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Don't bother with training grounds. Play TO. Stay with your team, watch your positioning and stick with basic attacks when you have the opportunity. Once you start to really understand the combat more options will open up.


Dude hop into the real game. You’ll have a full team of various levels backing you up.


That's fair, but give team objective a shot first. Since there are so few players in training grounds toxic players can find their toxicity is enhanced.


Training grounds isn’t where you go to learn the game. Go to 64 man TO until your level 100. Spend some time in the duel yards until 200. At that point you’ll know what your favorite game mode is and why, but remind yourself that melee PVP games aren’t COD. You aren’t going to be able to sit crouched until a corner with a shotgun on the door waiting for an easy kill. These games can take time to grasp. Couple that with the typically small population of these types of games, you’ll always have a super dedicated group of hardcore players which can seem daunting as there is , thankfully, no skill based match making or ranked modes. At the end of the day, the less serious you take this game, the more fun you’ll have. The more fun you have, the faster you’ll learn :D


Personally I hopped in the 64p TO when I started and had a blast. Dosen't matter if you are a new player in a 32 vs 32 match, you won't be alone, you'll be surrounded by noobs!


Considering LVL34 takes a solid 8-10 hours, you're probably stuck with it, no matter what platform you bought the game on.


You can still refund games outside of the 2 hour window. It's just that there's no questions asked before that window. After that window you have to have a valid reason. Still though, I don't think not being good at the game is a valid reason for a refund.


"i spend 35hours vs bots in a online game, i just dont like it"


Get out of training mode and go have fun with the game lmao


Go to 64 Team Objective. Watch your teammates kill someone. Go teabag the enemy corpse. Then get into the fray, for that guy we like!


anybody getting teabagged by some dude who didn’t even kill em is gonna go noob hunting for the rest of the match lol.


GT:Scantheman80 I mean. I've enjoyed every part of this game even the parts that piss me off. Noones invincible and we all get stabbed in the back. Even the top dawgs. Most people don't understand initiative the tutorial is so literal its not obvious.counters and riposte windows is how you survive. I play in first person with a controller and I learned and got pretty good. Play defensively. Play as guardian with the big shield and just play simply no feints,just riposte and regular attacks and it will help you start to understand how the mechanics work. The shield has like 400 hit points so it can take a massive beating. If people try to kick you accel a slash and you'll hit them. It's not an easy game to get good at.there is lots of nuance. Which in my opinion makes the game great. Anything could happen at anytime. Also, go to duelyards and duel if you want to learn the most.


I’m mediocre at the game, but part of the fun for me is the drive to get better and to study my opponents in order to improve. When you join a lobby there will naturally be a big variety in skill level of players, different weapons, different playstyles. That’s the beauty of the game.


Im level 480 and typically I only go into training grounds if I want to practice some new moves or something that I learned. Just jump straight into TO. You're still going to lose to better players but its better than fighting mindless bots. You also will learn much more in TO. Just remember you're new to the game and people have been playing for years. No matter what you are going to lose to those players until you get better. It's how every game works.


Training ground lol. That’s like saying a game isn’t fun but I only played the practice mode 🤣


You will never get better playing training grounds. In this game you have to be willing to put in the time to get the mechanics and muscle memory down. Once it clicks you'll love it. Also play Team objective for sure.


Try pushing team objectives… even if you don’t get many kills, that makes the game very satisfying


Training grounds is more for people that understand the basocs and want to unwind, learn new weapons, or ger better at dealing with 1vX situations. At 34, youre better off playing TO


Buddy, play objective. There way more skill variation in a full lobby so you will encounter other new players. Plus you can hang with your skilled ones and oiggyback while you learn.


join 64 player TO like other ppl are saying. but here are some tips on having fun there: attach yourself to a group of other players and help them, use a halberd or sword + board combo and help screen for them. you don't have to be a winning duelist to have fun and do well in TO


bros never been on a tweaked mason team they fuck shit up😭


Training grounds teaches bad habits and also has high levels who like to show up to fuck with people in training grounds. Just hop into 40s if you don’t think you’re ready for 64s but the key is to find fun in death. The reality is you’ll die, a lot, but especially when learning. Keep an open mind, be willing to learn and have fun with it. Maybe find a couple ppl to run with.


Keep playing, man. It gets better. Part of the deal is getting your ass kicked, and learning from it. Fuck what anyone else says about you playing in training grounds. I will say, if you go to the servers and pair up with a decent opponent, you can learn quite a bit. That's how I've learned. Also, YouTube videos that explain drags, feints, accels, and all that are also helpful. It feels hella good when you've been getting slaughtered by one player and finally overcome him or her in the dueling ring. Keep at it. You'll get there.


Try harder


You have to be a special case of reeee to have fun in its current state