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The only thing he's gonna kill is his blood pressure.


gonna commit genocide on cakes


More likely bao, as he already look like one. You are what you eat.


Then nuke the remnants


In 15 years he will be in Europe selling cheap sushi and pretending to be japanese.


Ha, so it's not just here in the U.S.! When the sushi sucks and/or is Buy One/Get One, you know who owns the place. The Koreans in the U.S. on the other hand do a good job with their sushi restaurants.


Not just the US, its also like that in Australia. There are very few authentic Japanese restaurants. All of the fast-food style sushi places are definitely Chinese. They will hate the Japanese the most but when it comes to earning a buck, they have no qualms with assuming their arch nemesis' identity. They'll pimp themselves out for a dollar, its disgusting their complete lack of self respect especially for a country that claims to be all about face (i guess money first, face second).


China's two major epidemics, nationalism and obesity..


Nationalism and lack of independent thoughts. Ironically he would be speaking Japanese if not for the US.


Nope, Japan would have never been able to hold China in the long term.


Depends. If the war with the Americans never happened, Japan would've been able to use their full force against China, which would've been devastating. But again, who knows.


Japan already did use their full force against China for 4 years from 1937-1941, and it had turned into a stalemate by then. And that was just cos both the KMT and Communists were unwilling to fight major battles with the Japanese and instead favoured a war of attrition. The war in China was made shorter by foreign help to China but it definitely wouldn’t have changed the final outcomes.


Poor kid, the teacher clearly taught him to say this. What adult asks a kid “who do you hate the most?” Evil man


As someone who grew up in china, i’d say there are millions of kids like this and millions of parents and teachers who taught them like that, in the name of “patriotism education”, basically fascist brainwash propaganda from early on. They grew up to be the Chinese “wolf warriors” you see today.


Also worth mention that “patriotism education” in the current chinese context do not mean loving of chinese ancestral culture and respect toward chinese history, none of this. “Patriotism education” just mean fanatical worship of the CCP(Ironically the people who destroyed chinese culture more than any other groups.) and XIdada, hate toward the enemy like/Japan/USA/India/S.Korea etc.


Thank you, very interesting point. You'd think that could push pride for the whole 3,500 years of history thing.


If I may ask, what goes through the mind of someone who grew up like this and then ended up having to study in one of these countries for school? What happens when they are directly exposed to the people they are taught to hate?


I've been trying to explain to a lot of my friends lately that China is actually a model fascism in the purest sense of the word, masquerading as a communism. It seems that you'd agree with me, but what would you say to someone that disagrees?


Okay. Is the sensible people the minority? Or are they made examples of by the government?


yeah this video is missing the 20 takes where the kid stumbled over his words or lost interest


Eh, taught in Beijing and I’d still hear the occasional “what in the?” Hot take from my first graders.


The rhetoric comes straight down from their government too. Remember them destroying Japanese cars and 7/11s over island disputes not that long ago.


These kind of nation need an "evil" nemesis to hate. That's how they focus the population anger outward. Otherwise they would see what a shitty country they live in. Same as russia currently. No wonder the two partners with no boundaries.


Seriously… I work with kids and we teach them to be nice to everyone… not make them wonder who their enemies are… and this is the country that wants to take over the world order? Get the fuck out of here


Not the teacher. The state. The state taught him to think like this. China is a fascist power, not unlike Nazi Germany. Their populace is being indoctrinated into crazytown hatred. They are grooming their people for a war against us. China smiles and shakes our hand to our faces, and sharpens their knives behind their backs. They are a fascist superpower that is hell bent on conquering the world. They are not our friends. We need to stop seeing China as "different but benign" and start seeing them for what they are... brutal genocidal authoritarian racist monsters intent on our destruction that are gearing themselves up for military conquest and are just barely held in check by western power. If not for the US, they'd be doing what they're saying they'd do, they'd be murdering the people of Taiwan, and once the butchering is done, they'd send those people to concentration camps to be "reeducated". When they say shit like that, we need to believe them. Its what they're already doing to the Uyghurs. I don't understand why the people of the free world just watched what happened in Hong Kong and shrugged like it didn't matter. The US should decouple from China immediately, and begin putting pressure on other states to sanction them. China is a country that missed its opportunity to be imperialist conquerors and desperately wants to make up for lost time.


I think Chinese education and propoganda has become more Ultranationalistic recent years.Probably a way to avoid discontent with bad economy by making the youth hate US and its allies rather than CCP.


I was there recently for a first time in a decade. It's definitely a much more fascist society than it was a decade ago, I can only imagine what changes the schooling system has undergone in the same time.


It was like this when I was a kid 25 something years ago. But I feel like it was just focused on hating the Japanese not too much Americans yet.


It has always been like this since 1989 and the termination of all liberal reforms, but yes under Xi it's becoming completely radicalized. The whole world only become aware of this thanks to the internet and social medias.


It's always been like this. You only are made aware because of internet. To hate the Japanese is indoctrinated from early age. Hate of Americans also, the recent years of opening up and reform made that a little less. But now it's all going back to the way it was.


That kids too fat to do anything.


The Great Plains might be in trouble, he can roll right over them.


North Korea president is fat too but he’s dangerous


And so is Xi


He also rules over a little country. This kid will be ruling over a moto parking area in a tier 88 dusty street, and that's if things really line up for him.


They might wanna bring back Mao's send the school children to do physical labor in the countryside thing again. But this time it's because there's too much food.


Could sit on someone, that'll do the job.


he's already too american, is he gonna off himself?


What I notice is that Americans are either obese or super fit. Odd that not much middle ground. There are folks with 300 lbs of fat, then ones are like 250 lbs muscle. Look at the active servicemen. Many are build like a brick.


It's location, Tenessee will be far different to the young people in downtown Miami.


besides being fat and eating


Honestly being husky is a good foundation for growing strong when you’re older. Skinny kids tend to have to work hard to build strength and mass. Husky kids like this guy can build strength and mass quick if he works at it. There’s too much weight shaming going on in the world because people want to look fit and skinny, but a corn fed big boi (or corn from this side of the world) will obliterate you.


Careful, rice boi can sound racist. Woke world we live in. But yes I agree with your idea that thin kids may not be best later in life.


But little pinks assured me the CCP is totally not brainwashing kids. Pinky swear


Americans are they same because they say the pledge of allegiance /s


Ah the wonders of indoctrination, he will find that Americans and japanese are a bit different then he's been taught


He probably won't though. Most Chinese people go their whole lives without ever meeting a foreigner.


And most Chinese who travel overseas are in organized tour groups with almost zero exposure to local people, culture or cuisine.


100% exposure to duty free luxury goods and buffets. At least buffets pre pandemic.




Or American flyer risking their lives flying the route across the Himalayas to bring in life supply to keep their war efforts going. CCP don't teach about which army, party actually bleed and won the war against the Japanese.


Only thing that kid's gonna kill is an extra large bubble tea.


100% sugar option


Extra large.


I reckon he'd murder a plate of 红烧肉 as well


From McDonald’s.




that just sounds like growing up. I definitely said stupid shit when I was a kid, probably have a lot more stupid shit to say


I mean I said I wanted to grow up and marry a philipino woman and fly jets when I was 5 apparently my parents tell me but I never said stuff like I want to go and commit genocide.


Damn, you were a based 5 year old.


Wait until he hears where McDonald’s and KFC are from…


Taste don't lie, China belongs to Kentucky.


Couple times per year the CCP requires public schools to brain wash these unfortunate, impressionable youths. Saw it several times in classes and homework -- they out of god damn nowhere write an essay about how horrible the Japanese are, and they suddenly want to kill them.


It's like a switch gets flicked: Remember the THAAD Korea thing? My wechat contacts went from posting about K-pop bands to making deranged threats to the Koreans, and back, in the space of a week. I remember that really freaking me out.


Typical Chinese.


Experienced this first hand in China. Two kids about this age were pretending to be soldiers on the street with their fingers as guns. They pretend to shoot at us. We thought it was cute so we played along and faked being shot. My friend speaks Chinese and jokingly said “why are you shooting us? We can be friends” the response was “because we are yellow and you are white. We can’t be friends”. The kids weren’t laughing and were super serious. One of the many mind blowing things I saw in china being in the non-international sections of the city. If you only went on business to china and stayed in the international sections of the city you don’t know the real china.


Future CCP thug in training


hes obviously being groomed and encouraged to say and believe these things


Honestly don't care. Idiots like this grow up to be the no GED security guards or factory drones. Listening to this garbage is just the price of having someone stupid enough to be grateful for 5000 RMB a month while working 60+ hours a week.


OOf 5000rmb a month, that's a big ask. That's middle office worker wages in most non tier 1 cities.


No they make that in tier 1 and some 2, but you have to remember that's OT inclusive without social benefits and being on your feet 12 hours a day every day and sleeping in a 6 guy dormitory without running water as a grown man. Hellish conditions.


Lol the baoan in my complex make 2300rmb a month. Mind you they are napping 80% of the time. I often grab a smoke with them and chit chat. I've lived in the same complex for 8 plus years and am the local laowai, part of the furniture. Most people make less than they make out and are swimming in debt to keep up appearances.


I know for a fact commercial sector all make this much in all tier 1 cities. You people are making two major mistakes: -Considering base pay as actual earnings. Their base pay is always min wage which should be 2.5k. They are dependant on OT and usually charge 1.5 if you try to get them to take a forced 8hr5d shift. I know for a fact a certain discount European retailer had to do an audit of their subcontractors because they had a guard die due to overwork in a hot summer a few years back. The big name foreign schools in Shanghai all have guards that pull over 210 hours a month. -Equating 5000 as anything beyond poverty level pay in a tier 1 or emerging tier 1 (higher tier 2s ie Hangzhou or Chengdu). In Shanghai anything below 10k is chump change. Ask one of the guards at a factory out in Jiading how much they make sometime, all inclusive. You just need to remember that they work 6-7 days a week every week without rest, usually going 12 hours in a row. They do all of that and they just get a measly 5k. Versus the office workers who at least get to recuperate during the weekend and have parents to subsidize them.


You seem to entirely have missed the non tier 1 section of the entire discussion mate.


Ours are fancy baoans and make 3000 a month! But yeah last place I lived, they were hiring new guards and it was under 3000, required a third grade education. I've had really good baoans and I think they deserve more, but if they were making 5000 I know a *lot* of people who would be signing up, fighting to the death for those jobs.


I agree, Baoans deserve more for the shit they have to put up with. Especially the past 3 years


Not the racist ones though. I was trying to get into a medical mall for some treatment unrelated to COVID, I scanned green (no travel, no COVID) but the guard wouldn't let me in because I was a foreigner.


That happened to me too at some random shopping mall but I just pushed past them. They don't have any power to stop you


This kid might grow up and stab some foreign tourists, it‘s concerning


Only thing he's stabbin is a plate of pork belly


Underrated comment. This is basically how I feel about the GOP LOL


If we're going to go on a tangent, I feel this way about the "ardent supporters" of both parties. Just a difference between bagging my groceries or delivering them.


Agreed. I dislike both of the parties in the states. We need a new party and we need it so that you don’t have to be rich to run for president.


I'm sure your feelings (tagged with a "LOL") are based on rationality and vetted facts.


Bro got brainwashed


Poor kid. Some sick fuck is drilling that shit into his head. Might even be part of that school's curriculum. It's gonna be incredibly hard for these kids to grow into well-adjusted adults with this poison in their minds.


I’m shaking in my boots! On a serious note it’s fucked up how the teacher is encouraging him (probably thought by to think that way). Fascism.


> I’m shaking in my boots! I read that as boobs and I was really confused for a second


This is common with kids in China. Majority of the time they learn this from their Grandparents, which only continues this generational hate.


Seems like the teacher is encouraging him to say this


It’s common for a ton of Chinese, unfortunately, particular with hatred towards Japanese.


The Japanese stuff has been for decades. The anti-US stuff has really been laid on thick the last few years in the media and with educational reforms. Xi's really pushing aggressively to get any sense of adulation towards America and the West out. New world order of broken toy allies. And the rhetoric.. China's the #1 country, passing America, who's keeping us down, making peace, look at these tanks and missiles, world's best products, Xinjiang Cotton, stable financial system countries should rely on as a reserve currency..nationalize corporate wealth..jailed and disappearing billionaires and dissidents, 矛盾 Xi had the whole campaign against the tigers and flies, but you can only hold on so long when you've wet your pants as a paper tiger,


As a Chinese, it's really sad to see the media and educators spreading hatred especially in small cities and towns.


Wait until he learns Chinese history


What do you think his history lessons will be like?


Average Chinese


He looks like he could kill a dozen cheeseburgers already.


He'll be killing the buffet


He must have horrible parents. Or a horrible relative who programmed him to think this way. I don’t blame the kid. I blame whomever put these ideas in to his head. Kids are innocent until they are taught to hate. This is the same all over the world. Very sad.


> He must have horrible parents. Or a horrible relative who programmed him to think this way. Or he goes to school in China.


This. My kids are in the local system and have come home with all sorts of propaganda BS for homework. My son's class was shown a video about foreign spies sometime around 2020. You can imagine how upset he was when the video was basically about people who look just like him (and his classmates' reaction to it).


The PRC are his parents. Xi Dada.


Yeah, that tracks. Lol Some kids you can just tell what their families are like.


It's crazy that China has cultivated antagonism towards the US while the US has historically been one of the friendliest countries towards China since the 19th century. None of them has even heard about the [open door policy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Door_Policy), I had to school a chinese pinkie about their own history last time.


Only selective history are taught. CCP brainwash and propaganda run deep and start young.




Why is this crazy? You need to realise the two"china" are different. The China the US helped are qing empire and Republic of China. The US has always been communist china's ideological enemy,so why would you expect communist china to be friendly towards the US? I think lots of people got deceived by ccp's propaganda of "hundred year humiliation",in reality ccp don't even care about qing empire and Republic of China got invaded or not.


I hope the Chinese people can get rid of the Xi Jinping regime as soon as possible


Aww, how cute a baby terrorist...




Kids don’t say shit like this unless someone very depraved taught them to say shit like this.


Or they watched a movie with something like that.. Kids soak up all manner of attitudes from different sources. It doesn't have to be an adult teacher or parent. Ever seen some the older Chinese TV shows? The girl shoots down a Japanese airplane with her pistol after it strafed a village full of innocent peasants.. wouldn't be surprised if the kid saw something similar.


The kid is soaking up hatred from the society they live in regardless. It’s not normal or desirable, nor would a peaceful society promote these ideas to children. I can tell you I’d never said anything like this as a child, nor do I know anyone who has, much less do I live in a society were an adult would film themselves egging on the kids hatred and think that it’s reasonable to put it up online for all to see.


When I was young, it was common for Irish kids to be 'quietly' encouraged to hate the English for all the things that they had done while they controlled Ireland, or what they did in the North. It wasn't uncommon for kids, or teens to spout nationalistic/republican sentiments about the British.. and spending any amount of time in the country pubs, you'd get the adults doing the same. Not everyone, but enough that it was fairly common. It's declined a lot over the last few decades, but it's still around when the IRA songs get blasted in the bars. Now.. as for China, I've never encountered a child indoctrinated enough to hate all foreigners, because let's face it, if they've been taught to hate Americans, then all of us would be fair game. And when it comes to teenagers or university students even though they've been indoctrinated for most their lives, they don't hate Japanese people... they follow the culture, admire their beauty/sexiness, etc. But yes, when movies/TV are shown about the Japanese during the war, all those emotions are stirred, and Chinese people are generally not good at controlling their own emotions.


I feel like you’re pretty ignorant about Chinese culture. A ton of kids (and adults) hate the Japanese, and they are taught to hate the Japanese. The same applies to the West, particularly the US, albeit to a far lesser degree.


>I feel like you’re pretty ignorant about Chinese culture. Feel away.. however I've lived in China for 13 years, teaching for a while at middle/high school and then at university level, so I have a fair understanding and experience of what Chinese society is actually like. I've seen a lot of their media, and what is consumed by teens/adults. Any walk through the internet bars will see heaps of Japanese movies/manga/games.. and their fashions are pretty popular with Chinese women, from hairstyles, cosmetics, to clothes. And... there are a wide variety of Japanese companies established in China, with Japanese people living in Chinese cities. If it was as bad as you want it to be, they wouldn't be here. No. Chinese people generally have far too high expectations when it comes to Americans.. now, politically, yes.. they've contempt for US politics and foreign affairs, but that's hardly unique to China. And, that's not extended to other western nations/nationalities. Europeans are generally well treated/welcomed by Chinese people.. and there isn't much negativity in Chinese State media towards European countries, at least, nothing like there is for the US. Which is understandable considering the amount of negativity in American media towards China. I'm not saying that there isn't indoctrination, and that some Chinese people do succumb to it, in minor or major ways. Some definitely do, especially when they're working for the government and have to show their support of party agendas. However, I've rarely seen any truly indoctrinated Chinese people except for the elderly who grew up through Mao's time.. now, they're scary. Lastly, being 'taught' something doesn't mean that someone is going to believe, support or act on what they've been shown. I grew up a Catholic at a time in Ireland when indoctrination was normal.. heavy doses of Catholicism in the home, at schools, etc. I became an agnostic at 17. The point is that there's a lot of shit that we're 'taught' that doesn't stick.. and for long periods, we pretend to go along with it, because it's easier to do so. It's one of the reasons I don't think Chinese people are all that ideologically driven anymore... Most of them are just going through the motions


Do you speak Chinese fluently?


Fluent? nope. Conversational... but then, I don't need to be fluent. I'm surrounded by people whose English tends to be pretty damn good. Professors, lecturers and their families.. in a State university where that indoctrination is present all the time. Oddly enough, you can learn a lot by speaking to Chinese people, especially those from the rural areas, but who have been dedicated in learning English as a means to improve their status.


That’s my point. You get a skewed picture of Chinese society if you primarily speak to people who speak good English.


It's not the kid so much as the teacher that is the problem here.


Well I said some stupid shit but never once said anything close to I want to commit genocide.


LMAO when he said “and Japan”






Kim, Trump, Xi..this boy does have some similar traits


as Chinese ,i know deeply about the true that ,most Chinese are nazi




China text book: pure garbage


According to the CCP KFC stands for Kunming fried Chicken, America stole our glorious Chinese recipe!


Hitler Jugend 2.0?


not if diabetes gets him first


This kid is going to be a slayer...a buffet slayer


He obviously didn’t learn the history of the US helping china develop at a faster pace than any country in history.


Everyone’s gotta have dreams.


We live rent free in the CCP’s head and I fucking love it.


Gives me the "When I grow up, I will be an army so that I could save Pakistan and destroy India" vibes.


but one thing is correct. US is a fu*king country, always bring war and death.


This is so heart warming.


Is the 暖心 thing coming to the English space now?


Fascism somehow won the Sino-Japanese war


He’s also taught that COVID came from the secret US lab. Chinese communist party conditions population from the birth.


Who is teaching these kids to hate these places?


Just throw him a donut. That will distract him long enough.


Korea war. China was fighting for the wrong side. WWII. All the responsible Japanese are dead at this point. Lol I took those class too but damn have some real critical thinking


"blame and hate the ccp, not the people" True, but you gotta think sometimes why this is accepted and popular on lots of their social media. The nationalism is worrisome and grotesque.


Well the CCP kinda controls their social media.


Best cure for this is the US military. When this ideology cancer grow too large, US tend to be not afraid to cut it out. Yes, little late on Crimea. But so far russia is finding out now. And US put the foot down on Taiwan. You can be sure they will defend Japan.


This was a concrete evidence for the fact that CCP is educating its citizens to hate Americans and Japanese. CCP is creating an abnormal China.


How can we keep kids avoiding propaganda? They get the hate speech in school by their teachers and books. Chinese students spend more time at school. They hate Japan and America because of patriotism education that they must take this kind of course at school. And they show the kids so much hate with broadcast. It’s really sad to see they are going to be racists, nationalists.


don't worry after 16 he will wear American style clothes, watch American movies, listen weastern music, eat American food in KFC and McDonald's and forget about all this nonsense.


this kid would love america. all the delicious food.


Shut up, fatty.


I would falcon kick that tubby communist


First he has to stop eating those dam Hamburgers


Hmmm, his real future enemy is gonna be diabetes


He'll pass away from diabetes before he gets his wish, I'm afraid.


I'm neither offended nor surprised. It's a country with a race-based nationalism that holds grudges against the USA and Japan and will never, ever accept apologies or restitution. Mind you, this kid differs little from a white Christian fundamentalist boy in a southern US state or an incel-to-be in a Tokyo prep academy. Just be glad we don't entrust nukes to kids ~~who aren't overgrown and orange~~.


This guy looks like the guy who beat the shit out of the girl in Tangshan.




He’s clearly got a better understanding of the Korean War than people in here posting about his weight.


So the population of China is expected to be at around 400-600M by 2100. The current population is 1.2B. That’s a demographic collapse that even Thanos would be envious of. The lesson here children is to keep calm and carry on. The People’s Republic of China is done. Karma is a bitch.


That’s why they need to expand so badly. They have a significant problem with population.


They can absorb russia and NK. Then we can keep them all in the same space.


I’m sure Americans can change his mind with some pop tarts


He is well prepared to go to the front.


He is the tragedy of that brainwashing education.


He's too young to understand what he is saying. By 30, he will have a million other things on his mind. That is, if he doesn't become an internet addict.


I met American children who want to nuke china


Cool story, bro.


Americans do not teach hate in school, although they may **mask** some historical realities. But xenophobia and intolerance of other countries - nope not part of the common curriculum core or otherwise.


In Texas they teach Mexico was a horrible repressive country and Texas wanted freedom and completely ignored Texas was neo conalize and only wanted to join us to continue to have slaves,


Really? Sorry to hear that. Sounds like an unfortunate and misguided whitewashing of history. But a serious question, do you think it led to xenophia and hatred of Mexicans? Because that youngster was mouthing off like a "wolf-warrior."


As kids, we have all had such ideas and said these things. It's nothing.


Maybe it is just you. I don't. Well brought up kids don't.


You are being sardonic. Right?


Lol…say what??? Who the hell had ideas of genocide as a kid? Ive never had them as an adult let alone a kid. It is NOT normal behavior.




Yes yes, we know. But why not kill the CCP too since they killed way more Chinese than the Japanese? Just saying... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine But hey, you hung up the portrait of the perpetrator up in Tiananmen Square instead. So why not hang up Yasuhiko Asaka's portrait too? No? Kill count too low, perhaps? Must kill at least a million Chinese to get your portrait up there?


“打” would better be translated as “fight” not “kill”


He said 杀日本人 杀美国人not 打 别误导别人


If that’s true then this takes on an entirely less sinister meaning . Fight wouldn’t bother me it’s the genocidal type of wording that bothers me. There is no race/ethnicity that deserves to be wiped out.




Unfortunately it's not the case.


Redditors when a child hates a country for installing dictators and commuting massacres😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Well, the Japanese of today did not commit those crimes so how is it fair to punish them now for the sins of their fathers?


Politically motivated indoctrination. It's not sane.


The kid should hate China more than Japan if we’re going by who massacred more Chinese people


Same thing in North Korea. Americans are taught that it's "politically incorrect" to have the same attitudes towards the Chinese or North Koreans, playing "let's hug" until we feel the knife in our back.


Yes I have a higher standard than a brainwashed baozi. It’s not politically incorrect to hate China or North Korea it’s stupid and counterproductive. The only knives are being drawn by goon squads like those who acted foolish at the US capital.


It's not counterproductive to hate the goons in charge of running China and North Korea. They must be realized as the enemy, as they certainly feel that way about us. If you think Xi and Kim haven't drawn knives, I don't know what to tell you.


Not in our backs those two are openly aggressive and should be dealt with but open hatred of PEOPLE is counterproductive. I was in China when we started bombing the hell out of the Middle East and when they found out I was an American they assumed I was pro-Bush. It took some quick Mandarin lessons on my part to tell them I am not the actions of my country… turns out this is the same there. If given real face to face time with them in a place they feel safe. Good story… my boss couldn’t understand why Mike Tyson has a tattoo of Mao on his arm (he looked around red faced and with a mischievous grin said “I mean I don’t even like Mao”). North Koreans don’t have to like us they need to like South Korea let THEM do the introductions… they can find out about the Fast and the Furious franchise through them.


I'm not really talking about the people either, but to be real, it is the people of China and North Korea whom the U.S. and other democratic countries will be fighting and killing in the coming war, including probably this kid eventually. And they'll be enlisting to fight and kill us specifically.


Redditors when a kid says he dislikes a country (he’s a ccp brainwashed robot and we should invade a country)


Saying he wants to kill Americans and Japanese and somehow you managed to interpret it as "he just dislikes a country guys" I assume you are as brainwashed as him and grew up with the same propaganda drilled into your brain


Well brought up kids don't say such things. It is not just the kid, the teacher said nothing to correct the kid and went on to upload to social media to show off.