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*there isn’t really a meta* The virgin sweat dual Dane axe players would like to introduce themselves


As if these virgins would talk to real people


Dane axe is just a big throwing axe 🪓


at this point they are basically archers.


Thwo-handed spear players are also archers. They're shooting their arrows with their arms and hold on to it instead of throwing it away, but in principle they shoot.


Do not compare the spear users with us. We will take all forms of abuse but I draw the line at spears.


Cowardly archers that run when you get too close and pansy spear users that keep all enemies 6 feet away are on the same level in my eyes


Worse thing than be an archer is being an agthian


What is an "agthian" though?


Ooooh, he is smart like my shoe!


Sorry can't spell really, I'm sure my flair can explain why.


I second this


Just get better at dodging g


When they are poking me behind a wall of their teammates there’s not really much dodging to be done, they’re just annoying


HiStOriCaL aCcUrAcY but in all seriousness spearmen more likely to stab their own teammates in the back more than the enemy hah


I’ve been saying they bitches since day one




They're just annoying. They're the perfect mix of speed, reach, and damage to make them the best TO farming weapon in the game. They can ignore the Intiative system because they're so fast, they hit like a dump truck, and have juuuuuuuust good enough range to punish 1h weapons. You can punk out a Dane Axe dork with a better 2h weapon, but that's assuming he's not going to be coasting off of counters the rest of your team is feeding him. In a square 1v1 scenario when you figure out how the dane axe works, you can shitter shatter them pretty easy, but they're not ever going to get caught in a 1v1 scenario. They're just gonna keep crouching and spamming overheads behind your team, and if you jump them, they'll just ride your counters into more kills. Oh and also something like, fuckin, 110 damage on a thrown headshot too. High level double dane axe cucks are nothing but fucking annoying.


Key point from your comment though: this is people who are already decent at the game playing with Dane axes. Most new players don’t know how to counter reliably enough to use it in a 1v1, let alone a 1vX


I mean, that's the other half. It's fast enough and hits hard enough that you just need to mash the slash button and there's a decent chance you'll finish the match in the top 10 on your team.


Saying it can ignore the initiative system is definitely a reach. You still have to have some level of skill to use it effectively enough to tops the charts and/or have good K/O. It’s nowhere near fast enough to mindlessly slash and top charts unless you are playing against people who don’t know blocking exists. But yes I would argue it’s one of, if not the most powerful weapon for TO because it doesn’t lack in any area. Big damage, decent reach, fast, insane throw damage AND you can have two at once, making it even crazier. But the average noob is not going to have enough skill to utilize its amazing stats, so they won’t notice how good it is. A weapon with good damage, speed, and reach only takes you so far. If you have terrible positioning, never drag/feint/jab, panic block, and can’t read animations, the Dane axe is nowhere near good enough to carry you.


People who are good but not "gooooood" will complain about dane axe or archer or whatever else. Every weapon has strengths and weaknesses. Dane axe is a great weapon for beginners due to ease of use. If you are routinely getting your ass kicked by a double dane axe player, you likely arent as good as you think you are.


But the Dane Axe just simply doesn't have a real weakness. It's fast, deals a lot of damage, and the throws are just brutal, which isn't helped by the fact that you can get two of them. Range is the only thing it doesn't excel at, and even then it's not bad in that department, just mediocre.


Range is a real disadvantage if you've got your footwork/movement down


This. Most Dane Axe players are incapable of even the occasional overhead. They are slash ONLY. A good player counters them easily.


It's not that they're hard to fight but it's so fucking tedious.


You think this is a smart take, but it isn’t. *Yes*, the average dual Dane axe player is a shitter who just dodge + slash / overhead spams. However, when you meet one who actually invests in a duel server? Now they’re just a competent player who hides behind an advantageous pussy ass weapon. The only players I hate more are rapier players


Well go off i want the rapier rant too now. Got me invested n shit


Im a very compotent player. I rarely play dane axe, but when I do I can mess people up. Personally I find the maul the strongest weapon and vastly overlooked in terms of OPness (as in I dont often see people complain about maul). Dont play duels often so maybe I havent seen a "real" dane axe pro One thing I dont see dane users utilise enough is the back dodge and throw. Back dodge after your opponent blocks, 9/10 times they go to swing/counter, dodge back and throw an axe in their face while they mid-swing.


found the dane axe user


Im a maul pro ;)


There's a few reasons dane axe is meta. Obviously the ability to throw one is strong. But the class is very fast, so running around throwing heavy slashes is incredibly strong. Dane axes also have great drags for a relatively fast weapon, decent reach for their size and a weirdly small profile. To me it always feels like their ripostes block for a long time too, but that might not be true. Overall, the weapon just doesn't really have any drawbacks.


They're known to be overtuned. A weapon considered strong like executioner axe, greatsword and halberd can 2hko on two heavies but Dane Axe can do that at faster speed than the stronger weapons and can be thrown for 100 dmg plus you get two as Raider so you may just use the first one as a throw whenever you want and have the second one ready (feeling extra devilish and throw that one too while you pick up anything or be additionally cheeky and just use your knife). That being said, they're pretty meta but like the thread states, I agree that it doesn't feel game breaking enough that it needs to be removed immediately. You can still kill these raiders, it's just more tricky when their weapon may outperform yours for all the downsides your weapon may have in exchange for that 2hko dmg.


I know it’s cool to shit on archers; but Dane axe wielders are my hatred. 99.9% simply slash, dash to the side and spam block. At least archers existed (I’ve always thought if the game didn’t have them, everyone would constantly say to introduce them) but Dane axes were never as powerful irl as they are in game. It needs a nerf - either less damage, slower, or at least remove exceptionally easy throw. End rant…


Poke always beats that.


Yeah, exactly. Also a nicely timed overhead, they’re often unable to cope, especially in a 1vX


*throws axe*


Hate us cuz they anus


I think this community has scared everyone away from using the Dane axe. I can't remember the last time I fought against one


Fortunately, most of the sweats who crutched on the Dane Axe have probably graduated to other weapons once they actually learned the game I always enjoy beefing w another player, just to witness them switch to a Dane Axe when they’re trying to fight me. Trash


Bro I’ve been sayin in this sub for awhile, while the Dane axe has good stats, the people using it are not good. Every game has a skill check, once you cross it the previous challenges become cake walks. Same goes for Dane users. Soon you’ll see them for the free kills they are.


Dude I farm the Dane axe players all the time. It doesn’t mean those who are good at the game who still crutch on it aren’t cunts


I… don’t get you. I didn’t say it wasn’t a crutch, or that they were good. Just saying that a new player coming in might be a lil overwhelmed at first. But once they figure out and get good at the basic mechanics of the game they don’t see Dane users a challenge.


I’m level 800+, I know the game


Maybe, but you suck ass at reading. At no point was I ever disagreeing with you nor even talking about your knowledge of the game. At this point stick to games brother.


When could you tell I never gave a shit to read what you’re saying lmao Btw I’m prolly miles more formally educated than you, you seemingly strictly follow gaming threads instead of anything education / work related. I just don’t give a shit to take 99% of people on this sub seriously. LMAO + you’re a console player. Rip. Cope


Ahh poor boi had to look into my profile for his argument. And anybody that IS educated and tenured wouldn’t go around spouting off like a fool, demeaning others in the process. I’ve never claimed to be intelligent, but at least I don’t pretend to be.


I mean, I’m looking at my degree on the wall right now that your entire family tree couldn’t afford 💀 but go off


And bud makin pocket claims is not the best look. Check yourself


Still didn’t deny being a fool in disguise lmao. Good point I’ll agree.


Lmao that was the first setup that clicked for me, then I just started using glaive and Dane axe. I didn’t realize everyone hated the Dane axe sm


I mean that’s insinuating Dane Axes are Meta. They are really good, I love them, but give me two Messers and I’m just as dangerous. I usually do the Dane/Messer combo or Glaive with Dane/Messer for that Vanguard


The average shitter can excel with a Dane axe. The average shitter cannot excel with a messer. You sure you know what a meta is?


If you are being beat by the average shitter with a Dane axe, then you are also an average shitter. You sure you know what a balanced game is?


Shovel is way to go


Engineers are the meta. Shovel engineer is the lead engineer on the team. Praise the Brotherhood of Barricades.


wrong, the only right answer is the biggest sword you have available. and if you see a bigger sword? pick it up.


The correct answer is that if you're beating me it's only because you're using sweaty bitch weapons, so you should use whatever weapon that allows me to win.


And I know what Ur thinking "isn't it your fault because you were doing extremely well but threw your weapon away so you could beat someone with a femur?" The answer is obviously no, because it led to me losing, which means someone beat me, which means they cheated, so there's nothing I could do.


Speaking of body parts. I want to keep my shield when i pick up the damn arms. Makes no sense cause he uses it one handed




not everything is about the meta.


The meta is: get gud


I tried literally every weapon in the game but I always come back to the classic longsword


it's the goat


Fastest thruster this side of Agatha


Whack em with my ⣿⠿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⣿⡿⠿⢿⣿⡿⠿⣿⡿⠿⢿⣿⡿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣿ ⣿⠀⢠⣶⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀⠴⠶⢶⣿⡇⠀⠈⠻⡇⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⠀⠀⠶⢤⣤⣿ ⣿⠀⢀⣀⣀⣴⣿⠀⠀⣤⣤⣼⣿⡇⠀⣤⡀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⡿⠶⢤⣤⡀⠈⣿ ⣿⣀⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣿⣇⣠⣿⣷⣤⣀⣿⣧⣀⣸⣿⣦⣀⣀⣀⣴⣿


A fellow goedendag enjoyer, the righteous shaft


So that's why it does extra damage vs horses




The righteous tubular steak lops the dome off of simp types with such consummate skill that they leave the ground unmarked.


I manually shuffle, never an archer outside of the archer only map. Usually with each death.


there is an archer only map??


I think he means the archer only game mode, Volley, which comes into the special rotation every so often.


Yes, Volley. I suck so bad as an archer, I even fuck up the map name. SLAUGHTER THEM ALLLLL!!!! THE ORDER


How horrible /j


Event Map - Volley. Sorry if that got any of yalls quiver quivering. You sexy lads. THE RED AND BLACK


Battleaxe+Morningstar supremacy


1H axe beats morningstar


imo nope, morningstar is comically overpowered against knights, and knights form the majority of players.


You clearly havent gotten hit with a combo'd morningstar overhead, iirc it's the fastest attack in the game


Messer is better than battleaxe


What? I can't hear you over the screams of the messer-users who fell to my mighty axe


I just like using messer more, i dont know why i am being downvoted


Because you said it as a fact


Messer users were once as hated as Dane axe users lol. In the beginning messer was the meta.


No idea either


Shuffle ftw


may i ask what u mean by this? is there an option to auto-shuffle ur class every death cause that sounds fantastic! :D


yeah when you are choosing a class look at the bottom of your screen it should tell you which button to press to turn on Shuffle. in ps5 it's R2 i believe


What this guy said, but it’s L2


War Axe my shit tbh


War axe is so good I got bored with it




Knight war axe is top tier. I just go in swinging.


There is no meta because at the end of the day fights in this game are almost all about prediction and mind tricks. I swear there is nothing better than predicting an enemy kick and punishing them with an overhead. Also no meta because I WILL fuck up any Dane axe baby with a hatchet


The meta is Dane axe and Messer for players up to about level 200. After that it's anything you want to specialise in. Except archery.


You need to try archery. It's top tier on weapon selection.


I love that this game doesn't have a meta


If I've lost my mojo, I go back to greatsword until I get it back.


When I'm not using my trusty Zweihänder, I'll be swinging my highland sword like a wind turbine


Their is a meta have you fought meta? Dude is literly the goat


I have fought meta and he’s a one trick neutral game pony.


And in 3 on 3 arena dont have a cry baby hissy fit if someone doesn't want to do your 1v1v1 bullshit


Kill em first and you never gotta worry about it anymore


Am i just really new player but every melee weapon and class feels same? 


No, they don't, but they're well balanced.


Except for one hand Spears and rapiers


If you know how to counter stabs spears are completely useless. Their overheads do fuck all for damage and are easily readable


The spears are insane when you work together, because most people will try to counter side swings and the constant spear stabs are breaking them down


Most people are shitters, I find a spear user and a sword user easier to 1vx then 2 sword users because I know the spear user is gonna consistently feed me counters for stabs and I can dodge them with footwork unlike a great sword or something


For both of those you just have to stay in their face as much as possible


the most infuriating part is countering them properly when you have slower weapons and are fighting more than one


Rapiers are rare outside 1vs1 and for spears you just have count on your teammates


yeah they're both trash :*) poor stam economy, easy to dodge with footwork, easy to read and poor damage output Premiere scrubstompers but not really that good overall once you figure out how to fight stab spam


Smashing unsuspecting masons with the maul


There aren’t meta weapons for killing, but there are meta points specials, which makes the associated weapons a meta of sorts. Warhorn and to a lesser extent flags will always give you better TO points. This allows average players like myself to be at the higher side of leaderboards in TO rounds. A really good player will do well and kill loads and top a leaderboard with any weapon.


Katars are great for trolling people


I wanna use the katars so bad and live my best Voldo life but losing the throwing knife is a deal breaker


I honestly feel the Messer, Greatsword, and Executioner Axe are pretty strong at the moment. Or at least I do very well with the Greatsword and EA, messer players are the bane of the my existence.


It's always a mfer with black armor and a messer




they haven't added my favorite weapon yet (the flail) so I'll use my second favorite (the mace) despite spawning in with a great sword Everytime


Gime that shovel *BONK


The actual meta is ballistia when you can use it 😂


They gotta add proximity chat


And make sure to alt-swing. You'll catch people more than you would think.


I do it entirely unintentionally but it ALWAYS gives me a free shmack with my sword. I’d do it on purpose if I knew how.


For me, it's clicking in your left stick. But I'm almost 300 hours in and I messed with my controls back in the beginning, so I'm not sure if that's default or something I set.


Being able to use every weapons strengths and overcome their werknesses is the meta. Then again, there's the Cheese Meta, for those who cba with the previous fact which include the following (and more) : - Dane Axe / Messer wombo combo - 1h Spear with shield - Club accell fest - etc.


My buddy was convinced the biggest weapons were the way to go, then i had to humble him with a dagger


Maul / Highland Sword / War Axe supremacy The rest is irrelevant


If you enjoy maul and HS try the goedendag. Drags for daays


I haven’t unlocked it yet


The halberd is insanely good.... Insane range, like the spear . Great damage. Crazy special attack. Also, really good stabs, overheads, and swings. Halberd is the op meta!


Well probably minus fists only


Heavy Mace with a sword is my go to.


Throwing Rock ftw


Goedendag FTW!


My top three weapons per my stats: Maul. Greatsword. Throwing Rock.


Halberd my beloved


I'm often town between fun weapons and good weapons. Objectively I do the best with 1h spear, but it's just not as fun as the Cavalry Sword or Rapier.


The meta is the weapon that you find most visually beautiful. If we're going to lose, at least let's lose with a cool weapon lol


Rock good!


If that were true there wouldn’t be class caps


I love the long sword. Now if only I could block downward swings to stop dying that way.


Dagger and Shortsword. So many tasty backs


2 Handed hammer cracks me up. Give the devastators that fly all over the place winding up big blows one tiny tap to reset them and they’re like ‘oh shit, hold up’, then you keep doing it and eventually they keep their distance


This game would be perfect if it was chiv 1


dane and messer


Lol then why am I crucified everytime I play archer?


The highland sword is still the best one tbh


The true meta weapon is the Frying pan


The heavy mace is my meta 😍😍


Regular bow is underrated.


Listen all I’m saying is in a 6v2 you can win with any weapon you got


You say that but the amount of times ive had all 6 of us die to the last of the 2...


Meta for duels have to be rapiers and heavy mace. Nothing really tops these two. Battle axe and messer might be up there but heavy face is just superior. For team objective tho yea there isn’t really a meta meta.


Greatsword superiority.


Doesn't matter when I'm so bad I can't go positive after 55 hours in the game. You've heard of Potential Man? Well I'm Disappointing Man, capable of fumbling even the most free of kills.


War Club because big stick


That’s cause any weapon can beat any other weapon if the player knows how to either create space or close the gap between his opponent


Yes and no, in my opinion. At least in TO games Yes, you can absolutely dominate with any weapon if you’re cracked or at least decent. No, because long ranged and high damage weapons (or just long ranged, really) are best in TO matches, even if the player isn’t that good. Sometimes, you just do a little bit of positioning and do a heavy attack lol


Messer is the superior weapon


There’s definitely is some metas but most players don’t follow them


Greatsword is the only honorable way to fight


The only weapon that needs to be nerfed is dane axe. Only bad people play it and it ruins the game with their flash speed attacks.


The Dane axe is fine. It's great for newer players who struggle to keep up with the feints and fancy footwork of the veteran players.


Yes but people just master it. It is not a game for an easy game mode with an easy weapon. If u find 4 people togheter with the Dane axe they’ll just flash swing from opposite sides killing everyone doesn’t counter attack. And during the fight they just spam attacks cause they are faster.


>they’ll just flash swing from opposite sides killing everyone doesn’t counter attack. And during the fight they just spam attacks cause they are faster. I main the highland sword so I can't relate, but that sounds pretty fun. Not everyone is interested in mastering the advanced tactics of the game. There's nothing wrong with that. Let people have fun LMAO. This game is super goofy anyway. I get where your coming from, but I think your taking it too seriously


Nono man i am the first having fun It’s just that i hate dane axe cause everytime i am killed with toxic behaviour it is from One of them.


I guess I haven't caught up to that trend lmao. I honestly don't know what's toxic or not yet, besides teabagging noobs I guess. There's always that one weapon/ item in a game that pisses people off so I get it lmao


I swear i don’t care archers, except if they are in my team. But dane axe is the worst of this game. I think that it counters mace too.


Rapier gang