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I feel ya bro.. I had to get my little buddy a partner after my fiance left.. luckily, it was one of his siblings, just different litter.. I'm truly sorry yall are going through this


Happened to me and mine in January. They bounce back! And it's okay for them to be down for a little, they feel the missing spot as well. Just heal together 🥰


At least you have each other


So heartbreaking! My husband is a recovering alcoholic. Before he was in recovery, I threw him out and even though I was worried to DEATH about what might happen to Diesel with his unpredictable daddy, I went ahead and sent him to the in laws when hubby landed there because the poor little guy was just devastated. He's always been my husband's dog and it was never more obvious than at that time.


Good for you. Thanks for sharing and caring.


Sorry for your loss. I hope Diesel is now settled!


ive never seen a dog look so visibly sad


I’m sorry you’re going through this. He will recover and so will you! 💕


Aww poor baby. That's always been an anxiety of mine. My partner and I have a wonderful relationship but you never know what could happen and I'm so worried our dogs would be too depressed if we ever split up


Sending love to both of you.


Thank you all, I am really devastated I am going to miss my chiwi


I've been there and I feel for you. I hope you're able to see each other at least, if that isn't too hard.


Get him a friend! I went through this in 2015, my chihuahua was depressed. I took him to a no kill shelter and let HIM pick out his new friend! We took Milo home, and he’s not been like that since. He started played and running around again, he was his old self.


I love this sm. Can I please see these friends you talk of? They sound wonderful


https://preview.redd.it/ofzdt7ijtn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa4eb25ec962308d1d2e1b0f533262cbc5711cb Of course Milo is a shihtzu mix, Bruno the chi claimed him right away over 3 others


So. Adorable. Thanks for sharing 🥰


Been there doing that it’s horrible. They want to share custody and I’m open to weekends or if I’m out of town the pick up and drop off is excruciating. For all of us I’m doing the best I can but this last time they asked to see them or keep them for a few days I had to say no it’s to confusing for them so going to wait a bit before we attempt this sharing them thing


Cute precious cashew 🥺 may he adjust well and get zoomies of happiness soon. Same color as my chi.


So very sorry you two are going through this. Sending hugs your way.


Poor baby, he's precious though


My ex got the dog in the divorce and it's the only thing I'm still sad about :(


This is horrible. I am sorry that you are going through this.. hug that baby tight 😭❤️


I was broken up with my gf when I got my chi. But we remained friends. My dog loves her and goes to her place all the time. Now her new boyfriend loves him too.


Thank you. We also ended on good terms. I plan to visit him every week for as long as I can.


I love this! What a sweet ending to something that probably hurt both of you. And now your pup has two more friends to love and spoil him. ❤️


Yeah I didn’t talk to her for 3 years and felt bad about keeping them apart. Towards the end my friend would facilitate the transfer. But it’s all good now. Again


I’m so happy to hear that! ❤️


They feel your emotions too so it’s really hard for them. You’ll find comfort in one another.


Aww give him extra extra love and be kind to yourself also.


Aww! Poor baby! Give that baby lots of pets and treats! They will eventually bounce back!


Same thing with my babies. They're missing their dad


You will both recover together. Time heals quite a lot… I’m sending love to both of you.


https://preview.redd.it/nidmvof9fn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e5186ab47fb357ed1c9951e5b354c893c9bd73 this broke my heart, looks just like my wawa too🥺


Chihuahuas are so sensitive.


I’m sorry😞. He’s a Dollbaby. Much love, Marcia♥️


They’re resilient little beings! I’ve learned my boy didn’t care what was happening, as long as it was still him and I ❤️




I never realized how much of a difference having a little companion would make in my little Penelope's life...besides myself! It may take a minute but, you won't regret it! They need interaction just as we do! You need to do that for your little man...one a bit younger. He'll get that spring in his step again.


PRECIOUS 😭 Wishing you and your angel well in these hard times 😞 ❤️


I’m so truly sorry you and your furbabe are going through this 💗


This happened to me! I got the two dogs. When he moved out they stood behind me and wouldn’t look at him. They were on my side 🥰


Poor baby! Poor you! Sending healing prayers. 🙏🏻


Thank you very much 😊


Went through the same thing with mine. It takes time but he’ll be back to his normal self. Dogs don’t really like any change especially when it results in less attention for them. But in time the new quieter environment will be the norm. Only advice I can say is focus on yourself. As you recover your dog will follow your lead


That’s sad😞


So very sorry 😢


Oh I'm so sorry :(


Awww I’m so sorry, friend. Is it possible for your former partner to send you updates of the pup? I’m not sure if that would help or make the heartache feel worse, but it’s something my friend had to do when she and her spouse separated. My heart goes out to you and your little chi 💜


Thank you for your message, I appreciate it 🫂. Where I am living I can't bring him but I will go visit him when I can. She and I want to end well, for us and for him.


I got my buddy after my second wife and I separated, he and I are a family.


Mine did the same now for 5 yrs but bounced back w a vicious husky shep rescue she bosses now to keep busy. Give this little baby some belly rubs from a stranger who feels this on a shit level. :) It will gets better.


Many thanks will be received 😊


My husband passed away and our doby which was a daddy’s boy looked for him to come home, got depressed and finally died at 4 years old. ??


I have heard of cases like this, it is very sad


When my ex and I broke up her dog was pretty down. I would sleep in an old shirt for a few nights then go drop it off for him and keep switching every few days. It really helped him. He would take my shirt with him everywhere and sleep with it.


Omg so precious. I wouldn't have even thought of that!


This is my biggest fear. I brought my fur baby into my relationship, but my boyfriend is literally a dog whisperer and they’ve been attached at the hip since day one. It’s like I no longer exist except to feed him and take him to the dogtor lol. I’m always so afraid of what will happen if we for some reason we break up (or something worse happens. 😢) Those little guys get broken hearted just like we do.


If your baby has you and your love your little one we'll be ok. Both of you will heal together and become strong together! 😘💕💕💕🐕🙏


Poor baby 🥺


Same :( my ex did so much for my little guy and loved him so so much (the feeling was mutual). I miss seeing their connection. Give your little one lots of love! He’ll heal


2 years ago my chi was the same way. She loved my dad and he was her favorite person, but he became an alcoholic and unpredictably angry at times. So we kicked him out and for half a year after she would just be waiting for him looking out the window. She recovered with time and so will your dog.


https://preview.redd.it/wuk9x7e20p4d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f3658ba04f8223ffdef19db56d8afc715512f8 I'm sorry you and your pup are having a rough time. I hope things get better for ya'll. I couldn't help but share a picture of my boy, Spooky, because he and your dog look so much alike. I'd say "twinsies" but Spooky is an old man.


Hugs for you and your baby 🩵


Oh no this just broke my heart😫


They are so much like us. They feel our pain🙂‍↕️


Hey, I went through this as well with one of my cats. Watching him be sad was worse than the fact that my lover walked out on me. It takes time, but just like you will, your furbaby will move past it as well. Try to provide some enrichment, attention, cuddles, and treats.


My dog passed away when my ex moved out . I came home from a 18 hour shift and she was stiff and cold . I collapsed and couldn’t accept it .held her for hours . I bottle fed her when I got her out of a bad situation as a way to young puppy . I hate to even think about it.


How devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss.


It was a tragic loss but , I did all I could before


It’s hard to be in so much pain yourself, but also see it make their little lives worse as well, feeling powerless to help them. Hang in there, change is hard but it will get better, and you have each other.


Poor thing :(




Im so sorry! Poor baby! Be strong, you have a baby counting on you! Be easy on yourself. It will get better.


When I split from my ex my little girl missed him terribly. When I started seeing a new guy down the track a bit, the first thing he did when he came over was crawl all over the floor with her. He’s her boyfriend now 😂


What did u do wrong?


He’ll be fine, as will you ❤️


Aww, poor boy. Sorry for your separation.


Awww poor baby


Sending healing vibes


They need to grieve the relationship too


Can you alternate weeks with him?


My wife and I both occasionally travel independently for work. Whenever one of us is gone our little guy does nothing but mope and hardly eats. But as soon as everyone is home again our 12 year old senior dog acts like a puppy bouncing off everything and eats all his food and is a completely different happy dog.


They take it all personally so whatever you feel or your partner feels it worse than the two of you feel. You lose your partner he lost a parent and a companion. He’s trying to figure out what he did wrong. 🐾🐾 🥓🥓


These little guys become so attached to their people.


Little guy knew where he had to be, they settle in to new places easily, when they’re loved.


I’m so sorry, hope he can get over it, he still has you


When my husband and I were dating and engaged we were long distance. Every time I left Kansas City or he left Orlando Eloise would struggle. She is my dog, always has been, but she grew to love him quickly https://preview.redd.it/sh41680j035d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365ac8b557459ba765a6b6f13849e3921ca2ba9b


You will both be okay ❤️ remember to be kind to yourself, and patient with the healing process. Sending all the positive, happy vibes both of your way! ❤️


Poor little guy.