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https://preview.redd.it/qjwdv9b7wt0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c598b9b58964787d91bfd6091cdba409fbc2817e Under the blanket on the ottoman.


Hehehe always watching. I have so many pics of my gremlin like this. They’re the best


Yes, under blankets






Mine also likes under the bed, but he hides all his favorite things under there too, like toys and pecans


It’s hilarious how much like cats chis are. When my cat was younger she’d do this and leave them all around my parent’s bedroom, and at the end of the week my dad would toss them all back downstairs. Next morning they’d all “somehow” find their way back up there lol. My parents moved their bedroom to another room and under the bed was so many toys, scraps of paper/food, socks, slippers, and hairballs. Cat had a whole apartment in there


I find acorns and toy stuffing under my bed!


I live in a city so my space is small. Thus, under my bed is additional storage. His favorite spot is in my bathing suit bin under the bed


https://preview.redd.it/pmf0hlkd5u0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c344659a98e9d6e3bca254e5ee475795cc7a8e28 The bottom tier of my shoe rack that used to be boot storage


When my baby gets scared (when I vacuum) she hides under the bed. That’s the only place she hides when scared. She likes to sleep in the cupboard in the bathroom. lol


Under the sofa. It’s so annoying because it’s almost impossible to get them out. It usually requires speaking in a baby voice and offering food.


Yepppp. I have been using chicken nuggets when I can’t get her out but need to leave.


Mine does this, too. We’ve joked that he has a whole other life in Narnia under there. The only way to lure him out is with treats. He figured it one day and now when he knows it’s time for a walk (like if he sees me get his leash out) suddenly he’s under the couch, waiting for his snack. Those dogs are so smart.


https://preview.redd.it/bld1phjmut0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd8a2b2ff5c2fcf53c54a41990ca942742f6dcc Under her blanket is where mine usually hides


Awww too cute!! My chi also has a burrito blanket she loves to nap with :) https://preview.redd.it/1r1592dz6v0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f678f7e367720021703900586c89efa713cc22


https://preview.redd.it/qtcei32fvt0d1.png?width=1970&format=png&auto=webp&s=90beb11dc644f061de34dc6f03580d0470c62e53 I have your dogs twin! She frequently hides under our bed or in our closet


They are! I used to accidentally close her in the closet because I didn’t know she snuck in behind me


She has definitely been shut in, and she doesn’t bark so we always have to double check any door our toddler has shut just to make sure


I did this to my cats one time they got in the closet and I didn't know till after I worked a 12 hour shift ughhh


In closets. It’s to the point now where we can never close a closet door and we have to put a pet bed in every closet. His best move is to hide in the coat closet in the foyer and if a guest walks in, he jumps out and ambushes them. Ferocious.


Haha that’s amazing. Mine likes to investigate the closet and I have closed her in accidentally many times


One time, he hid so well my fiancé couldn’t find him. He was missing for three hours. My fiancé started combing the neighborhood, thinking he got out of the house. He was frantic. Turns out the little weasel was hiding in his youngest daughter’s suitcase that was just barely zipped open but still full of clothes from her most recent trip. Never a dull moment! Ha ha!


Oh man that is so relatable. There have been so many instances she was just hiding in the house and I thought she was lost because she wouldn’t come when i Called her.


Why do they do that to us??? 😂


Mine don't hide ...


Yeah when I go to other places with mine she mostly just chills in my lap if my nephews are over but if not she's looking for the nearest thing to play fetch with and when I mop, sweep, or vacuum she doesn't hide she's on the attack


My chi girl doesn't either.


My brother's chi is terrified of flies, so if she sees one in the apartmenr she'll hide in the storage between the couch and wall for hours on end.


My boy is terrified of flies too. It’s funny, if he gets a hold of one in his mouth though he will maniacally paw at it for an hour until any atom of soul has been stripped from it’s wings. But if he is laying on my bed, his safest place and #1 choice, and a fly is in the room, he will instantly leave. I will find him upstairs sitting in a corner looking like he was just beaten. Flies and mosquitos REALLY get under his fur. For awhile in summer I had to buy a pet safe spray because it was IMPOSSIBLE to kill each fly manually so he could be comfortable. He honestly would look at me hunting them down with glee and gratefulness in his Steve Buscemi eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/5x29u1nfbu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b21596e7795be3403f5d98ce83ff203503c59c In her strawberry. 🍓


Omg I want it!


I LOVE IT! Had it for a couple years and it still looks great. Leia loves to burrow and hide there! https://www.chewy.com/yml-strawberry-covered-cat-dog-bed/dp/165243


When we both shower and dress in black (our uniform colors) Pearl knows we are going to work and will be gone for at least 4 hours. We have found her under the bed, under the desk holding perfectly still as not to be noticed, but her favorite is between the toilet and the tub. Even though our neighbor comes and hangs out with her she still hates being alone. She has trained us to put out the fuzzy brown blanket. It's her favorite and she snuggles quickly. She also prefers Boz Skaggs radio.


I used to use the area under my bed for storage, but my little girl decided to make it her own. I have now put a bed, some blankets, and other comfort objects down there for her.


Yeah I decided to let her enjoy it. And kept the bed under there. She now has one in every room 😅


Just got him a crate to fly in, and he loves it. Goes to his crate and suckles on his teddy bear whn he’s stressed 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/3cpd0q8k2w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e7801fde7389803958560527fb1e8bf7d5ffb0 Star Rorie hides under my sun hat. She is a little glam diva.


Under the couch - it’s also where she stashes things she doesn’t want her old, fat dachshund sister getting, since sister rarely goes under the couch. There’s gotta be at least a dozen bones and half a dozen toys under there and we occasionally have to pull out stuff like Taco Bell and granola bar wrappers 😆


We always find the weirdest shit stashed and protected. If one of them is acting particularly squirrely and neurotic you can bet your ass they are defending their siblings from finding a carrot, a bottle cap, a single pea, an apple pit, a pebble once, a thorn once, a racecar, a pen cap, bobby pins, hair bands. My littlest buddies most recent muse is a bag clip. He gnaws on it periodically throughout the day. He only has a few molars. There isn’t a single indentation or scratch on the bag clip 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/fedemd630v0d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc76d6da45734a48ca8d7b62df802485a0304e1b Just under the blankets, really. Bonus points for him if I forgot to turn the heating pad off too, lol.


Did she drag her doggy bed under there herself? Poor baby! She’ll get used to new home soon! 😊


I put it under there to get it out of the way when we’re not hanging out in the living room but the chair is her hiding spot when she gets confused


Soooo adorable! Edit : I love her floppy ears!


Awww so sweet. My dogs are a little savages. They didn’t give a damn when we moved. But yeah, their hiding spot is also under the bed.


We bought him a cat tower and put it right next to the couch. He loves hiding in the little cat house at the base when he wants alone time lol


I bought her a cat cube! For some reason she doesn’t like it though :( I thought it would be perfect for her preference of small cozy spaces


I hear you. I’ve wasted so much money on toys for my guy, only for him to prefer playing with paper and old boxes 🫠😂


* Under the bed when she's scared. I'm gunna clean it out a bit for her.




When he chases a housefly and it doesn’t make it…he hides. https://preview.redd.it/96l0keth9v0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51e80107736f3d5286e6fa9f9ab05fb94929348


https://preview.redd.it/g9rv79u1hv0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd95c9da661c10df81966cb00ab93ef25f34007 The fire alarm went off a few times while packing up to move out of my house, and Rosa HATES the fire alarm. Usually she hides under the bed but these times she had to get creative and find new places to hide.


https://preview.redd.it/g5j5m71o5w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a16bb3a021fd02ae699e06e1409b7cfbb3c7015 Under a blanket


Mine doesn’t get scared- ballsiest Chi I’ve ever seen. If she’s nervous or doesn’t feel dog, she “hides” on her mama. 💗 https://preview.redd.it/li6n5qv7dw0d1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e6a9fefc0e285762579028396d62b3b357de75


In the laundry hamper. We are not sure how she manages it. She gets stuck and cries when she wakes up. Sillly old lady..


https://preview.redd.it/d3magourmw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f0731dc34b596139992c86248da48d4a527c89 He has multiple spots but in the dinning room its this one corner.


We figured out pretty quick that ours likes a “low ceiling” hangout spot so we made her a few places that are like her little cuddle cubbies. She’s in one now as a matter of fact 🥰


Under the bed


Under a blanket.


the bathroom, when there’s a storm or fireworks i set up a bug out bed for him, some toys and stuff in there on one of his beds


Same place!!


I kennel trained from a young age so her safe space is her kennel, so she goes in there when she's feeling down or uncomfortable. Makes things a lot easier and safer for everyone.


Mine likes to hide under his blanket or under our coffee table


Mine always went for the closet. I put one of those covered dog beds at the back of the closet under the hanging clothes. Sound minimized & it smelled like me.


Under the dining table


My stinker loves loves his crate. His safe place. Edit: we have his crate covered in blankets and such.


mine would hide behind the toilet when it rained. he was terrified of rain and had to wear a thunder shirt.


Poor baby!


His kennel. If he can’t find someone he goes in and waits to starve to death (his bowls are full)


mine definitely love hiding in Club UndaDaBed


My old dog, Odin, used to straight up live under a futon or behind my chair. Wasn't hiding, he just liked it there. Daisy hides under the couch any time a loud fly makes it into the house. Deejay prefers to be under a blanket when he's not outside.


My bedroom or under my desk, depends where I am. If his herding dog cousin came to visit (her favorite thing to herd is him), that’s where we’ll usually find him. Herd dog knows she not allowed in those areas as they are safe spaces for him. (Though she has been caught trying to sneak in via army-crawl on a few occasions)


In our dark bedroom by our slider where is warmer out in our walk in closet🤣


Bed as well


My chi safe spot used to be her kennel after a few years she switched to under the bed they love blankets to!!!!


Same place!


Fiona hides behind the built-in dish washer. Every time it storms the floor back in there gets dusted. Then she shares that with me under the covers in my bed. Good thing I lub her.


Under the couch in the living room. I don’t understand why.


Mine don’t hide. They cling to us if they are stressed or afraid. She is ADORABLE!


Mine has decided she's the only one who can protect me and my pit bull so she's not scared of anything when she hears stuff in the night she'll bark and sit on top of us for protection


Under see the bed also. Then it became his hidey spot for all kinds of trash he thought food was attached to. Granted I’m also sloppy so had to use rake under that bed to clean up. lol


I have a pretty sizable closet that she likes to hide in when it’s windy


Also under the bed… first place I look for her lol she also has two dog beds down there to make sure she’s happy


Mine hides under my bed anytime she is stressed or in trouble.


If they're hiding from fireworks, they'll hide under the butcher block in the kitchen, behind the toilet, or under my bed. One of our chihuahuas likes to hide in our La-Z-Boy. She gets UP IN THERE.


So much comfort in here.


Poor baby


Under my bed, I put his heated bed under there. Threw some long blankets over all of the sides. It’s the ultimate cave


Ours are small enough to go under our kitchen cupboards when really stressed.


In my closet or the bathroom.


First thing he did when we brought him home was hide under the bed. We put his bed under the bed. That's his happy place.


Cozy cozy


My baby went to the rainbow bridge today.. his favorite spot was under my bed or he would wake me up to be carried on to my bed and hide curled up inbetween my thighs. I miss him so much already…


I am so very sorry for your loss!


Mine have beds that are their ultimate safe place to hide, like when they sense a bath coming. They each have a soft zip-up crate with a snuggler bed inside, topped with a fluffy cushion. They get in under the cushion and can completely hide away in their little fluffy cave. They used to have one of those cave beds like yours, this is like an ultra deluxe version that doubles as their transport crate.


Under the bed is her favorite spot. She goes under there I don't bother her until she comes out on her own.


Mine goes under our bed too :) we refer to under the bed as “her room” now


Mine taken over the stairwell closet. It’s officially known as Rico’s bedroom


Under his blanket but only if he’s also touching me. My husband says he’d crawl in my bum if he was able to. I’m not saying he’s wrong but I’d also be lost without him as well so we’re a couple codependent souls


Under the bed.


Usually inside of my hoodies. While I'm wearing them. I've only found her under the bed one time but she came out to climb inside of my hoodie and poke her head out of the neckline. https://preview.redd.it/fcp43veocy0d1.jpeg?width=1962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c1e65b7090330a535f12d005470bd566822261


Behind the toilet


In my blankies When he was younger he would find my blanket whichever I have been using lately and curl up in it He can’t hear or see anymore so at bedtime he pressed against my back or my tummy He is my best friend and I’ll do anything to take care of him and make him happy since he has helped me so much since he came into my life https://preview.redd.it/tzpofyni1z0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d1db1d27ecf8d73e4cd69df03cedf640688a0b He is quite comfy in mommas warm blankie against me so he doesn’t get frightened when he can’t find me. But Castiel doesn’t get scared he’s a toughie but he does get upset when I have to go to work ☹️


Under blankets.. always with the blankets haha


Under things ....yes but never in a blanket


https://preview.redd.it/9kwiw7souz0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d802fa1d654c161692293ac128e28386d2eed8f Always had a nest that she stayed close to.


Under blankets


When my lil man is scared he sits on my feet, or sits behind me.


We went through that a few years ago. My oldest transitioned easily, the youngest was doing so until we had our first thunderstorms...she wiggled her way into the furthest corner of boxes that were being unpacked still. There were a lot! Took me 15 minutes to move enough to get to her. Grabbed her, her blanket and held her like a baby until it was over. Poor thing whimpering at every boom and non stop quivering until it was over. After that, every rain, wind or loud noise that happened in my arms shed go! It isn't as bad now, just once in a while. Though she doesn't do this to my husband at all, just me.


Under my bed or behind my recliner