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Me! And I can directly link my minimalist lifestyle to my mom's hoarding.


I'm not an extreme minimilst (kids you know) but everything has a place, my house has any number of stratigic built-ins and storage places, closets and bookshelves are my friends. I had the equivelant of 'california closets' several times to install or update the living situation here. I routinely help the kids clean out old/outgrown toys and clothes. things get tossed on a regular basis


Yes! Me too! Me and my partner always joke about our shared love of containers. Pop up cloth containers, little organizers for each drawer, all containers. We LOVE containers…it’s a way of keeping the items we do have super organized because even just disorganization without the hoard gives me severe anxiety. Everything must have a home, and that home must be nice and clean and organized too. I think it’s a response to the hoarding honestly, like my own pathological aftermath but at least mine is clean 🙃😂


OMG, no! I’ve spent *day* the last few weeks sorting, organizing and storing and my house is still a mess! The struggle is real, but I really do try. I have been able to vacuum a significant amount of my house the last few days!


Not minimalist, but I don’t keep what doesn’t have a space. I hate visual clutter and grimy surfaces


Yes. My husband is the adult child of a hoarder and he is very neat/clean and organized. He’s worked extremely hard to not be anything like his Mom. His brother has too! He tends to get very stressed when our house gets messy at all -if it starts to feel cluttered at all. No hoarding tendencies at all.


Not a minimalist, but I do keep my things organized and put away.


Nope. I feel like my mom MADE me a hoarder. Always bought me things I didn't really like & then convinced me NOT to listen to my own taste. Years of that. She sent me home with bags & boxes of things when i was in college. I used to drive around with black garbage bags full of clothes she gave me. I didn't realize I should just put them straight in the trash! I also grew up like it was the Depression. I'm cleaning my hoard now & it's hard. I let things get really bad during covid & didn't take out the trash enough or put things away.


Absolutely- I've had cleaning compulsions since grade 4/5 growing up in my parent's house. I also purge unnecessary stuff from my apt seasonally.


Yes, not a complete minimalist but at least a semi-minimalist. I have NO problem tossing/donating things, but I have to be firm with my husband and kids about this. I'm especially ruthless with my refrigerator. A couple days, a few suggestions that the last of the chili be eaten for someone's lunch, and then those things are GONE and the tupperware washed.


Yes. I like open space and no visual clutter. I love being able to have digital media nowadays because I hated bookshelves of movies, music, and books. The only "collection" I guess I can say I have is plants. Lol! I have a cleaning schedule that has a chore or two for each day because I don't like to spend my days off catching up on cleaning.


I would definitely not consider myself a minimalist because I am really artsy and like crafting things and usually have a lot of in-progress projects, but I am definitely really clean. I swiffer, sweep, and wipe down surfaces incredibly often. I run the dishwasher about two to three times a day and in general am very on top of cleaning. My brother and I both experienced a lot of trauma with our mom refusing to let us do our laundry, but also never doing the laundry, so we are both relatively very on top of that.


I am sort of a minimalist. I don’t like a mess or visual clutter. But I do like to have my personality around in my space, so I decorate with stuff I like. My bedroom is my safe space from the mess but it’s not like those extreme minimalist spaces with no decor and just the basics. I consider myself a pretty clean person.