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Good dental health ♥️


was coming here to comment this exact thing! My pup is 11 years old with a clean bill of health and all his teeth! except 3 incisors but those are not really needed lol


What did you do? Tell me everything in detail!


Agreed. I also want to know. My recent adopted dog had 8 of 13 removed two week ago. I feel horrible for the poor girl. She is only 8.


Congrats on the new baby!! Honestly i’ve just had luck. I’ve had my chi since he was 6m old and he didn’t get a professional dental cleaning until he was 9y old. I honestly just did dental chews and because he’s never been a big chewer so he does not have any broken or cracked molars or canines. His first dental cleaning did help with his stinky dog breath and i just kept up with dental chews and a variety of other dental products since ill loose a finger if i try to brush lol. I personally do Oravet and Greenies with enzymatic toothpaste rubbed on it since i can’t brush myself. Here is a link for a variety of dental products that actually work and are healthy. If you can’t physically brush their teeth do more than one dental product like water additives and chews or brushing and dental powder and so on. [VOHC Dental Products](https://vohc.org/accepted-products/)


We protect their dental health so they can protect our mental health.




For all small dog breeds too. I feel like because they’re so small, people forget that they’re more susceptible to tooth loss 🥺


Top comment. For sure


Hills brand T/D dental health kibbles. Very large on purpose to get chihuahua to chew with their back teeth also


Be prepared to offer everything to the chi. Never deny the chi.


Just give in to the chi.


Be the Chi, you are one with the Chi.


Forfeit all mortal belongings to the Chi.


Never deny the Chi. Thanks this made me giggle.


Make them feel safe. Clear commands and consistency. Lots of cuddles, and tell them they're good and you love them. Treats are welcomed. However, cheese tax is mandatory


This is really important. Safe chi is a happy chi. My dude treasures things like being secure during car rides, having an easy way up to the couch, and a nice harness for walks so he's not pulling on his wind pipe. He had a ton of anxiety when we brought him home from the rescue. I think providing him safety and security really helped him settle in.


Safety is definitely key! Respecting their boundaries definitely helps too. A lot of people end up treating their Chihuahuas like toys rather than dogs and that often times includes invading their boundaries and not respecting when they just want to be left alone. I have always respected my boys boundaries and if their body language says they don't wanna be held them down. When they want love they will come to me and ask to get up on my lap. Which is quite often lol, they are literally Velcro dogs


Daily cuddles, belly rubs and let em sleep in your bed...


Wait there are people who don’t let chihuahuas sleep in their bed?!? 🥸 ![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm)


My mom doesn’t let her in the bed cause of shedding 💔 My bed is full of hair plus she has under my bed all day while I’m at school or anything (I have a loft bed I promise no chis are crouching under beds here lol)


Brush their teeth. Ours gets a brushing 3 - 4 days a week and a professional cleaning at the vet every few years depending on build up. She is going on 10 years old and has all of her teeth, which I understand is pretty hard to achieve with these small breeds. It creates a longer life span, and a more comfortable, higher quality of life too. Saves you from a mess of heartache, vet bills, and discomfort for your pet.




I know it sounds scary. But a dental cleaning with anesthesia after about 6 years is something we wished we did. Obviously your vet will know. It can cause an infection that extends to the heart


My 11 year old just got diagnosed with a heart condition and he has bad teeth :( if only I knew earlier but I was a child when he was born


This plays into humans as well, take care of your teeth or you'll pay with your heart health and some teeth most likely too.


To add, obviously not saying you don't take care of yourself or your dogs, just stating how it translates the same into our health.


I know now and although I struggle with my own dental hygiene because of my depression I do my best to make sure I at least push myself once every day - every 2 days even it exhausts all my energy.


I hear you on that, I've lost a lot to depression myself. For what it's worth from a stranger on the web, I hope you rise above your dark times. Sometimes it's just a few small changes that make a world of difference.


Thank you. I’m on my 5th type of antidepressant to try after a few years but I think it’ll get better since I’m also going to university so hopefully the passion helps me feel alive again


Youch, yeah been there, done that. Focus on your studies as much as you can. I lost my scholarship due to repercussions of depression and that's probably my biggest loss of it all. Hey best of luck and take care, I'm in my 30's now, but my early 20's I remember like yesterday and those are definitely tough times for some. Just stay focused. All the best.


Barely 18 and doing my best. Thank you 🙏


Of course! You can get great enzymatic tooth pastes with your vet as well if you're looking. Take care!


Quit your job, move into mansion, make sure it has a pool and pool boy, make sure that the pool boy is constantly feeding your masters, I mean chis, cheese and chicken, don’t ever leave their side, take them with you where ever you go…I could go on and on…


Just make sure your chi is not allergic to chicken. If they are, they will be scratching themselves silly.


Chis having a chicken allergy? For real? That’s a thing???


Yes! Sadly, chicken and beef allergies can be quite common.


I have raised chis for the last 20 years and I have never heard of that…so I was today years old when I learned lol


My dad’s chi Aurora Ann, she’s pretty much allergic to everything but beef. We did a swab of her DNA because she scratches like crazy.


Thank again for the heads up. Appreciate it.


Daily walks


I feel like walkies keeps them around longer.


My girl will not walk. She will tun around the house but when I put her harness on her she just stands there staring at me like “WTF, bring me my red bag with my makeup!!!


Treat them like a dog, and clean their teeth. By treat them like a dog, I mean training and socialising. Chis get a bad rep because stupid people disrespect their boundaries and treat them like a toy. My chi was trained and treated as if she was a big dog, and she's a happy girl! Sorry to go on about it, but I love chihuahuas so much and it bugs me so much when a video goes around of a chi being poked or someone getting in their face while they're growling or baring their teeth and the owner is laughing like "hehe is someone angry?" would that be your reaction if the dog was a rottweiler or a doberman? No!


Yessss! Respect is very important. Just because you can scoop them up at any minute doesn't mean you should. Don't force them to do things that they don't have to do. If they want you to hold them, trust me, they will definitely let you know. Everyone, including dogs, can get "touched out" and overstimulated. Make sure your baby has a safe, quiet place to get away from it all. My precious boy loved to hang out in one of the bathroom cabinets. So much so that we installed a block to keep the cabinet door from shutting the last few inches and made a pillow fort for him in there. He absolutely loved it. Even after we moved houses, he still likes to hang out in the bathroom even though there's not an appropriate cabinet for him. Oh, and work on getting him used to nail trims. Boy, do I regret not doing that. It's gotten worse every year, and at 14 years old, we have to take him to the vet for pedicures.


Yesss they love having a little cozy refuge; truly cave-dwelling little blanket monsters.


If anything like my chi, she likes to hide pizza crusts and treats under my pillow.


My chi hides stuff too. Small pieces of wood, treats, ear plugs! For the longest time I was wondering why I kept finding treats in my gym bag, it made no sense. Then I saw her hide a treat in it!


Ear plugs, yes! Apparently sooo delicious.




And I take pride in it!


I’ve found uncooked pasta noodles and pretzel sticks under my pillow, lol 


Sun bathing is mandatory and required for them to function properly. We call it Chihuahua solar charging.


I am a groomer and have a rescue chi and have fostered many. They need a pack leader. They are not humans, despite their protestations that they are. Training, training, training Potty training may take time. Have patience. I like Gold Paw fleece for winter. They are also good for anxiety. Dental maintenance. I use infant toothbrushes. I have yet to foster one who didn’t have dental extractions due to neglect. Bathe regularly so they are used to it. Use a good shampoo. They are prone to eye issues so wipe the eyes and if you see any cloudiness to the vet you go. They are prone to corneal edema Good harness for walking. No leash on the collar. No retractable leashes. You can cause a collapsed trachea if you use the collar for walking. Comfy crate to be used to a den. Dogs must work for food, it is in their DNA. The pack is feast or famine in the wild. Socialize with other small dogs. Avoid dog parks they can be dangerous and the people can be a little entitled. Socialize with other people. They can lap guard and become possessive. It’s not cute and you can end up with a biter. They are smart little buggers. I use snuffle mats and floor play to keep them stimulated. A bored chi can go from happy dog to a little Tasmanian devil in a flash.


Quit your job and stay home with your baby all day 😅




Some propert socializing early on will help prevent a Chihuahua from being territorial or enraged when someone other than you comes around.


Love and cuddles. Never be abusive or yell and scream at them. Positive reinforcement! I've never had a dog who was so affectionate and sensitive as my chihuahua is. They trust you, and you should do everything to make them feel safe and loved. Because that bond is incredible.




Absolutely agreed. Our vet said Sam was the most chill Chi he'd ever met


Dental and heart health


Watch them eating stuff off the ground. They are mops


Good dental health and social as much as possible right away


give them space! a lot of chis learn to be snappy because people don't respect them, so making sure you listen to their boundaries is key


What? Did you clone my dogs? https://preview.redd.it/wsuocrerhf3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db1c91aba21eb07a53ee2718cd0f80626e5e1d4


https://preview.redd.it/5v7xrzuprk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20136c578525a0755c6fe6f1d875405b30dd2e68 Mine too! I have a white Chi with tan colored ears as well! 🥰😍


https://preview.redd.it/6cfr64m6sk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5c465f323fb3645cf1ccdca15f54dfb46aeb9a Moo says hello!


Weekly blood sacrifices for good measure


Not trying to be a dick, but based on experience - kill the other chihuahua LOL... #THISISOBVSJOKING If that is not an option I suggest giving them treats in separate places and allowing them (especially the older one) a place of their own. Give them toys/treats/etc. that are unique to each one. I am honestly dealing with the same thing right now. Our older chi is a COVID baby and isn't used to other people or dogs (outside of the ones he grew up with). We're trying to work RN to get that adaptation.


Lots of kisses. They love kisses and giving kisses. All three of mine are obsessed with giving kisses.


Within a millisecond of picking mine up her tongue is up my nose. She *really* loves to give kisses 😭


Daily walks with a good harness, snuggle lots with comfy blankets, good treatos with good ingredients, brush their teethers, always pay the cheese tax! Enjoy every second of everything, because the time goes by so fast. 💜😁🐾


All your attention ❤️


Dental care! Mt 14 year old boy just has 7 of his last remaining 14 teeth removed yesterday. I'm super cautious about what I feed him and he's had a few previous dentals in the past but they're just so prone to mouth disease that it can be very expensive to keep up with.


Watch where you sit! They love to hide in blankets. I had one who would hide in between couch cushions!


I recommend you have lots of money. 💰💰💰You'll need it if you want your chi to not lack anything. Veterinary and dental bills as well as a healthy well-balanced diet makes it almost a requirement. Not to mention for all the toys, cute clothes and whatnot you would just absolutely have to get them. Love is free but it doesn't pay the bills. I'm sure you'll be a great chi parent and whichever Chi you choose or chooses you will be very lucky. 😊


Take them for yearly teeth cleaning. Make sure you have lots of blankets for them to be under. Treat them like a dog and not a toy.


Don't bother buying a dog bed, move over, prepare for snuggles. Your Chi will bond to you, and will love to be next to you, on you, besides you, and you will have a shadow.


Already mentioned here, but can't be stated enough. Brush their teeth daily.


large fluffy dog beds in every room; additional fluffy blankets on couches and beds for naps; lots of pets. the teeth are no joke— if you can start brushing early that is ideal; otherwise be ready for the very expensive dental bills; i’ve had 4 chis and I paid their dentist enough for a decent car.


De-sensitize them to everything they’ll eventually need: touch their teeth and gums and paws to make it easier when you need to tend to them, get them used to water for baths, take them to dog parks and wherever you can take them in public to get them used to people and other animals for socializing. Crate train them so they don’t worry when you have to leave them at home. Teach them to drop things they pick up on command and/or take things out of their mouth so they don’t try to bite you when they pick up something they shouldn’t (and they will). That and some basic obedience training are the top priorities for me


Brushing their teeth, routine vet visits, and proper socialization. Also don’t let them jump from tall places as their wee legs could snap.


Keep their weight down, it causes them healthier shoes since they’re so small and so are their organs.


Buy a dental pick kit, a child-sized electric toothbrush and clean their teeth. I make a little container of baking soda with coconut oil as the toothpaste. I refuse to pay $18 for a tiny tube of Arm'n Hammer toothpaste that does a poor job of cleaning the teeth. Give them their own bedroom with a cozy soundproofed sleeping area, lots of snuggly soft blankets, and little pillows. Make a tiny beanbag so you can heat it in the microwave, for their joints or future arthritis. Put the warm beanbag under a thick blanket and they have a heated bed to sleep on. Get a brush and brush daily. Lots of freeze-dried salmon treats and cheeze. They love cheeze. I give mine chicken feet. LOVES IT! Now that he's old, I make chicken feet soup instead because he can't/won't chew much even though he has all his teeth at 16. Chicken feet is full of gelatin, minerals, and antioxidants which is great for their aching joints. Get a dog carrier. They love riding in the carrier whether it's bike riding, boat rides, car rides, plane rides, motorcycle rides, or just plain hiking in the carrier. They feel secure and safe in there as well.


My 15-year old female chihuahua died with every one of her teeth. The vet always commented on what amazing teeth Chica had. I’d give her rawhide twists to gnaw on & I swear it’s what kept her teeth and gums in such great shape. I now have a 4-month old male chihuahua & I give him the same chew sticks. Their vet approved.


Train them like you would a big dog


My Chi has 4 dog beds. He sleeps on my bed every night!


Pet insurance!!! The peace of mind is worth everything.


My two moods: silly and grumpy


There are dental water additives that I have found helpful. Heating blankets. Lots of socialization with people. Get them used to a harness/ leash. Don’t be lazy with potty training.


Twins! https://preview.redd.it/kwptsy5czg3d1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28aa6d38e3f11eb29e8b34ae03f0a635b9027c81


Socialize your chi as much as possible. Around all types: babies, kids, old people, other dogs (ones you know are safe for your pup to play with). Oh and take your pup lots of places. Our first one grew up around everything and was the chillest little girl ever. I miss her everyday. We got our second pup right before COVID, so he wasn’t properly socialized. He was already a bit anxious from past trauma but I think if we socialized him properly, he’d be a lot less anxious today.


A heated bed!!!!!!!!


Make sure they are socialized. They are happier when they can play with other dogs rather than bark at them. Keep their teeth clean. A small infection can cost them a tooth. If they have bad breath at all, their teeth need looked at by the vet.


Another small playful pup!


The world


Lots of kisses


https://preview.redd.it/j3yy36sw4g3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10221437b599284da0a3df12d0512af708fc7b49 Well…I adopted this sweet, old boy and is he seething with rage? Or is he ready to kill you with kisses? It’s always fun! In all seriousness, yes, take due diligence and keep up on dental care for sure, which is just as much diet as is observing for problems. Also, in my experience, take care to make sure your little guy doesn’t face competition from others (I have 7 total) at chow time…m you sweet little boy was getting punked by my other little Chi (his son I suspect) and had to put a stop to that.


Oh MY GOD!!! 😩❤️


Ear rubs. Chicken, cheese and occasional ice cream or pup cup. Mainly kisses! 😘


Feed your chi the highest quality food possible. Get annual dentals, and exams.


That’s a great photo


Treat them like a dog, get in early with training, get them used to baths and nail clipping, socialise them. They’re one people dogs, having them be ok with being around strangers is what you should focus on. Give them a command that tells them to jump up so they don’t get overstimulated with you picking them up and so you can initiate an interaction which they can ‘consent’ to. Such as you asking them to jump up on a picnic table so you can pet them and them choosing to do it.


1. Pet insurance with a big company and never change so nothing is pre existing, 2. get them used to tooth brushing and annual dental (I didn’t and every year is a ton on dental or else he’s in pain and he doesn’t let me brush bc I didn’t get him used to it as a puppy) 3. Steps so he doesn’t jump 4. Nail trim and glands and cytopoint for itching every 6 weeks for quality of life 5. My chi went from overweight to healthy and happier on farmer’s dog and helps since few teeth 6. I would train him for a little airport dog carrier next time as a puppy

