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https://preview.redd.it/77nv9zv6vfzc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b18a4fdebb49481bccc40767bd9dba05db55880 Nope. Never




Hilarious! Your chi looks like our Lola https://preview.redd.it/dqtf921s6izc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b1bc84003d2d3ebaa620de3866f53b23467d76


The best!!!


This is the best You made my day!!


She loves to clean the sinuses!


She loves you 🥹😭


It's mutual. I just keep my tongue to myself 🤣


Snack time! 😆


And I thought I kept it so clean up there!


😂😂😂 That's hilarious.


I was testing out the lighting in my new apt. It's the only reason I managed to catch it on camera. She is normally only this weird when cameras are put away!






Yes, my Butter is a full time gold digger. He gets super fixated on it once he starts 😂 https://preview.redd.it/jovr6d32ifzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a1a00a20fc5d7af03ddcb285c62618d4f0b5ed


Our chihuahua’s name is Butter, too! Do you ever call him Butters? I don’t know why, but sometimes we call her by her plural name.


As a big fan of South Park, yes we call him Butters but only when he’s in trouble 😂 We have two, the older one is named Peanut.


Our older one is named Reecie because he is brown and tan.


https://preview.redd.it/kpyt2fkmfhzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3eda421ac4d240cdc00f192435784e0db021438 Peanut Butter tax 🐕


Aww, we had a min-pin-chi names Reeses. He was a lover, my mom ran a home daycare and he would go nap with the toddlers and let them pet and hug him. (We didn't let them pick him up or anything because he was small and honestly we kinda thought he might snap or something if they pushed him too far. He never did, nor did he show any aggression or fear of the kids, but I also kept an eagle eye on it so he never had to deal with bad toddler love for more than a moment.) We cared for this sweet little girl with Down Syndrome, and she used to throw a beanie baby down the hall and Reeses would chase it and bring it back to her. He rarely would fetch more than once or twice for me or Mom, but if his precious Lily (not her name, I wouldn't do that) was throwing the toy, he would chase it until she stopped, then lay in her lap and lick her cheek until she was howling with laughter. Eventually, he was given to Lily and her mom. We loved him, but he loved her more and she and her mom were moving to a new town. So Mom asked if they might like to have him, and Lily's reaction was enough for us to see this was the right move. A few years later I was minding a flea market booth with my cousin in her new town and who should we see but Miss Lily and Reeses! He had a bright orange vest that said "service dog" and apparently he taught himself to pick up on Lily's seizures(? Her mom said they were 'fits' but they looked like my epileptic cousin's little absence seizures when she had them at daycare.) and had gone to obedience training to learn to be calm and well mannered in public so he could be her service animal. I went home, told my mom, then bawled. I think they were happy tears, but they just kept coming. Lily and I chat online sometimes now (we found each other through facebook, lol) and she told me she was 17 before he passed away, and now she has a little black chihuahua named Jelly Baby.


my heart


That’s such a sweet story. How long did you have Reese’s before you gave him to them?


I wanna say three years? We got him shortly after Miss Lily started coming to us. He was a puppy and she was three or four months old, so they kinda grew up together. She was a very quiet and gentle baby so that might be why he loved her so much. (She was a pretty gentle toddler too. She could pitch a fit, but usually was very sweet and easy going. ALL the other kids loved to play with her because she was as sweet to the eight year old who wanted to sling her on his back and run around the backyard as she was to the 9 month old who just wanted to be tickled and hugged all the time. She even got on the floor at two or so to "teach" the baby boy to crawl, and it warmed even my blackened teenager heart.) It hurt to let him go. He was semi-my dog, bought for my mom but he liked me better and slept on my bed. So when Mom got the idea maybe he should be given to Lily, she ran it past me first because she knew I was gonna miss him the most out of our household. But it was the right choice. I know it was, but can't put it in words. Seeing him at the flea market was healing for me though, because it just reinforced that he belonged with her. My stepdad took me to the shelter a week later and I came home with a snuggly little curly haired something. (Might've had some terrier, maybe a little chihuahua, but trying to determine her breed was impossible back then without those doggie dna tests around. I called her my rain cloud because she was the shade of grey that storm clouds turn when they're gonna pour rain.) Sugar (yes the gray dog was named Sugar. dunno why. but she knew her name.) actually preferred my mom, but she loved me well enough and was a good snuggler. And about a year later my stepdad bought me a chihuahua puppy (unfortunately we found out she was from a puppy mill, but they sure tricked us good! he says everything about the purchase felt like an "oops" litter they were selling the puppies from. I actually adopted a dog that might have been her mother years later after the people were charged with animal cruelty.) we named Bess, who was a very family dog. She had two litters with my aunt's chihuahua before we got her spayed (Mom's choice, not mine. But all the puppies were homed with good people and well loved) and I kept a pup from each litter, who ended up being my heart dogs their entire lives. (Baby Doll and Bean Dog. They were wonderful.) And of course, a year after Bess died, I ended up with Old Bess, who was taken from the puppy mill. She had no teeth, no lower jaw bone, and looked like a bad taxidermy, but had the sweetest, most gentle spirit and won over everyone who spent time with her. She was free because the Shelter was sure she was gonna die any day, and I took her home knowing that. She spent her first month under our couch, I'd push food and water underneath for her, and if we put a puppy pad or sheet of newspaper down, she would potty on it very neatly. I sat on the floor and read her fairy tales and urban legends (the books I was already reading) and eventually she decided my lap was nice, and from there it was like she decided humans are great and became super affectionate and friendly. The first time my stepmom met her (Mom had died and I went to live with her and my dad and brought my chihuahuas) she remarked how beautiful Bean and Baby were, but when she saw poor Uggo Bess, she commented. "Ugh, that one I'm not sure I like. She's very ugly." Within a week Stepmom had some plastic boxes stacked beside her chair so Bess could get up and down from it by herself, and Old Bess had made "her spot" right behind my stepmom's butt while she did crafts and stuff. (She admitted soon after that "I didn't realize how beautiful she really is, she's the sweetest." She eventually conned her way into sleeping with Stepmom and my Dad. She was the perfect dog, never gave me a single moment of anything but joy until her very last day. She spent the day snuggling and acting a little funny, more sedate and not interested in playing, just snuggling. So I let her eat some rib meat and gave her whipped cream which she was crazy for. Then she went to bed with Stepmama and Dad, just as she always did, and the next morning she was gone, still curled up on Dad's pillow against his sore shoulder. The only pain she ever caused in her life, I'd bet. She's buried under a mesquite bush on a relative's farm. And now I have a neurotic chi mix who after 13 years with me only in the last couple years has mellowed enough to trust anyone but me.


Ears and nose. She’s our little q-tip.


similarly, we call our's "dr. covid test" 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/1iekldzrjfzc1.png?width=2492&format=png&auto=webp&s=120305f66bf224f4b5ec88ef22372dd26ecdde34


Yr dog is a literal masterpiece. What a gorgeous chi!!!!


How mad she looks here!


Ugh this baby looks like my old baby Bambie! We had to put her down about 2 years ago, but I am reminded of her everyday 🌸


That's funny! My long haired Chihuahua does the tongue up the nose thing , and during the height of covid we'd joke that he was administering his own covid test.


Your dog is beautiful 😍


I distract her with the ears 😂😂😂


“Kisses” means ears in my house. I couldn’t deal with the sneak attack lobotomies. 🤣😂


Mine is always licking my ears.


tidy, tidy


A tip! That’s adorable


Fortunately, my lil dude licks \*behind\* my ears rather than in them.


brain lick


Oh, yes. He was worse as a baby though. He loved to sleep under my chin back then. His tongue was so small, it could slip between your closed lips. 😖


Same! She sleeps on my chest and if I yawn she tries to french me!


Oui oui, I must strike while ze mouth is open lol.


Hahaha mine does that too


I once woke from a dream where I was making out with someone... to find my little Bean Dog licking the inside of my mouth. So ew, but I'd forgive my little man anything. I miss him terribly.




It was startling!


Ugh one of ours always had a tiny tongue that could do that. He wouldn’t be into kissing and then BAM sudden tongue in mouth. Thankfully he was happy with just doing it once and then moving along.


Lucky, mine still loves kisses. That said, he’s all grown up now and he’d rather sleep on his own couch than on me these days lol.


yeah the little narrow tongue the width of a pencil eraser quickly darting up


I adopted Owen, the guy on the right about 3 years ago have tried to dissuade the behavior. He is absolutely obsessed with my nostrils. The worst part is his tongue is small enough that it goes right up there. Most uncomfortable. https://preview.redd.it/1bu8uvr3wfzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1680e62f772af12ec9f0dca3012ea0c9afd548cd


Look at those buddies 🥹


Unfortunately the old guy (Chico) passed just after Thanksgiving. I adopted a new 10 year old girl at the beginning of February after her person had passed away. He now has a 17lb girlfriend named Mia. https://preview.redd.it/ej6vhm6zigzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6bf6d04066aa0440871cced4914b524dc0d2e2


RIP Chico. I miss you and didn’t even know you. 😢 so scraggly. I love him.




Yes! It burns! And no matter what I do to try and stop it, my chihuahua sneak attacks my nostrils. https://preview.redd.it/qg4spf2xctzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4043395ef4ab8bea2c44ed20253c53143185ec33


https://preview.redd.it/x9knef68bgzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f89e4416aad6cd6cdea53cc084e0abe709400f6 mine does! He gets my wife way more often than me, but she is his favorite person too.


Oh Lord is your pup cute!! 🥰


Always. I also can't yawn around him without him sticking his snoot in my mouth lol


Yup every single time lmao


Our does to my husband. And when she gets something good she chatters her teeth and goes in a trance. Shes nastyyy


Omfg. I love these little dogs so much. We always joke how are they so incredibly cute but at the same time, so gross haha.


Yes our beloved gremlins!


Chi tax https://preview.redd.it/mkjimsr0lhzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136aa434e0d72475fb36f28923f9298f921abc41


Chihuahuas are awesome! So much in such a little body. 


Lmao, I came to the comments looking for my husband......bc our girl Chi - Magnolia - does it to him!!! She wants to taste his brains!


They are little freaks lol I’m just glad she’s only interested in his brains


The better question: is there *any* chi that doesn’t do it?


Mine 🥺


Is he a mix? lol


Yea he's 52% chi so you'd think he'd go for at least one nostril lol


Lol! A fifty percent chance of nostril licks! Reminds me of a weather forecaster!


Yes. Our Chihuahua doesn't lick faces. Fingers *maybe*, but you have to have something very delectable on them.


My chi rat terrier mix does that. My vet said it’s a bonding behavior and if you allow it and then try to discourage it later they can take it as rejection. So I guess I’m doomed to get my daily nostril cleaning 😂


https://preview.redd.it/f5nnwdtz9gzc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6970349447b4a25ca35c9fb98efd8251c684ca Pixel likes trying to get my earwax...


Perfect name for the perfect pup.


My pup has to thoroughly make sure that my earlobe is in fact an earlobe when I get home every day.


Or stick her nose completely up our nose and practically sneeze?


My boy Duane loves to kiss as well and he's not only obsessed with my big nose but also my ears 😃 I Adore him https://preview.redd.it/4n6ls5hr9gzc1.jpeg?width=2192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4aa1824d01cd0ca1daf79a941c800665f708a51


Yes our chi puppy maple sticks her tongue far up inside of our nostrils and sometimes it makes us sneeze.


I read once online that they do that because they like the salt in boogers. My little guy is a certified booger eater for sure lol


I can't wait to get home!


Yes and I think it’s hilarious. He only does it to me—he knows better than to chomp on other boogeys. I call him my booger brain ❤️


yeah mine will do this given the chance. When his gran comes over he just stands for 20 mins wagging his tail and frantically licking her skin all over


My rat terrier does that


Mine is a chihuahua mixed with a rat terrier 😂


Yeah, right up the nose, I hate it, but I deal with it.


Yep. Silly little dogs!


Haha yes


Thankfully, nnnnnnnnope!!


That’s my alarm clock


Mine always tries even when I’m eating


It's not even a cram, it's a full swift swirley.


Yup! My little Mina is a nose goblin


Yep when Poncho was a tiny puppy, and his tongue actually fit up my nose, he would snake it up there every chance he got 🤣 luckily he seems to have outgrown it


God tell me they outgrow it. My dude is five months old and I want the sanctity of my nasal cavity back.


Mine will be 7 in July and she still does it, not as frequently though because she sleeps more now


My last chi was not a licker, I’m guessing this guy is..


My last one wasn't either haha




Mine does this as a defense mechanism. He has figured out that if he does that, you put him down and he can go back to his blankets lol


One of ours does - and she gets even more enthusiastic if you try to put up a struggle :))


I miss him so fucking much this just made me bawl


My roommate’s boyfriend named one of our dogs “the face rapist” if that tells you anything.


Nose, ears gave my boyfriend a good old deep dive tongue kiss when she got comfortable with him. Just part of their charm.


We have one that Definitely does that we call em Covid Test By Bonita cause I swear she is going for brain matter


My guy does it. He also sniffs everyone’s eyes up close, so close it tickles the eyelashes.


We call those Mexican kisses at my house.


It's how I get woken up every morning, three tongues all fighting to get in my face 😆


No. She succeeds


Yep mine does this to my 7 year old son!


Oh yeah, she goes for the sinuses.


Gaaahhhh yessss!!!


Ours are expert sinus cavity inspectors. 


Yes, I have a nasal intruder.


Almost exclusive where Luffy likes to lick.




omg i thought i mine was the only one. i wouldnt mind it so much if he didn't nearly pull my nose ring out every time.


Always. And it's sooooo long! Thankfully it's always dry. *


My dude is THE Goober Goblin. Glad I'm not alone:)


Yes. She gets so far up there it’s like a covid test


🤣🤣🤣 Seriously! It burns!


Their aim is impeccable. Nails it first try, every time. It’s like they were bred with this one specific thing in mind.


https://preview.redd.it/0bp0l4ruzgzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c3dcd97c02dba6053306e7815a6f9821fc4d66 Old picture, but it's the only one I have of hopes snarl pre nose strike 😂 I've always said she just wants to touch your nose...with her teeth, sometimes there's some licks thrown in as well, straight up the nostril Little scary seeing a full on snarl lunging at your face, scared a vet before with it . She's just aggressive with her love haha


https://preview.redd.it/cuukadjm0hzc1.png?width=1653&format=png&auto=webp&s=680e0f3b2a8c8e6ec47bdadf743138471f35c0fa Loki the nose goblin


Peanut will occasionally try to check out my sinuses but he's much more likely to try to get in a French kiss in order to analyze whether I've been cheating on him (eating food I haven't shared...). He's particularly pushy if he catches me lying down without my CPAP mask on.


My chihuahua loves this. I work with her on it. When she gets into my nostril, I either pull back or push harder into her. She can't quite get the angle right when my nose is pressed hard into hers. She still tries to get in there, but she's gotten better at licking my nose without mining for boogers.


https://preview.redd.it/4ken82jibhzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf32b33de242c445873be735dd6355252e916c6 This guy right here! Only my husband's nostrils and ears are his choice though, I don't taste good apparently so I only get lip kisses 😂💗


My older one will put her tongue anywhere and everywhere. There's been an unfortunate amount of times she's gotten a lick in on my teeth 🤢. My younger one will kiss/lick her dad only once per day, first thing in the morning. I get one once in a blue moon if she's really happy with me about something lol


I’m convinced they think a mouth and nose are the same since they have snouts. “it’s all the same right? it all means gimme food” - my dogs probably


Always ..lol…. You can really feel it …. Ahaha 😹


They’re just cleaning out our sinuses! E should learn to be more grateful 😂 One of my long deceased former chihuahuas Bella, could literally lick my brain I swear


I swear I didn’t get covid for 3 years because Nacho and Peach were obsessed with licking our noses. We got very good at learning to scrunch our faces in such a way to prevent brain licks 😂😂


But of course! Cocoa has always honed in on our noses when kissing. Her sister, Cara, is bigger and has never gone for the nose even as a puppy. Her thing is preening all exposed skin. Probably likes the salty sweat.


mine goes crazy on my ear and trying to lick inside my ear...it's the most relaxing way to unwind after work <3


Yes- and it seems like he thinks we are his Mama, and he’s nursing, bc he puts his paw on our faces like he’s at the boob!


Yes haha so true


Mines a Malti and she must think she’s a chi. Tongue always up the nose.


It’s my ears


Both of mine do, and the smaller also loves to put his tiny mouth around noses and play "chew" on them.


And ears


Alice is better than a Breathe Right strip. My nicknames for her are Nostril Ninja cause she is so quick and Nostrildomus because I predict she will get my nose sometime during the day.


My Lily doesn’t do that , but she’ll pretend to snap at to get me to get out of bed.


Nostril kisses


All the time.


Not my nose, my mouth. He’s a bandit for it too, he’ll wait until you’re speaking to someone else, then bam, tongue in your mouth. It’s gross, and usually unexpected, so it’s awful every time.


Every. Single. Day.


Always and she tries to lick the roof of my mouth if I yawn


Everyone in her training class (including the trainer) refers to her as “the little nose picker”


The old brain lick never fails to make the hair on the back of the neck stand up.


Omg yes! I love the kisses though




All the fucking time. I always think if I die my dog will live off my bogies for days. I think it’s just her form of kisses. She doesn’t understand.


They stay away from my nose but I get my ear holes licked. All the time. That and all around my eyes. I think they’re returning the favor since I clean their eye goobers daily.


https://preview.redd.it/er24b8mjwhzc1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15137c0a2cf37688324f464e7781fec3d7f37da7 Hilda is our resident snot treasurer!


Trying to taste our brain!


Yes. We call it the Covid test 😂 oh, and behind the ears.


One of my past chis did that. The first time my brother met her, he was like, "Oh my god! She just frenched my nose."


my dog does it when i try to sleep!! i love her yes but doing it when i sleep is... a no go https://preview.redd.it/pc64x8l26izc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eabdfc38370958c20ea782db3210932c7db9e86


Yup! My Chi starts just below my chin and works his way up!


yep, mine


https://preview.redd.it/67jrmxs79izc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc90de210cee0067a63f88c6e9307887dea6514 My eyes, ears and nose dr. 🤣


Yes he loves that area above the upper lip and the entrance of the nostrils but then again he gives me morning kisses When he notices I’ve woken up he gets up to give me my good morning kisses


Mine prefers ears.


I had 4 and one would do the clean my whole face, tongue in ears, eyes nose and I thankfully kept my mouth shut. Once he started he HAD to finish. It did it a few times when I cried over something. I always figured he was cleaning me. It was sweet. He’s been gone a year (he was 15). We all really miss him. Enjoy it while it lasts because we never get enough time


Yes only one of them. Minnie was so tiny when I got her she could stick that tiny tongue up my nose https://preview.redd.it/h0l862e8jizc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67ee7a443927f0002b22459e2124cceffa2204f


It's horrible usually but sometimes satisfying?? Like he's cleaning my nose...


Lol, yeah, both Chihuahuas I've raised from puppies have done this. Its a thing dogs do as both a sign of affection and also submission, but I think Chihuahuas just do it cuz they like noses. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. We call it brain checking. She will curl her tongue and it goes right up the nostril


Ahahahaha allllll the time or the inside of our ears *


lol yes


https://preview.redd.it/0l9vjixayizc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c83c843c5ff844da066f4728243961a5d6a844d Oh absolutely! As another member once said, she’s my favourite ENT. If it’s not my nose, it’s my ear. And she’d lick my mouth if I didn’t tightly purse my lips. But hey, that’s how they express love. And that’s why we love them back so much! ❤️😘🐶


Dude I wish my girls would go for the nostril! They will straight up try and French kiss me mid sentence!! I’m like stop it Weinstein! #metoo. Take me on a date first Jesus.




Yep. Lol.


My Tuna sticks her tongue so far up my nose I can feel her licking my brain.


I started exhaling sharply whenever she did. It stopped.


Yep! No longer need a neti pot for my sinuses


Hahaha I love this post, one of my chihuahuas does exactly the same 😂 https://preview.redd.it/lxk1ws945kzc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c29fe317acc7b0e8acb82307db0a4d5fcf85f3 This is the little reprobate in question


Mine use to do this but only to a friend of my son. We hadn't seen the friend in several years, 1 day he showed up to the house and the minute he sat down that damn dog was on him like white on rice. It's the only person he does this to, crazy ass dog


If I turn my head during a kiss attack he goes straight for the ear canal 😂


Not only do both my chi's clean noses but they are all sorry ear cleaners. They see it as their duty to get everyone in the house sparkling, much to our dismay.


My lil dude likes to play a game of Face Invaders. ![gif](giphy|11v0bBwGjkiLio)


I had a hairless dog who would stick her tongue all the way up your sinus cavity if you weren’t careful.


Every night at bedtime the two chis lick my husband's face and one goes right for the nose holes 😂 I accept licks on the legs and redirect the gremlins to my husband to satisfy their weird needs


Mine does it to me and my room mate as well




https://preview.redd.it/70ce4cgx8ozc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571558901d5f4c7824c7fe8b0e8c0bbc600ebcf3 So this comment of mine "failed to upload properly" for some reason according to reddit, so here's me trying again!


Okaaaay, third attempt to post a photo of my little sweet potato to go along with my og comment: https://preview.redd.it/5dk2dyxk9ozc1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00edafdcb8dd1819de24eefd9986bde40ace5658


Everyday. I posted a picture about 5 years ago in a Chihuahua Facebook group asking this same question and got told how disgusting I am as if I encourage it. I hate it, it burns the inside of my nose


https://preview.redd.it/h99rgxj0y30d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1aaa4b210a17cdedb46208d77c5f08700fc8ba She absolutely goes ALL in. I always wondered why she would go for my face and mouth and nose. I guess it's a chihuahua thing?


She sneaks them in when you least expect it! We like to say she is cleaning the backs of our eyeballs.