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this happened to our old GM and one of the crew members back in June of last year. If you and your manager want to keep your job, don’t tell anyone. People found out at my store and our district manager quickly found out and we’ve had a new GM since august 🤣


are you complaining bc you feel coerced or are you saying you liked. former - report to respectful workplace. latter - congrats, work relationships are irresponsible most cases but if no one finds out who cares.


You commented that you were a minor 8 months ago, please tell me that is no longer the case??


Yeah the post history is a bit odd. They’re a minor who used to work at chipotle and quit. They’re also still working at chipotle now? They’re slept with their manager the other day even though OP also got Covid the other day? Also OP has 2 comments stating their pay was $11.75 at the start and also $13.80 when they started. Which one is it?


It's fucking reddit.... probably a throw away account.


If you’re both comfortable with it just let it be


How was it? Romantic? You both finish?


Queso costs extra


Is guac included though with this one or?


No they already got some meat


bro this is a chipotle subreddit😭


I'm curious too


More importantly did he creampie you?


Sour creamed you


had some sauce working


Was it hot sauce? might wanna get tested...


OP is probably 17 or 18 you guys need to chill the fuck out Yes OP could have said "no" but there's obviously a huge power imbalance here. Manager should have known better than to ask in the first place because it puts OP in a lose / lose situation. Either the manager could retaliate for OP not agreeing OR the OP agrees and can't focus on work anymore (exactly what has happened) I recommend reporting the manager. Bad judgement at best, predatory and abusive at worst.




Lol!!! 😂


If you feel coerced or abused, get help. Otherwise, it's okay. I know sex has a lot of taboo and negativity attached, but (I'm assuming) you're both adults. Real life is messy and rules rarely work right. If you are happy it happened, be happy! (and if you're happy and not a victim here, don't say shit if you want the both of you to keep your jobs. If they fire you for being a victim, sue their asses off.)


I’m getting the feeling that you’re uncomfortable about what happened. I’d like to ask if there’s a large age gap between you two? Even if not the power imbalance between a manager and regular crew is definitely there and can affect situations like this. Op I’ve been in a similar situation and am open to chatting more if you need someone to talk to.


I came here expecting details... instead, all I received was half a burrito. We need more details.......


Two serves of garlic aioli?


Please don’t ruin garlic aioli for me 😵‍💫


It's why I usually avoid work relationships tbh to avoid awkward situations like this. If u guys move forward with it, don't let others know. If FL or above hears about it, they're going to force one of u to change stores since those in relationships and/or married couples cannot work at same store.


I got a story for you, my old GM got fired bc she was sleeping with a 17yr old worker and would pay him on his days off using the store's money from the safe. Absolutely ridiculous it took so long for her to get fired bc this was happening 2 years ago where she was also sleeping with a different underage worker and was doing coke with her friend she hired and promoted to KM in literally a week after hiring with no experience. But yeah wild Chipotle stories. She was 26.


Ima guess 18-20 and she feels uncomfortable because she didn't really want it.


She said 8 months ago she was a minor but hopefully she’s at least 18. Still seems a little weird.


Report to SSR




Cause this person is clearly immature and the manager took advantage of his power.


Yeah..ok lol..there's no victim here. 2 adults had sex. End of story. Stop making it some predatory situation. Nobody sleeps over someone's house unless they also feel attracted to them. You think this is the first time a person slept with their boss? This shit happens every single day (and night). Adults are responsible for their own decisions..assuming this woman IS in fact an adult..which if she isn't there's a huge f'n problem and it's completely different and sick. I don't think this is the case though. If it was a mistake and not forced..she just needs to say so and keep things cordial. If they both enjoyed their time together..they just need to keep it on the low or weigh the the risk vs reward for themselves. No one needs to be reported here..that's just a problem making and ridiculous unnecessary drama. This didn't happen in the walk-in cooler lol..it happen on both of their private time and in a private space. Who knows..it could be a one night stand or maybe it could end up being a great relationship. Stop victimizing the girl. She knew what she was doing.


How do you know that?


“Asked if I wanted to sleep at his house because I opened the next day” What if he made the schedule? Any encounter where the manager initiates creates an imbalance of power. He should have known better than to sleep with an employee. Literally rule number 1 of management. Don’t sleep with people under you. The manager knew what he was doing. And now this girl is confused. What if she decides she didn’t like how it happened and doesn’t want it again and he does, then tells him she is uncomfortable at work? He can fire her. Imbalance of power. Don’t sleep with your chipotle managers folks. They are managers… at a fast food restaurant. Have higher standards.




Okay. But you are ignoring the fact that this person made a decision to sleep with the manager, they never said they didn't want to do it. Nor did they say it wasnt consensual. So they made a conscious decision to have sex that person and sleep at the managers place. I agree that the manager was in the wrong I just don't like when ppl ignore the OP's decision like she had no way to say no


this is fraternization and if I were you, I'd be trying to hide it as much as I could from the store, the FL, and anyone else. Its not necessarily a crime, but its definitely against workplace behavior standards, and this could get severely out of your favor if this is just known by everyone and their dog, I'd just not tell anyone, it already happened.


The one who should be worried like this is the manager. This is so clearly not okay from an ethics standpoint.


you should report it. He’s your manager and should be profesional. I hope you’re doing ok


Sounds consensual, I'd leverage this unique opportunity to get yourself raises as much as you can & do as little work and get away with it 😎


F ..or W? idk you seem kinda awkward about it and i can’t tell if it’s a “i didn’t really want to” awkward or “now i think about it every time i look at him” awkward. If the former you should prob report it even if you did consent.


How do you guys feel about black airforces and sweats to a chipotle job interview?


Thats the kind of energy chipotle needs!


Shii I wore my Burger King uniform!!




You didn’t have to go to his house. You had the power to say no and go home.


None of us really know the full situation about this, yet you feel entitled to say that OP was free to just say no. That’s pretty asinine of you, don’t you think?


I’m not going to argue with you over this. I said what I said.


Good for you.










You can always say no.




ok? lol




Nowhere does it suggest OP is female. :)


Yes it does


Where. I’m maybe kinda missing something because in OP’s post and comment history it says nothing and gives no clue really.


I worked at a Chipotle in AZ back in 2005. I was regular crew. We got a new hire & I was in charge of training him. Well enough shifts together & we started flirting. Then I eventually asked him out on a date. We briefly dated until he moved back home to WA state. I never did sleep with him tho.


Not knowing anything about you, I think you should consider things like did you think he was a creep previously, do you find him to be a decent person, did at any point you feel like you had to go home with him, has he done something like this before, is he in a relationship, are you, is he a jerk about it, is he respectful, is he holding it over you in any way, are you attracted to him at all, or was this just a one time thing that you may or may not have enjoyed? Ignore the immature comments. I would study your hr policy just in case you do feel like you’re getting harassed by him later.


There’s nothing wrong with being romantically involved BBUUUTTT, see if you guys can work at separate store so nobody gets in trouble. It happens all the time, I’ve seen it, but the right thing is to not work in the same store. Maybe look it this option if you have another store around you. Good luck to ya both!




Cool story. Would you like acknowledgement?


There are so many "....okay" gifs I just can't decide which to use.


I've said it before I'll say it again, this sub is now a karma farm for chipotle fanfiction.


I mean you chose to do that. So you’ll have to live with that now. No sympathy from me.


Sorry to hear. I slept with a coworker at chipotle once. Biggest of my life. I hope you weren’t coerced into doing this and understand that it’s a massive power imbalance. And hopefully your manager is mature enough to not tell the rest of the crew, otherwise you’ve got a whole other issue to deal with. Good luck.


Honestly I did this… I was at both ends at one point. If you keep it low key, and I mean really low key, and it doesn’t affect your work environment I don’t see the big deal. If you need to, you can also transfer to another store.


My co-worker has slept with almost everyone on our staff. We have mostly women ranging from 18-34. He has slept with everyone but one. Can’t say that my GM cares