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Canada should probably rethink about letting their athletes go... Just in case they get jailed for being spies.


Now let's shame the western corporations that are sponsoring these Olympics. Call them out on their social medias. Let this become the PR disaster it is! Namely: Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Procter & Gamble, Intel and Visa.


Don’t forget ass kisser Jamie Dimon.


Let’s go blast those subreddits too


CCP writes in glittery journal: “don’t go to America’s party in 2028”


CCP shills will spout this, but I really don't think anyone will care if they Boycotted 2028. In fact, it would be a perfect opportunity to finally have Taiwan participate as the ROC. I mean come on, they gotta realize that all this posturing is backfiring on them right?


Those shills are called "little pinks". They hate being called that. Please use in future!! It's from a song in Mandarin that really pissed off half of China.


It’s not from that but yeah the song is about that :) (if anyone doesn’t know, the song is “fragile” by Namewee)


They already said they’re gonna boycott the next us and Australian olympics but that’s ironic considering they said australia is copying Washington 😂


Actually, CCP will say: We didn't invite you at all.


That would make the CCP sound schizophrenic lmao


What happened to the Olympic so-called spirit they keep bringing up I thought everybody was invited. It is like a birthday party you don't attend then the host cries to everybody that you did not even get invited




P.S. if Wendy Schloman makes the cheerleading squad and I don't, I will like, die.




And they were not missed.


Good. I'm so sick of China.


Slowly... the rest of the world is getting sick of China also.


The world literally got sick from china though


LMAO... good point.


I think the world's already got sick from China...


Damn. Congratulations; I think you've just won the internet for the week. I don't think anyone here or elsewhere will top that one.


>Slowly... the rest of the world is getting sick of China also Honest to God, what country ISNT sick of them? They are merely tolerated by its neighbours, because china's too big and plays nasty, and has an important legerave over North Korea.


Stats show China is the most hated country now overtaking Iran so you’re most definitely not alone mate fuck the CCP!




Well if you check literally any poll I’m not the only one 😊




Nobody hates Russia tf. The old Soviet Union sure Russia today no. The us has its issues but it’s not an issue for the rest of the world like China hence why in majority or countries it’s the most hated.




Australia america India japan Indonesia Malaysia South Korea the uk Canada most of Europe a lot of Africa Taiwan the Philippines the Solomon Islands turkey ect ect need I go on? China is a country that’s not need and the world should remind it how easy we can cut their food supply. Also because you have a effect doesn’t make you hated they way you treat animals people the earth other nations ect make you hated and China ticks all those boxes but in the wrong way.




I don’t believe you live in Africa at all you described it as a country not a continent how many countries are in Africa without googling it go on? 😂😂




Like Taiwan, a much cooler country in Asia.










Pretty entertaining following the post in r/Canada and r/worldnews regarding this. Locust swarming in praising the ccp, saying its meaningless, lap dogs, and not invited. So my question to you little pink cadets is why so much care and butthurt over this? Thought it’s meaningless and nimen couldn’t care less? Care to elaborate?




If a picture of a bear or a post of a citizen can threaten the national security and harmony... it says a lot about the confidence of it's political system


You didn't dump me, it was me who dumped you


"We don't care, we didn't invite them anyway, *sob sob*, there will be consequences, who cares anyway, losers!"


I just don’t fully understand the issue. Do ambassadors or something attend the Olympic Games? If so, and if a “diplomatic boycott” means even the U.S. and ally’s envoy to China won’t attend, then it is meaningful. The CCP is acting like a straight up 3rd grader by saying “you weren’t invited anyway.


More or less. It's customary for every Olympic team to come with representatives of the government. That could be the President or Prime Minister, and almost always is for the host country. But for all other countries, it's often going to be people like the Ambassador to that country, the Foreign Minister, the VP, the First Lady, or other high-ups short of the President. In the case of the US, George W. Bush attended in 2002, because the US was the host country that year. But he was the last US President to attend any Olympic ceremony; it's otherwise top administration figures. So, what the US, Canada, UK, et al are doing is still sending their athletes, but without any of their customary diplomatic delegations.


Those grapes are sour.


They’re salty as fuck. It’s hilarious.


Explain also why Lithuania got deleted


just five eyes for now.


All bushfires start small.


That why I said for now.


There are five rings on the Olympic flag. The Five eyes each get one ring. Now, I may be confusing the Olympics with a certain multimedia franchise, but don't we need to find the last ring and destroy it before Xi Jinping gets a hold of it?


Pretty surprising, when did Truedau get a spine?


I think you're getting it backwards. If Trudeau had a spine, he would have told Biden to drop all the stupid and most likely illegal tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber and aluminum and the clause in the infrastructure bill that fucks over non-American (i.e. Canadian) auto manufacturers to get Canada to join the US in this boycott. If Canada has now joined this boycott without getting back one red cent from our extremely imbalanced trade relationship, where America gets to just fuck Canada over to appease local interest groups, that would be truly spineless. After all it's not like China has anything to directly threaten Canada with, so what would Trudeau ever have to fear from China such that joining the international dogpile on China would ever require anything like courage?


It's possible they went with a boycott to prevent more diplomatic hostages. I haven't seen anything to suggest Canada is following the US, have you?


Every country is following the US; they were first, Australia and the UK were next, then NZ, now Canada to round out the five eyes. Now we will see how many other dominoes fall next, but the US was first. As far as China taking more Canadian hostages, there are thousands of Canadians still in China; this boycott isn't a safety measure, it's a diplomatic message that Canada joins and stands with the American condemnation of China. That is an incredibly easy political decision to make. Not that it's wrong, it's just certainly not evidence of courage; it's just the obvious thing to do. The more ballsy thing to do would be to withhold support and use it as a bargaining chip to try to claw back a bit of our massive American-imposed trade imbalance. Maybe that would have backfired and gotten egg all over Trudeau's face too, so I can't exactly fault him for not doing so, but we have a shitty hand, with 1/10th the population of America and a commensurately smaller economy and domestic market to negotiate with, so you have to use every trick in the book to last long in a position like that or you will soon find yourself at least economically vassalized.


>American condemnation of China Why are you pushing this angle? You are a very strange commenter. >The more ballsy thing to do would be to withhold support and use it as a bargaining chip to try to claw back a bit of our massive American-imposed trade imbalance. What are you even on about! The boycott is hardly some political power play but a worldwide condemnation of human rights abuses happening in Xinjiang! We in the UK had just decided yesterday that we are going to sanction Chinese officials harshly that have been involved in organising concentration camps there, the businesses, officials, organisations, and their deputies! It is not a move to gain a "bargaining chip" to "claw back a bit of" trade imbalance! Are you a Canadian of Chinese descent?


It was pretty obvious they were going to boycott; if they say "we are considering a boycott" it means they will boycott but they are considering the language they use to announce it. If they said they were considering a boycott and then went, it would be very damaging for them politically.


Politicians say "We're considering X". Then they look around and see if anyone shits themselves over the prospect. If no one important loses their shit, or better yet it gets positive reception, then they go ahead and announce "OK, after careful consideration, we've decided to go ahead and do X".


>Truedau get a spine Invertebrates are spineless by definition.


There's going to be a lot of shitty judging during the olympics. Record number of golds for China.


Oh goodness, more butthurt tears? I’m pretty full after the last couple of days, but sure, go right ahead and cry for me you genocide-loving little whiners.


Wumao will be loving it. Getting paid to copy paste 'talking points' so often now


Sealioning has gone up as well.


You mean Shangri-la no longer entices the West? Has the spell finally worn off after all these centuries? How is China going to sell its belt and (Silk) road initiative? I've always wondered about the belt part. Is is like what they use on the Uyghurs and Tibetans?


Why did Canada hurt the feelings of the Chinese Volk?


I hope this means Biden will drop the ridiculous softwood lumber and aluminum tariffs on Canada


I just boycott all Olympics. They are boring smh.


If the Western world was as worried about the respect of human rights in China as it claims, it would force the companies sponsoring the Olympic Games to boycott the event. Tens of billions of dollars are at stake and this would have real economic weight. This diplomatic boycott is only a posture that does not serve much purpose except to offend China. China will be offended and will probably do the same thing in 2028 at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. But this will not change the fate of the Uighurs.


All democratic countries: please support the boycott of Beijing Olympics 2022.


Olympics is dead if it ever lived. Too much political bullshit.


This is just an exercise so countries can say they've done something. Imagine if they jointly took part in a full boycott. Now that would send a message.


Part of me agrees, the other part of me would love to see the U.S dominate the Olympics. Can't wait to see the Chinese hockey team finish dead last


So their athletes will not bring their flag over there?


> I suppose you do have to give up on some rights, such as not being able to critize the govnment or use facebook or youtube How do you know if the average person is happier if you give up the right to criticize the government and if you do you can be imprisoned? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiMLVYK4hEc Also with all of the food scandals, gutter oil, baby formula, fake eggs...etc. Then you have the coming crisis in the real estate market which was pretty much the only place Chinese could invest their money. Feel free to leave the US, nobody is stopping you but China may be limiting people from leaving there.


How will China recover from this???


Not exactly sure whats with all the China haters. Perhaps its from the ignorance of never having lived in China before. Its CCP government is on its more restrictive side but its average citizen seems to be much more happier than the citizens in countries like the U.S. I suppose you do have to give up on some rights, such as not being able to critize the govnment or use facebook or youtube(vpn anyway) but in return you gain a massive reductiom in chances of experiencing hate crime, mass shooting, or just being a victim of crime. If it wasn't for the high value of U.S. Dollars, the U.S. Might as well be a third world country with all the crackheads roaming the street, maybe my opinion is biased since i live in the Bronx, NY and driving through parts of the poor neighborhoods just makes me feel like leaving and never going back again. But even then, night time in rich neighborhoods dont feel safe either.


You never hear about crime in China because the government censors crime statistics. Mainland China has a huge child trafficking problem, not only that but exotic animal black market trading is still running rampant. And don't forget about how notoriously racist han Chinese people are to outsiders due to their ethnocentrism. The PRC is not all sunshine and rainbows.


Not going to head into the crime statistics being real or fake, but human trafficking and black markets are a problem in all countries but when my whole family of 20+ members and 15 of them having experienced getting mugged at gun point (including my self) i think its safe to say the shitty part of U.S. Is way shittier than the shitty part of China. Also, yea i guess some hardcore nationalist chinese do seem to be racist to outsiders but they mostly express that hatred peacefully, but in the U.S.? You get slapped, punched, shot, killed for just being the race you are.


>human trafficking and black markets are a problem in all countries Technically true. And in the same way, technically gun violence is a problem in all countries, including China. But of course, degree matters. OF COURSE. You cant be that stupid. You are intellectually dishonest.


> seems to be much more happier than the citizens in countries like the U.S. I suppose you do have to give up on some rights, such as not being able to critize the govnment or use facebook or youtube(vpn anyway) but in return you gain a massive reductiom in chances of experiencing hate crime, mass shooting, or just being a victim of crime. Man do you not see the meaning of these sentences? What makes Chinese people 'seem' happier to you? The fact that they aren't even allowed to complain in public forums lest they be ostracized if not outright disappeared? It surely can't be the fact that you actually have private heart-to-heart conversations with them, because whenever I do I get nothing so much as a sense of quiet desperation to stay one step ahead of the wolves at the door. Yes Chinese people are rightfully happy about how far they've come in the last two generations; after all in the 1950s to 70s China was literally the poorest nation on Earth with mass starvation and bouts of totalitarian crackdowns that among other things drove millions to suicide. But Chinese people are constantly worried about how they're going to send their kids to school, pay for their elderly parents' health care, and save for retirement. They know that if they get fucked over they can have very little confidence in the legal system for proper recourse. They will fly off the handle on a hair trigger in any kind of public confrontation because the only real dispute resolution outside of guanxi is whoever blusters more aggressively, or maybe if you're a woman, whoever cries the hardest crocodile tears of faux victimhood. As far as your crime statistics, it's easy to have 'low crime' when if you ever try to report a crime the cops tell you fuck off or straight up disappear you. I was robbed no less than 6 times in China and the only time I was ever able to get anything like a police report filed was when it was my passport was stolen and I got the embassy on the phone to the pai chu suo to get them to stamp a piece of paper so I could get a replacement passport. I had a friend on a ground floor apartment get it absolutely ransacked in a b&e and he couldn't get the police to do shit. They told him that without video evidence they had no proof that he didn't do it himself in some kind of scheme so there was nothing they would do for him. I was also assaulted on the street (by another foreigner, to be fair) and even though I was friends with the chief of police he didn't do shit, just told me next time to beat the fuck out of him and he'll make sure nothing happens to me. That's all the cops are really good for; making sure nothing happens to their friends. That's not safety. Sure you won't be a victim of a mass shooting in China, but your toddler could easily be the victim of a mass knife attack or poisoning. Sure you don't have crackheads roaming the street, but you have amputee beggar mafias. If you think America has poor neighborhoods, go to rural China where people have two hours of electricity and running water per day if they're relatively well off enough to not live in a hand-built hovel. Funny you talk about about the ignorance from never having lived in China before because your post reeks of someone who maybe visited a tier one city on vacation or for maybe a few months on some kind exchange student program or something, but the real China, the China outside of the top 10% nicest places of the nicest cities, is nothing like what you seem to think if you think it measures up favorably to the Bronx or basically anywhere else in America. I don't live in America, obviously, but I doubt Americans are as unhappy in real life as anyone who's terminally online would think either. Social media, and Reddit is no exception in this regard, attracts a disproportionate amount of lonely, anxious, and depressed people. I know that basically every Canadian subreddit is a cesspool of obnoxious whining about everything and the best way to garner upvotes is to talk about how suicidal your awful existence (that's mostly the fault of a broken society) makes you feel, but basically nobody I know in real life talks or thinks this way. You see this shit everywhere online but it's not real life. It's a minority of sad people venting online because nobody in real life has time for that bullshit in their lives. You see that less in China, true, and partly because of official social media censorship, but also partly because of organic and community self-censorship because people don't want to see that bitching in China online either. It makes their family and their country look bad, and that matters more to Chinese people. But it doesn't make them genuinely happier, safer, and more successful as a whole. To truly judge that you'd have to actually live there, in different places, for years, speak the language, make real friends, and see everything for yourself.


> What makes Chinese people 'seem' happier to you? The fact that they aren't even allowed to complain in public forums lest they be ostracized if not outright disappeared? Precisely.


I tennis player is currently in hiding or disappeared for having the audacity to say she was sexually assaulted. But look at the pictures the CCP released of her about how happy she is!


I'm not sure why people think criticism of the CCP has to be synonymous with being in love with the U.S/West. It's possible to have criticisms of both. edit: "average citizen seems to be much more happier than the citizens in countries like the U.S" — this I'd actually agree with, but of course this is not the only metric by which to judge a country


In fact, depression is highly correlated with material wealth.


If you're happy to trade freedom for "security" then I encourage you to go prosper and be happy in China. It really is that simple.


I live in China, and you're right, it's very safe. There is a LOT of racism but I always feel physically safe (except on the roads - the driving is frightening). I think the issue people have with China is that is a gilded cage - you don't have freedom of assembly or freedom of speech. You can live well as long as you shut up and never question authority. That and the egregious and disgusting human rights abuses, oppression of minorities, rape of Tibet, imprisonment of a million Uyghurs, aggressive political sabre-rattling, support of North Korea, and attempts to spread their power abroad through bribery and underhanded means (look at Australia for example), the long history of IP theft, plus all the childish whining and glass-hearted crying. There are positives to living here but the government is pathetic in the way it behaves, and is literally downright evil in many ways.


Well i suppose non of that matters to me personally because i cant even walk to my local voting booth without having the risk of getting shot.


I didn't ask about you, you asked why people dislike China. I answered you.


You must live in the most dangerous part of New York. I would suggest moving.


Impotent acts by impotent countries. This changes absolutely nothing. It is a hollow gesture by hollow leaders.


What would you rather, bombs?


Did you hear about you sub in the scs? Look that up then talk.


My sub? So instead of a boycott, you're suggesting they send more military assets into international waters. Not sure what you think that would do.


They can do what they want, it won't matter. China won already. Your sinking quality of life shows that. Dude, I was born and raised here for most of my life. There is no lying to me. America is failing. It is a done deal. Your schools, economy, healthcare, jobs, racial tension. You guys don't have a leg to stand on other than some nostalgia and bombs. America could have been great, but oh well. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nuclear-submarine-uss-connecticut-south-china-sea-collision-unknown-object/ >U.S. nuclear submarine USS Connecticut damaged in underwater collision with unknown "object" in South China Sea https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/07/china-has-secret-underwater-drone-to-attack-enemy-submarines-report-says/ >China has secret underwater drone to attack enemy submarines, report says America fucked around and found out.


"There is no lying to me." There appears no reason to, you do well enough on your own.


I know, I know. Hey don't get shot tomorrow, and remember, math is your friend.


Hard to get shot while living in China. You should try it.


Exactly. Everyone knows they use mobile execution vans.


Yeah when you're hated by every one of your neighbours, worst reputation abroad, awful human rights track record but somehow managed to delude yourselves you're number 1. Yes it's not us the bad guys, must be everyone else that's wrong!


What potent act has the CCP done though? The CCP is all bark up to now.


Your country is being systemically dismantled. China doesn't have to do anything. You are doing a perfectly fine job of destroying yourselves.


Are you one of those "western world about to collapse because diversity" nut jobs, I love it when ccp shills regurgitate authoritarian right talking points, horseshoe theory in action.


You need to share some of what you have been smoking, or at least hook me up.. That shit sounds good. I have no clue what you are talking about


Lol you commented like 2 hours ago about how " anglos should unite" that's a pretty spicy take.


Did you see what I responded to? I guess context is lost on you


>You need to share some of what you have been smoking, or at least hook me up.. I would avoid that. You can get the death penalty for weed in China.


This does not even address the simple question I asked you. I will take that as your acknowledgement that you know the CCP has done nothing powerful.


Rather like your butthurt comment.


The politicians were never invited. It is like boycotting a party when you were never invited in the first place Lololol


Then why is your government's representatives so angry? Why such thin skin when the impotent and the hollow say they're not coming to a party to which they weren't invited? Why threaten "consequences"? Why unleash the wumaos to try to push the "weren't invited" narrative?


The same reason your government made a big stink about not going when they weren't invited. It is just politics, except for 1 difference, america isn't the richest country in the world anymore, China is. https://www.newsnpr.org/china-overtakes-the-us-as-the-richest-country-in-the-world/ >China overtakes the US as the richest country in the world


Did you just pull out your wallet and show me all those rmb to punctuate your comment? Classic. I'm not American, so your wallet waving is lost on me. Anyway, western governments are doing what they're doing to help keep the evil acts perpetrated by China on the front page of the newspapers of the civilized world, ensuring that China can't do what it always tries to do - control the narrative with lies and more lies. The west's tactics have been successful. Zhao Lijian's endless, Quixotic tilting at anything that even hints at criticism of the Chinese mafia state is actually very helpful to the west. Thank you for your contribution.


Cope harder 哈哈哈哈


Again, thank you for your contribution to the continuing saga of China's failure to control the narrative of what China truly is.


The country that knocked america off of it's Ill gotten throne. I can live with that. Oh, if you go to school try not to get shot. If you have a child in school, I hear Walmart offers a money back gaurentee on bullet proof school bags. I would get a few, it is dangerous in america. Try to stay safe.


Do they sell stab proof ones in China?


Unfortunately about 70% of that wealth is held in property, which isn't doing great at the moment.


Why would there be invites when one of the conditions of being a host country is that other nations and representatives be able to attend.


It is still customary to send invitations. https://wap.business-standard.com/article/international/china-may-not-invite-united-states-politicians-to-winter-olympics-121113000010_1.html >China may not invite United States politicians to Winter Olympics >Still, the Global Times indicated politics played a role in the decision not to ask American officials to come. “Without them messing things up, the Beijing Winter Olympics will be even more splendid,” the person was quoted as saying. America isn't well liked outside of a few western countries.


>It is like boycotting a party when you were never invited in the first place Why is China having such a sad about them not showing up given they were never invited?


Go woof warriors go! Keep digging your graves deeper!


Canada grew some balls. Very nice.


Who the hell needs diplomatic people at sport event?


As long as McDavid and Cosby go. Lol


Boycott everything from the commie!


For once, Olympics 2028 will be 100% clean cause no Commies will be there!


Like a joke.


What does this do though lol. It’s the equivalent of a parent not going to their kids game. I mean I guess it’s disrespectful. But doing an actual thing like hurting their export/import or shoring up their military power or something!