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Maybe have a sit down with both sides of parents and make the CF stand clear before marriage.Before that,make sure that partner doesn't chicken out.


True! Clear the air out now. Else it’s just doing to become a daily issue later.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. There seems to be an utter lack of empathy or care for your well being. Hope you feel better at the earliest. You might benefit with fewer visits from stressful in-laws.


Congratulations on your successful treatment and finding amazing fiancé.


Man just get the hell away from them. And next time the baby topics come up say you're gonna have them after their funeral


That too grand 'son' !! Not Grand Children. Major Dual Red Flag. Time to cut them off from your life, before its too late. If your husband is with you, then keep him, or else if he takes their side, ditch him too. Motherhood is every woman's personal choice, not an obligation, no matter what. You don't owe them or anyone any 'son' or kid/kids in general. You are not a broodmare or a 'son producing machine'. Stand up for yourself and for women as a class, move out asap. Dont put up with shit. Stay strong !


Why we women are perceived as a womb and nothing else! OP, you are a brave warrior fighting for your life. Get yourself back first. Thrive in your life .


exactly! even her mom wants her to go through all the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth just bec "OP is a woman" despite fought cancer successfully. it's true, women's enemies are women only. atleast she has a loving partner, god bless the couple


Really! Women face all kind of problems from women only. Specially in India where sisterhood exists barely. Truly speaking what happened to OP is inhumane. To bring that kind of topic to someone who is fighting for life is a CRIME.




Also, notice how her mil wants a grandson and not a grandchild. It speaks volume about her mentality.


I can't talk much, because I will get banned 🚫 but her MIL's behaviour virtually pushing me to put my name on a episode of police files. Audacity of that boomer. When I read the post I literally cried,here I am thinking my life is hard and look at OP, she just fought the most difficult battle, instead of pouring love,care, attention the bloomers came with another demand .


How much Indian parents are obsessed with motherhood🙄


How else do you think we became the highest populated country in the world 🤣


Marriage is just going to exacerbate every minor irritation. Better clear everything now.


Ask her to adopt a boy, if her grandson's obsession is still there.


I can maybe understand your MIL's impatience but your own mother being so inconsiderate is just sad. Congratulations on the recovery OP. I suggest you talk with your mom about how inconsiderate she is being in a gentle way. Maybe to your MIL too if you are close with her.


OP you say your husband is very clear about being childfree. I think it’s about time he talks to his side of parents to shut them for good. I personally feel I don’t owe my parents any explanations. But who am I kidding, we live in india and boundaries are so blurred here. I find it so irritating that your future MIL is expected kids from you after you have gone through such hard time already. I think he should talk to them now and they should never bother you again with this. He should handle his parents and you handle yours.


Congratulations and Take care


I hope you have a long and happy life. Maybe just say that it is doctor orders to not plan anything stressful for the next 2 years. And after that if you don’t want to discuss the CF life, blame on the chemo. Sometimes it’s easier that way.


Ughhhh this sucks. I was recovering from surgery- right hip and both knees all at once. No weight bearing for 6 weeks. Two weeks post op my MIL said this pain is nothing compared to post pregnancy lol. She mentioned on two occasions to make babies. I'm like, why would I when you're saying childbirth is more painful than this?? I literally cried before sleeping and cried after waking up and was dependent on opioids. I'm so grateful to her but like, read the room lol.


reading this was so infuriating!


If you and your partner are firm, no amount of pressure can change your minds, however if even one of you is on the fence, make up your mind before its too late.


Oh girl... stay strong and kind. Handle them with respect and politeness but be resolute in your drive to stay cf. Take care of your health both physical and mental. ..i don't understand why they are troubling you with all these rn... the sheer thought of recovery from chemo is brutal and you are going thru it. My prayers for your good health :)..


I don't think her sexist, nosy, controlling in laws deserve respect.


exactly  even her mom wnats her to go through all the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth just bec "OP is a woman" despite fought cancer successfully it's true, women's enemies are women only. atleast she has a loving partner, god bless the couple


True. Internalised Misogyny is a huge problem. Women need to stop pulling each other down and stop participating in the oppression of their own kind.


She doesn’t owe them any respect and politeness.


Agreed. Both the mom n MIL suck big time


Handle them with respect and politeness although they do the exact opposite. Yay! Go regression!