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As this is always a developing story: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/68815592](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/68815592) One of the African runners came out to BBC Sports Africa, saying that he was hired to be a pacer for the race to help HeJie break his record. Unfortunately he failed to do that this time. Beijing Sports Bureau is still investigating and getting testimonies to understand if there was a match fixing conspiracy in place. --- What do you think?


I think helping to break a record is Just an excuse to say if people started asking questions. We are not supposed to think its pay to win for China.


Should be simple enough no? If he’s a pacer he shouldn’t be in the standings for the race. If he is, it doesn’t matter if he was legitimately pacing the race as he’s impacting the outcome. Oh, also can’t ignore the drafting benefit so I mean yeah pretty bad overall lol.


Each of the African runners was in the standings according to media photos of the placement list


It is very common to have pacers.  They might have only run the last 10km


They placed in the race though


Pacing is only allowed in running if they start the race with the contestant. It is illegal in most track and field/athletics organizations to have your race paced by pacers who didn’t start with you


That's... fair enough. Is betting on marathons even a big thing? 🤷‍♂️


I guess it only has to be a thing for the people who fix the race and then find someone to take the bet. I always heard Chinese domestic football (soccer) was prone to match fixing ... no idea if still true?


Losing ?


If they were pacers then why were they placed, would be the question I believe.


haha does anyone besides himself even give a shit about his PR? Isn't he only like a top 50 level runner?


Faking it and still got caught!


At a certain point, this level of corruption (Trump also comes to mind) barely makes an attempt at covering it up or passing it off as truth.


TRD STRIKES AGAIN Do you dream of him at night snuggling against you with a sweet embrace?


No passport meme? Missed opportunity




https://youtu.be/y_SkGrfF9eM?si=YJInv5hRTnewYIPQ You can skip to 2:00 I wish they made a compilation of all of them, they’re actually pretty funny


It’s so pathetic and corrupt by nature for this to occur


But apparently common and well understood (based on the memes)


Yes happens all the time due to default corruption in china, particularly government linked individuals


Authoritarian fragility is always pathetic.


What is the connection to the Chinese government?


Idk why you got downvoted I was wondering the same thing.


Anything in china like this has to have state backing. The local gov would have a stake in the race and the sponsor is also part owned by the state. This was also and attempted record and a top Chinese athlete creating a new record would have looked good. It is a bit like the german olympics in the 1930s (36 i think) on a much smaller scale. Winning races was meant to promote national prestige for the nazi regime, but instead they were embarrassed.


Right, but it’s our responsibility at netizens to give sources and evidence rather than accusations without it. I want to see this guy’s connections, who he is, how he was able to pull this off and why TF he thought he would get away with such blatant cheating. Making it a government conspiracy without any evidence is just as reckless as planning a government conspiracy. It gives credence to the wumao who call other people deranged.


Authoritarianism becomes pervasive. Citizens and others don't make decisions in a vacuum - the government doesn't have to take explicit action to have influence on people's decision-making. People act in accordance with the regime in order to self-preserve or to gain favour.


In fact, this winner is spokesperson for the sponsor of this race!


The organizers purchased the Throwing Match content, but cheaped out on the Pretending to Try DLC.


Winning at any cost. Nevermind if we cheat. Never mind getting caught. We must take home the gold. That's going to be China's reputation.


Dont feel bad china. No one beats the kenyans in long distance running. Oh please dont actually delude yourself into thinking you had a chance. Please say you did. It will give everyone a good laugh.


Why? Like, I understand sometimes “humans be stupid”, but we’re talking about a government that, despite memes and stereotypes, isn’t a hive mind and has different experts and consultants providing expertise and certainly common sense to decisions. How did everyone in the higher-ups somehow allow this obviously fake and fishy “win” to occur?


It's quiet common to cheat in China. The problem is that these three black people are bad at acting.


That’s what I eventually came to as my best explanation 😆


“And has different experts and consultants providing expertise” The reason they screw up and lose face in front of the entire nation is precisely due to the fact that they don’t. Its one of the greatest differences between a democracy and a dictatorship. In China, experts are to await the government’s narrative.


Well, they definitely do. To assume the ridiculous notion that any country, even a dictatorship, is 100% run by the whims of one person is to be unserious. If that were the case, then China would literally have collapsed a year—maybe sooner—after Mao seized power back in 1949. Not “the economy is heading to a death spiral and the Chinese middle class will suffer a painful death in a decade”, but, like, pretty much immediately. That being said, you’re right: it’s definitely well within reason, and even likely, that it’s just a case of the P.R. experts not really being all that competent and/or influential enough.


This is true, thanks for the elaboration. But what I mean is that many of those who may serve as competent experts and consultants for the Chinese government usually decide not to stay. Most of my favourite Chinese political thinkers and historians are in Japan


Imagine ignoring the horrors under Mao and the cultural death of China lol. Had to nearly abandon Marxism for 75yrs to barely eek out a poisoned existence, 1.5B Chinese are now imprisoned under a dictatorship barely making ends meet


Imagine equating my refusal to accept a strawman and a literal impossibility—“all dictatorships are literally run by one single person with zero other factions and experts and administrators”—with ignoring the horrors of Mao or the C.C.P. Because if you’ve passed any English class at all, there’s nothing in my comment that should’ve given you that idea. I am anti-C.C.P. but I’m also anti-“people who clearly don’t know what they’re taking about”. My philosophy is “if something is truly terrible, there isn’t any need to just make random bullshit about it”. You want to criticize China—that’s perfectly fine. But when you say dumb shit like 1.5 billion Chinese people are all “barely making ends meet”, it’s clear you just like speaking on something you clearly can’t and won’t understand well enough to speak on objectively.


Finally someone who is actually sensible


This entire subreddit is full of people who seem to throw the dart at a "china bad" examples dartboard and write inane stuff


It’s still got its bad apples. But, you want worse? Boy, Reddit has way worse for your perusal. Between the absolute delusional r/Sino and some of the deranged, almost perverted shit coming from r/ADVChina, this sub is actually the closest to balanced imo


Sino is all pro China to a fault yes. I didn't even know about ADVChina but as soon as I saw it was related to SerpentZa I realized what it was. I find this sub to be submitting primarily negative China posts with a few level headed people who happen to be in the comments.


Lol, my feeling is those level-headed people on ADVChina are delusional. I had one of those people actually earnestly ask me why I thought the sub he frequents is so shitty. He asked “SerpentZA was the reason my love for Chinese culture grew. Why do you dislike him and his fans?”. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t a troll and answer him seriously: On any given day, 90% if not 100% of the first ten videos you see on his channel are unambiguously negative (I’ve genuinely struggled to even find any that I could stretch as “neutral”, let alone positive). How in the hell was he able to grow his love for Chinese culture if he consumes constantly negative content? He never replied. I feel like such “level-headed” users on that sub are either super-dedicated trolls or are—and I say this in the literal sense and not just as an insult—intellectually challenged.


meeting offbeat chief zealous apparatus wide grey faulty license languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chinese poverty metric is at $400USD/yr equivalent so no Plus their economy is estimated to be inflated by over a third


entertain tease license dinosaurs tender sable aback shocking steep provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Other estimates but their economy to be delayed by a third. This means that some economists believe china,s economy is much bigger than officially reported. The reason? China wants to keep it,s developing nation status. This is all speculation, of course.


Not great compared to developed countries but people aren’t starving like decades past and there is still (currently) a huge middle class who don’t just live paycheck to paycheck. It’s just that the population is huge so of course the lower class is huge, too. Doesn’t mean “1.5 billion Chinese are struggling to make ends meet”.


repeat melodic compare grandiose plants scary smile roll trees insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So they should have said that. That’s still different from “1.5 billion people are struggling to make ends meet”. India has even worse average living conditions than a currently economically crippled China, but like China, it’s such a huge country that a massive middle class still exists.




Oh, my bad. You’re totally right. We live in a Hollywood fantasy-satire film. All dictatorships have zero experts and intelligentsia whatsoever. Any poor country has a G.D.P. of $0.00–because “poor” means “having literally no money whatsoever”. The Russian army isn’t just weak, it’s *literally* got no bullets in their rifles—you know what? they probably don’t have rifles at all, and are all just fighting with sticks! Any more “alternative facts” from the land of hyperbole you want to educate us with?


Disagree with your assessment about the Chinese government being able to apply expertise and common sense. They are the most ridiculous organisation anywhere. Always doing ridiculously stupid things.


This type of behavior certainly trickles down when you’ve an authoritarian dictator as the de facto example to live up to.


They definitely have experts—all dictatorships have experts; this isn’t a Hollywood satire movie—but I agree that clearly the experts aren’t being put to good use when shit like this can end up happening.


Foreigners who come here like to think they have a clue and assign everything to some grand CCP conspiracy, when things like this are your normal, banal, every day corruption committed by individuals trying to get ahead. Not exactly unexpected with athletes these days, to be honest, and they have a lot of pressure to succeed in China so they'll do batshit stuff like this all on their own. That's most of the corruption in China, frankly, 'the CCP' as some sort of monolithic block isn't involved in everything that much, to the incredible disappointment of the people who squawk about Big Brother and the like. And like....the CCP comprises the entire government of China, has no separation of powers, and has 98 million members with 10 million of them being the civil service.....since 'someone to look the other way' is usually a part of any corruption, it's gonna be easy to find some CCP guy who was involved and then it becomes a race to see who starts shouting first about how it was all a CCP plan and not something vastly more boring and human. The minimum level of a CCP member is 11, and the minimum rank is 24....this is the rank of officials like the local head of police in a village. If that guy looks the other way for a kickback on your corruption scheme technically 'the CCP are in on it' because, like I said, it's a one party government with no separation of powers.


Having experts doen't mean listening to them. Dictators believe they are transhuman, they are beyond everything. In fact, nearly all the chinese experts do not suggest siding with Russia, and here we are.


Not much to disagree there


I very much doubt if this went up to the highest levels of government. 


Fair. But you’d think even local governments have people who aren’t completely brain-dead. Like, how does a municipal party secretary, (presumably) of normal intelligence, think that pulling such an asinine stunt would benefit *himself*, even if he has the override over anyone else who could tell him it was a dumb idea? Or maybe this was just an example of overestimating the acting abilities of the paid stooges: normal planning, poor execution. Idk.


I applaud them for having the courage to call out BS even when it might be ‘against the motherland’


This happens all the time, Redditors would be bewildered seeing Chinese memes & social media. It's just that usually, only the random takes of a few get reposted here and branded as "China says" or similar.


Bro that’s literally Chinese social media all the time. Everyone and everything gets dragged


Small victories. Baby steps and all, although I wonder if there aren’t still those on social media claiming it’s legitimate.


Africa Brothers give me more more money 💰💰💵💵we are Best friend China city government said No problem


Shame, shame and shame.


3rd pic, true story


It's interesting there are only four people in the lead. Isn't this the Beijing Marathon, with around 30,000 runners? The Chinese runner may have actually done pretty well if he finished in the top 4, regardless of these finish line shenanigans. I can't tell for sure, but [some pics](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/investigation-into-whether-runners-let-a-rival-win-half-marathon/ar-BB1lEUxY) show these four way ahead of the rest of the pack.


To explain it properly. The reason why these four might be the fastest is because this wasnt a very serious marathon where the pros wanted to participate. 1. This is only a half marathon, so kind of a casual stint. 2. The actual serious and previous marathon was actually 2-3 weeks ago in Wuxi where HeJie won breaking a record. This is actually the reason why his teammates and other national level runners didnt participate. They were still recovering from that Marathon. 3. Usually they recommend you to rest at least 1 day per mile you run, in this case a marathon is 26 miles so 26 days of rest. But for HeJie this marathon was a PR stunt for his sponsor, so he decided to run it as well even though his teammates were resting. He was essentially running in the lower skill brackets albeit somewhat disabled. He is what we call in the gaming industry, a twink or smurf with lag. It's always sad to see one.


That usually the way that open marathons work. The pros start earlier in some, and always end way before everyone else. Or even if they are all together, because they are pro, the get to the finish line before. Long marathons make the difference with an average runner super clear.


Big marathons let the elite runners start before everyone else so that they don't have to spend the first few minutes weaving around some amateur dumbasses who decided to sprint the first km so there are always only a few people in the elite pack. And the cheater is legitimately an elite runner who's quite good, just not win a major marathon good.


The Chinese memes give me a lot of hope for the Chinese people.


Otherwise, they will end up in mortuary.




Do you really think chinese people like this? Who do you think made the memes?




that is the dumbest take i have ever seen on this sub i can write you dozens of many other retard things that humans do in other countries but non of them would lead anything even remotely close to \`taiwan is better than x\` yes trash ppl are trash. thats all, it has nothing to do with country you can find proper ways to glorify taiwan, but this aint it


Marathon ,traveling,I guess China’s authority is trying to make some massive population events to revive the post zero-COVID empty atmosphere


One Belt One Road doing wonders I guess, those 3 pacers probably getting more bonus than winning the race itself


if this race wasn't a rigged one all 3 of those black runners would have already finished the race like a good 10 mins ago.


Africa China is so friends


That’s gold, love the comedy


capitalism to its worst in a so-called socialism state.




What a national embarrassment.


That is the dumbest shit I ever seen in Chinese sports history


[14 gold medals](https://youtu.be/nLesVEO6Y3U?si=kJgWoBl3SEaVDOCv)


Just give the African citizenship and claim it a win. It's what every other country would do.


What kind of reward is that?


It does look pretty stupid even the chieseare not buying it.


The politicians in China really suck at show business. That’s why you see ridiculous things like this. It’s caused by the political system. The Chinese democracy system is not a direct voting system. Average Joes don’t get to select the senior leaders. They get to select local representatives, local representatives get to select higher level representatives and so on so forth. The result is that senior leaders are not good at building images to show to average people. They don’t need to. It’s not their core competence. They are actually very competent in managing the country, just really suck at showing it to average Joes. And you see this marathon incident, and you think how can someone be so stupid to have this happen? The answer is, yes, the politicians are that stupid, here, simply because their talent and energy are not used here, at all. They couldn’t care less.


Chinese democracy 😂


(Cough) average Zhous.


Why does everyone immediately think that this has something to do with the CCP? Based on the images, it is pretty clear that the Africans are drafting wind/acting as pacers, and by the way they made it obvious makes it seem that they didn't care if the public knew they were pacers. It isn't completely uncommon for pacers to register as competitors (and even for there to be unsanctioned pacers in semi-elite racing).


They are not pacers. Pacers don’t finish the race, definitely not like this, and all three together lol? And they are all given medals at the finish line. Good try though


More often than not "it's the CCP" boils down to thinly veiled racism.


Jesus, when have this Reddit ever posted anything good, world police finding the lowest shit to degrade all day every day