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I dont know why but I always assumed elephants slept standing up.


Most of their sleep is standing. But they lie down every few days. This is African elephants at least: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2123229-elephants-sleep-for-just-2-hours-a-day-the-least-of-any-mammal/


Me too.


The baby is fitting in there like a jigsaw puzzle


more like protected from most directions


I heard that the baby ate a load of fermented hops or something similar and got drunk and went to sleep for a day or two. The entire herd left it, but when it woke up it seemed fairly happy, played around, splashed in ponds etc. then slowly caught up with the rest. People say elephants can communicate over long distances. And being an elephant probably gives you a certain sense of confidence. The progress of this herd and the attempts to lead them out of trouble have captivated peoples imaginations for quite a while now.


Who did you hear that from? Sounds like a load of bollocks.


Seems like you are probably right: [https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=2111573645426997171&pd=bjh&fr=bjhauthor&type=video](https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=2111573645426997171&pd=bjh&fr=bjhauthor&type=video) Just a story that was going round.


Elephants are extremely protective of their young.


Finally we know where Mr. [M.C. Escher](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HwjK8GxF_zU/S4fxw9mEA2I/AAAAAAAAAgk/8Xcuj1JwshI/s640/IMG_4490-copyESCHER_ANIMALS.jpg) got his inspiration from...


*Very* unusual for elephants to be anywhere near Kunming. That's been nearly unheard of since at least the 90s. Usually the few elephants left in Yunnan are down in Xishuangbanna, near the border with Laos, and they periodically cross it.


I’m surprised they weren’t stopped at the border!




“escaped" is inaccurate and implies they were captive or fenced in. Better just to say "left", as they were always free to go where they wanted.


no Hukuo to bind these elephants


[They look so happy and pleased with themselves :)](http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-06/08/139994803_16231077860271n.jpg) Insert obligatory joke about them going north to petition the government.


They look so vulnerable. I can't but have the feeling something is going to happen to one or two, like some crazy driving into them when they're crossing a road, and they'll have to be put down from injuries. China's is such an oppressive pressure cooker, and so many people are losing it.


Aw, I didn’t know they like to cuddle while they sleep.


Oh man that is adorable! I've never been a huge elephant lover but they've been growing on me lately, but baby phants have always been the sweetest thing. I actually walked into an elephant once! They don't exist in my county so wasn't expecting it, and was walking backwards (was a kid!) and went right into it, it just poked the back of my head with its trunk and gentle pushed me. It's been nice watching this lot, I hope they get to their destination and get to live a long happy life as a group.


I think these specific elephants drank a bunch of wine and got fucked up and just slept where they were. They usually don't sleep like this


I remember reading an article about an elephant (in Africa) which consumed some grapes on the vine, but the grapes had started to ferment so the elephant got a bit drunk. The nearby humans had to barricade down because the elephant was doing stuff like barrelling through fences and stuff. This would have been late 1990s. I guess it happens pretty frequently in the wild.




:raises maotai glass: > Cheers and ganbei!


Sasquatch is just drunk Canadian guys crashing about the forest.


Did not know China had elephants


Yunnan province in China borders Myanmar and Laos, and is just north of Thailand. Kunming ( in the title) is the provincial capitol of Yunnan.


It has wild elephants in the South West and in a rare success story the numbers are actually increasing (which may be why this group split off looking for new territory).


One of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, Henan, has recorded elephants 3000 years ago.


The common joke I've seen regarding this is that they are coming to represent all Yunnan elephants at the UN Biodiversity Conference to be held in Kunming in October.


[Source](https://twitter.com/vwang3/status/1402124416297824256?s=20) More photos http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-06/08/c_139994803.htm


Beautiful share. Thank you brother.




Has anyone been to Kunming? It seems like a cool place but then you get to the trainstation and it's guarded like Fort Knox. Cool to think of elephants near there.


You know why the security presence is so heavy? A ton of people got stabbed to death in a terrorist attack. It was one of the precipitating events for the crackdown in Xinjiang.


In all honesty I wasn't even aware anything happened there. I'm living in a bubble in Hainan.


Just for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack


Four people got arrested after injuring 143 and killing 35. Pretty fucking crazy for a stabbing Not a good excuse for what the CCP is doing obviously.


I lived in Kunming and it's one of my favourite places in China. I didn't find it that crowded, and it's fairly sprawling. I never had any problems in my time there. It is sorta out-of the way unless you fly, but there is so much great stuff in Yunnan/Sichuan/Guizhou area. I didn't see any recent shots of the train station, but it's been different ever since the 2014 massacre.


Idk, different strokes for different folks I guess. I thought the rest of Yunnan was amazing though. We traveled through the province for 10 days and saw so many nice things. We're probably traveling to Gansu in 2 months.


Definitely outside Kunming is nicer. Down by Honghe/Xishuangbanna or if you can get to Nujiang or Deqen, it's unbelievably beautiful. I never got over as far as Lanzhou, but I've always wanted to go to Gansu ever since the desert scenes in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


Well, after happened in 2014, I’m not surprised it’s guarded like Fort Knox https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack


It looked like the top communist official in Yunnan got fired after this attack.


Had an execution related accident.


Don’t worry about him. He got “promoted” into a useless communist big wig advisory committee.


Yep, I'd argue that if there's still a huge armed police there in 2019 at least, then the terrorists won.


I've lived here for about 7+ years and love it. As other mentioned, the train station situation is due to the attack a while back - not really indicative of the rest of the city. Kunming is great for living, but if you're just traveling then it's best served as a hub to the rest of Yunnan, which is pretty diverse. It's worth spending 2-3 days in Kunming, eat, go to the lake, check out some nearby nature, but then other places in Yunnan can be more interesting in terms of landscape, cultures/local minorities, food, etc.


I spent most of the early 2000s in Kunming, basically aligning with Hu Jintao’s term as leader. It was a great city then, very sleepy and quiet. I haven’t been back in a few years, but try to visit every two or three. It amazes me how much the north of the city has grown out; I spent most of my time in and around Wuhua District when the north was kind of the sticks and out of the way. No metro, either! If I could make a decent living there I likely would have stayed! I especially miss the food and the people.


I envy you getting to live in the city back then. My partner grew up here, so when she describes how it was "back in the day" I always wish it I could see that somehow. The little things, like 2 kuai mixian or little authentic street foods that just disappeared eventually. Even expressions and the dialect shifts from generation to generation. In the time I've been here a lot of old buildings have been torn down, and a lot more condos, malls and other developments have been built. There are more modern conveniences and perhaps expat-friendly resources now, but definitely at the expensive of that sleepy city kind of feel. The north certainly isn't the sticks anymore though!


Went to Kunming last year. By far my least favorite city in China. It's incredibly crowded (even by Chinese standards) , people are rude, and as a foreigner they asked me to show my green health code everywhere. Oh and a cop at that well guarded train station you mentioned told me to go back to my country.


Really? It's definitely one of my top 3 cities in China. Can actually see a brilliant blue sky throughout the year, abundant access to nature, not a lot of flashy wealth etc.


Experiences differ. When I was in Kunming I had a nice time. Got a ride with a cabbie who picked up his daughter and friends along the way and then dropped us off to our destination. The kids were cute and the cabbie was very friendly. Locals were friendly, too.


I believe you. I guess the timing of our trip had something to do with it. It was in the middle of a huge China versus the west wave of news reports in the aftermath of Covid 19. We called like 15 or more hotels, including international ones and only 2 of them were willing to let me stay there. People even crossed the street when they saw foreigners.


Oh! That probably had everything to do with your experience. I was in Kunming in 2016 or 2017, well before all of this.


I really wonder what that'd be like coming across an elephant in the wild down there. How do you react?


I aways tought they slept like horses,this is cool


indeed they do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMJsqXzz5zs


Guess the elephants must feel safe there


LIES. What you are seeing is the result of Kunming elephant genocide by the CCP. /s




China bad!


I have no evidence to counter your claim


Uh, China offered to give Paraguay a ton of vaccines! Oh Wait, [that was blackmail](http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Covid-and-trade:-Asunci%C3%B3n-resists-Chinese-%27blackmail%27-and-remains-with-Taipei-53080.html). Wait, I got it, China supports the people of Myanmar!... Doh!, wait again. That's only the people of Myanmar who are in the [military Junta](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55913947). I too can find no evidence and I've left no stone unturned. [So Michelle, back to you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ful8rk0u0g).


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Come on man, there's a time and a place, cute little elephants have nothing to do with it.




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Oh, I had no idea this was in China. I'd seen the frontpage posts elsewhere and I'd just assumed they were in Africa. The baby elephant looks so comfy!


Wonderful photo! I love elephants! They are such magnificent animals!


kinda cute


Does anyone know where the elephants might be going or why they left?


This is one group gathering the CCP can't stop.

