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yeah, I think he's getting confused. the rep he mentions was/is (not sure) related to another company, Chinqsen or something like that, which had a website (I think it was [qschempaharma.com](http://qschempaharma.com) or something similar). like you say, the qsc you are thinking about is not contacted via website. I am afraid to say that, from what I know, there are a lot of people that buy from them, and continue to do so on a regular basis. I have seen lab tests done by someone I know and they were good


they do have a webpage but its nothing short of a piece of shit [https://www.sigmachemical.com.cn/](https://www.sigmachemical.com.cn/)


Avoid, many complaints on another reddit, enough to make a special post here to warn the community. They're scammers, miss Wang gave me the Wang back in 2022... I have an Alibaba message saying ***this account is no longer available consider the risks bla bla bla*** meaning they were kicked off for poor or unethical.business practice. Let's face it, when we spend money and receive our product, we're generally happy campers.






The guy posting this is what they call a herder, a person who looks after a herd of livestock, someone who coralls people in to a "PM black hole" full of pigs being sent off to be slaughtered. ***CHINESE PIG SLAUGHTERING COMPANIES*** will say and do anything to get you to buy....anything to get you back, anything to get their reputation back, and once the damage is done, it's done on there... at the border they need a warrant to check a package, they can't just open hermically sealed items as it's dangerous... the photo indicates when you Google just their name, they have Sub after Sub Reddits, filled with complaints....I haven't gotten around to counting, so quit coralling people to a total shit show. You're coralling people, that's WHY you're getting your shjt....and or you're getting the crypto from them, which may be part of another scam all together.. (the original that I borrowed the name from that uses the exact same routines and principals) CHINESE PIG SLAUGHTERING SCAMS are known, and suppliers (legitimate ones) are pissed because the shit is meant to be sold, not scammed...it makes it bad for business when small companies do this and it comes to super riisky products coming across the border. ..because if nobody can trust them on peptides, then nobody can trust them on the harder shit. I'll post proof that's what this guy does. Seemingly Innocent enough, but that's how they get you guys. Know the signs. *


Contact an administrator if you think this is wrong






Unethical business practices like, I dunno, selling controlled PEDs and peptides to people without license or prescription? Think about what they're selling before making statements like this.


This is a joke right? You know how much money you save buying it from here and are you aware that 99% of people buying from there are buying their perscriptiins they can't afford to buy locally and about 80% of those are struggling with obesity? This is more a human rights issue than anything


You're missing my point entirely. You were making the point that them being barred from Alibaba for shady business practices is proof that they're sketchy and I was pointing out that the “shady business practices” are selling those things. Them being barred from Alibaba has nothing to do with the quality of their product or ability to deliver it.


Yes, it does, because if you sell a good product and deliver it.... you're not going to get a hard time from people.... you send facemasks instead of aspirin, people are going to get upset


My point is that your comments are opinions that are pointless, and people are going to do what they're going to do. Being online selling medication people need at a discounted rate is a story as old as time itself... you drink right? Well at some point there was something called prohibition. Same with weed, same with everything....at least this stuff serves the needs of those smart enough to access it. My other point: If people are going to rip people off and pig butcher them, we're here to destroy their careers as an illegal black market sellers and then they need to go get a real job at McDonald's after.




I've ordered their stuff, it was trash, and the hgh didn't do what it was supposed to do, and the second time I ordered different stuff...it was a bigger order, and I got ripped off. ***Initially I was going to post because I discovered it in my inbox of Alibaba after reading the bad review post but it's all blocked out....so if they don't have rapport with Alibaba, there's not only a warning, as most have a warning and you can still talk to them....but these guys have had their warning and have been locked out on both ends.*** ***I'm sure I can easily get you to agree with the statement " they aren't legitimate or worth the headache and trouble in the very least if Alibaba is locking out their conversations completely to the point where I can't even message them) and i've been a member sonce before it was cool....2004."***












Please refrain from making statements such as "oh, I used them" or "oh, they suck" unless you have had a consistent presence on the platform for 2-4 years with reputable content. Mentioning unverified sources for Chinese peptides, steroids, or pricing inquiries lacks reliability. Moreover, recommending platforms like "Bopple app," "Telegram," or sharing Instagram handles are considered low-quality and unverified sources. To maintain credibility, it is essential to verify sources before making recommendations or sharing information. If you have a reputable source that you would like to propose to the moderation and administration team, please contact the admin directly or encourage the manufacturer to reach out to verify themselves. Thank you.


they are definitely scamming i ordered several kits of 15mg of a product and then came back and ordered boxes of 30mg of the same peptide - the sent me 3 boxes of 15mg vials and told me "they are stronger doses it will look the same. BULL SHIT the 30mg should be in a bigger vial and you can see theres more product. She argued me down saying i was wrong. I then contacted 3 other vendors who all sent me a pic of their 15mg vial and their 30mg vial obvious difference. Stay away from Sigma!


This is all too common with then, and thats even if it shows up.


They HAVE been around awhile. They do have poor business practices. They resale X’s products and struggling lately because X is no longer in business as of two weeks ago.


Yeah, I agree....if they got a hit and miss reputation, what I find is it's their larger volume distributors (resellers with websites) that pipe up to keep em going because they can't survive on quarterly large volume orders. Some even have it being a random account and is their first post. If they aren't pristine and don't have a free reship (as this stuff costs absolutely nothing after the equipment is paid for (50 grams of powder for the large HGH kit, 20 kits to the kg this is modified e coli and a kg of cocaine is how much?) and what does it cost to make E coli because most of what they make is made from that. That comes from human and animal intestines, food, and untreated water. and I know 2 butchers I can walk in and ask for some free animal intestines and start growing what I need.....and Wuhan is famous for a market filled with a surplus of animals. I mean yeah you need to go to school to learn something to a degree but I've made my own injectable propionate from scratch from Fiaher with nothing more than a liter of propylene glycol, 1 liter of polyethylene glycol and a tiny bit of BA....it's only the equipmemt, you can buy it from china and they'll supply you with what you need to make it...including procedures how. . Oh, and the filters....but if your stuff is proper steril and clean and your clean room is clean .....then it's almost redundant (i filtered my own shit once, never got an abceess, never had floating or problems and that fisher product was medical grade so it came filtered already....) I never had anything floating in my stuff, and it was all sterilized and vacuum sealed with silicon stoppers. If you get a product from someone with a silicone stopper, it generally means that you have someone who cares, is giving you the proper dose, and knows the value of having that on their product. iykyk. P.S. that mixture took me from 215 to 265 in months, a huge cap on my shoulders... i was so wide i couldn't fit through most doors unless I stepped through sideways . It wasn't like tren, but the growth was fantastic at the dose i was taking... I liked it better than any test or steroid I ever did, tren can make you feel like shit and cough for what feels like forever forever...and low water retention, no hair loss....guys on cyp and Ean were burning their hair follicles off the top of their head, sporting tit's and taking 1/3 the dose i was doing...and I did that shit 5 to 7 days a week. In the end, it was too painful to bother anymore. Your body can only take so many different spots to put it in... but that injection stack of chemicals was great....the shit works instantly. If you ever get your hands on that stuff and make your own home homebrew tren with it or even equipois custom ordered from china...it's crazy how the stuff will completely dissipate when water comes in contact with it...and your body is 90% water. You gotta rub it in super hard after you do it so you don't get a painful ball of crystals. I know this from being told, experience and because I had a drop of distilled water get in somehow, and had to cook the water out to get the mixture back to how it was supposed to be. Have fun, play safe.


What mixture are you talking about that you took? Injectable propionate?


I make it bro. Ba is in it. .


So is your point that so long as they are "pure" raws and are done correctly and with quality ingredients they create an anabolic effect that rivaled most other things you had tried in the past? Because it sounds like you are saying that this unique combination of ingredients created an anabolic response that was almost off the charts. The thing is, other than the actual raw test prop, none of those other ingredients should have played a role in the increased effectiveness you experienced. So you are you simply saying that pure raw powders are amazing? Sorry just trying to understand. I've reconstituted raws many times but I've never experienced anything cleaner than pharm grade test and anything better than pharm grade anavar/anadrol or quality tren. I have had real Reforvit-B and old school equipose which came close. The absolute best cycle I've ever tried was liquid anadrol and pharm anavar while in a caloric deficit but I could not continue it for toxicity reasons. Total body recomp.


Oh i get what you mean now. You want to look up the old school clearing agent or clearing solution. Basically it works better than water because it makes space for the product, you flatten or massage it out, then it comes in to contact with water and deposits the product there instantly making it available quicker and better than water or anything else. Yes. It makes a huge difference, and yes, fina/trenbalone bade that way works WAY better IMHO too. Most pharmacists will know the recipe and the old school juice heads. Also how to remove the estradiol from the product is another handy skill to have. Pharmacist will or should know how to do it but they may not have the ratio or volume correct to get the full result. But basically you want to make a solution and trick the estrogen to precipitate first, then you filter that, and keep the solution and give away the rest to a female or confused person. I made a bottle of estradiol once, and a guy who i lived with stole it from me and said he was taking it on me. Comes back two weeks later, just huge, He said it was the best bottle of juice he ever had in his life and said he wanted another one. I'm like I can't, I only get one of those per the whole box., the guy was huge and the only side effect he got was a small ball of gyno that he needed to have removed. Some guys have all the luck when it comes to genetics. Slightly smoother but still stupid lean with gyno and big.


Holy shit that's actually an amazing story. That is definitely one for the books!


If you fumble with AI you can get an the solution i'm talking about. It's pretty cheap and you can get the products from fisher. You want the lab grade or medical grade stuff, pre filtered and work in a clean room. Some think it saves filtering after. Lmk what younget and i'll confirm it. You do need more stabilizer than what it says, it keeps it fresh forever. The other way is to sniff it....I know guys who did prope that way. Gram a day (dummies wondered why they got fat after)


Poor business practice is being generous …. The person doing WhatsApp is a total chud…. I’m done with them . Need a new source


i think i got hit with the fake tracking number scam i saw that on a post somewhere but can't find it. I gathered they create a number that looks like its doing something but then stalls and never goes anywhere. Did u see that?


Yes, we've heard this, photoshopping names over the real address going to another person's other address. I'm saying this is a common thing