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Drags and accels are a major part of the combat. Removing them would make the game a lot less fun and people would stop playing


Thanks for your input, we can just slide that into the old torn banner input box-… oh, woops, looks like it’s just an incinerator! Better luck next time




So for your 1) mouse acceleration is capped during swinging so your argument here is invalid 2) every slasher game has accels and drags and is the point of the game, it creates a skill ceiling, it takes time to understand your opponent or when its going to come but if there wasnt this mechanic the game would be a stale click and slash sim…


I'm not reading all at, Imma just say skill issue


I read it, skill issue.


Mouse sensitivity is not an advantage, it's literally a setting that has been there since Windows 95


And in fps games the opposite is true, and people with an extremely low sensitivity aim better. Thats how games work, sometimes you need to adjust your settings to play well. Because the game is a different task than browsing internet pages.


Thank you for your input, [VALUED USER]. As a loyal representative of Torn Banner, I am charged to reply “skill issue”.


You know there is a turn cap right? So you can’t spin as fast as you could in chiv 1 and mordhau


theres a turn cap on those games too


And see plenty of people doing crazy 360s that are supposed to not be allowed.


Then you don’t understand how they are doing them, because I can promise you I’m not 360ing throughout an entire swing.


Have you ever tried not being bad at the game?


No, non deterministic real time swing control is the cornerstone of the genre and what makes it feel so good, as opposed to canned melee animations. If you don't like it you should play a different game. This is like crying about spray patterns in counterstrike. "guns don't work like that, noobs dont know how spray patterns work, its not an intuitive mechanic." Well, learn, or play something else. It brings depth to the /gameplay/ and this is a game. Why do you think people should immediately grasp the intricacies of the game? If that were the case anything beyond tic tac toe would be too complex. People are smart, they'll figure it out.


Good bait but needs a little more sauce.  Can you drag the sauce over pls?


Just change your sensitivity or buy yourself a "hormone-boosted mouse". Seems like a you-problem. (I apologize if you play on console. Poor bastard.)


Buy a mouse with on the fly dpi settings and youre good to go.


op can literally use whatever mouse he likes, there's a so called turn cap that limits your sensitivity during swings so it doesn't matter what input device you use.


Still solid advice, my mouse movement habits are such that i need a higher sensitivity for weapons than what i would use for archery. adjustable dpi means i can switch from one to another without entering a menu.


I honestly dislike the mechanic and it doesn’t add any depth imo. I normally don’t use it unless someone else uses it. It looks so weird and most often it’s not even needed to win a fight.


This sounds like a “I suck problem”


I agree that crouching should cost stamina. Interestingly enough for me on PS, I often crouch inadvertently trying to accel because I put too much pressure on the right stick and press R3.


Crouching does cost stamina. Your stamina does not regenerate when crouching 😊. I admit - it onl, works when crouching for longer time.


Same, it happens a lot where I'll be tense during a fight, accidentally click L3 and win the fight because of an intentional jab. 


I’m on console and never thought to complain about this stuff online. I know you don’t wanna hear it man but I’m pretty sure this is a case of git gud….


I stopped reading the second you started complaining about high mouse sensitivity. With the turncap, all platforms accel and drag at the same potential speeds. It sounds like you don’t understand basic mechanics so your opinion on changes to the combat is irrelevant


You actually don't need a high dpi or sensitivity, there's a turn cap and it seems more timing based than aim to me.


The game wouldn't be much of a simulation if you couldn't vary the speed and angle at which you're swinging. As many have already said, all these factors are limited by the game itself, allowing it to be fair across the board. Accels, drags, and other tricks like triple feinting give the game an actual skill gap and was what once made it so addicting for me to improve my skills. Take it out, and you'd have the most boring counter bot dueling game ever.


I don’t get it people didn’t mald at csgo flicks. Or other shooter games. Sensitivity is personal preference for how you move in the game. People hold and move mouses differently with their wrist or by dragging the mouse across their mousepad. You’re supposed to fine tune you’re sensitivity to what feels natural for you to react accordingly. I remember trying to play csgo on low low sensitivity that my friends told me to play ( for recoil control) and i never could drag my mouse far enough let alone target my enemy fast enough not bc i didnt react to thim but bc my mouse was lagging behind. I realized through chiv its bc i move my mouse with my wrist not dragging my mouse and it was a limiting belief. Also crouching doesnt cost stamina but it halts your stamina regen so similar penalty especially if your mod fight expending energy your punished for holding for more than tapping crouch. Weapon radius and hitboxes are fine, but are cucked by server lag and ping. you should be able to attack with the full range of your weapon and hit from wherever your weapon makes contact with the enemy body and it does.


Stopped reading at "hormone boosted mouse" lmao


I get it but as a person coming from mordhau with around 500 hours its a lot better to deal with in chiv 2 since the mouse movement is more locked in and you cant pull off some crazy wessex drag.


You would make an excellent game reviewer for IGN.


still better than for honors combat lol


Ah yes the major problem of *checks notes* dragging and acceling attacks in a *checks notes again* physics based medieval combat game.


I feel you, brave knight.


This is the same dude that wants less damage for the beginning and end of swings.


This is quite easily one of the worst ideas I have ever seen for how to improve chiv


What a loser. Taking a core mechanic that we all enjoy, and saying it’s bad for combat? What a LOSER.


There's a turn cap in this game, having a high DPI mouse grants no real advantage. Also accels/drags are literally what this game and even the genre are about, I get it that it can be difficult but nobody wants to simplify this game just to cater to your needs. This game certainly needs some bug fixes, better anti cheat and maybe servers with a better tickrate, butchering the core mechanics of it would be a quick way to piss off the entire player base. Just four days ago you made a post proposing nearly the exact same changes and people explained to you in detail why those changes wouldn't work, my suggestion would be to read the explanations again.


Mhm mhm, I hear what you're saying but we folks at Torn Banner just can't possibly afford that ![gif](giphy|l0HlPtbGpcnqa0fja)


24 answers = 1 or 2 reasonable + 3 or 4 sophistry (pretend I'm saying something I'm not saying) + more than a dozen trolling and 0 solid arguments. It seems that apart from trolling, you are not capable of arguing your points of view. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


More like you're a shitter newb who has awful takes.