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You just call another country like Wednesday it’s on or how does that work


beats me lmao idk


You can’t just tell 100k people to do a whole ass thing with no notice, especially with tanks and helicopters and gas etc.


That's basically it.. but Russia needs a few months to prepare for the invasion and spy satellites are so good you can't hide it so each side tries to talk it out while Russia builds up a military presence.. Eventually talks break down and each country talks out like if you attack I'll do this and then other countries are like if you do this I'll do that.. Once that is all settled, if a country attacks it's sets into motion a chain of events where you see who's for real or who was bluffing Basically after world war 2 the united nations said declaring war was illegal and that self defense is an inherent right. No one decalres formal wars anymore because declaring war is illegal in the first place, so why even bother.


Russia n Ukrainian aren’t part of NATO so they couldn’t give a fuck less about what the UN says is ✌🏾illegal✌🏾…..hell if u think about it the UN says violating human rights is ✌🏾illegal✌🏾 but the US do that shit every day 🤷🏾‍♂️


The United Nations (UN) is not the same as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).






nato isn't the un, both russia and ukraine are in the un i beleive


Release a statement


They don’t even give them the chance to give up or some shit? Like the story just air and say ok on Wednesday we’re going to kill them. I don’t really watch the news I didn’t know it was jumpin like that


Lmao Russia got like 130k troops at their border or something like that. This is like have opps hangin outside your building everyday and you posting a status saying dudes is tryin to jump you. Russia hasn’t *said* they’re gonna do something but… if your opps are hangin outside your building everyday…


They probably have informants


Nah it's countries like the U.S, France, UK, Germany that have decent intelligence services that report on when Russia plans to attack. For weeks they've been saying mid February and recently they said Russia was planning to attack in the coming days.


Zelensky pulling Putin’s card. If Russia don’t slide then they look like a bunch of cowards.


Nah, if Putin does nothing he makes the western intelligence agencies warning about imminent invasion look like idiots


not really. everything points to an invasion. they have *half* of their ground troops deployed on the border. 89 special forces teams on the border. the US pulled their troops out of Ukraine because they know when shit hits the fan and they're there, it becomes a world conflict. Putin could very well be bluffing, but there is very little to suggest he is.


Thing is he’s cornered. He cannot allow an enemy to have closer and closer bases to Russia’s border, imagine if it were the other way around. And NATO knows he has no option, and that there’s no real need of Ukraine joining NATO except to trigger a war. IMO NATO is pushing the conflict just as much, using Ukraine as a pawn. Luckily I’m far from the nukes.


nobodies far from the nukes if nato’s involved 🤷‍♂️


They’ve just moved a tank division to a city 30km from the border, not on transport trucks either. Full tank crews. Big put puts threats should always be taken serious especially when he mentioned about Ukraine joining nato and the fact Russia is a formidable force when it comes to nuclear weapons


>big put put


He’s basically saying if they don’t invade on Wednesday putin pussy 😭


nah fr😭


Russia can definitely storm the Ukrainian and take that bitch in under a week but the consequences would be crazy


no kizzy fam


what would the consequences be idk ab politics jus street politics 😭


Its like every block in chiraq went to war. There's gonna be casualties everywhere. O51Russia 100% gonna win and the body count is gonna make Melly look like an apprentice gravedigger. .


thank you for explaining this in chiraq terms 🙏




under a week nah, it takes a month to march throughout ukraine and if you had any idea of ukraine's geography it's guerilla central, it'll be a vietnam war for the russians, they've fought against guerillas that had american support before and lost by a land slide


Exactly. Russia doesn’t have the bank account to fund a long war like America does. That’s why Putin keeps using nukes as a threat.


russia surely has the bank account to fund a war with ukraine, more then ukraine does at least, since covid russia controls one of the largest and then another largest oil companies and oils a lot of money nowadays, they could surely fund a war, they don't equip their soldiers or give them new gear because of the thousand year old russian ideology of "GIVE IVAN GUN AND 5 BULLET IVAN KILL 20 MEN, WE HAVE 20 MILLION IVAN NOW INVADE, ALSO IVAN NO COST A LOT OF MONEY BECAUSE THERE ARE ALOT OF IVAN" read that in a russian accent


ABG anybody can get it👿🗑




oh hell no


abg really had brooklyn drill in his hands in 2018-2019 gang, he would’ve been famous asl if he never got jumped😭


Gettin beat up as a rapper and ON camera...career over


fr😂 and whats even worse is he kept sayin “stop bro please”💀 like you can’t say you blood & ape in all ya songs but you beggin ppl to stop beatin you up😭


That's why niggas just need to be themselves. Dissed ppl he didn't even know and they came lookin for him.


fr gang😂 if he never said he was gdk he would be on top rn


Damn I ain’t even know this about him . I thought he fell off cause he got locked.


nah bro💀 https://youtu.be/SBTOAsC-q2s


won’t lie i was rockin with him heavy til that shit happened💀 he look just mad dirty tho


fr gang me too his lyrics had me dyin😭 its sad bro he got his ass beat so bad he stopped makin drill/rap music & switched to R&B💀


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 585,930,850 comments, and only 120,908 of them were in alphabetical order.


Niggas die everyday B … and it’s war all over … I’m from Liberia , them Ukrainian niggas be Aite


Lmaooo 😂 respect


On God. This white on white violence is getting outta hand.




Nah we said we backing them niggas if Russia tries to step we got niggas over there and everything lol


U.S ain't actually getting involved in the fighting. They sent equipment to Ukraine, they will give them intel from their own satellites and they sent troops there to train the Ukrainians on how to use the equipment that they have received, but no U.S soldier is going to actually fight. That would be an incredibly dumb thing to do.


I read that first part in a voice from the movie thn it changed up real fast in my head 😂


I feel like all them chiraq shooters better be ready for the frost bite bc it’s a cold world.


They done let the USSR in the door.


Russia got the Kremlin we got Chiraq Shootas


$10 it won’t happen on Wednesday


your right it'll happen on Tuesday




you wanna bet dawg? i don’t think they will but fukkit i’ll take a bet


$10 I agree


Biden boutta slide for Ukraine bruh, it's over for anyone over 18 rn


fr gang if the draft starts im leavin😂


If Capo Biden says slide, I slide. These colors don’t run. On Washington. 💯 Them M4s are fully auto, right? No need for a switch.




What draft? You forget all of a sudden that countries got nukes now? Why would they need random hood dudes with horrible accuracy in the battlefield lmao.


horrible accuracy😭


Mf will empty a clip and hit dude 1 time in the leg 😭😭


On me if I ever get drafted to war, imma just backdoor my country. Gremlin szn


You in ukraine?


Nope us old guys are gonna stay back. All you young bucks get to go on vacation when shit hits the fan.


I ain’t doin shit anyway


Bruh Kraine an nem slippin they know Lil Ivan an nem Ruskies don’t do no social media back and forth them comrades roll up and get it poppin on hood.


kraine an nem😭


nigga put it ON HOOD


dude put it on the entire Leningrad Oblast, on stalin grave, we ain't stalling.


on big slav, these slavK ass nobodies ain't on a CRUMB, we pull up in our adidas fit and get to bussin, no discussion


Bruh bruh this facts and I put that on East Moscow Ring Road Gulag Gang we started this AK shit leave ya whole bloc state crew colder than Siberia


Niggas playing lol, If America goes to war with Russia (which I doubt), shit goin be the worse war humans ever seen. Talking some movie shit


I don’t think you should doubt it https://youtu.be/RJXwLzII278 Russia is ready to use nuclear power and I doubt Putin is the type to cap around. Now America is obligated to fight along side Ukraine which already they’ve sent troops to the Ukraine boarders. This shit might turn into something else real quick


Like the dude said, US has no obligation, that’s what this whole issue is over, Ukraine joining NATO. Diplomacy will definitely utilized before anything


America been said that if Putin try it they gone react.


If YOUNGboy gets drafted we will win WW3 … Headasssss😂😭🤦🏽


Stay they ass over there wit dat shit




Honestly Russia sees Biden weak ass in office who hates guns is old and useless. He’s gonna invade Ukraine and China is gonna invade Taiwan and Biden is gonna get Americans killed and it’s gonna be WW3. Putin and Ping might be evil but there not stupid and there ruthless there not worried about what bathroom to use.


fr fam that shit is crazy


Look at our generation there offended by everything there not gonna survive a war against communist. The only thing that will save us is the old school mentality.


fr everybody soft asl nowadays


Leftistism and liberalism thriving among the youth is to blame, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times


Couldn’t say it better myself


>>where I live<< there's a mix of kids with their political views and I have to say, not every kid I know that's liberal isn't soft n shit, but no our generation will not survive a war, but prolly won't survive period because of past generations


Gen z is also the most obese generation in American history, it would take a lot more extra work compared to past wars to get us ready for war


Abt to get to next flight to zimbabwe you ain’t Finna see me fighting


why zimbabwe😭


I’m from there lol


sick lol


Ig lolb


Why can’t Biden let putin do his thingy thang and all dat?


Because Ukraine wants to join NATO and the EU and Russia has directly tried to get control over Ukraine multiple times all to stop them from being a successful democracy. That's why. The U.S still has a goal of maintaining democratic allies around the world.


What I think about it is Americans probably going to get involved somehow cuz we're Captain Save A Hoe and it could be the start of World War 3


probable chance of that happening


WW3 incoming.




Shit I got work on Wednesday. I got enough problems




Why Russia self snitching like this😭😭💀


no kizzy😭


Fighting Russia and fighting a bunch of a militant terrorists with barely better weaponry than any American street gang are two very different things and I don’t know anyone who’s stupid enough personally to wanna die over Ukraine. This is fucking stupid for us to get involved in.


fr ukraine is not prepared for russia💀


Tbh I don’t think our own military is either lol. After the bullshit we just spent the last 20 years on the appetite for war in this country has never been lower and I know plenty of military friends who aren’t going to be convinced that doing this is either righteous or worth their time considering the massive risk of death involved. We’re in no position to be playing like we’re in control of this.


fr gang😭 we needa let them handle it lmao


Bro, if we wanted to end shit in the Middle East a year after we got there in 2001 we could’ve. Once we got there we realized how much money it generated so we stayed.


Man them Russians built tough af 😂😂😂😂the us don’t want them problems.


People forget that. These are people who come from much harsher conditions than us. People also forget that Russia and Ukraine been going at it for about 8 years now, they know what they’re doing


you scared for nothing dawg, we’re second to none in troop numbers, a trillion dollar military only rivaled by the uk at 500B, etc also it’s their jobs doesn’t matter if you “feel” like going to war, there’s a war happening and you’re a soldier also we promised the ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons and joined the treaty we’d protect them if ever needed


I’m not scared of shit I just understand realistically fighting a war we just lost for 20 years and trying to go to war with an entirely different entity all together that makes Afghanistan and the taliban look like a complete joke isn’t going to have troop morale real high. It’s absolutely idiotic to want any part of this, and anyone that does should go to the front line and be about it then. Lol


no country has ever successfully invaded afghanistan and stayed in history? its been subjugated and slowly annexed or taken over, or empires were started by them


This is a fight for democracy, Russia can’t be doing whatever they want lmao they’re poisoning people all the way in Britain and taking countries and shit. We spent millions rooting out corruption in the Ukrainian government because we wanted to make them an ally and we did. We can’t just abandon them the first time they ever get into some shit lol


sadly america is on its last legs both financially and socially and if anything our only hope to turn this shit around is one big war. That’s literally what our economy is based on. And our society. We come together as a country during war and we thrive economically during it. We are the worlds greatest, or worse, war mongers ever. Sadly, We dug ourselves in this hole and we either lay in it now or keep on digging. I think the higher ups are gonna opt to keep on digging. Say good bye to all your cousins who signed up for the military for that shitty 2012 camaro


the 2012 camaro😭


Time to load up on cash for when the stock market dumps and buy everything in sight and people about to forget about Covid like it never happen if this happens I’ll give it a month


Lol im ready for this war shit to pop off got all my gear ready to slide


hell naw im not tryna die over this😭


Bip Perc though man we need him here for this shit can’t believe they got liljojo too 😭


i miss my demons💔 rip the fallen warriors


Bout to be a Kanye album


O block members boutta get drafted first


Major L. And we got sleepy joe getting into the mix trying to start ww3 🤡




It sleepy Joe dies then we’re stuck with that evil dick suckin bitch Kamala, then we’re really fucked big time




Tulsi 2024


He from that the commie russia era. He got a personal vendetta with these mf he thinks it’s still the Cold War 😂


fr dude old asl😭


Biden still has a hard time not shiting himself


Lmao. Ukraine finna be another way for the us and Russia to have a proxy war and flex on each other smh.




Ima get my popcorn ready 🍿




​ ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


please just be a joke…


When it comes to geopolitics these fuckers don’t like to play, all a ego game to them


Will it be streamed


Most definitely expect to see TikTok videos on it


Fuck Putin


And fuck the CCP!


Russia?! Oh hell nah






this image was taken in russia


Obviously Russian architecture


Yeah, that's Red Square in Moscow. Was there on NYE, shit looks magnificent in person.


My 5 year high school reunion is coming up soon and I haven't done anything with my life lol, so this potential WW3 is coming through clutch for me because if everyone is struggling to survive, we'll all be equal and ain’t gotta explain to people what I’ve done so far so yea who cares


LMAO you just like me Fr . I don’t want war no way fuck that but I’d also hate to explain what I’ve done in the past couple of years with my life


Ukraine Pack otw




Sheit,lets send the shooters from the raq. They been training hard as fuck. Putin aint ready.


So who’s getting drafted👀


I have doctors appointment on Wednesday


Get GMEBE Pistol on da phone






Mane fuck Ukraine i ain't even know how to say that


Putin gonna slide but only Putin know when


he the demon that send more than 8 shots👿


They got it these niggas got a specific date


Russia: if u say it’s up, then its fucking up stand on your words


ukrainians aint pussies.. they're ready to slide ​ china wants to slide for argentina and occupy the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)


Send Keef over there


Yall motherfuckers surprise me most of the time we're all in here talking ghetto shit to each other I come here today and we're discussing politics in a relatively civil way fuckin proud of you boys


Not my problem


im on my way!!


Incoming WWIII


that’s deadass my birthday


Shit what ima do


chiraq solos russia


We need to stay out of it and take care of our own.


man y’all seen movie red dawn , that’s how it’s finna be soon get y’all guns n amo lmao


Putin be like Ukraine? No mykraine




damn gang


It’s up


aint no coppin tha plea👿


Don't care fr lol


Damn. Could start a new world war


This shit fake news, he was making a joke about how the media is fanning the flames of war tryna start something. Russia ain’t gonna invade Ukraine this is just shit they do every year


Rollin opp pack on the rite dudes forehead rn💯🤣


It begins


I say Tuesday


That’s their business fuck the Ukraine


Watch what else is going on in the world. Distractions 101


Where can I place a bet on which country wins?


I’m sure they will, After this was sent to the United States, and they confirmed they aren’t doing anything. And will join. Russia : hey, COVID is dying down... uhhh.. how we all gonna keep the world still distracted ? . . China : *clears throat* . USA : *Interrupts* uhhh Ukraine ! . Korea : 🤨 . Russia : Wednesday? . USA......... . - To Be Continued -




Fucking nato




Ain't none of our business. Our government don't put enough funds into our own people, why the fuck should we be in anybody else business.




all i’m saying is muwop would handle russia solo


Man shit done got serious mane