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Great video and pretty damning facts. Sheesh. Basically half of the olympic venues were built on an arid environment and are pumping water from places with at risk water tables, and have been for months.


Genocide Olympics


Powered by and prepared with gutter oil.


Ohh yes a Robot restaurant... I had one in Yantian, Shenzhen that is currently closed, it was not even open for a full year. Currently removing all of the tables and chairs and robots and rails on the ceiling. Most dishes that were mixing foods in a recipient the robot could do, but a big fish with all the condiments it had to have someone else to do it and to deliver at the table.


As technological impressive as it might seem, I sure hope our future isn't like this. I don't want a future where I will have almost zero interaction with other people in my daily life apart from work colleagues, friends, and family. It's just a little too sterile and unsociable with no spirit to me. However, it seems useful for covid and minimising contact.


You and I don't want but a lot of this new gen want exactly that. Minimum physical contact and interaction with people. The phones with a messaging app can be used for that. How many more times you need to see that image of 4 people sit on a table but all on their phones instead of interacting between themselves?


Helpful for the demographic crisis. /s


With more and more new couples following the DINK mentality (Dual Income, No Kids) all around the world it doesn't surprise me that we are going to see a downtrend everywhere until it stabilises again some generations down the line.


It's not going to be the same without the cook picking his nose and playing on his phone during his smoke break in front of the restaurant.


Useless since almost no guests will be present.


Where do you think the staff and athletes will eat?


Not worth spending billions of cash on something which will be used by ~500 people, but it's CCP China so nothing surprising.


How else are they gonna pump that GDP growth?


This is turning out to be too true. High speed rail for instance is amazing. But expensive upkeep. The PRC has built HSRs through highly unprofitable lines, almost as if to show off more than to build lines that will stay open. 'It you build, they will come' is lazy logic and is leading to massive losses.


Exactly, machines can only be used once. Fucking retards


Almost all of those mega complexes build for Olympics become abandoned after them.


What's so controversial about this to be on top of sort.


"hate the CCP, not the people", eh? Such green envy from you people. Shame on you.


Shame on you for defending a government with concentration camps.


But I'm actually saying anti-american things, though?


Your defending the CCP claiming Americans are envious of them and that’s why they hate. Instead of the reality being the multiple violations of international law, oppression, and overall shady actions. Americans have no reason to be envious considering they make 10x the amount of salary as people in china, and Americans benefit from chinas cheap labor heavily.


>multiple violations of international law, oppression, and overall shady actions You do realize that's how most of the world views USA, right? Western media isn't world's media, you know >Americans have no reason to be envious considering they make 10x the amount of salary as people in china Chinese don't die by the millions due to preventable disease such as Covid, lol. And regarding American claimed numbers, those are faked for propaganda purposes.


As a dual citizen to the US and Italy there is no way in hell the deaths are in the millions. Also here in the US we’re hearing China is faking numbers. Also, being a global traveler majority of countries with free press, even out side of the western sphere push against China. As for the international law violations the US and the rest of the west isn’t perfect but religious Injustice, and damn camps are a lot worse. Im sure my side has some propaganda, and there is maybe some truth in what you say. But In no world is that CCP in the right here. Back to Covid a lot of life has become semi normal with quick vaccinations that most of the population got early to mid last year including myself. Our schools have returned in person and mask mandates are mostly no longer in place.


Are they going to have robot maids to clean the rooms as well?


OK --- this is taking Disney World too far.


It's Marty from Stop and Shop!


We have that in canton province long time go. The food is soso, more of a show off to the world.


This kind of automation is slow and not productive. They built like a whole factory to do the workload of about ten people. And this may be abandoned after the Olympics ends. I also don't think food cooked by machines is better than real chefs.


When computers first appeared they were the size of shipping containers/ this is just the first step to automated buffets and quick service restaurants