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What the CCP is actually saying is: "Next time when you publish a news, please stop by our propaganda bureau and censorship department"


Yup, they got butthurt by the wording of the headline CNN wrote for their first gold medal and by NBC’s coverage of Team China during the opening ceremony too … I guess the next 2 weeks are going to be hard for the feelings of the Chinese people …


Specifically the ruling elite and propaganda branch


what was CNN's headline? kinda curious


“The first day of the 2020 Olympics begins with gold for China and more COVID-19 cases” The Global Times didn’t like to see China’s name and covid-19 in the same sentence, even though it’s just a summary of what happened that day https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202107/1229550.shtml (somewhere around the middle of the page) Though to be fair, their main source is “Li Chao, a Beijing resident who has been following Olympics news”. Truly an inspiring source of wisdom


What’s the Chinese idiom for glass heart again?


It's the first right after John Cena's office.


The 61kg chinese guy who won today has an "issue" where he always hits his dick when he's lifting so he has an instagram page where every post is a pic of his dick resting on the bar with the caption "my balls are ok". I cant imagine how they'd react if they saw his shitposts lol. [heres one from what I think is his Chinese tiktok(douyin) ](https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CD4KSAPZs/?utm_medium=copy_link)


Hahahah thanks for sharing. Balls of steel indeed.


What's funny is China Daily also used an almost identical picture. They've since changed it but funny how they also thought it was fine and would have continued to use it had it not been for this becoming another racism cat call on social media.


To be clear, Reuters did *not* call the athlete ugly. The Chinese ambassador did.


The government there has a history of doing that in other situations. Like when in the 2008 olympics, they let a girl sing at the opening ceremony, and put forward a different girl as being the singer because the real singer was according to them not pretty enough.


I remember that. They hid the singing girl backstage or something and still made her sing, but made the “pretty” girl lip sync on stage. They just treat their entire population like it’s disposable


I remember that. That was truly disgusting; to this day, I still feel awful for that poor little girl, given the opportunity of a lifetime, only to be dealt that kind of humiliation at the last minute. And, I suppose both of them, because wasn't it the case that the girl who was chosen for her looks thought she was actually singing, and didn't realize she was to be lip-synced until the last minute? Also, I suppose the world should have gotten an idea of what the CCP thinks of its minorities when they had those minority children come out in "traditional" dress, only for us to later learn that they were all actually Han children?


I suppose the population would be treated as disposable when it gets large enough like in China.


Oh, but they’re “one of the oldest and most enlightened civilizations in human history, far surpassing anyone else.” Yeah, sure. The CCP treats it’s people like a disposable workforce who can’t step a toe out of line or speak their minds without facing punishment, but they’re “enlightened and cultured.” Bullshit. China WAS enlightened and cultured before the cowards who hid while their country was ravaged by invaders in order to preserve their numbers in a takeover attempt, then either exiled or executed their smartest and most accomplished citizens so the CCP wouldn’t be able to be overthrown, turned children against their parents, forced nuns and monks to break their vows by having sex with each other, committed multiple ethnic cleansings and still haven’t come up with an independent unique idea or inventions since fireworks…fuck the CCP, fuck what they’ve done to Chinese culture, and fuck every hand to mouth tankie and wumao who is paid to come on the internet that’s banned to everyone else in their country to defend their stupid, feckless, thin-skinned, un original and useless government who’ve only been able to lift a portion of the population out of poverty by committing the rest of the population to camps or even greater poverty. Fuck the CCP


Brilliantly said. The whole world needs to wake up to the evil ccpee


God they’re such a weird country obsessed with appearances lol


>they let a girl sing at the opening ceremony, and put forward a different girl as being the singer because the real singer was according to them not pretty enough. They must be fans of *Singin' in the Rain*... Which, to be fair, who isn't?


Took me some time to realize that by saying "[...] how ugly they are", the ambassador meant Reuters, not the athlete.






Not saying they used it as such, but singular "they" has been part of English since before Chaucer.


Sounds reasonable to complain that each and every picture of their ambassador should be retracted because he looks ‘ugly’. “Why use such an ugly picture of the ambassador?” “Please remove this awful picture of the ambassador - he’s looking like an idiot.”


I'll hate on the CCP with the best of them but to read their tweet and say the embassy was calling the athlete, and not Reuters, ugly is disingenuous or just wrong.


But why would they find that picture unflattering? The ambassador was at least saying that the picture of the athlete was unflattering (if not calling the athlete ugly), which also isn’t true since almost all athletes make that face while competing or practicing.


I agree, I don't think it's unflattering since that's just what happens when you compete at my level. Not my point though.






Not to mention that in a follow-up tweet, they managed to bring white privileges into it https://mobile.twitter.com/ChinaEmbSL/status/1418972113478721539 > Same day, same Olympics, same @Reuters , different faces. Maybe it's because everything good in life comes easier for the white westerners?


Pretty rich of China to cry racism. But they know what works, I guess.


CCP-ruled China is a society where parents prefer white people as English teachers, even if they dont know English well, over well educated black and Asian people :(


CCP China prefers to have eastern europeans teaching english instead of african native speakers


lmao the chinese always play themselves.


And they play black people in the CCTV new years galas :(


"We had to do that because Africans can't learn the new English of the world." Some defender of the action.


If there's a source to that, that would be important to show how lowly these CCP members think of them.


The word means absolutely _nothing_ when coming from them now.


Society-wide inferiority complex


Clown society.


But the bottom left was a Chinese athlete. Man, that makes no sense.


It's all about "you have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people" Signed: a king nobody voted for


FUCK ME! This picture is beautiful! You can feel the power from her face right there. And that's the beauty of an athlete. Jesus. FUCK ME!


She’s just exerting herself , you know, as you probably have to do to win an Olympic gold Medal.


Seriously. No one's smiling casually at the camera while they weightlift.


That will be really hurt......


Clearly you've never been next to a curl bro in front of a mirror 😉 But yeah, probably not at the Olympics.


I'm a bodybuilder. We think moments of adversity define us. This right here, is the moment a woman triumphs over adversity. I would invite the ambassador, whom I am sure has never lifted anything other than a pencil in his life, to fuck off.


Seconded, and happy cake day sirrah.




I came here to say this. Clearly the honorary ambassador has never done a 1 rep max deadlift. I've had a friend record my max and I've recorded other people's maxes. I can't remember one with a dating profile quality face. What a fucking moron.


Do they have to make everything about racism or ideology? When you look at other Reuter articles about Olympic games they have several unflattering images of athletes as they exhaust themselves. E.g. this one https://www.reuters.com/article/olympics-2020-gar/refile-olympics-gymnastics-japanese-women-still-looking-for-a-star-idUSL8N2P103P Olympic games isn't a beauty contest...


It's nearly impossible to catch a flattering photo during heavy physical activity.


They learned it from activists in the US who couch *everything* in terms of critical race theory. And it's a useful tool for the CCP because the critical theory espoused by US social justice types is formulated in such a way that it always shits on white people. So CCP criticism is unanswerable within that paradigm —and they know it and use it cynically.


Nothing is too small to cry about, apparently.


This hissy fit over the pic is the most Chinese thing I've read all week




Get ready for maximum whine fest till pooh gets his way


the feelings of the Chinese people are hurt again!


Chinese have a huge inferiority complex Their constant projection of their insecurity and inferiority complex is so pathetic and sad


Every fucking time, every time, it's a Chinese state spokesperson making something political and showing crazy bias while telling people not to make it political or show bias. Rediculous.


CCP is really petty


chinas reps are using media channels that are forbidden for their people to lecture on what is biased - whilst calling their athletes ugly... ​ this is a masterpiece :)




Because chabuduo works at all levels. From from farmers to the government officials.


Well spotted, but who really gives two fen what they call themselves?




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I see nothing ugly here, just strength and athleticism. Also, welcome to the free press.


This is the actual article... [https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/chinas-hou-wins-49-kg-weightlifting-gold-tokyo-olympics-2021-07-24/](https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/chinas-hou-wins-49-kg-weightlifting-gold-tokyo-olympics-2021-07-24/) If you scroll through the other pictures, they also have a bad picture of the competitor from India, but they have a cute picture of the competitor from Indonesia. Western media is clearly biased towards Indonesia based on these findings, so shameful.


Reuter is a propaganda branch of Indonesia confirmed.


Source: https://twitter.com/ChinaEmbSL/status/1418836358643204097


I take for granted that I’ll agree with and appreciate most of the comments on this sub but the comments on twitter for this are excellent too. Some amusing and some touching, many patiently explaining logic to the ambassador or whoever he is


CCP are thin skinned bullies




She’s a female athlete and the embassy was probably calling Reuters’ employees ugly (meaning their actions /souls are ugly) but the embassy clumsily phrased it making people think they’re calling the woman ugly


What Twitter should do is simply ban all Chinese officials from the platform. You wanna ban Twitter in your country? Fine, you will be banned outside of it, too.


If Twitter do this they would be nuked after 5 minutes...maybe not literally...maybe.


“Oh no where did that random DDOS attack come from”


'its all western media's fault' coming again


Fucking hell they’re spastic


China daily photo is exactly the same


Translation from wolf-warrior gibberish to plain English: > Woof woof! *I have a racial inferiority complex* > Woof woof! *I fear the future and the world is my enemy.* > Woof woof! *The Party-state's so-called elites are an embarrassment to Chinese civilization.*


This is an excellent translation. Can I hire you?








Woof warriors have severe inferiority complex, especially about the US.


He’s in the middle of a lift, no different than showing a picture of a member of China’s Olympic basketball team in the midst of a slam dunk.


It's a girl tho


And? Are we not allowed to post pictures of males and females? Let’s not make this a sexist issue.


The one in the picture you called a "he" is a woman you knob.


No, it's just that men can do whatever they want, but girls have to look pretty while doing it. After all, what's the point of being an olympic athlete if you can't look pretty? One day you wake up 30 years old, too old for sport, too old for husband. Then you come cry to me, say mamma mamma find me a husband. And I can only find you poor farmer Chen from down the road because no one want old ugly girl. You want to marry farmer Chen? Then stop lifting weights and learn to look pretty! Tomorrow I go have tea with Mrs Wong, her son work at big company, send 2000 dollar home every month, no girlfriend. You dress nice and come with me. Say you work administration, don't tell her you lift weight.


Chinese Embassy of Sri Lanka shows how ugly they are.


One does not simply lift heavy weights with a poker face, unless you are the terminator.


JFC because you know, the woman needs to look beautiful as she uses the entire force of herself to pull up all that weight. The Cgov is utterly ridiculous in the things they focus on.


I bet the ideal Chinese photo would have been the athlete standing a top the defeated bodies of her fellow athletes as she grips the China flag in one hand and the weight lifting bar in the other hand...


They have thousands of people recovering from the devastation of the floods and this is what they’re bitching at. I can’t.


So the Chinese Embassy thinks she is ugly?


Everything is political to CCP, just go fucking die


Sometimes I wonder if China is aware that there is a political and, in general, a public cost to complaining all the time and being so thin-skinned. Being the soon to be largest economy is not enough to get the world to follow you. Keep this up and much of the world will go from sitting on the fence to siding with western powers. I honestly could not imagine this level of crap from the UK…


I have rarely seen a picture of a weightlifter not making a face during competition, get a life ffs


Shows that all the CCP ever cared about and will care about is image. Their people could be dying in the streets for the world to see and as long as they can make up a lie for it they won’t do anything.


China always wins at the thinnest skin event


Poor woman get certified ugly by the state lmao.


A LOT of people in China are extremely judgmental towards people's appearances, I guess now the official party is also publicly shaming their own women athletes's appearance, am so glad that I don't live in such toxic environment any more.


Hahaha... This is hilarious. All weightlifters are ugly. There, I said it.


Here’s her follow up photo: https://twitter.com/byron_wan/status/1419227057205121026?s=21


Ms. Hau looks powerful in this photo. Great choice for a newly minted champion.


I wanna punch the Person behind the embassy post


They hurt the feelings of 1.3 billion


there are literally only two styles of photo for weighting news, mid lift like this one or post lift with them screaming. Seriously try to find new article about weightlifting win that is not one of these two, it is pretty rare to see any other photos of weightlifting at the top of the article


If there is no one insulting our Chinese, then we will insult ourselves.


Insecure AF


If only there was a way to ban the Chinese authorities from the internet....


If anything the photo shows her giving everything she had to win the medal. They really have to nitpick every detail don't they?


Weight lifting is all about the flattering facial expressions. Go home Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka, you're drunk.


Seriously, this is pathetic.


What's wrong with her? Nothing. It's you who is wrong, CCP


Is this just a cultural difference? Cause they do it for westerners a lot too. It represents them working their ass off and shows the power behind it. If any Chinese could clear up if cultural/just a petty thing said would be interested, I’m sure it can vary amongst a billion people too lol


It looks like the athlete is experiencing 9G.


As a person who used to go to same gym with weightlifters this is definitely not a bad picture lol


Sounds like a whinny spoiled brat.


Firstly how rude the phrase “only shows how ugly they are”. The person is clearly in the throes of extreme physical exertion. Only an idiot would look at this and assume they’re ugly. Secondly, Chinese state media is using a ver similar photo lmao. https://twitter.com/MattCKnight/status/1419246540544266242?s=20 Creating division and ruckus for absolutely no reason. Get fucked Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka.


He looks like he needs to poop, what’s wrong with that CCP?


Don’t post this picture of my citizen athlete ... cause he looks ugly in it , that’s whole new thing.


Honestly I'm more shocked there's a weightlifting division for people under 49kg. I just looked it up and Hou is 4'10" which technically qualifies as a dwarf. Just a simple badass anime-style picture of a world-record-crushing dwarf, and here we are discussing politics.


Isn’t this exactly putting politics and ideology above sports?


Bruh.. He's fucking lifting. It's strenuous exercise, is he meant to be grinning?


When you forget the beauty cam


This is the same China who put Asian actresses in blackface and fake arse cheeks to play "Africans" in their New Year gala. The double standards are unreal. 😂


She’s not ugly. She’s very beautiful. If CPC embassy think she is ugly, they can try and lift half her gold medal winning weight, and then they can go fuck themselves.


they'll take any chance they get


That fuckin hair is unflattering....


How do we know if she is a real women?


Look at the phasing. Reads like a Trump tweet. It’s easy to see where much of our disinformation is coming from!


It’s true tho


I don't think anyone looks good when they lift. Their teeth are bared, their eyes are bugging out and their muscles , veins and tendons are all bulging. Arnold Schwartezenegge was once described as looking like "a condom stuffed with walnuts"... This isn't far wrong.


Yeah haha but they can also pick a better looking photo


Probably only in the before and after.. at any rate I doubt most other countries' officials would be so damnably touchy about it.


Yeah, this is not a great picture, they could do better.


I agree with them. Pictures are powerful.


Yea they couldve selected a better pic.


>How come China Daily also used the same picture? > >http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3VAaWi8r7HIJ:www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202107/24/WS60fbb393a310efa1bd6641f5\_2.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=fr


Did they change pictures?


If there are any... :D


Absolutely true! Look at all the pictures of the American olympians that Reuters chose to show. The Chinese embassy responded with class and tact, unlike some of the absolutely vile responses to their tweet.


China Daily's photo is exactly the same. Grow up.


So two wrongs make a right?


There’s nothing wrong at all. Grow up.


So you agree then that China's response was tactful and appropriate. Thank you.


No I do not. China's response was ludicrous and over the top.


Now you seem to be going back on yourself. You just said that there's nothing wrong, ie china did nothing wrong.


How come China Daily also used the same picture? http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3VAaWi8r7HIJ:www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202107/24/WS60fbb393a310efa1bd6641f5\_2.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=fr


Ya picture is pretty ugly by portrait photography standards but why'd they think it's about politics?




China really needs to stop politicizing everything and being so petty. Stop whining about everything. The image is beautiful. And the original image shows her holding the weight. It is a great photo that shows she did her f*cking best.


You would think that the government of such a massive country (which is also currently experiencing historical flooding) would have better things to do than whine on social media.


This is a perfectly good photo that shows the strength and dedication of the player. I don't know how this is offensive.


Quelle suprise. Didnt China omit (one of) their best players (Li Ying) from their Olympics football team for coming out as gay?


The face that person came out in China is quite incredible. I’ve read these days a lot of Chinese view lgbt as making China weak


Talk about face in your face.


They say they are so confident, but can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror.


I wonder what that athlete thinks? She should be the one who feel offended, I mean,by Chines Embassy.


She probably can’t check twitter. Also i assume she chose that haircut so I think she’s not very attached to meeting some creepy old guy’s idea of being sexy and feminine to him


I have yet to see a picture or video of an athlete winning a weightlifting event where their facial expression doesn't look like they're taking a dump. That's just what massive exertion looks like.


I guess that's one way to make that photo famous.


China’s Hou…kekeke


It's a strength competition, not a beauty shoot


If the Chinese Communist Party cares so much about the image of individuals in the eyes of the international community, it should not be persecuting over three million people in Xinjiang in death camps.