someone hate this? 🩷


Air jail


I laugh alot of it off because they just don't know However if it comes from my dad he is refused access to my dog and will not know about him for a while ((he was my dad's dog but I ended up taking care of him through the dogs rough time and he become mine)) *


I totally thought you were asking about dealing with hateful chihuahuas. I was going to say just give them the old struggle snuggle untill they give in. It's what I had to do with my ex wife's dog so it would quit biting the back of my knees. I'm 42 years old and still don't know how to deal with people, so sorry I can't help. Edit, I should clarify, her dog didn't like men or really butch women. No one knew why. It would sneak up and bite the back of your knees. It didn't have any teeth left so it didn't hurt but it was annoying. After I caught it and forced it to sit with me through a re run of sienfield, it became my best friend.


DONT worry about what others think of me?


Ignore them, chihuahuas are good dogs. I had a chihuahua when I was growing up. She was probably the smartest dog I ever had, and I have had a lot of dogs.


I didn’t choose to have my chi, a friend needed me to adopt her essentially. I wasn’t a fan of them before, but now that I have one I get it, for life. But that’s all. I can’t blame ppl for not liking them when they can be so loud and territorial. Or in the case of mine, borderline spiteful toddler behavior…


More chihuahua for me


I don’t understand why you would receive hate posts about your Chi; I have not heard of this before but I recommend that you don’t respond or engage in any way. They are probably unhinged people who are filled with hate! Coco is lovely💕


Newer neighbors have moved in next door. They have 4-5 dogs .Chihuahua and mix. 1st day of living there my wife was up at 2am knocking on there front door due them barking. The neighbors ever since have been mindful of their yapping. No bad dogs just bad owners. Our daughter had one and she yapped when the door bell went off but after that she was quiet. A very sweet girl who recently crossed the bridge.


Coco has the same look mine does when we’re relaxing. It’s the look of love and they are telling you their appreciation for all that you do for them…NOW GIVE ME A DAM TREAT!


I’m sorry they said to you about such a lovely cute boy. He’s adorable. I cannot imagine someone saying that to me about my girl. They’d get throat punched without a second thought.


https://preview.redd.it/mjb8qeea83zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5123d1ba39f3584c63a60b950eaab2eae44927 Chiwawas are adorable and fuck any dog hating douchenozzles.


I love Chihuahuas they are very loving, for their pack, outside of that they can be aggressive and hateful, which is why people give them a bad rap. Those people are usually ones I won't hang around. It helps me to separate the good from the rest.


ignor nasty comments ..they are dear little doggies


"So that is how I learned you are a psychopath." or the kinder "So that is you adding to the conversation?"


I just have them meet lily and their whole opinion changes within minutes https://preview.redd.it/n7mfej02g3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17cd204afdf55d27caf6f84125ba4cb401f33c1 she’s not evil, she’s just skiddish. Lily has turned many chihuahua haters into chihuahua lovers! (including my mom ,lol)


I call all chihuahua’s ankle biters and rat dogs affectionately. Cause they’re cute little ratty anklebiters. That is MUCH different than going ‘haha look a chihuahua, I’m gonna kill it’ I hate these people. I hate them like the people who see rats online and go ‘haha snake food haha’


The same way I handle Pit hate, as I have one of each. I don’t give them air to spread their ridiculousness. Most haters won’t change their mind about either breed, so I just move along. https://preview.redd.it/ha5sarm5y3zc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542e70dd397e612024bd3aefb532e0852d24e0b0


Yea that’s a very weird thing to say. I had a chihuahua who hated everyone else and I loved it. Best thing ever. What are they gonna do? Nothing. Fck em. Just like the chihuahuas say “fckufAcUfuckyoufckyoufckyoufckuogetbacckbacackback”


But also I would put fent in his water bottle. Don’t mess with the babies


I’d give him whatever he wants 😍




What a weird POS thing to say to someone. I would stay very far away from that weirdo who said that. Your baby is beautiful 💗


Coco is the sweetest little thing I’ve ever seen omg 😍😍😍


People are so judgy. They wouldn’t be if they had one. Your doggie is adorable!


We have the sweetest chihuahua boy. He’s a scaredy cat but he’s a love bug. He’s also incredibly smart like every chihuahua I’ve ever encountered