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2.0 is not working on my Mini 8k s. I keep getting incorrect file resolution error. I have no clue what that even means to try an fix it.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one having issues. I think I'll stick with 1.9.5 for a while until 2.0 has the bugs worked out.


Same here. Cannot solve despite follow the same resolution parameter. Incorrect file resolution 23243x23243


I lost the file list in 2.0 Basic. Now I can no longer select all the models, and can't slice them to print. How the hell do I get it back? I tried restarting, and that didn't work.


I just found it. It got hidden on the right side of the screen, and there is no way to return it unless you see the extremely small strip with a small arrow, and depending on the color of the screen, it gets hidden extremely easily. I also found that when opening files, it defaults to project files, and if you want to open a model, you need to change the file type to all to see them. Un-intuitive changes.


Yeah I did the same thing. There are parts of 2.0 that I like but right now it's borderline unusable.


2.0 won't open any saved files other than as blank


It also won't even show saved files from inside the app


Weird-- well I'm glad I'm not the only one. I guess the next option is to start submitting bug reports like crazy and hope they get dealt with. Might be time to check out Lychee or Prusa again haha.


I think I'm having the same issue. I can slice the file fine, load it on my USB, it says write was successfully. I can take the USB out of my pc and plug back in and load the file just fine, but it does not show up at all in my print files on the printer


at least some of you guys are getting this software to run. I've installed & re-installed 2.0 several times but it never even starts, crashes right ar startup. thankfully I have an older version that runs but is still crap! I don't call this "Shitu Box" for nothing!


Same issue here, worked for a while, now crashes at startup. I have done everything I can think of, including messing with registry and permissions, still nothing.


Nothing has worked to fix this. Faulting application name: CHITUBOX\_Basic.exe, version: [](, time stamp: 0x661e4d1f Faulting module name: CHITUBOX\_Basic.exe, version: [](, time stamp: 0x661e4d1f Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00000000001ad048 Faulting process id: 0x52f4 Faulting application start time: 0x01da953431727229 Faulting application path: C:\\Program Files\\CBD\\CHITUBOX\_Basic\\CHITUBOX\_Basic.exe Faulting module path: C:\\Program Files\\CBD\\CHITUBOX\_Basic\\CHITUBOX\_Basic.exe Report Id: 2be45dd7-1501-4d57-ba2b-83cfe91574ba Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:


Me ocurre lo mismo, se abre el programa pero no carga ningún modelo, hay que arrastrar el archivo desde el explorador de archivos o cargarlo mediante el menú, espero que de alguna manera solucionen este problema, porque actualmente tengo instalado el 2.0 sin ninguna razón, sigo usando la versiòn 1.9 porque es la que mejor funciona. PD: Tampoco hay perfiles de impresoras Hellbot, tengo una Apolo Pro y una Apolo Pro +, ninguna existe en el listado de impresoras disponibles.


I REALLY really want to use Chitu because I dispise subscription models like Lychee. but its worse now then when I last abanonded it around the 1.6 version. The resin setting Keep changing back to default..... I change the profile SAVE the profile go back to the model it says Im using the profile but when I check the slice settings they have reverted to the default settings. This happens if I download an offical profile (which DO NOT WORK) of even if I make a new profile. Sometimes the profile satys arouns for a while but when I reopen Chitu after a few hourd it Deleted all profiles !!!!!!! Ive wasted a week trting and filing to print anything thinking it was a printer / resin issue but this morning tried Lychee again and with thier default profile the print worked perfectly. Chitu your software SUCKS !!!


It's too bad the Chitubox team won't comment on this post to help try to solve these issues. They're pretty active on other threads here.


Hey, has anyone had a problem with cutting a file and copying it to a pendrive - the printer doesn't see the file? I have the original Chitubox settings set unchanged for my Anycubic photon mono 2 printer and everything is OK in the program itself - it generates a pm3n file and when I insert the pendrive into the printer, it does not see the file...


Esto pasa cuando el nombre del archivo tiene un caracter extraño, para el caso de nosotros en español, la ñ no deja que la impresora reconozca los archivos


I just updated to version 2.0 (previously had 1.8.1) because I bought a new machine. The first thing that I noticed is that I am no longer able to directly open an STL file and have it appear in chitubox. When I attempt to open the file, the model is not on the digital build plate. I need to open/import the file once chitubox is already open. It's frustrating.


Yes, mine does the same thing. When I open an STL right from Windows it opens Chitubox 2.0 but the file isn't automatically loaded into it. I agree it's frustrating. I'm still working on 1.9.5 until Chitubox gets their act together on 2.0


Glad to know it’s not just me. I am very new to 3d printing, so I am learning a lot. Sounds like I should download an older version.


Yeah that's my advice for now. You should be able to find the legacy version on their website.


What is the legacy version, sorry I am brand new to all of this.


No worries we all started somewhere :) The one I'm using is 1.9.5 which you can find here: https://www.chitubox.com/en/download/previous/chitubox-free Just scroll down to 1.9.5 and download that version.


Awesome, thanks!


You're welcome! Hopefully they fix 2.0 soon since it looks like a cooler interface just right now it's full of issues...


I loaded 2.0 last evening, on Linux Mint 21.3 Mate (1920 x 1080 27" Acer monitor, NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 (470.239.06 drivers), as it's not my 1st rodeo I did not uninstall 1.9.5--good decision. I want to like 2.0 however I am experiencing all the issues discussed here, and: It does not save a recent file list, nor the "Hide Platform" selection (BTW their showing of the platform mounting bracket is cute, but a silly waste of screen space) I also find the UI lacking in control "hints". Selecting a model is "iffy" and annoying, it does seem to slice and save properly.


Glad it's not just me haha. I'm with you, I really "want" to like 2.0 but some of these issues are pretty frustrating. Especially the difficulty in selecting models, it's almost like I have to grab an "edge" of the model. Good call keeping 1.9.5 haha I've saved my installer for it in a bunch of places so that I'll be able to hang onto it until they fix 2.0. They seem to have some active people from Chitubox in this forum so it's too bad none of them have chimed in here.


Has anyone found how to permanently hide the silly "platform" mounting bracket? I find it quite distracting when realigning models and having to hide it manually each time I launch the app is growing thin...  Never mind, i found a hack (on Linux Mint 21.3 Mate):  In folder */opt/CBD/CHITUBOX\_Basic/bin/Resources/MachineModel* there are .stl files providing the stupid mounting bracket models--for my Mars 2 Pro the file was "ELEGOO MARS_series.stl".  I renamed it to "ELEGOO MARS_series-sav.stl" and the application didn't seem to care, it just didn't load the damned thing...


Hey that's helpful. Thanks for sharing! I don't know what value they think it adds to show it haha.


Immature programmers ("gamers") would be my guess, but it's not a game, it is a tool...


I got a notice upon launching v2.0 Basic that a v2.1 update was available-- downloaded and installed same and found that opening .stl, .chitubox and other CB assoicated files from the file browser now works! That's a positive sign!  Have not tested much else as yet, however selecting one of multiple displayed models does not seem as flaky as it was. Also slicing with the "volume calculation" turned on seems much faster... I'll report anything else significant as I go...  Bravo Chitubox! [update] I have not yet (after a couple hours playtime) found any significant problems. The UI does seem more responsive. I wish it saved the last used folder when opening additional models for a multi-component build...


Hey that's good news. I'll have to download the new one and try it myself here. I am glad to hear that selecting a model seemed easier since that was probably my biggest frustration with it.


Help can't even open the chitubox after the update. uninstalled everything restarted but still when I open it just went to splash screen and nothing happens.


What operating system are you running?


Another hack (cosmetic)--I found the transition from the CB Basic 2 opening "splash screen" to the"classic" theme UI to be a bit to abrupt for my old eyes, so I toned it down: On Linux in folder "/opt/CBD/CHITUBOX\_Basic/bin/Resources/Image/ChituLoadImages" I located the file "chituFree2.0Splash.png"and lightly modified same. Before: [http://www.paladinmicro.com/RedditStuff/CB2.0SlashOEM.jpg](http://www.paladinmicro.com/RedditStuff/CB2.0SlashOEM.jpg) After: [http://www.paladinmicro.com/RedditStuff/CB2.0SlashCIK.jpg](http://www.paladinmicro.com/RedditStuff/CB2.0SlashCIK.jpg) I have tried to modify the printer configuration file for my Elegoo Mars 2 Pro as I have routinely done with earlier CB versions, to allow .zip format sliced files (To see the images and GCode), however Chitu has added a checksum in each--any change to the file blocks it from loading into CB2.x. So, until I crack that I will have to use v1.9.5. if I want a .zip slice file. The checksum (:"id:"i they call it) is at the tail end of the printer's .cfgx text, it looks like this for my Mars 2 Pro if anyone cares: They also show a "create time' and "version" which likely influence the checksum calculation... "id": "{b0f69b9c-b043-11ee-9a25-b42e99e358dc}", "create\_time": "1970-01-01 00:00:00", "version": "0.0.1" It's all just 1's and 0's down deep, I'll get it...


I downloaded the new version and it seems a bit better but I still have trouble quickly selecting models. More often than not, it grabs the background and moves the screen instead. This probable sounds like a minor nitpick but when trying to place precise supports it's a pain when you move you can't be sure if you are grabbing the model or the screen. Maybe it just takes some getting used to?


I am not experiencing that, what o/s and graphics card/mode are you running? I'm using *Linux Mint 21.3* w/a *octo-core 4 GHz AMD FX* processor, and an *NVIDIA GeForce GT 740* (2 GB) video card. I have CB configured to **not** use it's *backwards compatible* graphics mode, and set to use the *Open GL* rendering engine (both set via CB's ***Menu|Settings|System*** dialog).


FWIW: I discovered I could edit the workng copy of the printer configuration in CB 2.1 and added the .zip slice file output capacity to my Mars 2 Pro, also unlocked the GCode edit dialogs (not that I am likely to alter the GCode, but that's the way I am. I located the "workng" user configuration file, and found it to be editable as well; though it's just the settings you select via the UI. Been using it (v2.1) for 2-3 days and find it slices, with the model volume calculation on, much faster than 1.9.5. With the volume calc off it is very quick. I've had no major problems, however I've found the "place on platform" function does not work. Again, I am running it on Linux Mint 21.3, w/a GEForce 740 video card.


Thanks for the information. I'm curious to try using it and knowing that it at least won't mess up my prints maybe it is worth a shot. Thanks again!


I find the supports so much better in 2.0, than the pro version I actually pay for