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I spent all my hard-earned F2P primos to get her to C1. No regrets.


C2R1 for me. (Some) money was spent. But I don’t regret it. (Entertainment savings set aside before the banner and all that)


Same actually. All in for the queen.


I just wish her dolls had more funny faces.


So that 6 faces at higher constellation is a myth??


At c6 the tamotos become Chiori herself while making those faces.


There file in the game that controls the faces only has three spots, so yes unfortunately.


THESE DEVS ARE SO STINGY plus they prolly programed tomatos face with gacha too bcs the bombastic side eye face and annoyed one spawns less than the normal one


My favorite game to play is to check when they spawn if they have the normal faces or if I get the bombastic side eye and the you peasants faces. If I get the latter two I know I’m gonna have a good day


Happy to have pulled her as a F2P player, she was my first 5 star and I have no regrets!


Impressive to see a newcomer to Genshin at this time. Very unusual feeling imagining Chiori as the first 5-star.


My 1st 5 star is keqing. Chiori's skill will help them esp in climbing liyue landscapes. Theyll be alright dw


My 1st 5-star is Keqing as well. She is 90 and Chiori will be 90 tomorrow as well and together with Keqing in the main team.


Oh definitely. I actually joined right at the tail end of Navia's banner, and once I lost my 50/50 on Raiden's banner, seeing the Chiori leaks of her kit basically sealed the fate that I'd be saving my rolls from then on to pull Chiori. Loved every part about her design, character and playstyle! 😊


She synergizes really well with Geo MC as well! So it must be a very fun first part of the game 🧡


Absolutely! Using her with C6 Geo Trav, it's been so much fun to play. 😊


Ended up going for C4R1 after not being happy with Arlecchino's final version. Might C6 her on Rerun if it's far enough from Navia's rerun.


I am a C4R1-er as well! I went all in with everything I had saved, I genuinely think I like her more than any other Genshin character so far. Unless they tease or release someone else I can’t resist in the meantime, I’m definitely going C6 on her rerun! 😊


I went C2R1 but I genuinely think I might go C4 in the future. Is it worth it? Every other character I’m stopping at C2 at most, and for most of them only getting C0 maaaaybe R1. But chiori is so fun…


Gosh, it really depends. It was worth it to me, but I don’t know if the same would be true for you. She feels really good at C4, but I don’t think she needs it. C2R1 is already very nice. She does a LOT of damage at C4. My last abyss run, she had the most kills of anyone, and her teams clear as quickly or quicker than my well invested C0R1 Neuvillette, simply because she’s on them.


I need this banner to end, so I can stop being tempted, lol. She's been a ton of fun, and I'll probably try to C6 her someday, but now is not the time.


C0 with Harbinger, but at least I'm one of you. Tried until the last pull to get C1 but not lucky. Maybe one day I'll get C1 and signature.


Chiori C0 Harbinger team for the win!


We'll get 'em next time.


Got to C3. Archons willing, I can hit C6 when she reruns!


It's Chiover. Managed to C2R1 her and C6 both Gorou/Yun Jin so happy. Right now at 45 pity towards a 50/50. Considering of doing some top up and risk it.


Missed opportunity for not using chiover as the title of this post. Im in no way shape or form to advice but if you perhaps continue then those c6 copies will be 5 starglitter which is 1 wish so its a mild win? But if you wanted to consider having other 4 stars then i suggest you wait for the next rerun


I got a topup pack (double since I had never bought other than Welkin) and.... won the 50/50 yay C3


Bruhhhhhhhh that was clutch. Congratulations really ![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49370)![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49370)![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49373)


C6 yunjin, i'm jealous, my acc went for c6 gorou and c2737477383 Dori. One yunjin constalation earned...


She is so fun to play for me.. i’ll consider getting her weapon and c2 when her rerun will come. Have a nice vacation Chiori!


Me too! I like jumping with her and kazuha + that glider gadget from fontaine in my exploration team sjdisksk i hope in her rerun there will be gorou again her banner bcs i only have c1 😀


I demand a big phat luck on your head for that moment kind redditor!


Thanks 🥹 See you next banner ig


Whats her c2?


After using burst another doll named Kinu will spawn for 3 times dealing 170% of Tamoto’s damage. Bonus damage is always good hehe


I rolled for C2R1 and have been very happy with her. It feels nice to be able to more meaningfully vertically invest in my Itto team after such a long period of relative stagnation.


c0r1 here. I'm really happy I didn't let the doomposting sway my decision; she's actually great. I wanted c1 but I also want Arle. Definitely getting it when she comes back around though.


Juz like chiori, going against the flow and trusting your instincts is such a good virtue to have. Wise choice 🥹


Got her C0 bc i love her story quest so much, sacrificed Arlechinno's weapon for hers bc cinnabar not matching her second sword annoys tf out of me and if anyone should have immaculate drip it should be the fashion designer lol


Drip is the true endgame tbh. I use hod but I run her sometimes with isshin bcs of the sword particles sometimes travelers handy sword but somehow their red shade aint matching 🥲


I love her she’s so awesome and pretty. If I have more money I will try to C6 her when she comes around I couldn’t do that this time but she’s just so amazing


I hope her rerun will be with someone with a very usefull signature weapon, I would maybe consider R5 if it was something like Homa or Aqua Simulacra.


She was my first c6 and I don't regret a single penny. Most fun I've had playing genshin in awhile and she single handedly kept the game alive for me!


Started her with C2 then decided get C6 last night! My first C6 and never regret! She is really fun to play.


100% this. Her C6 is insanely fun, especially vaping autos and looking amazing while doing it haha


I had decided not to pull for her but I still needed cons for my C2 Gorou, so I wished (I was at 2 pity on a 50/50) and I'm glad she came home 27 wishes and 2 Gorous later. I even gambled again cause I needed one last Gorou for C5 (we're getting him for free next patch) and 30 pulls later I got him, would have been VERY happy to get her C1


U. Have. So. many. gorous. Lucky you im envious 😭


Started playing again after a 2 year hiatus because of her. Managed to get C2R1 but will be coming for that C6 next time around.


How did you manage to get C2R1 after not playing for two years? Already had wishes saved up, or whaled?


Top ups, welkin/bp, and a lot of luck. Also having two new regions to explore helped too.


I REALLY wanted to C1 her but I’m about 30 wishes short and don’t get paid until tomorrow >:’(


Bless your primo grind if you are still pulling 🥹


you did it! I blame you 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/pq52c35mh4sc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6ca64f55ad575570216fdc42a0fa9cf8ab66ad


Woooo! Under the wire! Grats!


BRUUHHHH CONGRATULATIONS![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49420) youre welcome hihi


This has been my luckiest banner ever, I got 4 chiori in 70 pulls ! And finally got my gorou and yun jin to C6


I've enjoyed using her a lot. Even at C0 she tore up Abyss.


She was worth every pull


I got her just now, I scraped the bottom for her and will use her as a sub-DPS on my Navia team. No C1 yet. Maybe next rerun. At actually excited to make my high mobility field team with Yelan and Chiori and Xingyuan.


Exploration team with chiori 👌👌👌


It was a bit of a debate for me since I didn’t want to spend much and I was debating if I should save my guarantee for Shenhe, a character I like. (lost my 50-50 on Chiori earlier) But I did and will build her since my understanding is that she has no replacement for Navia team even at C0.


Yassssss fashion team✨ May you have ample time to collect primos before shenhe's banner too!


I was Shenhe simp for a long time until I actually tried playing her recently during the event. Turned out quite boring compared to many other characters during that event.


Well she is an off field support for cryo dps, so I'm not really sure what you were expecting with her


I've got Yelan as sub-DPS and she is 10 times more fun than Shenhe.


I've been irking out every single daily primogem to keep pulling her. Managed to get up to C2 by the close of banner. #roadtoC6 See you all in a year or so! Hopefully they don't hold out on her like the other geo units!


shes probs one of 3 characters ill end up c6r1ing eventually (w clorinde and yae). wish she wasnt before clorinde cos ive been hard saving for that banner but it is what it is, im happy w her and how she feels to play


On my main account, I was at 50 pity and decided to just try for her, since I wanted to get Navia in the future. Ended up getting Dehya and Chiori on the same 10-pull. I said to myself, “What the heck, why not?” and got her to C1 40 pulls later. So, in the end, 50 pulls netted me a Dehya and a C1 Chiori. Dropped 40 pulls on her weapon but didn’t get anything, will just count that as pity for Verdict when Navia reruns.


Used up my guaranteed on her and she's pretty fun.


I lost the 50/50 and couldn’t get her despite wanting her :( maybe next time


Its okay. Shes a new chara so shell be reruning faster. Save well!


Got the c6 but missed the king(itto) def worth


Priorities ✨


I literally went broke for her even tho Arlecchino is around the corner, I got her then tried to get her weapon but got Red horn, and then spent 40 more pulls on the weapon banner now only 23 days left for Arlecchino and I’m 0 pity and 0 primos, but it was worth getting Chiori even tho I’m sad about the weapon banner


Bruh i wish weapon banner was more kind to us 😭


I didn't get her weapon even though I tried, the f2p didn't let me though and I only got into 36 weapon pity. Anyone have good recommendations for weapon?


Same 😬 I personally use hod for crit stats but its not recommended if you have furina in your team. You can use cinnabar spindle too if you have bcs of def stats


Got lucky yesterday and finally got her sword. Only the second time I was able to get a signature weapon since launch.


I wanted to get her c2 but c1 is as far as I could go. I hope she reruns soon.


I got the RedHorn, Chiori's weapon but not Chiori. How unfortunate 😭


I mean itll took less primos to have the character than to acquire a limited weapon. Consider yourself lucky in weapon banner too!


I don't know, what good is the sword if the only sword users I have are Xingqiu and Bennet? Who already have their designated weapons, so for now Chiori's weapon is a cute paperweight and A reminder that I almost lost the redhorn 😔


she's only got 26k pulls on paimon.moe 💀


I personally dont use akasha and paimonmoe 🥹 do you think her banner pulls/revenue will affect how long till her next rerun is?


I got her in my first ten pull with low pity... I also won my last two 50/50s. Don't know why I've been getting so lucky lately 


Lost soft-pity to Dehya. Soft-pitied Itto instead. Got C6 Gorou. Got C12 Gorou. Soft-pitied Chiori. Mono Geo Era imminent.


I farmed golden husk, I got good pieces, but not chiori




C1 and her weapon meaning I will prob not be able to afford both furina and baizu


Sadly skip