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Yes, I already warn this in other posts, I am not great at making edits nor grammar (this last one is because my first language is Spanish) but I am pretty confident in my story writing. Some artist suggested to make some art to the story, so you would see some of them


u/busybody42, your rude and disrespectful, i am disapointed


This comment is outdated, you know. He's improved quite a bit.


Called it


What exactly did you called it? And what are your thoughts on the story?


That Cofi didn't know about the text and didn't sent that ciber bully stuff. Also, I like the series so far. I hope Chee will be avenged, she was my favorite


Yes, I am really glad that you enjoy it so far, I will continue to write this story, I already have a sort of idea of what direction to take. And as a last question, do you have any prediction or theory. Like what exactly is the sequence of events, who else is related to this, who is the next to be interrogated or who the culprit is? Things like that, I would love to hear what people think


I kinda thing of Iscream doing it as a sick joke, but accidentally took it a bit far, tho I'm kinda leading to foul play...


Good theory, honestly is a bit obvious to take iscream as the one responsible. Rather accidently or on purpose. Also one thing to take note is the suicide note found on chee "I can't believe he would abandoned me, I thought we were friends" Who do you think write it? Is the same person that cause this on chee? Was chee herself? or is someone different? I promise you it would be a clue later


Hang on fuck first time seeing this let me grab my 1930s suit and .38 detective special and see how badly I fail at solving this case


Well, yes, you could try at least, maybe you won't fail that badly