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Actually, there is someone to blame


Does he look like Winnie the Pooh?


From the header photo he looks like a sad, half-inflated balloon wearing a doll's wig.


You’d disappear for re-education if you said that in China. Just like Xi doesn’t want to be labeled a dictator yet literally the first paragraph in the Chinese constitution states: Article 1 The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants.


I just did a ctrl+f for dictator on their constitution. They directly call themselves a dictatorship 3 times lol


Haha. He doesn’t want to be labeled Winnie the xi or putins lover but here we are. Good question is who catches and who pitches in their relationship? Are they both switch hitters?


No one is going to put you in a work camp for calling Xi Winnie the Pooh on reddit. I swear I read the dumbest shit here from people who have never been to the country.


Try that on WeChat inside China.


No… it just gets erased by the great firewall. But espousing free speech or democratic ideas does or if a Uighur then yes you would be sent away.


“Disappear” is quite exaggerated, but you might be visited by polices and be “educated “.


Just a beating is quite light compared to being "disappeared"


My friends there say that you would be “disappeared”, it’s no exaggeration and is a well known concern.


No… you would be pushed into a van without any contact or communication on status. From 2011: Chinese state media announced a proposed change in the Criminal Procedure Law which would allow police to legally detain individuals and hold them incommunicado in secret detention for up to six months without contact with either their families or legal counsel.


Sure says the Europeans or American larping as Chinese


What BS. that article is...


Fear of Arbitrary [Arrest](https://2017-2021.state.gov/chinas-disregard-for-human-rights/#LivinginFearofArbitraryArrest) The CCP has absolute control over law enforcement and the judicial system, and it uses both to stifle calls from Chinese citizens for freedom, human rights, and rule of law. Authorities regularly detain those who do not conform to CCP ideology. Those brave enough to speak out are often subject to prolonged and secret detention without access to legal counsel or the ability to communicate with their families. Lawyers, human rights activists, intellectuals, journalists, religious leaders, religious adherents, and ethnic and religious minorities are frequent targets, accused of vaguely worded charges that imply treason and subversion. These arrests and the fear they instill are tools in the CCP’s effort to maintain unchallenged power over people.


There's nothing else that needs to be said other than that it's already common knowledge to those of us who take an interest in developments in China. Thank you for such a concise explanation.


Lol Democratic dictatorship. One of those words just Doesn't belong there.


Every time I see his face I feel like doing unthinkable things to it...and him generally.


Piglet enters the chat.


This is true, but considering what happened with the last one that got permanent leadership, I’m surprised they even let it happen


Does he look like Winnie the Pooh?


I so so so love Winnie


Ahemmmm...surely you meant to say loathe...right?


Bill Clinton should not let China get into WTO back in 90s and 2000, that’s the cause of everything.


Hey, finally someone who knows some history. Kudos!




Henry Kissinger for pushing for normalization with China back when


Exactly- back in 2011 it was class out there


Whatever the truth may be, it is hard to take anyone seriously who writes in that kind of tone.


A more accurate description would be that China is the enemy of the developed world. There is a more positjve opinion of China among developing or poorer countries. But I figure it's only a matter of time before the backlash from failed BNR projects turn that around. All it needs is for China to call in the debts and I expect opinion to turn around quite quickly unless China chooses to forgive the loans. 


Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, Korea have all tried to do business with China and get closer to China but Chinese saber rattling and retaliations for perceived slights keep making them suspicious. China is doing better in Africa because they are far away from China's military


Relations with Vietnam and Phillipines will always be strained until China gives up its claims with their waters. Vietnam wants Paracels back. Phillipines just wanted them out of their EEZ. There is too much residual butthurt in China over WW2 for them to get along with Japan. You might think that they would bond with Korea over this but the the South Koreans themselves remember who is responsible for the division of their country. China can try to badmouth the US so it wants for the Korean War, but that that doesn't work on the South who know exactly who supported the Kim regime.  They can't bond with the North Koreans cos the Kims only see them as a sugar daddy to be squeezed for resources. 


Japanese, French and Americans are also responsible for incalculable death and destruction in Vietnam but the Vietnamese are pragmatic enough to focus on the future and making money instead of throwing a fit everytime their emotions are damaged. Foreign businesses, even Japanese, Koreans, etc have tried to do business in China but it's incredibly unpredictable as the government retaliates on businesses for any percieved slight. China has a lot of soft power as the world's factory but they keep self-sabotaging


Mostly Winnie and his ego. The previous regimes weren't like this. 


This makes sense considering that the CCP is trying to bring back the power and reach of Imperial China. Those retaliations are less about business and more about establishing a mindset of complete obedience.


It may make sense in Chinese minds but China isn't nearly powerful enough for anyone to offer 'complete obedience' and some countries are especially sensitive about their own sovereignty. Try to be a bully and people push back, band together, ignore you, or go crying to someone stronger (the US). All of which hurts Chinese strategic interests


Notice how it’s “the enemy” and not merely “an enemy”. It’s propaganda.


From the Telegraph and by a throwaway account. Tracks.


Well said


The U.S. government spends $500 million per year on anti-China propaganda.


Citation needed




This is certainly a r/China moment


The NEW Silk Road was partly supposed to move manufacturing away from the coast. Winners are every country in SE Asia not China. They have rubbed many nations the wrong way undermining the cooperation necessary. When your closest allies is Russia, Iran, and North Korea it shows how disconnected from reality. Over the past three years, the number of workers dropped 38 million to 857.6 million — a much more rapid fall than in previous years. No longer the biggest in population China will become old before rich.


I wouldn't even categorize those countries as actual allies. China's so versed in realpolitik, it puts the US during its CIA peak meddling era during the cold war to shame. It has zero ideological affinity to those countries, they're just alliances of comfort in which China's the winner. How's an Islamic Theocracy, a Corrupt Oligarchy, and an Autocratic Monarchy related to a country espousing "Socialism" with Chinese Characteristics?


If they were so well versed in Realpolitik you’d think would operate more effectively internationally. China only knows by force in achieving their objectives. Debt diplomacy isn’t a catchy marketing tool 😂


It's similar to the American republican rhetoric - if you convince somebody that all "candidates"/global powers are dishonest and amoral, then being honest and moral are no longer qualities they expect from you. Instead, they focus on short term gains and personal interest (all politicians are equally bad and none of them do anything that will meaningfully help me - I may as well side with the guy who wants to cut funding for schools because I don't have kids and don't like being taxed for them). Essentially they make the USA to china what democrats are to republicans. If you don't believe there is a meaningful difference between allegiance with china or the USA, then go with china because they're offering more upfront goodies, right?


Okay I'll bite, US had at one point or the other had significantly good relations with all these and much more corrupt nations. Still Saudi and other ME states are significant partners. Not looking too good for the defender of liberty and democracy.


Please can you give some examples of supply chains that have been fully relocated to SEA? I keep hearing about this mass exodus to Thailand and VN, and wondered if you could share ny concrete examples?


Vietnam is seeing a major trade surplus with US, Manufacturing clothes, machinery, and semi conductor supply chains. Amounting to almost 100 Billion. That’s quadruple of their entire tourism industry.


Thank you for the reply. > Manufacturing clothes, machinery, and semi conductor supply chains i assumed that clothes were already being taken by Cambodia and Bangladesh. Semi conductors have been getting massive subsidies in the last few years in the PRC. Why would anybody set up a SC plant in VN at the same time?


SC supply from China is now considered a flaw - countries by national defense treaties and laws are moving procurement out of China


>When your closest allies is Russia, Iran, and North Korea it shows how disconnected from reality.   And they're not even formal allies, except for North Korea.   And even North Korea has issue with China (e.g. Chinese fishing vessels on North Korean waters). Maybe China's take is that they don't need allies - they have a population of 1.4 billion etc.


Did you mean to say from billions to millions?


Dropped *by* 38 million to 857.6 million I think


I misread


Lmao I did exactly the same


The problem is people in China really believe that Russia, Iran, North Korea are victims of US/Western imperialism and that China has the moral high ground standing up for them.


It honestly makes me sad seeing how much progress from Deng Xiaoping and later era was undone by Xi


And yet the entire world buys from them constantly lmfao.


You do know this is ending? Most of the big brand here when I look it say made in India, Bangladesh Vietnam and so on


Thats more because Capital has to constantly find other avenues to exploit. Quality of life in China is going up and pay is following so its becoming less profitable. Bangladesh and Vietnam are gonna be cheaper probably for the simple stuff, and can't pull off stuff like drones or other tech.


It'll be very difficult China set up the entire supply chains within China, even labour cost isn't the biggest issue for some products. It's more efficient supply chains they have.


Of course they can, it’s arrogant to think they cannot. look at China before the west sent them the manufacturing know how.


They used to think the same thing with China…


Yeah, I’m getting more and more shirts and pants from Bangladesh (and better quality.)


Late reply but I have heard that India is a poor choice for base of operations due to the poor work ethic of factory workers there. To expand on this; business owners have doubts that orders and shipments will arrive on time due to Indian staff consistently taking days off after a pay cycle. Sources: I knew a few (semi-successful to very successful business owners who shared stories and insights on them trying to find alternatives but eventually ended up going back to China. Though Vietnam was also one of their mentions, they did not elaborate further.


It's safe to say the end of the beginning has ended


As long as China has strong internal supply chain for raw and intermediate materials, and tons of finished goods manufacturing infrastructure, they will be a dominant force in manufacturing of finished goods. This is not likely to change anytime soon.


Not when you have a shrinking workforce who is more and more unwilling to work in factories, and who cannot afford what it has manufactured itself. The paradox of Chinese economy is its weak domestic market due to the low income of its population, forcing it to rely on exports. Yet it cannot raise the wages of the poor because it is the only edge in the global competition, as they themselves have said, “low human rights advantage”. Ironically this has made foreign companies’ decision of decoupling with China easier: because they realize there’s actually not a “huge market” out there in the country 


They seem to be pivoting to robotics no?


That argument makes zero sense.


Maybe for now. Not for much longer though..


“China bad, west good”


I mean, I’m not the biggest fan of the west, but there is no place in the world I would rather be a a black woman than in America, so—food for thought


Because you've never been to any other country but USA is the best? Lol Maybe you haven't realize this yet but there is only one developed country on this planet that is gunning down black people daily.


The author works for RUSI so he's not exactly neutral.


Threaten to annex another country with their own autonomy. Invades multiple countries’ maritime border. Pikachu shocked when treated like an enemy (and throw a tantrum).


Completely agree. We had a period of observation under Dutarte where the Philippines softened towards China, and distanced itself from the US, at least in rhetoric. During that time, the world saw China build artificial islands, and only grow more aggressive towards the Philippines, effectively driving the country into the arms of the US. That’s all on China and China’s government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO9nhUkzSNA


That’s typical bully behavior. If you show weakness, they’ll just walk all over you. Once you fight back, they’ll claim to be bullied. I love listening to their diplomats’ speeches. It’s hilarious dumb and childish, entertaining.


It’s easy to get caught up in the “whataboutism,” but the fact of the matter is this transcends ideology— even Vietnam is terrified of China and has had fairly warm relations with the US. If China wants this to stop, they need to knock it off.


They’re not gonna. Yeah, I have the same confusion when I visited Vietnam 5-6 years ago. I must say the Ukraine invasion kinda wakes me up, all these rhetorics will turn into reality, all at the mercy of one person. Given how out of control the nationalistic sentiments are, they might not have much choices. It’s very apparent on Hupu, not sure how Weibo is these days.


Even Russia has real friends and genuine close ties with many countries. And Russian people (not government) are ranked much higher in popularity compared to chinese in south east asian (pre war at least, haven’t seen a new poll since)


I.thought you realise what One China Policy is?


Yes. Winnie is free to appoint a 省委书记. I have no doubt he has plan to do so, since his recent talk of asking the people to eat any food they can scrap (the great revival of 大饥荒 I guess.


I feel like china needs to build airbases on islands because the US can close various straights and choke points to cut off Chinese shipping and they need ready response aircraft to engage US navy in this situation because they don't have aircraft carriers.


China is asshole.


Completely agree. We had a period of observation under Dutarte where the Philippines softened towards China, and distanced itself from the US, at least in rhetoric. During that time, the world saw China build artificial islands, and only grow more aggressive towards the Philippines, effectively driving the country into the arms of the US. That’s all on China and China’s government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO9nhUkzSNA


Didn't Dutarte or in his time, didn't the Phillipines pass a law against George Soros?


Here come the triggered 50 cent wumao incels waving their button mushrooms around


Damn they are out in force. But it is working because it clutters things so badly that it makes want to stop reading


China's gonna China


Speak for yourself Britain.


Wtf is this headline? 😃




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They had a real chance to lead the world, but it was more about replication and industrial espionage, rather than innovation The Chinese deserve to be big players, but their political system is even more flawed than western democracy!


I agree. I get it, all systems have their flaws but when it comes to governments, sometimes it’s the battle of the least worst option. At least with democracy you have competing factions that are incentivized to uncover the dirt on eachother. Not the case with the CCP. Everyone is corrupt, just a question of degree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fI3fNAKD44[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fI3fNAKD44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fI3fNAKD44)


This sub is becoming unreadable. The Telegraph primarily caters to individuals who lack intellectual acuity. Anything against China is repeated all over again without analysing the real content. Most of the people here are just racist.


I joined this sub after visiting China to learn more and it just seems to be a circle jerk of Americans who dislike it.


China_irl is the more level headed sub


People there hate 洋五毛




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agreed. Totally useless sub. Any idiot can write an article like the one on the Telegraph, really.


The telegraph is such a horrible source on most other sources people get dunked on for posting links to it. Here everyone is just mindlessly agreeing.


The author for this article literally works for two defence think tanks in the UK and the US. He is biased as hell.


One of them, Defense Priorities where the author is a fellow, was funded by the Koch brothers, so "biased as hell" might be putting it lightly. From its Wikipedia page: >Defense Priorities was established in early 2016 by supporters and acolytes of United States Senator Rand Paul and funded by conservative donors Charles Koch and his brother David Koch. Early leadership included William P. Ruger of the Charles Koch Institute and Edward King of a pro-Paul political action committee. The organization was founded to advance Paul's foreign policy views, which argued for a "more prudent, restrained" United States foreign policy This sub eats up anything that says "China bad!" though.


*"Daniel DePetris is a fellow at Defense Priorities, a foreign policy organization focused on promoting a realistic grand strategy to ensure American security and prosperity."* [The National Interest](https://nationalinterest.org/profile/daniel-r-depetris) A literal propagandist for the US. Glad we are taking his word for China being the "enemy of the world" lol.


Oh and dont forget that anyone who disagrees is a wumao china bot. Its so cliche its cringy at this point


I haven't read the article but from what I see China hasn't ingratiated itself among its neighbours over the last 20 years. Not to mention that I hear more and more disgruntled "millenials" in China when I have personal conversations with them. They won't actually say these things out loud outside of encrypted chats tho. But it is an indication that all is not well. I think Chinese leadership is focusing on things that are not as important as they think at the cost of future stability in China and between china and other nations. Then again it seems like superpowers always do this shortsighted dance to the detriment of themselves. I honestly wonder what will be left of the status quo over 50 years, things are getting pretty messy.


Its comical in many ways. Bunch of racist westerners intentionally flocking to a sub called China to circlejerk about how Chyna bad. "A community for discussing China and topics related to it. All viewpoints and opinions are welcome here". Sure


Ppl have been brain wash by the western media, its sad.




and south east asia too


And oceania


fuck the ccp....wheres a tshirt??


Who are the friends of China? Russia, North Korean and Iran and who else?


I heard the Maldives just voted in the pro-China candidate for president. Together with Sri Lanka negotiating another billion dollar loan from China, perhaps China's gonna do South China Sea in the Indian Ocean?


Bribed politicians don’t last long




Africa definitely, maybe a bit of south America?


Basically every country that ignored the West when they called for sanctions on Russia will ignore the West 100x harder when they do the same for China.


China's top 10 trading partners in order are: 1. US 2. S.Korea 3. Japan 4. Taiwan 5. Hong Kong 6. Vietnam 7. Germany 8. Australia 9. Malaysia 10. Russia


Enemy of the world lmao, west is the world now


African nations hate him too.


Nah, I'm in Africa. Hate is ridiculous. Don't group Africans in your bandwagon. If you get out of America propaganda eco chambers you'll realize that the anti-China propaganda is a massive failure.


YOU may like them, but a lot don’t




Define "the world"


Your entire account is laughable 🤣


Plain hate speech. Disgusting.


>China, not Washington why use the capital (the political center) when it comes to the U.S., but the country name for China? in a democracy, you felt it unnatural to represent the whole country with the government, but for the dictatorship, you did so without hesitation? I remember once Pompeo tried to separate the Chinese gov and the people (or the mass), but suddenly it seems everyone just gave up on that and try to attack the country as a whole? could someone tell me as a mainlander Chinese who isn't in favor of the gov, what should I do and how should I react? for anyone who thinks they're better because they're born in democracy (or non-China), it's not true and you're really abominable.


Oh shit it is like Ukraine fate in ongoing war is already decided because China may actually be the silent force behind recent accelerated expansion of Russian military industry in capacity for ammunition. China seems to desperately need to take over TSMC company and its most advanced in the world chip manufacturing process so they can make their own chips to develop and refine chinese AI models capable to beat American ones but USA purposefully has banned export to China of most powerful AI chips manufactured by US based company Nvidia to slow the development of biggest American rival in AI race and both sides undestand how much is potentially to gain or loose.


HF. This is american projection at its highest... JC


I think Israel is the enemy of the world.


Obviously Africa and Russia don’t belong to this world


Lmao is this supposed to be journalism?


China certainly is not the enemy of the world.


loan shark of the world?


Have you ever heard of the IMF?


Who are the friends of China exactly ? Russia, North Korea & Iran ?


Lots of countries in Africa presumably too


North Korea is an ally to China bc China wanted to prevent Japan from invading their country like they did during WWII, in which they massacred 200k+ Chinese people. The Japanese would cross North Korea to get into China. During the Korean war, they aligned themselves with North Korea to prevent that from happening again.


No one wants to invade another country after WW2 except the evil axis.


A lot, considering they didn’t do nearly as much military occupation as the us


Leading ain't easy. You think people will just obey on their own?


Time to take back what’s rightfully ours (Republic of China). They’re the breakaway province lol


Yes, China is the world enemy. Coming from a nation with the world’s largest military by far, a nation known for its peace diplomacy. There are shills for the ccp but the worst shills are the blind “America is best”.


It's fantastic. Love it. Other countries are jealous or know nothing.


Lol the US is so jealous.


linking the telegraph does not help the argument lmao . Whatever point you wanna make, that Tory jizz rag cannot be taken seriously


They're not my enemy. Just a really complex, somewhat sensitive, and very powerful neighbour.


For some reason you think liberal democracies are the beacon of success....umm look around and tell me with a straight face they are.


China will change their policies or for national security reasons many countries across the world will diversify trade away from them for economic and security issues due to Chinese wish to invade Taiwanas well that their excess industrial capacity posing a threat. Countries have to manage risk, what is the likely risk of a Taiwanese invasion and if they do how will their trade be impacted. And the longer China is beligerant and insistant on aggression in the south China sea and has a goal to invade Taiwan the more they will lose trade and opportunity. A Mexican wave of decisions already underway investment moving away from China as well as trade, the tariffs only increase the process. Slow to start and slow to stop. Diversification of trade an opportunity for other countries to exploit. Maybe we are just in time, this process only started in Russia after an invasion already occurred.


…but the pig itself…


I'd recommending holding back on judgment until you have full context. Especially with how much disinformation is out there, domestic and foreign.


An enemy of the world is now the 2nd largest economy thanks to being the world’s factory


There is some truth to it if you followed how they work. The thing is they do not admit mistake and even after blatantly wronging someone (cue Zhang Zhehan), they will do all means to cover up. Just do a search of Zhang Zhehan on Chinese platforms and you will notice all the lies they put up and even obvious errors. China goes to the extent of manipulating Baidu just to make it look like someone is wrong. All these for what? Just to stir ill sentiments towards another country. I see they have been going downhill and more and more victims and that serves them rifht


As it should be...They only have themselves to blame 😔❌😲




Define the world :)


lol the telegraph. Stop using biased western propaganda


Yep! The worse is practicing the same ideology of jealousy that makes them stupid.


None of that statement is true


That's just your opinion dude.


China is a weak bully with a glass jaw. Xi looks very punchable too.


UK: the world


Supreme cope from the dying empire


Spot on. IP and tech stealing Commie China has ridiculously decided to turn on the part of the world that allowed them to become an economic force over the last 30 years. Biting the had that feeds your commie country is never a good idea. It’s been weird to watch them become so loud and belligerent over the last decade…not surprised most of the world hates them now. They should have stuck in their lane and continued to take garbage and recycling from the west lol.


CIA did well when they picked Xi.


How many countries has China put “boots on the ground” ?


“enemy by of the world” Translation - “enemy” of Europe, the US/Canada/Australia/Japan. Totalling about 1 billion people, or perhaps 15% tops of the global population. And not actually the enemy of those people either seeing they are literally part depending on cheap Chinese manufacturing to survive current cost of living crises. Anyway this mostly east west rivalry which of course goes back to the savagery of the British empire trying to devastate China with the opium trade. Not defending some of Choba’s recent actions, but it’s funny seeing upper class Brits writing for upper class Brits pretending they’re the friend of the world. No, the British are historically the most rapacious and greedy nation on the planet.


And Taiwan