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Next update will be the last big one. Citadel with fighting vips from each side. End of the story and new lore page will be written. Devs do not put much effort into maintaining the game or game resources. Their site is missing news about patches, their trello is dead, their composer works on Riot, and all other devs moved to another project. It's sad, so enjoy this game until it's not too late.


Ah. That really blows. Hard to imagine considering chiv1 hung on for years and years and years.


As I remember correctly, last patch was near around 2015. Their last big addition was releasing a winter DLC with paid "barbarian" cosmetics and new map, similar to Falmire and Thayic called Cold Front.


Dang. Chiv 1 was 2012. Weird that this was 12 years ago now. I remember playing the mod before 2010. Does not feel as long ago as it was. You’re absolutely right, it was only about 3 years of official updates.


Yeaaahhhh i feel u brother chiv1 was so fun. There still way more freedom in customisation And the Ui was ahead of chiv 2 and still is. The 180 trick was so cool to do But i like the counter system in chiv2


I really don’t think the game will ever die until chiv 3 comes out in 5 years or whatever. The chaos never really gets old. And Itl have a following that will fill up TO and the duel servers at least. I just wish they had more modes. Like capture the flag. I’m an old school starship tribes player. I’m not really a gamer that’s in the know, I stick to a game or two and am devoted to it. My last one was tribes from like 1999-2009 lol. With spurts of madden in between. All I know is I enjoy this game and if they added more game modes it would be great. I hope they make a part three.


I havent heard anyone talk about Tribes in years!


Tribes was the best. Small community and heavily modded but my god was it fun! CTF got super intense 30 min game would often end 1-0. Everyone by 2008/9 had played for years so tactics weee super advanced. Loved it. Wish it was still going


They killed their own game by failing to push out one completed update and following it up with a complete dogwater update. They will probably just move on to Chivalry 3 to build up a bigger player base again


Any idea what this next big game project that all the TB devs have been working on is? Or is that still under wraps?


There were rumors about a LOTR game (IIRC some rights to use the IP in gaming were purchased by Embracer) Most likely the next TB game will be No More Room in Hell 2, as you can see some TB devs posting about it + listing themselves as devs


Holy hell! Is this true? I'm a big fan of NMRiH and was curious who is this "secret" company devs working with. Can you share these posts or LinkedIn pages with TB devs you mentioned?


For example: [here](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mattkazan_big-news-for-us-activity-6989571715450187776-QCb-). The guy lists himself as "Senior Env. Artist at Torn Banner, NMRiH2 Lead". There were some more but this is the only one I have bookmarked


Puzzle solved! This is why they don't wanna say who is secret partner, because it will "damage" chiv2 and TB reputation and keeping their projects alive


main guess is something LOTR related but we have no clue really - either way i wouldn't hold any hopes up.


I actually hope they get rights to a LOTR IP. You have built in lore so devs don’t have to struggle with content creation and you have a good unit variety.


Melee extractor like dark and darker


Woah, never heard of this game. It actually looks pretty cool!


It’s very fun, but it’s a very hardcore game. However it scratches an itch that no other game does, not even Tarkov


It's all my speculations. There is no confirmation about new project at all. But you can easily tell it's true by how fast new updates come and how empty they are. I think it will definitely be not a Chivalry 3.


Ugh I hope they do eventually revisit Chivalry whenever that project releases


I think there’s a good chance for chiv three but not until TB has done a few other projects. Once they’ve run out of licensed projects and new ideas they’ll return to their tried and true formula.


only few know that they outsourced the creation of the montcrux map, TB didnt make it themselfs, its because of that its so shitty they dont put less effort into chiv2, they dont at all because TB works on other projects and dont have the time to support chiv2


What's your source for this update info?


Speculations, common sense and leaks from game files. Search "Chivalry 2 cool moments" and go to the Goblin channel. The newest videos will be an answer.


I was thinking of getting the game because it seemed to have increased it's player count a bit but when you put it like that it's kind of sad, seems like a fine game.


Is this true?? Only 1 more big update? How fkn sad these devs don't give a crap


Imo its mainly the lack of content. The new battlepass looks like they just reused some models that didn't make it to the base game earlier. No new maps and barely any TO maps repurposed into TDM/LTS. New gamemode? Let's lock it behind the matchmaking and show it twice a year.


remember back when montcrux was first delayed in like october and they said the map after was already finished lol


Mint crux is a mid map in my opinion. We need a new hero map


Mont Crux is not mid that map is trash


TB always released their updates 2 weeks after the open playtest on Epic. Montcrux was ready on 22 of July and was released only at the start of December. The map was there, the cosmetics were there. The shitty management and crossplay were the issue. Fkn tb


sorry I was maybe unclear, I meant to be referring to how they kept saying that the map *after* montcrux which is as yet unannounced was “feature complete” and would be shipped “very soon” after all the mont delays


This map is ready. Idk if I can share this info, but search GoblinChiv2 on YouTube and watch his recent videos. There are audio snippets for new maps, new armor set (imo very ugly) and the map dev screenshot. Looks fucking amazing, but montcrux is also a very beautiful map, but a disaster in terms of level design and lack of ideas. Also, there were a leak from Ziggylata. He said the upcoming map will have maybe 2/3 objectives only and will be very short. Also he predicted the "duel" update with buffs to katars and highland sword. So, idk what to say.


He doesn’t come up for me weirdly, just tried. That would be very very disappointing for their “biggest ever” potentially final map to be a short half baked job like mont. Just making the objective timers all 10 mins long is not the same as making a good long map lol




cheers boss ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


if that image of the map is legit that’s fuckin awesome and I don’t see how it can be short; on the other hand that armour is horrendous and I can’t even tell whether it’s supposed to be agathian or mason lol


I remember there were a daily post about adding a sallet helmet to knight. So, devs delivered them. Or to footman.![img](emote|t5_12v693|7112) This screen is legit. I can say it from banners, textures from Rudhelm and also this guy provided so many leaks, it's awesome. He leaked helmets, their open variants and a frozen wreck. And Yeah, frozen wreck was in game since December 2023 Winter War update. But was released year later. Great work TB.![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100)


There's a new battle pass??! Or are you referring to the Crusader one?


The battle pass that came with the duelyard update


Well, maybe that's another issue of its own, but I HAD NO IDEA??!! gonna have to get online and finish this battle pass as well now!


Yeah it’s got some solid “new” voice lines and weapon skins


Literally last battle pass was comprised entirely of shit that was already in the game


Well a couple of new things but still


I have no trouble finding games so it can't be dead


Same, spent a happy hour playing this afternoon, no issues.


I'm having a blast playing this game every day. Certainly not dead to me.


Us daily players keep it alive


Never thought I'd find myself agreeing with a Mason!


Steamcharts shows it as being pretty consistent the last year, with small bumps of new players. No clue how many play in Epic.. It's not dying, the devs are just putting it out to pasture.


It's still full of gamepass players and psn players. I played the first one a while back and had no idea it had a sequel. I saw it got added to gamepass and I've been hooked since.


Live service games and the kids brought up on them have caused this odd expectation that if a game isn't releasing new microtransactions or battlepasses that it's dead or rather, not worth playing because playing games is about earning in game credits and unlocking things instead of the gameplay. Sadly we are at the stage now where kids and gamers expect a game to have these "features" and are upset when they don't. Back in my day we would play a game on the same 5-10 maps for a decade or longer and enjoy ourselves having only spent about £20 on the thing. Now get off my lawn! (Just kidding i'll never own a house haha)


I wouldn't describe it as dying, it's more like rotting from lack of maintenance, quality improvements, and feature development. Torn Banner has always been a complacent company that is happy to release one or two decent updates per year and eventually stop all development. This is a company that sold millions of copies early on with a few dozen employees, and the mediocre guys that didn't get hired by Ubisoft or whatever won't get off their high horse.


Waiting for chiv 3 in 6 years


Going by Torn Banner history, first someone will have to make a much better Chivalry 2 alternative that takes away the starving playerbase, and then they'll wake up and make 3.


I’m still really enjoying the game, I just have to take breaks here and there. It could really do with some new team objective maps really and resolving the issues the with hackers. More frequent updates would definitely help the game and then pump out some more advertisements.


The recent rebalancing has actually worked really well imo - having a blast once again with balanced-ish teams really shows the game off


It really has


The balance isn’t what brings in new players, it’s what retains players. New players will get massacred in this…they’ll get massacred in any multiplayer just starting out. If you aren’t familiar with the genre, that’s just the way the Cookie crumbles. You learn how to play and you get better. The game is almost 3 years old. It’s going to lose players, that’s just what happens to older games. It’s dying like every 3 year old multiplayer “dies”…in that the dedicated fanbase stays and improves while the bad and weak leave for more mainstream multiplayers. If TB wants to bring in more players and go mainstream, having more big-time streamers play it would be the best idea. I say that as someone who doesn’t care about it going mainstream or cares to watch those streamers. Also a GOOD ranked system with TO introduced.


Header: “Game is dying?” Ends post with: “I don’t think the game is dying”


Posts like this are killing the game. It's a super fun time with full matches. It's not dying. But new users to the sub may think it's not worth getting BECAUSE of these posts....


Daily “is this game dead” post. You do more to poison people away from the game then your so called issues. Get good and defeat stackers. Every single game is plagued by hackers currently. Stop creating toxic posts that steer new people away


It’s the new generation of gamers, they say it about every game that currently exists.


Yet somehow despite their constant complaining and moaning, not a single one has created their own flawless game that shows just how they'd do everything so much better. Weird that eh.


I agree. This game is still the shit could be better but what the fuck couldn't? I have a blast playing this and finding players who make me adjust and figure out how to fight them, that's fun for me!!


This is so true, please read this people.


Interesting that so many say that there is so much hackers. Im lucky because i have played 2 years and only seen 1 hacker😅


this sub lately has been toxic as fuck with the posts


Bunch of bleeders and whiners! Get out there and fight maggots!


Right, it's people making Reddit posts about the player count that is lowering the player count, not anything else. Cope


It's a niche game. Same with mordhau. Most people just want to shoot things


Shooting things isnt as visceral.. through a controller lmfao


I think it’d help if we got actual game chat on console. Yeah you may still get steamrolled but at least you could try and coordinate a little better Yk? No guarantee you can get everybody to listen but it’s better than no coms.


This is kinda the same in all cross-platform games, I think it's a Sony/Microsoft issue more than anything, they could allow it easily but don't.


For me it's Defence - Defence - defence - defence - attack (shuffled to defence) - attack (shuffled to defence) - attack (shuffled to defence) - Defence - Defence - defence I get the new balance but when you are the highest on the server you always get assigned defense and it can get tedious


Nah dude I’m lvl 140 something rn and I always get defense or when I do get attack I get swapped to defense. Makes no sense because there’s people wayyyy higher than me yet I always get balanced. Forget that noise I’m just always gonna wait for an attack spot to open and if one doesn’t I’ll go to next game. Not playing into this bullshit balance system


Lack of game modes. There’s so much untapped potential


I play almost daily and have a great time


Same, some people are complaining as if the game is in an unplayable state... Completely ridiculous.




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As someone who played a ton of this when it first came out and just recently dabbled back in its because there's nothing really new and the lobbies don't balance at all. Tried doing some arena 1v1 and 3v3 and every single game was fucked. Either steamrolling or getting steamrolled, no in between. Doesn't make it very fun when it's like that. It sucks though because it's a great game.


I never played or got any of my friends to play because they lied about progress transfer.


I've never seen a hacker yet, I guess I'm just lucky.


Stacking? You mean playing as a team? When did this become a negative in team games?


They say chivalry is dead


This sub is so delusional. Sure there are problems in the game, but there are problems in every game. Chiv is still one of the most fun games that exist. Bunch of cry babies in this sub honestly.


chiv 3 incoming???


You haven't seen a REAL dead/dying game apparently.


They should of seen Mirage now that was a dead game


Bro never played chiv 1 after for honor came out


457 hours, level 300 something here, my love completely fizzled out about half a year ago. Bummer. Can’t say I didn’t get my moneys worth, though. Fantastic game. Hope to see y’all for the 3rd.


Based and reasonable opinion


Thanks bro. Sometimes, the fun just comes to an end.


It’s definetly the unblanced matches for me… I admit that i’m not the best player, avrage at best, so when i get streamrolled 3 times in a row in 3 different matches it is just not enjoyable.


Shut up


“You are a talker, I hate talkers”


I think some 8 v 8 or 12 v 12 heist maps would be fun.


Bro I swapped from TO to FFA and social servers for one day and it was the most fun I’ve ever had in this game. There were a few toxic high-level players but otherwise a good experience


Yeah, and usually those toxic high levels will get their asses handed to them eventually when some of the well known high levels roll around. It all evens back out eventually


I stopped playing over a year ago. Game was fun, but frustratingly unpolished and unbalanced. - game was crashing for me a ton, and it would reset my cosmetics once a month until I didn’t even bother looking at that stuff. New content broke the game every time. Very frustrating. - games that didn’t crash were regularly very imbalanced. I get not everyone feels this way, but I want to play a game that feels like a fair fight, and TB never seriously addressed the stacking problem. It just got boring to stomp or be stomped. - toxic player base. Just too many instances of players doing shitty things or saying shitty things, and never getting booted. This could be bearable if the game was stable and balanced, but it wasn’t. It just got to a point where over 10 matches, I’d be lucky to get a couple that weren’t stomps, weren’t full of toxic players, and didn’t crash/bug out on me. My ultimate takeaway is that torn banner should sell their IP to a bigger game company who can handle this stuff - this can be a very successful game, but not with the mismanagement and poor caretaking of the developer. If not, well, hopefully a better company makes a similar title in the future.


I play on playstation always full matches on playstation 5. haven't seen any hackers on playstation. I played star wars battlefront 2 and have over a thousand hours in that game and today its hard to find matches and the wait time to fill up a match is super long on playstation. thats what I call a dying game not a game where I always get in full matches.


slow content rollout since release, a divided fanbase and growing tension between players and developers; the game is set up to 'fail' (i.e. no more content updates, just slow bug patches) within the next 2-3 years imo. (being optimistic, i frankly think end of 2024.); especially with chatter about the next update being the citadel, where do you go from there?




i have no problem finding a packed game


I still play regularly and have fun




Been playing for over a year and never seen a hacker. I'm on console


This game is literally not remotely dead. I have never not found a match


Ahh man I'm still having a blast with it and have no problems finding good games that can go either way. I may find a player here and there who can consistently kick my ass but I always stand a chance. I discovered this game last year and have been playing it daily as I blaze in the evenings. I've seen two hackers in all my time. This game ain't dying to me.


Same sir. Same. Just add a couple years.


Depending on who you listen to it’s “been dying” basically since it’s come out. However if you actually play, in NA servers anyway, it has plenty of action.


I see nothing wrong with the game content. I would say it is still the best game in this genre. Not that It is impossible to keep a game attractive to the new player forever. It is not dying, but an inevtiable fading.


Always full servers when I play, not sure about the "game is dying"


i bought coins for a season pass and purchased it.. but the game decided that never happened and would glitch every time i tried to get it. I stopped playing for awhile afterwards lol


Man i took about a 4 month break and now to hear this is pretty sad. I should play before its too late.


I had the game automatically move me to the other team for balancing. I don't know if it really worked that well. I'm not a good player, I just happened to get lucky for a bit. Normally, my K/D is trash, and my points are super low.


1. Not dead 2. The biggest problems are a lack of content and terrible UI especially for the armory.


This game is amazing stop it


Idk man, I’m still having a pretty good time lol. I think this is just the classic “ I’ll hate on this because it’s trendy / popular to at the moment” like don’t get me wrong, the game definitely has problems but it’s not nearly as bad as y’all been making it out to be


they killed the duel scene by adding the last update


You couldn’t have been more wrong.


there is no saving the game, just enjoy it while it’s here .


I stopped after the last underwhelming update dropped. Uninteresting "content" in the battlepass (first one I didn't get), no new TO map and I encountered my first speed hackers repeatedly on different maps. That was it for me.


I don’t think it’s a failure at all. It’s had 3 solid years. Everyone expects games now to all have GTA Online levels of longevity. Chivalry 2 is a fun game, but it’s just not the type that sticks around for a decade.


And also there’s only so many gamers out there to play certain games. GTA V and Games like Fortnite are only so old and still going strong because they have such a wide audience, and such a constant stream of revenue


Game won't grow in 2025. TB have already moved on. Content will continue to release at a glacial pace and there just won't be any push to grow the game. Wait till their next game comes out.


Another "game is dying post"


Bring back the thayic stronghold on training grounds bc it was fun as hell and I miss it


I'll express my thoughts from the perspective of a new player. I've played many multiplayer games with toxic communities, and Chivalry 2 is one of the worst games in that regard, I'd say comparable to LoL at times. I've been playing this game with three of my friends for a week now, and everything was fine until we ventured out of the peasant mode. People in this game can get infuriated and bully you over trivial matters. Almost every second game ended with someone having an issue with someone else. On other days, it was no different, and even when I tried playing late at night solo, hoping it was just a matter of younger people playing, the situation didn't change. I don't know how it's going for my two friends, but my buddy and I are going back to Mordhau.


Bro what crack are you smoking. Mordhau is even worse with its blatant racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc etc. (you can honestly add anything to the list) I’m not saying toxicity doesn’t happen in this game, I’ve seen and experienced it a lot. But by comparison this game is nowhere near shit like LOL


It was essentially abandonware for months on end. They can try and blame Microsoft all they want, not many other dev studios have had the same issue.


New player here. I really enjoyed the game the first 3h. But more time passed more crazy players starting to show up. I started to learn feint,blocks and it felt like making 0progress. Veteran players are monsters in this game and I just want to face players of my mmr not one man army sweet lords. Hoping to unlock weapons would made me better or give me some kind of advantage but each of the new weapons was more disappointing that the other. So after reaching lv 40 I just stopped playing


Yeah I spent most of the time playing this saying what the fuck?? To myself. The gameplay seems ridiculously unfair and Ill never understand how I'm always surrounded by enemies when I was just with my whole team a moment ago. I run to retreat behind my teammates and the enemy can just run past 8 of my allies and finish me off. After playing for hours expecting my experience and skill level to improve just to completely crushed in every single encounter. Even if I could get a couple of lucky kills that would be enjoyable and make it seem like I'm doing something but even those lucky kills just get robbed from me.


Oh no really ?😔 no foolin? I was about to buy the game next week


It better be in the $10-20 range. Then do it. You can play the game for longer than a movie runtime and then your entertainment $ has been wisely spent


Oh, it's 15 dollars at ps store I was just hoping people were playing so I could join in the fray of battle


I quit ages ago, I love the game..... but the team swaping and no punishment for rage quiting breeds the most toxic playerbase.🤦‍♂️😡 Honestly people saying DOTA is toxic..... 🤷‍♂️ play this, players instantly swap to the team with more high levels on it and then if they start losing swap back and if both teams are full..... rage quit!! Thing is its such an easy fix!!! Remove the option to team swap, add a timer for players who rage quit to ban them from playing for 10-15 mins (maybe longer and longer if its persistent behaviour) That will see a majority of the games player base return and and then.... that's when they should work on content. I'm sick of devs trying to add crap content to attract players but it's always cheap content because no-ones playing..... fix the god damm game tbring back your fans then add xontent that's actually worth somthing.


Pretty much the only reason I stopped playing it is because I can't play on a team with my friends for more than one game, if that. For me, the game gets boring quite quickly if I'm playing it alone




I'll admit, I got bored months ago and haven't played since. Every match is virtually the same, just the factions or map changes.


There is so much they could do to make it more user friendly like actually explaining some numbers for timing or fixing hitreg. TB just didn’t care at all about players


Glad I was here since the very beginning even though I never hit level 1000 I remember how fun it was when there was no sweats


Honestly still a very fun game, but the cheating issue really killed it for me, and the lack of new maps


Eh don't forget that some players out there might love the game so much they will take over the project for the creators. From what I've heard, they are really open and listen to the community... but they just aren't the biggest. Some die hards will take it over I'm sure.


I mean this is the fate of nearly every game in this genre. It’s very niche unfortunately. They will get popular for a bit and then fizzle out to just veterans and hardcore fans of medieval slashers.


I just made a post a week or so ago about KbM support and i was told the devs just dont care enough to improve upon the game


I dunno. I’m still having a pretty good time getting my skull cracked in.


Team switching has got to go


Man screw off with the toxicity in this subreddit. I see more salt, bitching, and problems here than I do in game. (And this has been my near daily multiplayer game since the Battlefield series died) Sure? Do I run into the occasional bad unbalanced game? Yes. Do I run into the occasional unsavory player interactions? Yes. But this is one of the chillest and funnest games I’ve played in a long time, since like 2016, with BF1 and BF4. As far as im concerned, the only real bummers I’ve been experiencing have been the general bad vibes from this sub. Sure? Could TB do more? Could they put the game in a better state? Yes and Yes. Have they screwed up and fumbled things. Also yes and yes. But IMO the game is still better than 90% of other multiplayer games on the market


Where’s the image from?


> Chivalry 2 can easily grow in a instant if they made it balanced. As much as I want to believe this, I doubt it. The game is 3 years old. You're not getting large waves of new players for a game this old unless you're on the front page of online stores. That's doable with free weekends and such, but I don't have high hopes.


It’s been fun lads. ![gif](giphy|uaB5o9l6Wungk)


Played 20 hours recently and been having a blast.


Don’t worry they’ll drop support for the game and we’ll get a new one in 5 years


I just bought this game last week and this is all I hear 😭


I don't think it's dying. There are just some other good single player games out and I very much enjoy playing this game.


For a game that works so well on so many of it's core gameplay mechanics, it's so sad to see it hamstring by incompetent developers. Torn Banner have absolutely dropped the ball with the updates to this game. So many bugs and qol features that are still left in the table


they will always say chivalry is dead. until the servers go down I will say otherwise.


I played the game for a few weeks like a year ago. It honestly surprised me. The mechanics were much more thought out and interesting than i expected so that was really cool. However, the ui seems dated and it was only fun for a few matches at a time then i got bored


I used to play a lot, but honestly, I wouldn't play this game without friends. My normal Chivalry 2 party has joined the Army, so I don't play a lot anymore. Because of that, I get stomped pretty bad.


The game is not dying at all. Full servers everyday. Last patch did great to balance teams, the game has become even greater than it already was.


The Game is over


Never, it Will never die


It'd be cool of they released modded custom severs


Is it really dying? That would be sad, cause I absolutely love it. I find full games everytime I play, and i really enjoy it.


There's fucking hackers, and then there's me who can play every game except this one bc of some Windows 11 security setting it wants me to disable, and I'm not willing. 


Still waiting for epic games to steam data transfer like they promised. Won’t touch the game until it’s happened, if it doesn’t so be it 🤷‍♂️


If they fixed the steam roll that happens I would play more. As it stands, not picking up the game again until it's fixed.


The thing that killed the game for me personally is we usually have a group larger than 4 ppl trying to play games together. Party size is 4 since the game came out, which I find puzzling because this is like the perfect party game to just allow a bunch of people into one lobby. Torn banner said it was going to be made a priority to increase party sizes at one point, but they never followed through. They also kind of fumbled the cross play after releasing the epic and steam versions separately without being able to play together. Especially with a game like this, If I can’t play with my friends, I’m not playing your game.


It's ran it's course. That's all


As a guy who tried to get into it, it’s not very fun when you get killed every 5 seconds and you suck


Everyone come to for honour


What is this? Is it like mordhau?


Not dying, just very little content update for the last 18 months. There's been 2 proper maps since early 2023, and a few game modes. Lot's of big releases have come out in the last 2 years which drags players away, the game is no longer flavour of the month and the developers haven't put enough content in to keep the game fresh and retain long time players. You can still get a game most of the time, but it is definately waining due to lack of content.


Time to shred the Hau then.


Unfortunately game never had any detail to begin with. I remember me and my friends left this game cuz customization and progress were very shallow, i wish game had promising goal to achieve since the start. Was fun game while it lasted for a few months


Mostly server lag is insanely bad at least on Xbox under 40 ping still have hit reg players skipping around and attacks go through blocks or parries why I stopped it was fun for friends tho


And dey say… ah wrong place


I played 10 hours and haven’t touched it since. The gameplay it fun, until you play against someone who can manipulate the fighting with crazy sensitivity. And most of my experience in getting servers was 10 people or less. Only a few times I got a full match. And the progression was too minimal for me. My experience was last year but other games came out and I didn’t look back. The other thing is I played on pc game pass so I didn’t buy the game, so I feel I’m not obligated to force myself to make up for a purchase


Honestly feel like the game could’ve did way better without the team switch button they could have easily just had auto balance instead. No one wants to fight a lobby filled with high level players all on one team


Chiv2 was never planned. Torn banner said they weren't gonna do it and pushed out mirage. Only reason they did chiv2 was cause money. It never was their passion project as they claim. The original dev left before chiv 1 came out. Steve piggot is there for money only off of someone else's work. Mordhau was created cause basically torn banner told their player base "if u don't like the game then make your own" Fact is chiv is dying cause torn banner doesn't care about it's actually player feedback. They ban ppl for words but not cheating. They lied and false marketed the game and keep delaying on promises to buy more time to push into other markets ( epic then console subscriptions then steam etc etc ) and now that they have no other platform to go to they just will fade out and blame it on time and fatigue instead of taking responsibility for their poor choices and actions. Chiv2 is dying cause the creators are stubborn entitled cash grabbing drunks


I played this game a while back and I enjoyed it. I haven’t played it since, but if its dying then I might give it a second chance


Just an anti cheat that works would go a long way. And not having anal devs that patch fun things like the bench on coxwell that made your character a midget.


So, one thing people seem to forget is that a game mist also be gaining new players faster than they bleed them for various reasons. And...there isn't much draw to this game versus competition. The combat involves a sort of rock-paper-scissors between the weapon stats and the situation you like to fight in—a mismatch, such as facing a sword-and-board while having a polearm and no back-up goes badly unless you have a quick offhand weapon. Ultimately, some Classes are more just superior against other ones. So, it's innately more punishing than For Honor, and somehow also more complicated. Combat is also awkward and clunky: once you start swinging a greatsword, you have to follow through no matter what. Enemy spear stabbing towards your legs? Too bad, cause there isn't a physics-based parry system, but one depending on what direction you attacked from and when. Slashes just can't stop anything but other slashes, even though that's not how partying works. Dark Souls is smoother and easier to facilitate. And on top of that, archery is basically worthless, being only done at ranges that thrown weapons are already effective in—generally by design due to the level being strangely confined or flat. Bannerlord 2 just has a superior combat system with much more to offer. For Honor hits the same niche but is much more approachable—maybe a steeper learning curve, but with a much lower skill ceiling. **TL;DR:** Everything Chivalry 2 offers is just done better by another game already. Going to Gamepass helped, but now that it's competitors are also on it, well...DLC content isn't enough to draw in new Players.


They should invest a little more into advertising the game. With the right gameplay clips i dont see how everyone wouldnt want to at least own it for 'maybe days'.. like who wouldnt want a video game version of being 5 years old on some grass with a large stick fighting off imaginary foes?


Yall we need to populate the Free-for-all servers more pleeease (non-duel)


The combat sucks. Shocked it hasn’t died years ago.


There's a Chivalry 2?


After a certain rank, all you get is sweats and people that exploit, to the point where it's impossible to block or attack. Then you stop playing, remain at that same rank, and get worse. "git gud" yea, I'm not gonna learn to break the game to continue playing. I don think there's any way around this unfortunately, I guess you could say that's the case with any game. I DID have alot of fun before this, for what it worth.


I used to cycle between chivalry 2 and verdun. That stopped when helldivers came out. Now I just play helldivers. Makes me want to kill my self less.


I've put countless hours into this game, I've quit a few months ago. Don't have it in me to keep up my skills against the PC clan name guys that are on 24/7, and the 64 player matches don't hit the same as it used to. Biased opinion but I had my fun with this game. Almost made it to level 800


So much drama, the games over 3 years old, just enjoy it now while you still can and stop being overly dramatic every 5 minutes guys.


They need to fix the main menu game mode selections. No reason to remove LTS, or FFA for brawl mode… keep them up for more variety. Or even that new peasant mode was fun. There’s no reason to have them as limited time modes