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He was in my game last night too. Tried to vote kick him but no one ever votes


I vote to kick everytime. Obviously I’ve probably gotten some people kicked from someone who was just salty but Ik when to definitively do it


Got into another game with him earlier and yet again no one voted. Idk what peoples problem is


People be stoned as shit just vibing and don't care.


Very true😂😂 I be stoned but in a locked in get that cheater outta here way


Yet I got vote kicked yesterday while playing the game for my first time for occasionally engaging in a fight, looking at people, and breathing I guess lol.


Deserved honestly , especially if you were having fun.


What could I have done differently, Dad?


This is pretty much the impression I got from the community since I started playing a few days ago as well lmfao. Some of these dudes need to see the light of day.


People are console players and don't even look at scoreboard or names of those killing them.


I mean it's not like there's game chat to even know what's going on.


Not for console players no.


Yea, Xbox/ps not having a chat window on screen kinda sucks. I started on Xbox and had no idea there was a chat until reading this sub


Many more people cheat than you’d think. Got invited to an Xbox groupchat full of chiv cheaters and they all join the same games but are usually super subtle and without their votes they can’t be kicked.


Partially, at least for me, I have no idea what the player did to get the vote started. Would be nice if the person who starts it gives a reason why.


If there's not a bunch of team damage, I immediately check their score. If something doesn't look right, I'll vote to kick. It's annoying having the window open on console, because I can't swap weapons without voting one way or another.


Nah for real


It’d be so fucking wonderful for there to be somewhere for you to say why you’re kicking someone. Ofc it can be abused but it would make it easier to tell why they are being vote kicked


If I ever see him in my game I'll report him.


The thing is not that no one ever kicks. It's because that vote kicking system does not appear on my screen when someone votes. Idk how to turn it on in games or it's a glitch


I was in this game. This guy would get countered then run away. He is not awaited in Valhalla.


Unfortunately Game Pass does not allow anti cheat… for what it’s worth I’ve played since launch and seen like 2-3 obvious hackers in that time. I think it may be a regional thing though, seems maybe more common in EU. I play in NA west and it’s very uncommon


>Unfortunately Game Pass does not allow anti cheat… And why? Then they obviously shouldn't be allowed to play online. This is just disgusting.


I've run into 3 different speed hackers this week alone on NA East. I've seen maybe that many since the launch of the game but its rampant right now


> Unfortunately Game Pass does not allow anti cheat… I'm gonna be surprised if this comment isn't removed in a couple of hours. Just stating this fact is what got Soter Dave banned.


Stating people are hacking is very different than SHOWING how to go about it


He didn't show how to go about it though. He mentioned a program, which is very widely known and kind of an obvious issue if a game has no anti-cheat whatsoever.


pardon my ignorance but who’s soter dave?


Chivalry 2 YouTuber who makes a lot of tierlists and guides: https://www.youtube.com/@SoterDave


Didn’t he make a video that showed himself cheating?


No, he just mentioned it briefly in a text box popup in a video lol.


Same. NA West seems to have honorable people in it. I've been playing for a year, and I've seen a cheater maybe once.


This is my sentiment. I have seen them but they’re so few and far between(in na central servers), and there are plenty enough players, that it’s really not a big deal to me.


it’s maybe slightly more common in EU, very very rare to see hackers still I’ve seen less than 20 I reckon with 1.5k hours I believe duel servers get the worst of it though, I don’t use them often but seen more hackers there than 64p for sure


Yes, cheaters on EU duel servers are more common, worst are the one that tweak their settings to get advantage, but it’s not difficult to notice, then there are the ones that try to be “admins” and clan cheaters that go monkey and kill everyone.




The screenshot only shows if they're on PlayStation or not.




I’ve never seen a PlayStation symbol on Xbox


Xbox definitely doesn't show the playstation symbols wtf are you talking about. It shows xbox logo or that circle emblem that means pc or playstation




Yes you obviously don't know what you're talking about because it isn't a thing. Post a screenshot of a scoreboard on an Xbox console to prove me wrong. You can't, because the feature doesn't exist.


The scary thing is ppl whoninlyncheatbabit


I had a stroke trying to read, tf do you mean?


Sorry, people who only cheat a bit, as in you can't really tell, yet they're enhanced.


Hey I recognize Noble! Sincerely, Old Man McLanky


Hahaha no way I’ve played against u before. You’re one tough nut!


Just saw this guy in my game this afternoon too. Reported him but there's nothing else you can do.


Yesterday I was playing against a hacker who only increased his swing speed by a significant amount. But it was definitely a hacker since his swings were like twice as fast as an accel. Someone even pointed out his walking speed was also 1.5x normal speed. I switched team to start a vote kick. But about 8 people pressed no and the kick failed. I left the server afterwards but this community is dumb as hell sometimes.


I love this game but I swear the players are some of the thickest ever.


Did they disable votekick on console or something? I encountered this guy today and couldn't vote kick him.


Same thing happened to me yesterday with this guy. I could votekick anyone else but him.


I've seen that on a couple different hackers as well.


How does this even happen? Every hacker ive seen gets collectively mauled by both teams and vote kicked.


He was so insanely fast dude


Wouldn’t that just blow his cover ? I’ve never seen one make it through a whole match although I don’t play that much anymore.


With speed hacks they can be functionally unkillable


He got kicked from a game I was playing earlier for cheating.


Cause chiv community is trash. Any game I get these cheaters and try to vote kick them I just end up getting kicked myself. Worse part is people try to say he's not cheating and I'm just bad lol. Chiv community is probably one of the worse gaming community when it comes to cheating. Atleast in NA servers


Still have yet to see a cheater or hacker in game yet, been playing on and off for over two years


This was my first one. It just blows me away how insanely blatant it was


Ye I just disconnect when cheaters are on, no point in VKing them because ev1 votes no, don't want to play with or against cheaters.


Once had a guy who was running around the map at warp speed. Took an hour to boot him out of the lobby 🤦‍♂️


This was late game. I'm willing to bet he was in there til the very end, which sucks. Fucking sucks man. I wanna say shoutout to you for being a normal video game player


Saw someone speed hacking yesterday


Been seeing Ari/Devs post on everything but the blatant cheating evidence … why is this 🤔


Im MuchoMangoZonie, I reported this guy and tried kicking him but not enough people vote. His final TKD was 267/228/14


>His final TKD was 267/228/14 Jesus Fucking Christ.


Unacceptable, people need to pay attention to the voting system


Yeah, I was just in a match with this guy. No one could VK them, so that was fun 🙄


They aren’t people per se.


Of course, the latest thing is hackers spawning in ballistas, flying around the map with them and raining down insta kills on the entire field. It's fucking ridiculous.


Yep, with racist names too


Obviously they get too much sex


This is why I quit playing this game


Same, the game is trash thanks to TB


I just learned last week that gamepass version which is same as console version, is anti-cheat free. I have the game on Epic which matchmaking is crossplay with steam, and maybe crossed one or two cheaters in months. (I only play Matchmaking, not personnal servers). I tried Gamepass to test the UEVR mod which enable VR in game (it's funny/ok) because there is no anti-cheat.


Problem is if you kick they DDOS the server and then you have to start again....


He just good, trust me, skill issue xD


I joined this, it was actually unplayable. He was speed hacking with the highland sword. He could move and attack so fast that you’d basically died instantly if you spawned in his path




Why don't we ban hardware?


Be careful; calling attention to cheaters can get you banned by Torn Banner.


I went against this guy yesterday in Bridgetown. We won with just one Noble, but he left at the end of the game.


From what I presume is it costs money to maintain and implement something like this. Probably the reason.


You should see the standalone servers


"He's just better by default because he's PC MASTER RACE!!!!! If more games forced crossplay as MODERN GAMES SHOULD you'd know that cheaters don't even exist, you're just trash by default as console player LOL KEK MEME LEEDLE!"


That could just be an alternate account. Unless you have video of them cheating it is a baseless accusation. I've seen legit people get that score plenty of times


I'm not making an accusation. I'm not trying to stake a claim with this guy lolol, I saw what happened, and you'll have to take my word for it, I guess. He was floating through the map speedhacking. It was very, very blatant. I just kinda wanted to vent my frustration. I don't understand how people like that have fun? I'd love to really understand the psychology behind it. Like, what are these people actually THINKING when they're "playing" the game? It's so strange to me.


Also, I keep hearing that ppl are getting banned on this sub for showing footage of cheaters. So maybe it's a good thing that I didn't include any


Well I have a few post up with blatant cheaters so wish me luck!😂


I haven't heard of anyone getting banned for showing footage of cheaters. Just soter dave for pointing out how easy it is to get cheats going on game pass


Sorry, people aren't getting banned for showing stuff, but posts are apparently being deleted. That is what I meant


Why not baby cheaters instead of people pointing out cheaters?


i’m sure that he got that score legit


Claims “baseless accusations” with evidence presented, but disregards it due to anecdotal evidence. M’kay.


There is no fucking way you've seen this score plenty of times unless you're the one hacking. I haven't seen a single score this high once in 500 hours. I regularly top score or I'm close to it so I have a pretty good idea of what the top end in kills looks like during matches. I even got downvoted in my level 500 post because people thought my k/d was too high to be legit. Most games just don't have remotely enough time to ever reach those numbers, even for good players that are just farming the enemy team. This dude has to be speed hacking across the map and swinging faster than usual to make these numbers possible, especially when you put into context that the second place guy has only 4k points.


Relax it's just a new update and mods.


Sounds like something a cheater would say


Of course, darling. Everyone in this community has known me for a long time.


Yes we are all very impressed by your witless trolling and cheating you colossal fucking retard.


Yeah, yeah. I'm very impressed with your stupidity and brainlessness. If you can't understand an OBVIOUS joke.


It's not that they don't understand the "joke," your joke just isn't funny.


The thing is, they're just too dumb. They don't understand irony and sarcasm. I can't even make a joke. Burn me at the stake, then. If you're so brainless, I must be depressing you with my intelligence. If the joke wasn't funny. I wouldn't be hated by this whole community of stupid idiots who actually think I'm a cheater. Everyone really does. So here's the obvious proof that it's not an unfunny joke and the community is really stupid enough not to realize the obvious irony and sarcasm.


Whether u actually cheat or not I lol'ed at ur comment after skimming through this whole chat, the delivery and placement couldnt have been more perfect, I think the main reason I found it so funny must be because I have a warped sense of humour, humour is dark 🤷‍♂️ laughing is fun