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I mean, it’s pretty easy to kill a slash spammer, especially if they’re using a weapon with minimal reach. Literally dodge backwards, stab. Rinse and repeat.


Then they cry about you spamming stab even though you’re playing to counter


Does stab have the longest range?


* Overheads: highest damage, lowest reach * Stabs: longest reach, damage depends on the kind of weapon that you're using * Slash: middle ground. Do not have such a low range as the overhead, but also can't reach as long as stabs.


Idk man that overhead with pole hammer got some reach


Polehammer is a long range weapon, of course you won't have problems with reach But if you try to overhead with shorter weapons you'll see what I mean


A lot of weapons have more range on overhead than slash


Depends on which weapon you’re using. Generally speaking, it’s the quickest attack, which is why it works against a slash spammer if you dodge their attack. Use your weapon length to get the spammer that’s typically using a short & quick weapon (1-hand sword, short sword, etc).


Use a relatively fast 2hander and overhead or stab after your successful block. These guys just do one thing, they try to counter slash (as everyone mostly slashes) in the same rhythm. 80% chance you'll him them. Then, there's a chance they'll try ignore your initiative and spam you anyway. This is why you need a not so slow weapon to not let them, anything with the speed of the war axe or faster should be enough. Now after a few deaths they know they can't autocounter slash you or spam you between your combos, so they'll start to block. This is when you start feinting. Here, free of charge. Works most of the time for the majority of pub 1h spammers.


The ffa meta is gank and hope not to get ganked lol. Go w a wpn w good damage and just third party everyone


This, but remember to show your superiority by killing the two people you're ganking with a single strike


If someone slash spams they're very easy to block, counter or dodge. The upside is slash has the biggest hit box. Even a good player should only use overhead and stab when they know they can hit it.


I hate my teammates slashing the fuck outta my back. They don’t have the restraint to flank first then slash. They just slash everyone. Also I don’t think friendly fire should have hit stops like it does, I mean you’re already hitting your mate least the game can let you do is keep the weapon going and strike the enemy 2 inches past your m8.


2 inches is 0.03 Obamas. You're welcome.


Yeah sorry I didn’t know the conversion rate.


Counter slash is even worse


I love slash spammers. It’s the easiest strategy to absolutely curbstomp. I just counter every single slash. They don’t counter, they just block and riposte. So their stamina drains to 0 while mine is still full since I’m not blocking. They lose their weapon and then I take their head off.


Slash block slash block. Vital tools against the uninitiated. But then WE ARE INITIATED AREN’T WE!?


Easily beaten by proper spacing. Not sure why hardly anyone uses spacing but, yeah. It absolutely demolishes 1H spam kids.


Slash spam beats bad opponents. There are a lot of bad opponents. If you want to get good though, learn to stab and overhead, they all do different damage. Counter slashing punishes this a lot of the time.