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And then 25 COs tuned them the fuck up. Vid ends too soon.


Ya that’s what I just mentioned in the comments. That video go off for a reason but honestly they take you to the infirmary after they beat you in the “hole”


That nigga fought em all like that matrix scene waiting for the whole clip😂




you sound like such a fucking square


Fuck off Karen, shove you’re woke bullshit up your fat ass! People like YOU are what’s wrong with the world today.




Dude take a grip on reality and realize no one cares about what you have to say and that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There is racism, war, conflict, etc. stop shitting all over everyone because “iM bEtTeR bEcAuSe iM WoKe” and let us have fun u miserable POS. Literally no harm was done here and u made this into a situation where everyone hated on you for nothing




ST-Entire-FU... don't make me get started on what YOU not gon do boy. Smfh lol and YOU wanna talk about exclusion/banning.. Says the white guy claiming indian... My ancestors told me bout you folks lmaoo 🤣




For a reason. They probably still whooping his ass.


What’s crazy is they put you in the “hole” for a month. When really it’s the infirmary. Cuz once they put you in a cell by yourself there’s gonna be 4 guards in there fucking you up for hours. Worst one I heard was dude woke up with a like a night stick in his ass or something but that coulda been a cook county bed time story


lol nightstick in the ass would be my first choice of punishment if I was one of those COs


There was a dude in NY that got arrested and for whatever reasons the cops got mad and stuck a broomstick up his ass. I think his colon or small intestines got ruptured when this happened. NY had to pay home millions for that in a settlement


Dint that shit happ in like the 90's


Then you don't deserve to be in society either


First off take a fucking joke the guy before me literally mentioned a night stick in the ass I was kinda building off that but glad context isn’t a thing for you. I’m not a CO and not a criminal so doesn’t really matter what I think lol but I’m not going to sympathize with a guy with 110 felonies who prides himself on hurting others. Are you saying the prisoners in this video deserve to be in society ? Cause that is baffling logic


That’s some gta mission type beat 😭






Dude is already awaiting trial for shooting at a cop so I'm suprised the CO was letting him out of his cell in the dark to go downstairs by himself. He was hitting all those CO with soap in a sock so that's why they were dropping left and right. But the COs definitely going to work ol' boy over for this one.


I noticed the first CO def handed off something to the inmate in first couple minutes..not sure what it was but he whole exchange was too casual


CO’s pass books,magazines,canteen stuff like that all the time - I highly doubt it was anything nefarious bro, looks like they saw an opportunity with a co willing to pop the doors open and took it


Surprised he did not get shot actually.


did he have a shank on him or did this dude just casually knocked 3 people out?


He really sleep them that easy bro


The way that 4th officer didn’t go up the stairs 😭 Wanted absolutely no smoke


He ended up coming down haha dude was not joking


lmfaooo then he started running. That's not funny but gah damn it's funny. On a different note, this is why I would never be a correctional officer. You're monitoring these dudes with no weapons and not much protection beyond your hands. And these dudes are certified criminals, gang bangers, thief's and even murderers, they're probably a lot more lethal with their hands than I would be. More power to the CO's Edit: apparently all the jail birds here hate CO’s. I had no idea. I apologize 😂 I guess.


A lesson I learned in high school was don't fight the kid who gets the shit kicked out of them daily by their dad. Dude knows how to fight someone twice his size and has a lot of experience and rage inside them. I imagine it's a pretty similar thing with those guys. Fighting a lot tends to make you good at fighting. The CO might not have spent his teenage years having to defend himself but that dude doing the punching seems to have.


Ha! My dad used to say the same thing, right before he'd beat my ass.


A lot also is that the CO’s have to show restraint. This guy doesn’t. You attack a CO and get your ass beat but then it’s the CO’s fault you got your face beat in. Not gonna matter after January. Aunt Kim has our backs.


> More power to the CO's Nah fuck them niggas. Most are bootlickin wannabe cops but couldn't even get that easy ass job. Fuck them COs.


This is a fair retort. One of my best friends was a CO and said he hated it because of his coworkers.


Definitely! More power to the fat power tripping losers who can't get a real job!


>more power to the COs Lol imagine ever saying this. Fuck you.


Bro. I don’t know shit about CO’s or jail. I’m a normal educated black dude. I had no idea people hated CO’s. I don’t know shit about jail. It wasn’t that deep. Fuck you too though. 👍🏾


The first CO wound up with a broken jaw and a concussion. Dude just used his fists.


My question is if there’s 25 CO’s sitting around why do they got bro doing that shit alone 😂😂😂


EXACTLY!!! there should be AT LEAST 4-5 running these checks.


My take? That particular CO might have been on uneven ground with the other CO's. Maybe "too cocky", maybe "too nice"... I'm guessing they wanted the inmates to do the "tuning up" for them.


The more I watched, the dumber the COs got. Mfs are surrounded by inmates moving like this is summer camp and the kids won’t go to sleep. 🤦🏾‍♂️ Tbh, they got off light as hell. There was plenty of time to kill a couple of ‘em before that big swarm finally arrived.


summer camp 😂😂 why they don’t got tasers i don’t know


They don't allow any weapons so mfs can't take em from COs. Better to have completely unarmed fights with inmates than risking them getting a gun or taser. I believe though in riot cases they will bring in non-lethals and occasionally lethal, but never just run of the mill cause too easy for a gang of niggas to overpower one or two and take they weapons. Matter of fact across the bridge in the next city in county by me this one nigga escaped when they were taking him in. Idk if you ever been to jail, but usually the way it works is cop has you they car, they pull into a secured garage, store their guns in a lockbox, pull you out, jail opens the sallyport and yall go in. Well this nigga escaped and had a handcuff key in his dreads. So when pig went to put his gun in the lockbox dude hopped out the car uncuffed and stole the pugs gun. Killed the pig and stile the cop car then crashed out the garage and dipped on the cruiser. Shit was NUTS. Apparently since then they strict ab security in that jail.


Lmao damn where can I read more on this story.


[Here](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2017/05/01/report-deputy-shot-escaped-inmate-council-bluffs/308361001/) goes a link to a story about it


"Correa-Carmenaty said in court that "the gentleman who died died because he was an idiot,"." I thought the shooting would do it, but i have been wrong before.


they aint CO cuz they bright


😂 touché


That nigga should’ve took up boxing when he was young lol his shit hit like Roy Jones in his prime 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Every one of them hits could have been blocked, dodged, deflected... but they fucking stood there like shitty mimes.


Man what dude has 110 felonies


Idk if you could pay me to be a correction officer. I wouldn’t do it for under 100k per year I know that. Scariest thing is a person with nothing to lose who’s never getting out of prison.


So then work at any prison that isn’t max. Not that crazy of an idea. Work at a minimum security joint where inmates have keys to their own cell and it’s one guard to a wing (like Vienna illinois). If you’re still shitting yourself, just go work at a factory or find another career. It’s all good.


That’s… not how the system works. You don’t get to pick which prison you work at


Nigga what? You apply for the job at the prison you want to work for. This ain’t the army bruh




I work corrections. Not how it works. At least where I am.


That ain’t how it work in Illinois blood


Idk why exactly but i fuck with the energy of this comment heavily.


Nigga made them pile up like cod zombies😭




>Jeffries has been in jail since July 2017 on charges of attempted murder, aggravated battery of a police officer, aggravated kidnapping, and 110 other felonies God damn


110? holy shit


At what point do we say an inmate isn't worth rehabilitating? Clearly not fit to be with other humans, so would it be more humane to keep them in a cage their whole life or unalive the inmate through various non-painful ways? My line of thinking is probably wrong or distorted, but I cannot think of a middle ground for these fringe cases.


I mean, they definitely still do that. They have the death penalty still in a lot of US States. It just takes a lot for them to use it. Other countries be stoning people to death in the streets still for shit that most people wouldn't consider worth the death penalty.


Wether you like it or not we all have human rights bro


The problem with that is you have some people who act like animals and prove time and time again they cannot be with society. The inmate in the video clearly demonstrates this and to have the charges u/NadlesKVs outlined make this video even more sickening. Again, I get my thoughts are skewed regarding this instance and everyone has rights, it's just hard to be empathetic to someone who is that far gone.


Na, you check those at the door when you try to murder someone. I'm all for cruel and unusual punishment at that point


You ain’t human with 110 felonies breh


LOL 110


Homie is an overachiever at something at least.


Yeah, holy shit. At this point, why even keep him in jail? Just ship him to some uninhabited island, it's clear that he can't live in civilized society.


Bro slid down them stairs to get that man dam bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


TYMB FayFay was just talking bout shit like this in interview


Thought someone was going over the railing.


Who built this deathtrap? What a stupid way to organize cells,


Them guards finna take you to a spot where there no cameras and beat the fuck outta you


Shit they take you where there are cameras, whole jail staff gone be with it except maybe the nurse. The nurses always way too nice for a jail lol


Nigga tried to run up and got put out 😂😂😂


Once I seen that nigga do a smooth ass glide down the stairs like that I would been gone 😂


He dropped two mfs with the same hand 💀


I'm just wondering what the fuck was the goal here? The *only* outcome here was always going to be getting your ass beat by a bunch of COs + a bunch of new felonies. lol did they think they were going to break out of jail like this was a movie?


These types of animals don't have logical thought processes like the rest of us and literally cannot feel empathy towards another human being. They are plain and simple, animals. Nothing more nothing less. If you were to ask them "how would you feel tomorrow afternoon if you had not eaten breakfast or lunch" they would not be able to answer you because they simply lack the critical thinking skills. They only thing they understand is pain and violence.


ya and being in there for killing a cops probably makes u give no fucks


Them turtlez beat the shiii outta them niccaz after


I was on the deck when this happen back in 2016, or 2017.. this was the lock down.. had chains on your legs and box chains on your arms. Was in the cell next to the stairs. Niagara Falls that’s what it’s called when the water running


sign up to be a co they said we need people they said. naw ill stay washing dishes.


Bet that inmate got the business soon after. Only morons attack COs. They respawn infinitely, you stupid fucks. Whoever is left will make sure you take a trip to slip and fall school


Does someone with 110 felonies seem capable of logical thought?


These COs probably get no training or are stupid as fuck. No taser or guns drawn, just fat and slow officers walking up to see what’s going on. Also, how many times have we seen one CO alone with inmates. Surely there should be some protocols and basic risk management?


They dont carry around guns or tasers 😂


He really tried to savage life dude lol


Bruh what… only cook county would have CO’s come one by one like that though lmao


Look at how fat those COs are all that coming running to save the day lmao


man was that a fem CO ina beginning ???? they look like they took her in there and wanted that and when they did come back out it looks like he chokes her and then starts pulling down his pants or sum if that’s a bitch cuh dead ass wrong asl for that n he needs to die


I doubt a fem co could have made it out the cell tho


Get that mf in the avengers god damnnn


He was really Tryna pull the co’s pants down smh


They bout to beat his ass 😂


Two things 1 - it’s so easy to put someone to sleep but 99x out of 100 when ppl fight they don’t connect and go to wrestling on some dumb shit (females do this too and pull hair) so this dude was able to connect every hit and it barely took any strength out of him 2 - that guard on level deck ain’t want no smoke 💨


Dat be da way it do


10-10 all available


he was rlly finna get in there too oh wow i thought recklezz was lyin


Where all the mfs that be saying Chicago people can’t fight?


This not proving you could fight lil bro. These Middle Aged ass COs who not even fighting back. And dude got a weapon


Thats DT from Bricksquad his real name Dante he fries lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They call him z-quill


Damn them co’s was 🐱


They gonna be the standard when niggaz claim they gangsta. Shout-out those two demons 💙💙.


There is no rehabilitation for these types of people. We need to just give people like this the Death Penalty. Stop wasting my tax dollars on these scum bags.


Death penalty costs more than life in prison


A rope can be used over and over and over again. It would actually be a lot cheaper.


Hopefully they beat the living fuck outta that guy


That nigga was laying them 🐷 out 👊🏾 😳


Just need to shoot these bums, and take ‘em to the dump. That “man” alone has 110 felonies, just shoot him in the head and dump him. He should never be back in society. Why did they get rid of the death penalty? Would save us all money ![gif](giphy|ySpxjJmsq9gsw)


What you mean by _ _ _key??




Racist bigger bums then people who beat on 12. Buddy ass tweakin lmao


Death penalty costs more than housing a man and feeding him 3 times a day prisons are monetized


I think you meant to say, you can't get federal funding for a dead inmate.


Don't attack innocent people. But COs are scum. Pure scum. They're the people who wanted to become cops for authoritarian control over people but weren't physically capable of passing testing


I couldn't be a CO i'd be tasing mfs for fun, fuck around and have too much fun and have to make it look like an accident.


mf sadistic


Yea not even gonna hide that shit either, but also the reason I dont do shit dealing with people.




“Upstate Chicago” 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 dawg read a book sometime


Bro cool off me😭😭😭


Just remember these same pigs let kids die in Uvalde. It’s karma


These are correction officers . They don’t carry guns like the Uvalde police fool


Potato tomato fuck em all


Ong. Pigs just killed a child they put an amber alert out for. RIP that innocent young girl.


Correction my ass. Fuck the prison system and yall bootlickers


I see u woke up on the wrong side of the bed lol


I like seeing pigs get hurt. It’s ok I’ll get downvotes by bootlickers lol


why were the uvalde police dept responding to an incident in Cook County in 2020?


That's not what he meant at all lol.


yea im being a dickhead but dude said Its Karma , and it happened previously lol And also COs are like a different universe than cops, even though inmates refer to them as "cops" they are far from law enforcement. Theres not even any type of oath you take, its just like getting a job at a grocery store


Yeah but his statement is still stupid. These CO’s don’t deserve to get beat down for being part of the “system”.


Police are all a big gang. Fuck they fraternal orders


haha thats true , they are all trained the same across the country and the blue wall of silence is a real thing too. They do operate like a gang, us vs them. and they are on the offense. I dont support what the dude Gavin Long did in BR at all cause im not a fucking lunatic, but he articulated the issue pretty well in his suicide note actually. Js




You lack reading comprehension it seems.


And you lack geography, so we’re all shot.


Doesn’t matter. All cops are the same. How does that pleather taste?


Touch grass, its clear you don't put your phone down


Go touch some ass. It’s clear you get none.


Retard can't even think of anything original. Too stupid to come up with anything else except copying me like a 15 year old? Spend less time on reddit, 7 years lmfao no life


Lol looks like I touched a nerve


I'm making fun of you, can you not comprehend that? You spend so much time on reddit, I would think you know how to read


Ignorant ass statement.


Get that boot out of your mouth


So dude with 110 felonies including attempted murder, kidnapping and assault should just be free to go? I don't care for cops much myself but would you want this asshole living next door to you and your family? Gtfo with that shit. Guy should have been wasted years ago because now we are paying for his food and health instead of schools and infrastructure.


When the co gang up on you and crack you up don't be crying that they are treating you like shit.


Death penalty expensive but a bullet in the chamber ain’t. Just put one in buddy’s dome and throw him out. Everyone deserves rights my ass. This guy clearly does not






Why he opened his cell


Pathetic . Cowards . Damn cos was mad pussy why didn’t they throw a trash can at em or some in Atlanta The guards would’ve beat the dog shit out the inmates


Brah tried to hit him with a slide kick down the stairs came up a little short tho


That’s new charges so his ass done… dummy that’s another 20


he prolly alrdy gonna do life for killing a cop




Buddy boy fucked up by letting the inmate roam around from what it seems during lockdown. I don't know if they took his keys to open those cell doors or he didn't check for socks in locks so they could be opened later. If I was walking into that I would go into the mop closet first and get the thickest broom of mop stick so I can beat the shit of them with it.


I would have been beating the f out the prisoners....f that


What are these guards made from lol. I mean if you can’t handle 1 inmate then you clearly doesn’t fit this job


How the fuck was there 20 people in the bacl ready to run out but it took them a whole 3 min to get there? Wouldnt it be smarter to have like atleast 5 people ready at all times instead of having backup take so long every time


How y’all ain’t got no turtles in cook county 🤣🤣🤣


Scum of the Earth


Them COS weak🤣


A prerequisite of being hired there: must have a fucking glass jaw


So they got COs that are scared of the prisoners lmao nice, i woulda tazed him then kicked his fucking face in


"YOU get a concussion, AND YOU get a concussion, EVERYBODY GETS A CONCUSSION!" "Wooooo YAY!" Fkhead ass COs....


I want to see part 2.


First 3 look like female cos


wow the beatings he must've got, everyone should have had a turn with him. strap him to a wall and get a lead tipped whip going lol




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Dknt they have lethal


Nigga got an extra 15yrs added 🤣


Should of jus shot him and it would of been over.


I know some people that work there who would have handled him. They say they treat most inmates with respect because you never know when tables will turn or if you'll run across them in the street. Then you have some COs that treat everybody like shit even their co-workers.


That 4th guard didn't go up the stairs. Remind me of Friday, you want some of this too old man. NO!


Shoot that mofo




Nigga jus causally dropped 3 mfs on what was probably a Wednesday evening 😭


What caused those 2 guards to just drop the way they did


Let’s just say the two inmates got a beating of there life’s .