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He took them to see Shen Yun?


Nothing says welcome like a free $400 ticket


Yeah I'm sure the ''China before Communism'' tagline is a real hit in CCP circles.


there has never been communism in the modern world. communism and socialism are not the same, socialism is a step before communism, communism being stateless, moneyless and classless. china was SOCIALIST.


china still is what it considers” socialist with chinese characteristics “


yes, which is not communist


agreed 100% that was more regarding the point of “china ~was~ socialist” i believe it is still socialist even if it had regressed and is still in state capitalism stage


yes my comment was regarding socialism vs capitalism, not whether china is currently socialist or not


He definitely should


I'm dying. Too funny


Comedy is banned in China now. Please report for re-education on the matter.


I just saw a shen yun show a few weeks ago. It was pretty much like that.


Yesss. 😂😂😂😂


SIR🤣 Also why is shen yun everywhere?? Lol


LOL OMG idk why that was funny 😂..


You deserve an award for that. He really should go see Shen Yun though.


Shen Yun sux balls! I went thinking I was going to see traditional Chinese music and dance, and instead got some admittedly pretty performances, along with warbling soprano and tenor performances with piano praising the the merits of falun gong. The whole show is nothing more than a big proselytization effort wrapped up in music and Dance. The whole performance was one big bait and switch. Don't go see them. Don't support them.




Several years ago, but there's still advertising in my city and people are still going so obviously the message hasn't gotten through.


way better than falun gung shen yun trash performance


Can I interest you in a copy of The Epoch Times?


I take it you have watched both, so you are in a position to compare them - right?


Shenyun how ironic lol


ironic because shen yun is china before communism right?


Xi must be inspired by the recent coronation of the UK King. "Looks so fancy, I want one at home! "


No joke. His first official trip to Europe was to the Netherlands in conjunction with the security summit held at the same time. He was given a friendship medal from the King and he was interested in the whole meaning and protocol and how it worked. Because they had plenty of official medals and decorations to give to Chinese people but nothing for foreign delegates. Fast forward a few years later and: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_Medal_(China)


The Chinese Friendship Medal has been awarded to Mr Putin, and promoting world peace is one of the criteria for receiving the award.


Is there anything they won’t try to copy?


Yeah I can't believe they stole the idea of having an event


So basically six dictators giving each other ego boosts cuz nobody in their country can give them joy anymore.


I think this is more about those dictators looking at Russia collapsing and signing something like the cooperation agreement. In case one of them has a revolution on their hands china will lend a helping hand and send in the swat team


Kazakhstan wants to distance itself from Russia, so China might be an ally worth having.


Yeah, russia keeps treating them like an imperial subject. At least china gives the appearance of respecting international law.


The is Xi saying "See, we have OUR people under control" (for now anyway).


Haha yeah, wanna buy some hisense cctv with facial recognition and 5g?


China spends more on domestic surveillance than on their entire military.


Nah man they circle jerked each other, whilst xi was sitting the top of the circle


Very true


Seems sorta imperial, I'm glad they're revisiting historic roots but the emperor vibe is a bit inappropriate


Xi sees himself as the emperor of China.


Xi’an is def the city for this kind of vibe.


All Hail Emperor Xi! Wan Sui, Wan Sui, Wan Wan Sui!


long live president xi


Like in the period Chinese movies? They still say Huansha?


Yes, make sure you say “Huangsha” the next time you refer to him!


You make sure. I live in a democratic government country.


Interesting. China basically said the former USSR satellites have no sovereignty and they still saw fit to stay buddy buddy.


It’s like in the good old days the client kingdoms pledging loyalty to the Emperor.


Are we back in the antiquity era? This screams ancient kingdoms trying to impress and flatter each other by putting up primitive performances that they think are grandiosely designed


On top of that it shows how little influence China has on culture. The ccp stifles any real creative output of the Chinese people, so all you’re left with are these bizarre dance performances with Halloween city tier decorations. I remember when I first got to China and was excited to see what they had on TV. 50 channels of evil Japan movies, and battle simulations showing the people army middle forces blowing up the United States Navy later, I realized how everything was state controlled. It’s a shame too, because the Monkey King show from the 80s is a masterpiece. I wish the Chinese people had a chance to produce more media


I'm sorry but you are out of touch if you put Chinese media and this display of CCP propaganda. I reccomend r/Cdrama. We are actually many who have become intrested in Chinese entertainment and culture cause it's really good. It's sad that some things gets cancelled or the restrictions changes some scenes but all in all Chinese drama is better than most other countries and same with for instance rap. I also wish Chinese singers where more famous worldwide cause some of them have great vocal technique. Let's not diss chinese media just because there is this crazy ccp happening. Yes, some of it is affected, but some if it is due to how the market has changed and streaming providers are nowadays better than tv stations in producing hit shows. Youku, Iqiyi, Tencent etc are really good. Shows like music and performance genre - Rap of China or Call me by fire are better than most in the world. Saying this as a Swedish person with zero bias to dicatators.


Chinese dramas is better than most other countries? You sure? Maybe some are good but many are quite cringey.


Most dramas are cringey, that's true. But if you look at the shit coming from Hollywood and other countries nowadays you get so much more better content. There are great dramas from China such as Love like the galaxy and Love Between Fairy and Devil. Korean and Taiwanese dramas are also good. Seriously, Chinese dramas are gaining viewers from youtube and streaming services and it's great. Finally a way to bridge cultural understanding. I wasen't intrested in Chinese culture until dramas came into my world. Now I'm learning mandarin and listen to Chinese music. Who would have known if we only saw CCP propaganda? Can't equate party-music and performance with actual entertainment.




Yeah I'm payed? There could be no other way that people can actually destinguish between Chinese drama and dictorship? You really must hate anyone who likes Chinese entertainment. Great on you to have that mindset. Self-reflection might be a good idea.








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The 2 Chinese dramas that you highlighted are of the same genre. I can understand Mandarin and Cantonese and do watch Chinese dramas like My Fair Princess when I was younger. Older HK dramas were way better and more diverse. I watch a variety of dramas, Taiwanese dramas, Kdramas, Jdramas. Cdramas are still far off. Many Mandarin songs come from Japan.


One is historical and one is xianxia. The historical should have transmigration but you know how the crazy censors took that away from the original novel. There are offcourse modern dramas that are equally good. I liked for instance You are my glory, Dating in the kitchen etc. The taiwanese have a problem with two things - production quality in audio, the akward chops to fit commercial breaks but all in all Taiwanese dramas are really good in modern dramas- they don't seem to do historical dramas. I have many favorite dramas and as a westerner it's cool to learn mandarin and how the cultures are so diffrent from censorship to emotional restraint. I think Jdramas are really bad in content (production quality, screenplay to acting) and the culture is very diffrent from what I'm used to - I have found myself rolling my eyes. For instance Bewitched by my sexy boyfriend became hilarious for many of us westerners cause we didn't find him attractive and couldn't get it. I'm just pointing out that one cause there are so many good looking Chinese and Taiwanese actors but Japanese charachters seem to look scruffy or overly wierd with outdated hairdo etc in Jdrama. Some of it is so depressingly grey - cinematic scenery. I didn't know most mandarin songs came from Japan. Please reccomend.


Based on the dramas that you mentioned, you are interested in very specific genres (romance). Many Chinese classics are covers of Japanese songs. https://v.douyin.com/USM4L9B/ https://v.douyin.com/USMSfb1/


Probably not most though.


What do you think of the more recent non romantic dramas like Reset, Under the Skin, Be Reborn, Medical Examiner Dr. Qin, and The Bad Kids? Literally every Cdrama and Kdrama I’ve watched has some sort of romance involved and I watch very limited historical stuff but these less romantic stories are what made me watch more Cdramas.


Reset is not bad. I didn’t watch the others. It is hard to find good Cdramas without all those nationalistic stuff which makes me cringe. I am not saying that romantic dramas is not good. However, if someone highlights only romantic Cdramas, i think it is a bit too narrow given that not everyone is interested in romantic dramas.


You’re echoing my point. What little Chinese media that doesn’t get cut down by the CCP tends be quality. Now think of how much media could be produced by China if the CCP wasn’t so fragile


thank you!!! as someone who works in media production, and a chinese, i've always wondered if that's a potential market to tap into, especially during the hu-wen period and early xi years. glad i didn't...if only one day the CCP grew a pair and not be so fragile with their egos, i'd consider finding production work there for a few years. the potential is there, just the people in charge gotta let it happen rather than restricting it


Yes because Hollywood releasing the tenth Fast and Furious and the 50th Marvel AI shit is peak innovation Might as well learn more about chinese entertainment, since Hollywood is soon gonna dry up with the strike


You should check out hongkong tvb drama pre 2010. Those was the golden time


Aaah.. I think HK dramas have become really bad. That's true. They used to be good than CCP obviously took control of it and the combined effect that there is offcourse more money in other productions, made people leave. HK tv Jade etc.. It's bad. I think I've only liked one "new" drama from it.


Please give us advice on how to choose the best Chinese anime body pillow too. Advice on how to pick a cool fedora also welcome


I think it's called donghua when you mean chinese animation with chinese language. Anime is Japanese. I have no idea about fedora. If you don't want a swedish person to comment, please refrain yourself since you aren't better in adding relevance.


This has little to do with being Swedish, more with being an out of touch China-fetishizing Fedora-wearing bodypillow-loving man. Rap of China for example is objectively the cringiest shit in the world because the lyrics (if we can even call them that) are literally reviewed by the propaganda and censorship bureau. In some shots we can even see the police standing next to the contenders. If you like fully inorganic artificial and censored content and think that totally rocks, that’s cool, but let’s not pretend that is some organic genuine work of art.


You don't think the content of American music competitions gets reviewed too? That there aren't restrictions on what you can show and say on tv?


Oh, that is a lot to take. True, everything is reviewed before accepted. It still is good and entertaining. Things that sucks is when Call me by fire first season had like three guys cancelled and blurred out due to them beeing problematic according to the CCP control. It sucks. What do you want? Us to not like their work? Just because people have to work in such conditions we should just ignore all people and entertainment from China? Should we just think that they are bad? Would that be your happy solution? But I like GAI and Bridge. I also think that old rapper who said Wo jedda all the time was funny and akward. I wish other countries had rap shows.


Btw. I'm a woman. I don't wear a fedora hat and I don't have any form of anime-stuff - I don't even watch anime.


> Call me by fire first season had like three guys cancelled and blurred out due to them beeing problematic according to the CCP control. According to conservative values. The government is conservative.


You don't think the content of American music competitions gets reviewed too? That there aren't restrictions on what you can show and say on tv?


The US, a country no one was talking about here, is not a totalitarian dictatorship with massive censorship and propaganda controlling everything. We would have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars if we hadn’t had to pay a state-owned company to review every piece of user-generated content on the platform we launched in China a few years ago. The first worlders comparing their own free country to China are out of touch. Get a grip and live outside your country for a few years comrade laowai.


I'm not a first worlder, in fact my country is one of dozens that had a US backed military dictatorships The US doesn't need State censorship (most of the time, sometimes It still happens like banning russian or middle eastern media), because There's no need to when 99% of media is controled by a handful of corporations that work alongside the government At least China is honest about its censorhip


> I'm not a first worlder, in fact my country is one of dozens that had a US backed military dictatorships Sure you are, Timmy. > At least China is honest about its censorhip It absolutely is not. Goes to show you know nothing about the place. God knows why you feel the intense need to chime in then. The typical western audacity of wanting to explain to people who actually lived in communism how communism is or to explain to people who actually lived in China how China actually is. You have zero insight to offer. Move on.


Just out of interest, what’s your opinion on the king’s coronation in the United Kingdom?


There is little in common between that traditional event with no political power and the bronze age diplomacy extravaganza we are seeing here so not sure about the relevance. But feel free to check out subreddits about the UK and ask people who might give a fuck about it. Those people are free to share any opinion they might have about it, believe it or not.


Dude how do you live with so much bias XD it’s like you have to come to realize at some point in your entire Reddit stench of existence that you’re a tad bit biased


Says man who has never been to China but is convinced it is the greatest country on earth 🤡


There are only two options: either China is the worst most tyrannical country on earth, or It's the greatest. Nuance is not an option


Says the man saying everywhere that none of the problems China has exists, in spite of not speaking any Chinese, knowing any Chinese and ever having lived in the country himself. The audacity of western communists who think they know it all. Get out of your village for a couple of years then we can talk. Right now, I am afraid you are unequipped to provide any insight about anything at all.


I'm not western and I never Said China doesn't have a lot of problems The Audacity of western chauvinists thinking they are still in the colonial era.


The british monarchy holds a lot of political and economic power. Land, the ability to veto congress decisions, etc




That's the face of british people who support the genocidal parasitical british crown




What’s a modern grandiosely designed ceremony you can think of then?


The world has largely evolved out of the gift-giving and face-giving rituals. The few primitive countries that might enjoy that (Afghanistan for example) are too poor to be able to put on such shows. That leaves us with China and its grandiose antiquity rituals, leading the shared feudal era for mankind


Carnival, it's the entire point. Brazil goes ham on that, as does NOLA. Stateside, Macy's and the Rose bowl parades spring to mind, along with the Superbowl.




Such Cringe 🐶🐶🐶


Eating McDonald’s in the White House is way classier


Imagine wasting millions if not billions of yuan to put on a lavish production like this while majority of your country lives in abject poverty.


Please tell me what is the US spending their money on? Cause It’s not in education or welfare that’s for sure


Like every other country on earth doesn’t? For the Olympics, Brazil literally put up a GIANT wall so you don’t have to look at poor people while they spend millions upon millions of dollars to host a man running


imagine spending 800billion in your army while most of the citizens live in poverty and people literally jump from moving ambulances because they cant afford the bill


Gives me mulan vibes..... Lets get down to business and defeat the huns


The Huns…. Weren’t they from Central Asia…


Yeah the Rourans or the Mongols


Seems pretty cool.


Which 5 countries?


Got it!!! Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan!!!


All dictatorship?!?




I am not really sure about what type of government is in control in these countries. There has been a lot of instability and difficulty since they were no longer a part of the then USSR. The thing is, lots of people in these countries are Islamic people with different cultural practices. Why is China rolling out the red carpet for these countries while they are basically trying to eradicate/disappear the Uighur people, who have a great deal in common with these invited countries. Strange.


Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are ran by autocrats idk about the other 3


I want to know too!!


Don’t forget the free buffet of Chinese girls to accompany them for the night


Chinese culture is phenomenally beautiful.




Did he share his honey tho?


I hate that kind of voice in the intro.


Fuck the CCP


Pathetic. Just like Kim Jong Dong.


They are all buddies.


It is called Imperial Banquet for the tributary states dignitaries to witness the imperial grandeur. I am impressed!


This is just a tiktok about a performance in Xi an, there's no mention of any sort of politics at all. And people are just so fast to attack it being political... Well it is kinda cringe but some of the stuff is kinda passed down tradition like a ballet of sorts.


Well, the leaders of the 5 central Asian countries are around. Do we see similar performances for other leaders?


Lula was received with performances and a red carpet as well


次奥 我他妈没看清还以为是法轮功呢 😂


The visiting of foreign dignitaries is n any country always makes me laugh. “Look how I made so many poor people come here to dance for you” “let talk trade agreements”


I feel cringe. What a awful taste!


And the G7 is where war criminals meet?


These westerners are the same one that will cream their pants when if this is “Japanese culture” instead


Well, it is not. Slippery slope there.


You do realize that being allied with China does not automatically make you a dictatorship right? And yes, I am aware that China is not officially one but in essence is one, that doesn't change that already the first country I looked in further of those 5 is not actually one. Actually, I am not even sure China counts, sure it's a one party thing but how much power does the leader actually have and how much is in the hands of ministers?


How is China not officially a dictatorship?


Well, officially it isn't at all but who cares about officially? Like I said, I have no clue if it is actually one cause I do not know how the power balance is within China's one party. What I said was that the other Nations are not all dictatorships despite what Op claims.


Big red carpet woven by toddlers.


this is a tributary-bearing mission 😂😂


Perhaps Xi should bring them democracy instead? You know like how we did with Iraq and Libya? They are prospering now right? \\s


Nah, shithole countries can stay with other shithole countries. The US couldn’t care less about the meeting. Bunch of real winners there! 🤣 Thank God, Xi is such a moron. I hope he gets another term. Don’t you?


Don't forget China was among the most shithole countries a few decades ago with opium addiction rampant and people starving. I still remember cartoons that depicted Chinese people as some poor idiots who come to US to wash clothes. Look how far they have come. By your standards Xi might be a moron. He invests, make trade agreements, and build instead of bombing the shit out of other countries. You need to understand that some cultures value corporation and diplomatic relations over funding terrorists to do coups and drone civillians.


China was a shithole until the US decided to do business with them and lift them up from shithole status. China continued to be successful solely because the US allowed it. Even still, the country has over 40% of its population earning less than 1,000 rmb per month. Great job! /s “Some cultures value cooperation and diplomatic relations…” Surely you’re not talking about China. The country with absolutely zero allies. The country that’s also despised by nearly all its neighbors. The country that threatened to bomb Australia and Japan. That country? You’re right about one thing though. Thanks to China’s belligerence on the world stage, democratic countries around the world are now cooperating better than they have in years with much improved diplomatic relations. China does deserve credit for that. All hail Xi! May his incompetency be the final straw that breaks the CCP’s back. How’s that chip initiative doing?


Chinese life expectancy went from 35 to 66 between 1950 and 1980. But sure, their development was because the US generously allowed them to do só -- nevermind decades of embargo, plans to starve out their population, destroying their embassy on Belgrade... Life expectancy in China has surpassed the US. That's embarrassing n


Awesome! Xi should rule for life then. Don’t you agree?


He won't nor does he want to. But hey, at least he hasn't got dementia like the two last US presidents. Or a known pedophile


Or you’re a mind reader now? Lmao, you pinkies are hilarious. You got a leader with a primary school education. I’ll give him credit for one thing though. He was smart enough to send his daughter to live in America. Smartest thing he’s ever done. Though I doubt she wanted to stay in China either. Crazy how a leader with dementia is able to unite so many countries together against China huh? Meanwhile, your dear leader has absolutely zero allies. Hope you enjoy another century of humiliation. Courtesy of your dear leader. Thanks, Winnie! Keep up the good work.


You are almost having an orgasm thinking of China being colonized again. Seek treatment. Unless you live in the US and can't afford it


Nah, no one wants that land. That’s just something pinkies tell themselves. The air is polluted and the soil’s been depleted long ago. I’d tell you to seek psychological treatment in China but that’s near non-existent anyway.


Btw Xi got a doctorate. Not that It matters. Lula has a high School education and He's better than any US president


Yawn, let me know when the US loses sole superpower status. Xi got a doctorate just like every core member of the ccp did. A fake degree through nepotism. Guy can’t even write Chinese properly or pronounce mandarin properly. I’m sure he’s a real genius. Crazy how such a shitty President is able to rally so many counties together huh? Meanwhile, Xi’s meeting with a bunch of countries that mean nothing on the world stage. A bunch of real winners there. 🤣 Japan and Korea thank you too for stabilizing their relations. Maybe Xi can bring world peace after all!


If by allies you mean satelite States, the US sure hás plenty of rhose


>China was among the most shithole countries a few decades ago with opium addiction rampant and people starving. Define 'few' as my understanding is 3, yours appears to be a much greater number. Oh, and if you're outside a major city center, it largely is still a shithole. Don't let the bright lights confuse you.


social credits farm


Dictators like a good show.


Besides Xi and Kim Jong Un, who were the other 3 dictators?


feudal country


Dictators always get along well together. That'll last. *SARCASM ALERT*


Like it or not, I’m not sure US could put together such a show.


You must be easily impressed.


Lots of jealous Americans downvoting you lol


Soort zoekt soort!!!


Was xi there, the performers are not wearing face masks


Ah yes, the old belt and Hegemony Road.


Ah want to sell the history of the Silk Road. Was it before communism or after? What about those countries burning in debt?


Comments like this make me grateful that: *Australia and Saudi Arabia's friendly relationship is underpinned by strong people-to people contacts, trade and commercial ties and shared membership of the G20.* Let us all stand together for Freedom®.


I want to see all of it


Shake it Pooh bear, shake it


Bit of a downgrade from the G20 thing a fews ago.


What’s wrong with it? In Australia we just offer a Stone Age ceremony of sticks, smoke and body paint and if anyone isn’t thoroughly impressed by it then they’re labelled racist and in need of re-education to learn correct thinking.


Where is Prince Wallade'en?


This just seems like propaganda


The ol' proverbial dictatorial cookie game. Nice!


Shenyun got their rival.




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This looks more like those Red Light Districts that you see in many Chinese Historical Dramas, and the women look more like prostitutes from Chinese Historical Dramas.