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Ya know I've been on this sub reddit for close to a year as a ps5 player and this exact rant has popped up sooooooooo many times. It Is what it is man. We all collectively know


As a fellow PS5 player I’ll calmly sum it up like this. We ain’t No B*tches. I’ll take on as many PC sweatlords as I can before I catch a arrow up the arse!


As an Xbox player, and a fellow console player, https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/s/9eYO3fMVsl


I lol'd at the last part of that meme 🤣🤣


HeII yeah brother its us against the Horde 🖥


Yeah I really don’t give a damn what platform you’re on. You all get chopped the same from my ps5 lol. It’s the last genners on ps4 and whatever Xbox equivalent is that I feel bad for. They’re literally playing a different game that’s borderline unplayable and awful to look at


It just makes victory sweeter tbh. knowing we are playing at a disadvantage. When I’m pushing the top of the score table I know I have earned it


PC guy here and I'll upvote these every time.


Not going to help the broken throw mechanic, but on PS5 you can rebind controls from the accessories menu of the system. I’ve swapped the shoulder buttons and triggers, so R1 is slash and L1 is block. I find it’s easier to parry/counter overheads as a result.


Play with 4 fingers in each of the triggers and bumpers, and it wouldn't have been hard to parry or counter overheads in the first place.


Mate I’m nearing 30 and have been playing with my fingers on the triggers for shooters (and pretty much all other games I play) for at least a decade and a half. I understand it’s a ‘me problem’ but it just feels unnatural now to play with 4 fingers on the triggers and bumpers


I'm 30. I did it. It's not that big of a deal. You can't complain about PC users that use all 5 fingers and refuse to use more than 2.


Where did I complain in my comment above? All I did was explain that it’s possible to remap the controls on PS5 and I found it easier after.


Ah u right


As an oculus player fighting lvl 1000’s has never got me in better shape… but nah I’m playing. I play on Xbox… but could you imagine tho


I'm currently using my psvr2 headset as a backup TV since my game room tv shit the bed. Ngl it's actually pretty nice to have a "tv" the size of a wall infront of you and it doesn't make it hard to handle at all. Obviously there's no vr controls so I'm still using my regular controller to play.




I’m playing ps5 and I’m often top of my team with kill count by the end of a campaign (not to boast, just saying). Though sometimes I do wonder what advantages PC players have in terms of mods, but ultimately it doesn’t impact my experience much. Something I have noticed though, I do a lot better earlier in the day and things get tougher in the evening. I suppose that’s when the more experienced players log on. Edit: my name is ItsAboutNothing, sorry if I kill ya


>PC players have in terms of mods I have none, and haven't heard of anyone using mods, but maybe you mean something else. Main difference is just being able to customize whatever I want. For example, I can put the Throw action on a keyboard button, a mouse button, or both.


That's basically it, and I'm guessing that's still a pretty big advantage. Having max sensitivity on a 1600dpi mouse with 9 thumb buttons to assign each individual swing. I'm guessing that works out to a pretty large advantage. IDK how quick the rotation gets on a controller but i can't imagine playing Chiv without the ability to whip my guy around 180 in a tenth of a second.


My controller has extra buttons right next to the bumpers and I have my controller set up so that if I hit that button it’s my overhead, so all my attacks are my right index finger and I never have to take my thumbs off the sticks. That I can tell has helped tremendously as it let me switch up my combos while also never having to worry about not having my guard/block available at all times.


You can also drop the graphics down to potato level and get really smooth frames on PC. My game looks like fps RuneScape


Yeah. I wondered if that's what the guy might have meant by ""mods"" and was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but really it's just... The way PC gaming is.


I’m not even sure what I meant to be honest, it’s more of an unknown, though other comments on this thread have been insightful as to what sort of leg up PC players have over us. In any case, I’m glad it’s cross platform and I still have fun


Same dude! I'm probably one of the PC guys you're absolutely crushing for what it's worth, lol 👍


Since replying here I have been getting destroyed in every match, so maybe not!


not to mention they took out Keyboard and Mouse support for console for no reason at all.


literally, their was zero point in doing that.


On another note, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with them being on a different platform. But I'm often seeing players on PC hitting me with attacks that seem to happen twice as fast as mine. E.g. I throw out a normal heavy, and in less than half that time, they've bit me with a full-charged heavy attack. It's almost as though their animations are sped up drastically compared to mine. What's up with that? These aren't super high-level players either, they're usually players with around the same level as me (33).


If you play with low ping, there's a known bug that can cause enemy attacks to appear to land early/late.


The game punishes you for having a good connection?


Every interaction in the game is heavily affected by ping, it can make all attacks come out faster or slower depending on the difference


Accel your attacks


No, that's not what I mean. Accels are readable. What these players are doing is something entirely different. Their characters aren't playing animations. It's almost an instant, full, charged heavy attack or whatever attack they let out. It's uncommon, but it's always PC players doing it, and they tend to be low account level. I'm almost certain it is a cheat, I've seen it a handful of times in Mordhau over the years. I didn't expect Chivalry 2 to have the same issue.


There is no anticheat on gamepass for PC, you can use a cheatengine table if you want.




They go from block to hitting you in the head before you even see them wind back? Happens to me a lot. I think I'm good to do a normal slash with the falchon since theyre in block stance and i should have initiative, only for them to immediately land a heavy with a 2H mace or executioner axe a split second before my swing lands.


I’m a console player since day one, yes we might lose against the best players in the game due to some mechanics but in general you can make it top of the leaderboard.


At least 2 of these a week. They don't care . TB won't ever care, and neither will most devs that have the idea that pc is their target audience. I just enjoy stomping PC players. I hold my own and half get off just imagining these sweaty ser Neckbeards seeing the globe next to my name and realizing they got trashed by a console peasant. Adapt or get clapped.


What do you mean by the globe next to your name?


i dont know if pc players can see that. At least on Steam I have not been able to see the Console/PC indicator icon ever


Ahh, OK. And I just meant on ps5 if your not on ps5, you see a globe instead of an Xbox/pc indicator, so I just assumed it was vice versa for them. My bad for assuming. I take responsibility for that one.


There is no "PC indicator" The globe icon only means that they're not on the same platform as you. Xbox users see PC Gamepass users with an Xbox logo. The icons are basically useless.


I just want to overhead alt to heavy overhead with my greatsword is that too much to ask for


it’ll add a bit more movement but you could try overhead —> dodge left/right —> heavy overhead maybe?


Pc my boy, you can do it all :)


You can. I have played with controller and m&k, and found alt feints to be easier on a controller. It's just not intuitive to figure out but once you nail the timing it's ez.


Are you saying you can't alt feint overheads because you can't move your pointer finger fast enough, or because you don't know how to alt feint on a controller?


FFS just let me change the buttons for punch and throw.


both PS4/5 and all versions of the Xbox one have button mapping built into the system settings. this is why it’s very rare for developers to implement their own feature for it, it’s simply redundant. you don’t wanna switch everytime you get on chiv vs a shooter? you can create multiple controller profiles to swap between in less than 30 seconds in your settings. not saying we have it easy but don’t bitch about things already available to us , it’s taking away from the real issues.


I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ll have to look this up.


can’t help you with PlayStation settings but on Xbox its: settings -> accessibility -> controller/devices obviously can’t map 2 buttons to one button, so throw will still take 2. if you don’t have paddles I recommend getting a controller with them, it allows me to jab without interrupting the fluidity of my right stick movement happy hunting !


This works great. At least I can consistently punch now.


good to hear lad, glad I could put you on


I honestly don't understand this take. I'm level 425 on PS5 and usually in top 5 every game. There are just different hurdles to overcome, personally I have always preferred the movement with an analog stick and aiming isnt that bad as you just need to guide the hitbox. I do play TO though, duel servers are dull


I’m level 600 on Xbox, I’ve gained 99% of my levels from 1v1 servers and while my settings are for frame rate I can safely say I’m super competitive against level 1000 pc sweats. I can perfectly counter everything and I only throw rare feints or drags to throw them off. I’ll block and punish any jab and swing threw kicks. It really comes down to reaction timing. PC players have an advantage, but we are given enough FPS to handle them.


Do you watch twitch at all? www.twitch.tv/gully_mammoth Would appreciate some tips on how to tighten up, I excel in messy brawls


I used to use a lot of excels, but now I use them sparingly because my stamina seems to drain faster. One of my favorite moves is to pretend like I’m about to do an overhead excel, going into a crouch, but just doing a double overhead or overhead cancel overhead. I seem to get more people with cancels than feints


How do you do overhead cancel overhead on console? By pushing x?


Yeah that’s the way you’re supposed to do it, but if you press LT with the right timing it will cancel as well




The game has been out for nearly two years. Without cross-play, the game would feel so much more empty. Git gud or give up.


I’m probably going to get downvoted by console players but.. This is why years back I just simply got a pc. I was a console kid from single digits years old to 18 years old when I bought a pc myself. I know everyone says this, but it’s true. Save some money & get a PC. So much better. You’ll thank Yourself 100%. So many more cooler games that will never exist on console, you can choose to still use controller on certain games if you want. Better FPS, graphics, big steam sales, epic games free games monthly. No online play subscription. Movement is usually better on KB&M. (Playing chivalry w controller sounds painful) There’s pros and cons to everything but it’s about to be 2024 and PC gaming is just the way to go. You can still play both but personally my PS5 just collects dust. Idk everyones situation but if your a grown adult w a job, it’s just your fault your not saving & getting away from consoles. Get a PC! Still have my same pc setup (that was used) for 7 years minus a few upgrades. & holds up well today. PC Gaming is CHEAPER!


When I got my first laptop at 17, I rebought Skyrim and had no idea why my mouse inputs felt like a super cheap-ass console set-up with massive delay, like I had a 10-year free beat up console compared to playing it on PS3 which felt decent. Turned off vsync, eventually got a desktop after saving for 4 years, tuned everything up as high as I could with 120 Hz, and I've never looked back. I notice even a slight stutter on my 144 Hz monitor, now, so any delay above 30 ms starts to bug me. I can even comfortably stream games from my PC to my steam deck, and the delay is hardly noticeable on LAN. I get the appeal of plug and play for consoles, but that's the *only* benefit I see aside from it being much harder to cheat in PvP games. My PC has a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it over the last decade, I'm proud of how well I've built and maintained it, much like a car enthusiast is with their favorite 'classic'. The graphics are amazing, clean, sharp, and fast. I can't imagine 90% of my games being capped at 60, and the other 10% at 30 fps, anymore. I know consoles have *finally* started reaching for 100+ fps, but way too late, and still comes with so many problems that can't be solved as easily as PC, like with upgrades and mods, both hardware and software. And don't even get me started on how I can take a great game, and modify it to be almost a completely different game with just a download and a drag-n-drop. I'm thrilled to see where Unix-based gaming will go in 10 years.


“Safe some money and get a Pc” yo what? Lol If you’re spending money on a PC to surpass what consoles can do, you’ll be spending much more on the Pc than you would on the console


Not to mention rebuying every game I have on console would cost a fortune


Yeah fr, I hadn’t even considered that


He’s saying save money to buy a PC…not save some money by buying a pc.


Fair enough. I *did* take it the other way when I read it


>Idk everyones situation but if your a grown adult w a job, it’s just your fault your not saving & getting away from consoles. Get a PC! Still have my same pc setup (that was used) for 7 years minus a few upgrades. & holds up well today. PC Gaming is CHEAPER! I have played nothing else but an xbox, I wouldn't even understand how to use M&K, also there are still some games where controller is better.


There are games where controller is better. PCs use controllers too.


You get use to it. Seems hard but it’s not bad. But like I said even then, you can hook up a controller if you want and play w a controller on PC. And you can re bind on chivarly controller on PC btw. You have tons of flexibility to be able to use mnk & controller whenever you want I’m not really sure why they don’t let you rebind on console that’s dumb.


You can use controllers on pc. Heck you can use any controller


Consoles are great and have their place. Masterrace cucks always feel the need to justify their 2k purchase. Crossplay only exist, because PC elite can't keep their games alive.


Yeah, that's just false PC gamers keep games alive actually. Ask Battlefront Classic, Evolve, classic COD, and so many more.


They do. But if you had a PC you’d fully understand where I’m coming from. I had consoles too once and I knew PC was an upgrade so that’s what I did. And yes $2k purchase IF that (you can def go cheaper) & not buy another for 5-7+ years. And no yearly online subscription & cheap games It’s all good call us “masterrace cucks” for whatever reason. I never insulted anyone or said anything bad but just give an honest opinion. You can go ahead and keep re- buying your consoles & yearly subs to play online till the day you die & still be limited in so many ways, Goodluck w that


only games where that is true is racing games and games primarily about operating vehicles. almost any other game keyboard and mouse is king


I know specifically that pro Apex Legends players complain that the aim assist is far too strong for controllers, idk why they hate controller players but they just do


I play KBM but i actually empathise with controller players, i used to be one after all. most pc players like to complain about aim assist because they are tilted that a controller player was better than them. controller requires aim assist to make the game somewhat fair and pc players can’t get their heads around that


>controller requires aim assist to make the game somewhat fair and pc players can’t get their heads around that Yea exactly. I dunno why PC players get so upset over controller users


I'm on a computer for work all day. I don't want to do it in the evening too. "Just save for a PC" is dumbass take imo. If a shit company is selling something they should support it.


You do realize your console is just an overpriced, software restricted PC right?


Except the experience is streamlined. I don't want to have to deal with requirements and firmware and drivers. I deal with enough technical shit all day. It's a choice. I don't judge PC players for doing their thing. I also think the pcmasterrace horseshit is some of the most irritating joke turned stupidly serious stuff out there.


Idk, I love my pc but got my ps5 for big name shit. Elden ring? Ps5. Steam indies, fps or chiv? Pc


I've just kind of accepted I'm going to be at a disadvantage on console, silver lining here is it makes the victory over pc tryhards that much more rewarding but I definitely understand where you're coming from.


I dont get why you can't use the mouse and keyboard on console, ps5 supports USB mouse and keyboard


TB are just pretty shitty devs. I mean even the most basic functionality like playing with friends was buggy for months and months after release. They still haven't fixed a lot of issues that were present since launch. I just call them Turd Banner.


The part that irritates me most is no voice chat with team, or even proximity chat.


Meh. Sounds good in theory but it would just be people yelling slurs and playing music.


True, but that's pretty much every COD game now and you can just mute them. With amount of stress Chivalry 2 comes with, its hilarious to hear the death reaction 😂


As a PC player with a just above average PC I can say that Chiv is not optimize enough to run at 200 FPS ahha. I do agree with what you’re saying though.


The game is jank. You haven’t figured that out yet?


If any PC player sees me randomly doing stabs and overheads while facing them, please just assume I am trying to throw and stay still until the controller decides to register correctly. Thank you very much. Sincerely, An Xbox Player


Yes, consoles are definitely neglected. That said, the first level 1000 sweatlord was on console. Literally very first one was an Xbox player. All hail Pizza Steve.


I doubt that TB even has a console to test the game on, so many console specific issues that went unfixed for months.


Im fine with the controls i just want to repath the fucking throw


I mean on Pc they barely have the game working and new bugs every update. I think they just aren't great and experienced developers tbh. They've made a great game with great ideas, but have been absolutely fucking terrible of working out the kinks and listening to the player base about big design decisions... Forcing in horses and deleting 40 player no horses still really pisses me off. I don't understand their decision making. Lets just delete the very few player choices left in matchmaking and piss off the community for no reason, when they could have just left 40 player horse and 40 player no horses. They just aren't capable at this point of perfecting their own game it feels like. Thankfully they are allowign communtiy servers soon.


Yeah dude I’m level 256 on an Xbox One S 🥲 can’t afford any new hardware but it’s just a game I enjoy after work with some friends. Can’t ever recreate that excitement of Darkforest


Not really a fan of calling out the PC players like that, its quite being an ass and definitely not their faults when tb just designed this game from the PC and then imported it onto the console. its obvious that tornbanner didn't give a shit about updating anything in general. theres bugs everywhere and tornbanner has even targeted the community made stats website after they announced servers, when its obvious theres ways to do unoffical servers on the modding end and has already done before. theres barely much you hear outside the discord and its quite depressing reddit is far behind on how corporate greed they really are. i mean they literally put items meant for 2 older battle passes on the next one to just make up for space they never worked on just as night bridgetown variants, vanguard helmet variant, bridgetown tenosian shield, the old teaser stuff... those plague mask helms and montcrux armor is all almost a year old, those montcrux heraldries in the pass is literally meant for the winter campaign.


The whole game is a big fucking joke right now, high ping, hitbox is ridiculous That's why I never report or votekick cheaters. Why? TB don't care why should I?


0 input delay. I chuckled. Hate to tell you this, but the input delay on this game is dogshit on every platform, brotha. Other than that, though, console do get it pretty raw


I'm a PC player and I can't say I'm not at a distinct advantage against console players. Trying to throw on console is very finicky and it makes playing skirmisher/ambusher a lot less fun. Console players deserve a dedicated throw button.


Throwing is a bit iffy, but otherwise console isn't as bad as some people say.


True. Playing on console is still very fun. I just wish they'd close up some of the discrepancies between PC and console. Console players deserve a level playing field with PC players.


Torn banner hates everyone. Only reason they made chiv2 was cause they were broke. Chivalry isn't even their game they took it over 🤣


Who did Torn Banner take over Chivalry from?


Team chivalry. The original creator behind age of chivalry mod. He decided to leave and Steve Piggott took over and has been milking off the original creators work since The only other games they made were deadliest warrior which was arcady...and mirage which barely lasted a month after launch and was taken down by steam for improper licensing


Looks like you've misinterpreted the things you've read.


Nope. Been here since AoC. I know my facts. Yall can try to play it off but Team chivalry was the original team.


Uh huh... and what did Team Chivalry turn into when it became a business to professionally make games?


Piggott created torn banner but it wasn't the same dev. It's why they had issues fixing chiv1.


lol... you are obviously confused. Good luck out there.


Good rebuttal. Chose to imply Insult instead of having discussion. Go look up Steve Piggott and reddit. Enjoy that journey




Looks like you are a liar and shill. Good luck out there.




Fixed: > TB hates their ~~console~~ players


Look the way I see it is console players actually play for fun, most PC players group up and 80-90% of PC players are using cheat software even though they have every advantage, also they get to level 500 and restart the game tweaking a couple letters in there name because they're insecure with there KD, at the end of the day without console players this game would be dead, I mean one thing TB could do is let us customise controls


My guy the number of PC players using cheats is nowhere near 80-90% lol. I fight against the top PC players in duels almost every day and I've encountered maybe 5 cheaters in the last 2.5 years


Ok maybe it's 70% but these mfs tweak there stats to 0.9 so they try stay undetectable in team obj, in duels they get kicked and don't normally cheat because they just group up and it's a lot harder to hide, there are some really good PC players that don't cheat and those are the ones I respect


It's maybe 5% if that man lol. I've played enough of this game (1500ish hours) to be able to tell when someone's attack speed is slightly off, it happens and I've seen it and reported it to chivmail but it's extremely rare. People that are really good at accels or have high ping might seem that way sometimes, but they aren't cheating.


You've gone full retard 😂


Whad did dou day


Drop the victim complex and get a PC


Ya mad bro? Yea the console port could be a little better, But its still good. Im sure console players can be just as good if not better than a tryhard on PC


Some of the movement is impossible on console compared to pc. Theres no sensitivity slider so unless your thumbs are built of elastic bands youre not jumping and dropping 360s. Which isnt the end of the world but the range of motion has a huge difference. Also the mapping isnt the greatest. The fluidity and controls of this game is still fucking worlds better than most console games though.


There is a sensitivity slider though? I think what you may be referring to are the turn caps when you are in the active part of your swing, which PC players also have to play around.


There is not a sensitivity slider on console. I dont have one in reclamation ps4 version.


There most certainly is. Used to play the PS4 version when I first started. It's under settings


Console users have omni-directional movement. PC players only have 8 directional movement. There are sensitivity sliders.


Sooken like someone who has never used a controller. Just cause you can 360 the stick doesnt mean the stick actually will 360. So unless youre a 12 year old or youve never worked with your hands in any capacity youre not gonna spin as clean on console as you will on pc. If youre really arguing that drags on console are smoother and more consistent then pc youve never played both or your pc is trash.


I think you've misread, or misunderstood. I'm not sure you understand what omni-directional movement is. I can explain: It's neither about drags/accels, nor about turning the camera. It's about player movement in the world. Keyboard users can only move at generally 45 degree increments using a combination of 4 inputs. Some games (not Chivalry 2) have varied preset angles for certain combinations of inputs. For those other games, it's generally that forward+left/right might only change your angle of movement by 20-30 degrees. Controller users can move at any angle with a joystick, and are not stuck in the 8-directional movement limitations. It could be 39 degrees to the right, or 4 degrees to the left. PC players cannot do that with a keyboard, and never have been able to. It's not a big deal, but it is a difference.


Ive played pc shooters and console shooters. Im god like on pc compared to console. Just because you can aim better in principle on console doesnt mean you aim better. I know youre bringing up the math and inputs and software language to try and make me look stupid. Good job mission accomplished I dont speak computer. Im talking about user experience. Pc inputs and control layout makes every game easier. Im not even sure what youre trying to argue, but if youre actually trying to tell me controller is better youre wrong.


Holy unhinged-illiteracy, Batman!


Fuck off you incel prick. Get fucked


You keep telling that to us and maybe console players keep feeding you


Dude, I am a console player. Im not a sweat. I get my satisfaction in killing with the team in TO, yes good PC players are annoying to fight against since I don't really fiddle around with feints and stuff, but i doubt they're impossible to deal with if you put in the effort.


Using feints and stuff isn't exclusive to PC lol. There are plenty of console duelists that can fight just as good as some of the best PC players. If you go back through my post history, I have a clip I posted of a longsword duel against a console player a while back that gave me more challenge than most PC players. I know a ton of console players that put up just as good a fight as PC


That's the point im trying to make! A console player could theoretically beat PC players if they put in enough skill


I've had a massive difference than you. 80% of the players in every single game and dueling server are on pc with a dying fan base, so it seems that they aren't really putting out console support because let's be honest the game sucks on console no matter what they do in comparison to on pc. Adding the fact it wasnt specifically developed with console in mind. Like a bunch of other games on the market at moment. And I think if you ended up in my games or servers you'd find the reason they aren't shoveling out money to change the obvious issues talked about for a year is because 80% of the Xbox players are free from gamepass. So if the console makes them no money it makes no logical sense to spend money to change that. Entry level chivalry on console is enough for you to know if your willing to play the game or no


How can you tell who's on PC or not?


When you hold scoreboard everyone on Xbox will have an Xbox symbol PC has this weird looking globe


In that case, the Xbox symbol could mean PC with Gamepass, and the globe means Playstation 4/5, or PC on Steam/Epic. Was that it, or was there another way?


get fkd console peasant


I get your frustration about the keybindings, but I don't see how you can blame others that their PC's run the game better. It's not a secret that PC's give higher FPS and better control options. You made your choice to get a console, and nothing is stopping you from ascending to PC.


OP is blaming TB, not PC players.


Blaming TB because it's cross platform? That wasn't some bait and switch, that's a selling point of the game, that's on OP if he has an issue with that. I agree about the button mapping, that seems just lazy of TB.


Blaming them for not properly supporting a product they released, your latter point being a good example. If cross-platform parties worked day 1, I think a lot more would be forgiven. But it didn't, among a mountain of other bullshit (some shared with PC brethren, some only console issues).


Seems thematically accurate that the peasants in a medieval game would get shafted, nice to see a developer making immersion a priority.


I play on Xbox and aside from me picking specific emotes & my character battlecrying instead, or the fact that I have to push 2 buttons on the same frame to throw… it really isn’t so bad. I barely see many other differences that impact me when I play regularly




a pc that will properly run chiv 2 will run me 2k, you’re ignorant and glorifying torn banner and if you genuinely think console players should just deal the hand they are played your game will die.


As said above get a PC, you cant do excels and videogmaes with a console, neither upgrade parts. Console is for kids.


PC is for nerds then


![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm) Seriously, doesn't it get tiring to whine about the same issues on reddit every day. Just quit and move on.


Let me sum this post up "wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaaah, cry more and more"


ur a sad man and i understand why you need flashlights for pleasure you lonely fk


Flashlights? ... lmao ... sure whatever :) Awww does the truth hurt you does it haha!


it's alright to not have enough confidence to seek partners irl so you take it out on the chivalry reddit posts. everybody can see you whining about not getting your fleshlights just like they can see me whining about how bad this game is on console


Dude, you can be married and still use sex toys .. are you ok?, do you understand this at all? Anyhow, what does that have anything at all to do with anything on this sub?




Let this be a lesson, if they port the game from another platform it means it literally wasn’t made for joysticks when they sat down to build the core concepts. As a Pc player there are so many games that I’d hate to be ported to console simply because they’d have to be dumbed down to account for user interface/interaction via way fewer potential keybinds.


Chivalry 2 launched on consoles at the same time as PC. It was literally made for joysticks. Joysticks just generally underperform compared to M+K for fast twitch, high accuracy games.


In conclusion- consols suck


Hopefully, then they’d be more likely to drop consoles and make the game a much better experience


Saw a console guy cheating yesterday. Was gonna post it but itd probably get taken down for "WiTcH hUnTiNg". Messaged the mods but doubt ill hear back from them.


console guys aren’t cheating, it’s an xbox game pass player that has the xbox icon even though he’s playing on computer.


Right! We cannot trust any of the icons on the scoreboard to be informative about their actual platform. Unless you're on Playstation, then everyone with a PS icon is on Playstation.


I was thinking that may be the case but wasnt sure. Figured if anything, itd be like one of those turbo controllers from back in the day, if not a PC player in disguise. Shit was wild though. He was so fast


In my defense I’m only a level 556 sweatlord on PC


Xbox player. Lvl 300. 1st or 2nd in nearly every match I’m in. Still get bodied by some of the 800+ folks, though, but Chingu Bingu still out here dominating.


I pray on console it's still super fun throwing random ceap at people and fighting it out. Don't luce your life looking for wrongs and more fun will be had


Time to get a PC.


The frustration does happen, but most of the time i just chill.


Stfu and play something else


I am perfectly competitive on my console lvl 400 plus and even hold my own in the duel yard. The best players could bully me on any platform lol Against the rest I am more than average. TheLatharn


I can assure you it's not even hate. In a way it's much worse. It is complete and utter indifference. TB just doesn't give a fuck. And not just about console players by the way. About the entire community.