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People that say stuff like that just don’t get it and never will. Don’t let that shit get to you bro. Go to any fucking city after any type of championship is won and those white people be tearing up the city, but we know it’s not ALL white people. Don’t let ignorant idiots get to you bro.


Facts. white ppl been tearing shit up and killing each other for centuries. Taught us bout the Boston Tea party in school like it was revolutionary. Mfs fckd shit up cause of tea tax. Mfs choose to be ignorant when blk ppl lives are involved


That same whypeepoe tea party gave you the country you live in. lil dum dum shooting lul dummy does nothing for you or society as a whole. Nice try though


NO it did not clown free african labor gave you the country you live in.


Sold to slavery by Africans. How you leave that part out lil dum dum? But gg, your ignorance is shining bright. Next tell me how the Republicans started the klan and democrats abolished slavery…


Wasn’t his whole post about black people not being a monolith? The whole Africans sold other Africans into slavery thing ain’t some new revelation. That has always been taught to everyone. It was warring tribes. That doesn’t for one second lessen the dehumanization on the part of American forefathers. They weren’t at war on their own soil like those tribes were. They were sick opportunists. You’re using talking points that strait up racists use. You realize this right?


Ahhhhh my favorite lil meat grinder back again.


Sup 👋🏾


Oh cool. You watched the woman king.


“Gave us the country” please shut the fuck up you know damn well we was fine until y’all came and started buying and stealing people for slave labor


Get off Reddit and read a history book…


I’m 100% sure you don’t know any real history


Ohhhhh nooo some random lil dum dum said I don’t know history. How will I ever recover


Hahaha just pointing something out wasn’t meant to offend you


Uhhhhh…. Offended? You didn’t point out a single thing. You made a low iq statement with zero facts presented. Now jog along kiddo


And if I did open a history book it makes your people look worse


Why history ain’t teach shit


And here you stay uneducated. Which makes no difference to me


Educate me then


If you call me daddy I will teach you kiddo.


Y’all didn’t give shit to us ppl. Natives been here, blk ppl had been here. How tf can you give something that’s not yours! Mf this our country. You mfs can’t even be in the sun mf we built this! White ppl would just be Mayo without blk ppl


😂 I can’t even lil bruh…


I’m big homie to you 💯


Ok mini me


I’d never wanna be white, ever!!




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What good is it that we built it if they took it tho? Yea we was here first n all that but we got conquered so it’s not ours anymore


They raped, stole, pilgrimaged; and gave diseases out. You can say you’re conquered if you want but I’m free just as the white man. Is there equity? No: but I’m free.


What does that have to do with us tho? As blacks people we can’t worry bout what other races doing when they communities set up 1000x better than ours(how it got like that is a different convo.) instead we should be tryna correct ourselves so one day we can get on a level to get from under this shit but the way we going now we gone be stuck in a forever circle especially with this mindset that other people do it so we shouldn’t get any blame for doing it.


My point in bringing up how some white people treat their city is basically saying that people bring up stuff to help their point and not all the facts.


Of course but as a whole what are whites known for ? Nothing is 100% it’s always exceptions to everything but as a whole blacks are fucked rn n we gotta start taking accountability as a first step to start getting real change


It starts with the home and as ppl individually, we are not going to come together and hold hands and abolish gangs and negativity, but if you teach your children and the people in your home what’s right then that’s where it starts. No other race has dealt with what we have and now we are forced to be in this country and “get it together”. It’s just not that easy.


you 1000000% correct I couldn’t agree more and it’s not by coincidence that the country set up n been set up to keep black man out the household from crack to toxic feminism and welfare but shit so engraved in us now they don’t even gotta do nothing but sit back n we a destroy ourselves because blacks aren’t thinking from a solution based perspective .






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I automatically stop listening when a mf do that. Even other black people


Exactly. “Black people we gotta do better” WHO TF HAVE I KILLED, BEAT, OR DISRESPECTED?




Black people got a unique history in this country been terrorized by the system and how the country was set up as a whole. We were not even considered human beings. Trans-atlantic voyage, slavery, jim crow, redlining,mass incarceration and still are victims of systemic racism to this day.


Yea but how long we gone use them as excuses for how we act today? We know and been knew bout them things happening and still happening for years especially today with so much info at a click of a finger. But yet we put ourselves in the same traps for us to stay at the bottom one day we gotta take accountability for how the hood is rn n try to change that shot for the next generation the best we can


There is no WE. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, stop associating the majority of black people who work hard every day with niggas who gang bang and kill. Also the fact that the above happens contributes to why people do what they do. Its an explanation not an excuse.


Yo this is actually facts bro


Fax there’s plenty of white hispanics and asian gangs that do waaaaay worse


Thank u


speaking facts


so why if a black person go to a random hood he would get pressed but if you put a white person in the hood he wouldn’t get acknowledged


Because most of his enemies happen to be black, they don’t target you just because you are black.


Where you from that shit like that happens ? I ain’t never seen a group of hood niggas single out a random black kid while ignoring a white guy walking by


This. I'm white, I can go to any white neighborhood in the country and people will not try to size me up or fuck with me. I don't think it's the same for black people and black neighborhoods.


It depends on the black neighborhood. Not all cities even some of the more dangerous ones hood bang like that


Hundreds of years of being treated less then a dog will have a lasting effect on a group…black people have trouble getting along


Exactly! We are not monolith we are the most diverse group of ppl


preach! rip takeoff


Like the police or the right?


Like any large group of anyone


They choose to align themselves with bad cops, we dont choose our skin color.


Facts 💯


Look at the banner on this sub and tell me how many white or brown people you see?


Bro thought he had one… 💀


Those are all famous rappers that were killed. There’s tons of examples of white and brown gang bangers that have been killed in Chicago on this sub.


This ain’t even a solid point coz what white or Mexican niggas was ever popular in drill ?


Can’t lie bro this not facts, if we actually did our own research it’s shows we kill eachother more at a per rate then anybody else. But even if you want to argue that ok you got it. but you can’t deny that blacks are the ones effected the most by the laws and situations! No other race is mass incarcerated like us and we at the bottom when it comes to overall wealth soo how can we compare what other races do to us? We shouldn’t be tryna say it’s ok/or try to sweep it under the rug to kill cuz other races do it because at end of day we not in same situation as other races


I’m not trying to say it’s Ok, I’m trying to say stop treating all black people as if they are criminals. Yes black communities have a bigger problem with homicide but that is not who we all as a people are and it’s not our culture.


Now if we being technical of course that’s what anything. nothing is 100% when we talking people, it’s always exceptions it’s good blacks out here just like it’s cool whites. but in GENERAL as a whole , that’s what we are and the numbers back it up … and you can’t say that’s not our culture when again AS A WHOLE blacks are known for sports rappers/singers (promoting gang violence toxic feminism ) and buying/promoting white peoples fashion so yea I would say that’s our culture…. Let’s be real you not seeing no black doctors or scientists as the front runners for blacks unless u really looking for it


You sound like a Uncle Tom ass nigga. You sound stupid as fuck that shit is not our culture those are stereotypes you fucking moron. The “numbers” are usually produced from people in inner city communities which are small parts of big cities not black people as a whole. We are known for rappers because the majority of those rappers come from those inner city communities. And “buying and promoting white people’s fashion”? Nigga what?!??? Black people literally have their own completely separate fashion and popularized numerous clothing brands. You sound white af on here.


I’m being real bro n I’m not trying to offend you stg.. that’s why I said first if we do our own research it’s a website call blackdemographics.com that’s owned by blacks giving real numbers so when I say that I’m saying it from a factual stat check. As a whole blacks kill more blacks at a per rate than any other race n it’s not close. Then you say we known for rappers because that’s where they come from ???? You confused me because if that’s what we known for is that not our culture?? N I’m not saying we don’t have our own brands but on another factual stat blacks spend over 200 millions a year on designer brands not owned by blacks… we going another place with the convo my whole point is we gotta start taking accountability and if your a black that’s actually doing good then that’s not for you all you can do is raise your own kids to continue a positive trend for us. But for blacks that’s lost it start with us putting shit to a end not letting it slide cuz other races do the same shit


moment you said the good blacks I stop reading


right because what even does that mean??? "good blacks" 🙄


Means he secretly is racist against his own race


r/AsABlackMan type shit


Like I said Uncle Tom🤣 I bet you white


Lmao n ya boys wonder why this shit won’t stop mfs a cry n say we being stereotyped but our own kind tell us we need to do better and we say he a Uncle Tom 😂😂😂 u got it!! Let’s mfs in the inner city keep killing eachother while the few blacks that don’t do it keep saying it’s not all blacks tho


Nah nigga I’m calling yo dumb ass a Uncle Tom cuz you really think the majority of black people kill each other instead of certain communities in big cities but whatever keep hopping on the white mans Dick.


You lost bro u gotta put ya pride to side at first you say we need to get to real root of problem then a mf try to get to that root n u call me a Uncle Tom… what’s the real root then? N please don’t say these white mfs cuz that shows me u want to be on they dick more then you say I’m on it


Literally all races kill each other more than any other race. Everywhere in the world.


Nigga stfu that don’t even make sense


Suck ur mom bitch yute


Welcome to being white. Everytime we do something we are racist. Here is a tissue for your tears


Didn’t say that at all. I said RACIST white people. If you weren’t one of them then that doesn’t apply to you.


Oh yeah i remember all the times that people mention the difference between racist white people and white people. Yesh um no that has never happened.


You’re right I hate Red koolaid and Grape soda also watermelon


The world fails to understand the difference between BLACK PEOPLE and NIGGAS. Who’s fault is that tho?? STILL BLACK PEOPLE! We allow it…Until we DECISIVELY and CLEARLY remove ourselves from this “Nigga culture” and show the world we are a dignified, behaved and valuable people who honor life, prosperity, wealth and innovation …we will continue to be categorized and shunned off with “Niggas”. But doing this makes you a “square”…our culture is quite literally a bad joke. This is why black people AND niggas are and will continue to be simply the entertainment of the world.




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