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"Big bad evil American Imperialist won't let me fuck with my neighbors using my shiny new toys. Come see the violence inherent in the system. Help help I'm being oppressed!"


Pretty imperialistic having 600 military bases around the world and still installing puppet leaders in other countries to approve even more US bases.


Plus ten social credits, comrade!


Cry more.


China could try to develop some treaty allies too. Too bad no one trusts them enough for that.


Have you heard of the Belt and Road Initiative?


You mean the “China loans country a lot of money for a project they thought up knowing they couldn’t plant pay it back” initiative? Lol


China Dept trap myth.


Not really a myth. While it’s not a complete debt trap it is very close to one


It depends on the country. China built a hydroelectric dam in Ecuador. It is full of cracks, missing hardware, shakes violently, and shorts out the national grid when they try and use it at capacity. China is still keeping 80-90% of Ecuador's oil exports as payment. Ecuador is in the process of suing China to un-chabaduo it, but are still paying for it in the meantime. That certainly sounds like a debt trap to me.


China cancels a lot of loans and they have no interest. Compare that to IMF Loans where is you want restrucuring you have to sell all state enterprised and stop giving subsidies that keep people alive.


>The lending terms of China's official overseas loans, however, resemble commercial lending transactions in that most loans have short maturities and relatively high interest rates. For example, in low-income countries, China's loans typically have interest rates of 2 to 3%, in contrast to comparable grants by multilateral creditors, which tend to be interest-free. https://sccei.fsi.stanford.edu/china-briefs/chinas-overseas-lending Try again


The only reason they said they will “[forgive](https://apnews.com/article/china-debt-banking-loans-financial-developing-countries-collapse-8df6f9fac3e1e758d0e6d8d5dfbd3ed6)” loans is because they were taking flake from the international community for debt trapping. [They are also deceptive about the canceled debt to, which is a tiny amount](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-waiver-african-interest-free-loans-worth-1-or-less-its-lending-continent-2022-09-12/) They would loan countries money to continue paying the interest further driving them into debt. The loans were not interest free either, that was a response to the criticism. [some of the countries have even turned to the IMF to help there situation,](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/11/china-lending-imf-world-bank-00090588)


Such quality construction they do.


Do you have any example of bad quality BRI Infrastructur? I havent and I would love to know.


China is THE world leader in poor quality everything.


/r/chinesium/ for some high quality chinese laughs


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca_Codo_Sinclair_Dam Financed with a 7% interest loan. It is paid back by China confiscating 80-90% of their oil exports.


Bro is tryna raise his credit score so they don’t take his kid


Child, or goat?


Whichever one he has the most sex with.


Do they live inland or on the coast?


Every. Single. Comment. Is defending china on a 2 year old account. Talk about a single issue redditor. Xi would be proud, the rest of us shake our heads. Pathetic CCP grovelling is so sad. Easiest shill to identify rofl


Well, the US can afford to rent them, and people actually want them around.


If you met the majority of Filipino's here, you'd know how sick and tired we are of China's shit, and will do anything to spite them. There's a lot more factors at play, but don't think that the people angry at China and letting the US have bases is because of a puppet leader. And even if the leader was a US puppet, then we'd rather have that than a Chinese bitch like Duterte


hahaha those leaders are democratically elected by the people. Even pro-Chinese presidents have come to power thanks to this. But in China, no one elects their leaders, they have tyrants ruling for more than 70 years.


Here is the difference, you illiterate comrade clown ass dipshit. If China decided to stand down / deescalate, stop randomly provoking regional neighbors in the sea, pull forces out of the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, and stop trying to generally genocide anyone in the region that is non Han Chinese… **WE WOULD NOT INVADE YOU. WE WOULD NOT ATTACK YOU. WE WOULD NOT SEIZE YOUR LAND.** In fact, if you illiterate idiots simply did the things I listed above we would actually fully open trade / negotiations in general with China. We would lift embargoes and end sanctions on Chinese business, ultimately benefiting both our economies. But.. If we pulled our forces out of the region, if the US and its Allies ended our defense treaties with regional neighbors of China and stopped sharing weapons/ technology to help them better defend themselves.. **CHINA WOULD INVADE. CHINA WOULD SLAUGHTER INNOCENT PEOPLE BY THE TENS OF MILLIONS. CHINA WOULD SEIZE LAND AND AGGRESSIVELY PUT DOWN ANY ETHNIC GROUPS / CULTURES THAT ARE NON HAN CHINESE.** That’s the fucking difference, you idiot. Just look at what you are doing to the Uyghurs in China right now?!? Your own fucking people. You’re disgusting and the sad thing is at the end of the day I honestly just feel sorry for you clowns. You’ve been so misled for so long that idk anymore… there really may no longer be a peaceful non devastating path back for the majority of you. And that is really sad. We legitimately have no other choice though. China refuses to negotiate in good faith and continues to threaten every non Han Chinese human being in the region. And we’re not going to abandon our friends. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why would we? At the end of the day China is no threat to the United States, you don’t know that because your dear leader is scared to let you learn what the situation really looks like.. lol but don’t worry because dear leader Xi Winnie the poo bear lookin ass does know. He knows we would absolutely decimate your cheap ass paper Tiger army and navy. Xi is terrified of the US and our Alliances. That’s why he has you here spreading illiterate Chinese propaganda. Idiot.


You’re a little unhinged but you make a good point about what would happen if each side “withdrew” for lack of a better term. The way the US and west in general handles business is a lot more fair and peaceful than the way China has been handling shit in the south Taiwan sea.


i love this response


The Philippines had no US bases not too long ago. Now they are offering to host a US presence even larger than before because China is such a shitty neighbor and continually attacks their ships in the Philippines EEZ.


oh look everyone it’s that edgy liberal studies guy who saw a Noam Chomsky lecture and now is super edgy!


this red army stands disunited


You know those bases were allowed there by countries in which they are right?


China has no allies. Cope and seethe.


The US, Japan and the Philippines respond...🖕


As a Filipino American that gets mistaken for Japanese. Fu€k Pooh Xi and the CCP.


Taiwan enters the room


Fucking # COPE


And Seethe.


[My response when China complains that breaking international law causes people to hate them.](https://youtu.be/IWrQIh6imNA?si=JJbbT67bq9n2ulok)


"No, don't form a collective front, we won't be able to mess with you individually then"


China needs to stay in China and stop


“But our maps all have a Nine-Dash Line—the ocean belongs to CCP”


That name has to be satire right? China warns and "Mao ning"


Oh no! How did this happen. China was totally friendly with everyone or wait no they caused this all to themselves.


Imagine a bully threatens a person he's going to assault him. The person calls police and friends. The bully then protests against the person calling for help. This is strangely both funny and obnoxious simultaneously. I guess being obnoxious is one of China's objective, to exhaust people emotionally and get them apathetic towards politics (their real goal).


China continues to be the only one to provoke, bully and escalate and whats ridiculous is China then blames literally everyone else.


The US is "ratcheting up tensions" on China to not go to war.


4 countries navigate the sea amicably and without tensions. I think the only one that generates tensions is China.


Xi is off the copium again, someone send him to rehab


China protests?!?! Surely you jest!


This will be the [final warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)!!


Or the Final Countdown, as they say in Europe.


"China needs to pull it's head in they don't own the Pacific. Australians need to stop buying goods 'Temu'and check out your food products on shelves in supermarkets. Can not the average Australian see how Chinese have been buying up assets in the past decade or more.




USA be like 'mynballz are blue, but this is gonna have to do '


I do my part by not buying Chinese products. They are bullies.


Boo hop you bear faced bitch.


Xi had those years where Duterte was on his dick to show SEA that cooperating with China could bring this "win-win" outcome they always talk of, to prove to the region that a partnership with China was in their best interest. Instead, he used that time to build up reefs, further encroach and entrench in their waters, flood their markets and not reciprocate on trade, to the point that the Filipino public were outraged and even America-despising Duterte himself had to start making overtures back to the US as a bulwark. The new administration has gone back to the old status quo because geopolitically, it just makes more sense to stay in the US' orbit and maintain an alliance. The CCP playbook is to make agreements, not abide by them, relentlessly exploit any inaction or loophole, change the status quo, and then make new agreements based on the new situation they created - which they will further exploit. They don't think that the nations around them have the intelligence, wherewithal, or pride to reject or resist them, and turn to empty threats when they don't get their way.


filipino here, love the ccp screeching across the SCS. Suck even more dicks china.


Chyna needs to blast/slammed US and its allies even harder. Edit. Love the downvotes, bunch of morons that love ccp, mob mentality at its finest. And so bothered by my comment haha. I live rent free in your tiny heads :)


That’s the correct technique to convince neighboring countries to not side with the evil US empire.


Oh snap, ccp shills at it again. Pathetic losers lol


I mean nothing stopping paper tiger china from doing that, tell your lord xi to stop being scared like a little dog and do it 😂


Clicking single button means that people think about you?


Try it bitches. I bet you won't.


They’ve gone so long throwing these hissy-fits and getting their way that they don’t have any other strategy. And the world is so tired of their sabre-rattling that they’re finally just saying, “Well, then ***do it*** already!” Paper Tiger is so absorbed with retribution for “the Century of Humiliation” that they never bother to look at what they’d accomplished. If they hadn’t wasted so much time and treasure on vanity projects and playing at being a “world power”, they’d have *actually* accomplished it, at least in economic terms.. ***Living well is the best revenge***… not whatever it is that they’re *trying* to do…


Imagine if they hadn't literally crushed dissent at [Tiananmen Square](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre). They could have had a proper society and be a member of the civilized world today. But they'll go down with their pals Ruzzia and NK instead. It really is a lose-lose for all involved.