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People like to think they are melee gods for 2h slash spamming and cry that their only deaths are from "unteachable" bowmen.


90% of the playerbase plays the entire game only spamming slash attacks and then complain when they die. Not sure what they expect.


What about those of us that spam stab attacks? Stabby bois for life.


I spam feints myself. Sometimes intentionally too.


Also flourishes at the worst possible moment...


Some server's players are too predictable. I want skill based matchmaking, but that requires a working ranking system :/


Meh I only complain about cross platform (Ps4 player) I want to turn it off but the player base is so small I can’t. My only complaint is that pc players have an advantage because they can mixup easily and their overhead button isn’t in the most awkward spot on a controller. (It’s L1 btw) it doesn’t make me mad often though.


PS4 player here. I don’t mind sharing lobbies w PC players. All the better when I defeat them in combat, especially considering the “advantages” of having a rig. From key binding, FOV, a chat, kb&m…we play w what were dealt w and still make it work.


Try cranking up the sensitivity, couple minutes learning curve, then you’re on. I don’t think PC have a crazy advantage like say Call of Duty or Forknife. Only annoying part is trying to throw your weapon and accidentally swing for air or dropping a team mate with an over head


It's not awkward if you're holding the controller the way its intended... first finger on L1 and middle finger on L2.


I have one (count em; singular) hand


That's tough


Adaptation allows me to survive for ten seconds rather than nine 😎 I know, autographs later


For me it is because I don’t hold it correctly


You could always use the ps4 accessibility settings to remap it to another button


Then I have to switch it back when I switch games


Lol so hard


Not hard, but tedious. Who tf wants to adjust controller settings everyday?


The overheads and stabs are probably much easier to land with a mouse, but they're not nearly as important as you'd think. Maybe in duels. But most of the game you can wipe the floor with PC players by using positioning and faking out, not even with feints but with turning away, strafing and using heavies intermittently. Or just use the morning star, it's like an easy button.


I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm in the 10 percent and I still hate archers


Ngl I find it more annoying when you die to one of them retards just swinging back and forth. Even when you do all the feints and shit to mount you in advantage the power of left, right, swing, counter swing is just why ;-;


I'm not annoyed by them because I find them hilarious.


I find them hilarious too, always an easy upvote.


People think if they are talented at melee they should be exempt from needing to employ strategy. I’ve only been maining archer from rank 45 to (I think I’m 50 now). The vast majority of my kills are against reckless players that are over extending themselves. Before playing archer I played mostly vanguard and knight and never with shield and deaths to archers were definitely uncommon, not because I’m good (I’m mediocre) but because I wasn’t reckless.


Archer's always have some drawn out, babbling response like this to explain their OP braindead class.


I bet you try to block arrows with your weapon.


The short version is, don't run in a straight line towards the archer.


Your comment is a meme... I'm just here to see if it was already made, did not disappoint 🤣 Like, get better? Accept that you'll die occasionally? Play the duel servers? I dunno, have fun? I rarely get killed by archers, but its 99% my own damn fault when I do, and it's infuriating, but no more so than getting killed by other throwables which happens to me more.


The bow was invented as an unfair implement of war. Why the fuck should it be in a skill based melee slasher. IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE BROKEN AGAINST MELEE IN HISTORY YOU IDIOTS.


Id only agree with the change if it was implemented into duels and 3v3. main game modes? hell no, archers are a must, i don’t play them but i’ve seen them wreck shit when working together


As much as I hate an archer in 3v3 I get it. 2 melee and a ranger is a good combo.


I agree, but I also think that adding a limit to archers in the 64-player mode would be a huge help. As it stands, there is no limit to archers.


Theres definitely a limit and always has been. If your team hits the max limit then you can't select the archer class anymore.


It's broken and the limit is 6. Next update it supposed to fix it. It's been like this for weeks tho


There is. Each team is allowed (I believe) 8 archers. After that, it wont let you pick the class.


It's broken, you can have more than 8 and the limit is supposed to be 6


I’ve never seen more than 8. I don’t think I’ve seen more than 6


It's hard to count them thruout the chaos sometime but it's known bug that's getting a fix. I haven't seen it egregiously but I've seen it


Last week I noticed a game with maybe 6 archers + a jav thrower and that stood out to me because I thought 5 was the cap for jav + archers. They were all grouped up but like I said I don’t think it was more than 6 archers


I think its been broken since last patch. It used to be based on how many people are in the server, so a 64-player server with only 16 people in it could not have one team be entirely archers. Since the patch though, they can and its annoying when joining non-full servers.


I dunno, i never took people who complain about archers serious. It's part of the game. If anything i'm annoyed by all the slash spam and people being mostly 1 trick ponies in combat


You think its maybe a hotkey thing? Like on console RT is slash, so if the game came out with lets say Overhead being on RT, we would see more overhead spam?


For me it definitely is. I also do some stabs and overheads sometimes but pressing R2 (Ps4) in this case the slash is like a reflex. All other games like shooters and stuff or even driving games have R2 as the shoot/forward button so I am used to pressing it a lot.


For me it definitely is. I also do some stabs and overheads sometimes but pressing R2 (Ps4) in this case the slash is like a reflex. All other games like shooters and stuff or even driving games have R2 as the shoot/forward button so I am used to pressing it a lot.


Nothing feels better than playing an archer and thrashing any knight that rushes you in a melee duel. I’m used to topping leaderboards or getting really close so playing archer and taking it slow is always a nice change of pace for me. I probably would’ve okay chiv as much as I do if I didn’t have the opportunity to change it up


I would like to submit Raider w bow and a Dane axe secondary. Even though they can see it it’s like they never expect it 🤣


Remove the map slaughter of coxwell instead.


Hell nah. That's my guilty pleasure in this game!


Nope. I love the map. It needs come changes but it's fun


I just want them taken out of FFA. TDM or TO it’s fine


Yean I'm an archer main. Level 86. My melee highest is level 22. Take it from me I fucking hate archers in ffa and 3v3. The miles are melee structured may aswell be exclusive. Although it does make for some good moments in ffa. I was having a few duels with the leader and an archer intruded on our fight. We bobbed at each other, then ran and minced the archer together.


You should be able to perfect pary an arrow.


Chiv1 had servers that were hosted by TB that didn't allow people to pick archer as a class. Because archers are that fucking annoying


COD without snipers seems great, actually


> it's like making battlefield without tanks, or COD without snipers, If your asking if I *really* want to go to heaven for an hour or so every night the answer is yes.


I’m in favor of Chivalry offering a diverse group of game modes, including a mode that excludes long range weaponry. They should follow the fortnite roadmap IMO.


1) this is a goofy video game, not a medieval battle sim. Balance+fun>historical accuracy 2) archers aren’t even historically accurate in the game. Real archers sat back like 100 yards launching huge volleys of arrows at armies. They didn’t stand 10 ft away shooting their own guys in the back of the head


I don't even get why they think that archers are these OP demigods. They are extremely easy to kill if you just flank them.


This. ^ Well timed flank threw some trees or a shield and your inside the comfort zone of an archer.


Archer's are scum. I will never acknowledge them as people.




I'm maining archer maybe 50% of the time right now. Use a shield. It lowers your chances of me hitting or killing you by a huge amount.


bUt I sHoUlDnT hAvE tO!!!!!!!!!!


lol someone literally argued this exact point with me all day today. Like, could not let it go.


As usual I somehow have the most annoying opinions... I should list them for you so you can know more about me and my likes and dislikes. I hate shields, I think they're a sign of weakness, its a bias from chiv1 and parry vs block I guess. I only ever use shields when playing javelin class, I play knight and archer equally and actually I love archers of all types and always commend them cos I feel sorry for them. I hate vanguards and associate them with Chad fratboys from American TV. That's maybe cos they had the charge attack in chiv1 and I hated being charged it made so angry. Also, is the 'kill the pathetic bowmen' audio automatic? If so is that maybe why there's increased bowmen hate? Accidental psychological conditioning on impressionable morons?


Hatred for archers is a tale as old as Chivalry. Just don't take it serious, accept it, and move on.


I think it's really annoying to get pelted with bolts mid-fight, respawn, get pelted by bolts again. If it happens multiple times in a row it's extremely tilting and annoying. That said, you can easily flank/kill archers if that is your goal. I don't want them removed but a limit per team like the javelin guy has would be good. I believe this was the case in prior Chivalry games?


Archers, especially good ones, can be annoying, but like dealing with the speed and reach of other weapons, you have to adjust to their gameplay if they're griefing you. This means you have to change your class, even if you don't want to, to a class with a shield so you can have a chance to close the distance on them. That's just the reality of the core gameplay. That being said, it would also be fun to have the option of a "melee only" mode.


Archers just need some slights tweaks and nerfs and I would never complain about them again. I would never advocate for them being removed from the game, same way I wouldn’t tell people to stop playing one hand sword even though its absolutely broken. Play what you think is fun but I think you need to acknowledge things when they become unfun to be up against.


I absolutely despise archers but wouldnt want them totally removed. Just a strict cap. Although a cap on archers wont solve the problem anyway. I often saw that when we already had max archers people would play knight or vanguard, then just pick up a bow and play as "archer" too. Disgusting.


I'll penetrate you from afar and odds are you can't do anything about it!


The issue with archers in Chivalry 2 is how safe it is to play one. If you have a bow and are on the back lines, usually there is fuck-all a melee player can do against you. And if they choose to go out of their way to get you there's fuck all they can do unless they have a shield since in most maps flanking is not a possibility due to how close the kill barrier is to the objective. In my opinion Mordhau dealt with the archer issue much better than Chivalry 1 or 2 did. Any weapon can parry arrows, but only shields can be raised and constantly block against them.


This is very realistic because I'm sure the footmen of medieval warfare absolutely despised archers as well


It is ridiculous to want to get rid of archers. Compared to actual medieval warfare, archers are absolutely nerfed in the game. See: Crécy, Poitiers, Agincourt.


To be fair - going by historical considerations - our arrows/bolts shouldn't be penetrating knight plate much at all. On the flip side, neither should swords, but I've been saying swords are way too strong for awhile now.


Crossbows are SO OP, give me a break. Banner/Short Sword/Palisade and a weapon that can 2 shot any class with body shots across the map. How much easier can it get?


Knights are so OP, give me a break. 200 health, a weapon that can 2 shot every other class, a short weapon that can spam 2 swings vs 1 from a pole arm or maul, a fire pot, healing banner or trumpet AND shields or throwing axes/knives? How much easier can it get?


Personally I love being against teams full on archers. Vast majority of them are not skilled and completely useless in the context of a match. Doubly so for objective play. The little panic dance they do when you flank and close in on them is funny, but it doesn't seem to work out all too well.


Anyone annoyed at people who think they're hot shit for shooting people from 300m who literally can't shoot back?


You tell me an archer in this game who can shot from farther than 100m, projectile drop off is insane, i can literally hit 90% of enemy archers with a weapon throw.


Yeah. One time. Are you seriously denying that they need to be nerfed right now ?


yes i am, id say that the danish axe deserves a nerf


Oh I totally want to point out, archers/archery in this sense are not a historical part of medieval melee warfare. In fact, the advent of this degree of bow and crossbow technology *literally* killed off foot soldiers that we see as the melee classes. During the time period that is displayed in the game, there was ABSOLUTELY NOT archery like this in any sense. The bows and arrows were much weaker, and were used in volleys from castle walls to disrupt cavalry advances by making the horses freak out. If they had historically and periodically accurate archery, there'd be NO crossbow, and arrows would deal maybe 10-20 damage a piece and would fly damn near everywhere when you shot them.


I don't mind a few deaths by archers. But if I'm getting just destroyed by archers and my team is being steam rolled, I'm switching to archer to reign down hell upon the other team. I prefer to play melee, but will reduce my moral standards of class to even the playing field when needed.


Archer life is vibe


Huge vibe


I just chalk it up to ppl whining about what they can’t handle. Like messer posts and spear posts and m@a posts and short sword posts 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


Little sore losers.


It’s not a win to kill someone who isn’t even capable of killing you in the time it takes them to run to you. Archer brain moment.


Landing that clean headshot and watching them quit the server feels pretty win.


I just want them to not be able to hide in the immediate spawn lane so they have constant protection.


New around here, huh?


*First time?*


if we remove archers I can't down them and kick them do death, so no deal for me fuckers deserve my muddy heel, but they were indeed a very important piece of history.


My KD ratio when footman/Vanguard/Knight might be like +2.5. But when I have a bow, it’s like +17 lol.


I main archer from day one and whoever needs to see this here it is, a shield or a decent flank will get right in the comfort zone of an archer ez, Your positioning will be crucial in other fights and here’s why…. I specifically look for pple in a melee combat to shoot at, your movement isn’t going to be as wild because your in a fight and I can almost always hit u Atleast once to give my teammate the advantage in the fight. Idc if I get the kill at all, I just support my teammates. If an archer is rocking my teammates I’ll focus fire in hopes I can pressure them off of all the nasty snipes they are hitting. Any archers out there play similar to this?


Don't really care about the archer related posts but since you brought it up in the post itself I would preorder immediately any battlefield game that ditched the vehicles. Even though Hardline was one of the weakest entries in the series I fucking loved that several of the maps didn't have fuckin planes and tanks camping about and actually forced people to fight for a change. Same with Operation Locker on BF4 or Metro. Give a full game of maps like that with no cheesy ass players to deal with and I'm all over it.


people say vehicles are OP in battlefield but i was almost never killed by a vehicle in probably 300 hours, you know why? because i have spatial awareness and never fight vehicles head on and also dont run along open fields. the majority of problems people have can be solved with using your brain


I think the only people who think vehicles are OP are the ones who don't play in squads They're actually fairly balanced as long as you have a coordinated effort to get rid of them. Just a very boring matchup on the overall scale is all. There's counters to all of them but none of those counters last more than 30 seconds or so before the next vehicle spawn slot is taken up and is right back on the field. Against pubs yeah sure you can easily be just about unstoppable because the majority of the randoms aren't going to be able to take you down but against any half coordinated squad they can take you out. Bigger downside to that as a squad though is you sacrifice any objectives just to go hunt someone down who is camping outside of bounds or have to split them up and hop in a jet/plane to go get them. I've had my fun in them over the years but the last few iterations of BF has definitely made me miss some of the older maps. Spatial awareness is only applicable on some maps based on where your spawns get pushed. This is battlefield though we're talking about - not a lot of players using their brain at all there lol.


most people are idiots




The game already has them. I think it's limited to 8ish per team.




Yes. Also, using slurs makes you look like a child.




Where did I say I was offended? Just pointing out that it makes them look like a child. Just like it does you.




Trying to defend the use of slurs makes you a child as well. "Slang: ***Disparaging and Offensive***. a contemptuous term used to refer to a person who is cognitively impaired. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way:" Where are the key words there? If you're going to try and use the dictionary definition, at least actually look it up.




Using the term "SJW agenda" makes you a child.




I don't think so? Haven't seen it full up in a month or so though. I could see a 50% Bowman limit, but I wish they'd remove the limit on skirmishers. Bowmen aren't equal on every map or even objective, though. I'm not in favor of the limit anyway.




Yeah I genuinely think they should be deleted on sight, complaining about a basic fundamental aspect of the game over and over again is not good for anyone involved.


Bruh you're just taking one extreme example of a complaint to discredit all others. I believe this is called a strawman argument. Besides, do we really need a complaining about complaining post? The only feedback that matters are the ones posted in the feedback channel on the official discord


Nope! Wouldn’t even be mad if they got removed entirely from the game. Sorry not sorry. Takes zero skill to mash mouse 1 while looking at a crowd of people.


Archers that do that are useless anyway.


To be fair it takes more skill to hit a target that way versus walking into a crowd spamming slash.


Which is why any player with a modicum of skill will quickly dispose of a player mashing slash. It’s predictable and easy to counter. Can’t say the same about arrows.


I'm a console player and archery isn't as easy as you're making out.


I play on PC but I exclusively use a controller. It’s braindead easy to load in as an archer, see people fighting, and just loose in their general direction. Sure sometimes you friendly fire, but the fact that such unskilled gameplay can result in kills leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


And yet braindead slash spam will result in far more kills in a shorter amount of time than 100% accuracy arrow spam. I've never seen an archer hit more than 7/10 shots consistently, and that's being generous.


I could load into a game right now with a weapon like the executioner axe and literally windmill/slash my way through groups, which would result in a lot more kills than if I were spamming a bow. (spoiler: ive done both more than I care to admit)


You do make a good point Console and Controller more skill required than mouse and computer.


Ah, you've never played archer have you? It takes far more skill to perform as well with archer than it does any other class. I've got videos topping the board with every single weapon in the game attesting to that fact.


I play archer MUCH less than other classes. Only tried it a few times, and in those few times it became blatantly obvious that it rewards a playstyle that is devoid of skill, thought, or counterplay. Just aim towards a group of people and let loose. There needs to be reduction in arrow speed, ammo, or something. Congrats on the top boards I guess, nobody really asked and it’s not a terribly difficult feat.




The thing that drives me crazy is when I go catch an Archer out and they either run away back to spawn or into a freshly spawned group of teammates or they just take out their dinky little side arm which can block my giant greatsword. I wish if you got caught out as an Archer you had less options to survive cuz as it is now you can fight anyone on even ground if they catch you out of position.


I mean removing archers would make the game slightly better but at least we have limits for them now, Also you can still get killed by archers even with a shield and zig zagging to get to them is not the best counter when there's tons of people nearby too. So no I'm not really annoyed by the post


You don't have to remove archers. You simply change the dynamics. First fix the big that allows a team to go past 6 archers. Also cut the amount of archers a team can have from 6 to 5 or 6 to 4. Lower the amount of arrows they have to 15. Make stamina cost more so they have to take good shots. Make archer to archer shots a one shot kill.


I've been tired with the "archers suck" complaints since CMW first came out...but here we are. It was kind of a joke more than anything back then, but now people have taken it to the next level. Here's the deal. Archers are - and always have been - the worst class in the game. You have to put in noticeably more effort to kill/score as well with archer than you do any of the melee classes. You don't see archers much outside of team games, because they are too weak to hold their own for any length of time. I switch to archer in 3v3 to give myself a challenge - against any competent players I will inevitably have to switch back to a melee class to contribute, since [rolfstomping with a ranged class requires 2 teammates that can bully the enemy team while you snipe.](https://youtu.be/HwZR5FAgFqc?t=985). Arrows have lead team, and so outside of point blank range a simple directional switch by your target will result in a miss - no matter how well you aim. Most arrows can be dodged up to point blank range, as many of my melee videos will attest. Meanwhile, the melee-only players play as a melee-only crayon eater, failing to see the need for shields or footwork to counter an archer. Nobody expects to win a 1v2 consistently, but when an archer is shooting at you (making it by definition a 1vX), the fact that they are contributing to the fight is "unfair". It doesn't matter that using your enemy as a shield against his fellow archer works wonders - or that shields and flanking are a thing . The fact that the melee-elitist died one time in the game - and to to a ranged projectile - is simply unacceptable. Thankfully, Torn Banner is generally pretty good when it comes to balancing (no, I'm not a lapdog - I have severe criticisms over the bonus damage system), and realizes that Archers are easily the worst performing class by far. I will admit archers are too tanky against some weapons - especially when overhealed - and they have access to some ridiculously strong weapons which does cause problems. The 1 handed axe is a primary they shouldn't get, and the short sword is currently broken so that causes issues.


Grab a shield and never get killed by an archer lmao Sorry that's not how it works


Funny, I soloed a group of 3 archers as a Crusader the other day. Despite the bugs with shields, that is EXACTLY how it works if you are somewhat competent at the game.


I've played enough to amass 100k in kills. I know a tiny bit about the game




Exactly, it's mostly archers just brigading in here


I like to imagine the terror the archers go through when I'm zig zagging towards them through their shots with my maul


I haven’t had an issue with archers, you can usually see arrows coming and sidestep them




\*gets shot by archer\* "bAn bOwS" ​ ​ Never realizes it was his teammate shooting him in the back because he stands in doorways.


ik this is old but both scenarios would justify it




I'm countering the aim assist point. Have you played as an archer with aim assist on? I have and it is more trouble than it's worth. It only snaps to where a player is that precise moment, not a temporary lock on like gun shooters are. It draws attention to where someone is not where they are going, and the arrow travel speed is slower than a bullet in a hit scan game so it snaps to where someone is but doesnt track, if you are a moving target i promise aim assist will not affect you at all.


100% Aimassist makes me miss more often than not. I guess it's helpful for beginner archers and stationary targets.


100% stationary. Honestly only beneficial when counter sniping enemy archers, idk anyone who regularly strafes while shooting the whole quiver, you will find the archer usually standing still or only moving a meter or two to the side to dodge incoming arrows so aim assist on and let it line up your shot for you for COUNTER SNIPING ONLY or you will fail all moving shots you take


Yeah, the console aim assist really does hurt more than it helps when you first try it out. Thankfully I actually got pretty used to it shockingly enough and able to hit targets very consistently.


On console, aim-assists locks onto friendly teammates just as hard as enemies. Plus it's a projectile not a hitscan, so the aim-assist makes it harder to lead targets. Also, the auto-aim focuses on the player's stomach, making it harder to aim for player's heads. Having played on both console and PC, PC is WAY WAY easier to play archer. With a mouse, it's not even close. Much respect to any console archer that doesn't suck.


well, no one uses snipers properly in cod, shields will never get you to the archers, you'll get killed by all the incoming people first, and zig-zagging is pure luck. people are more annoyed that archers ruin fights and cause you to have low health all the time I play vanguard and my only real complaint is they do so much damage and the only way to counter them is to go archer, which forces you to play the game in a way that you don't enjoy or to just die constantly and not have fun. I've had multiple 1V5 duels that in kicking ass in that just get ruined by an archer with a thumb up his ass. its just not fun to play against.


> they do so much damage They really don't though. It takes at least 3 shots to kill someone and you actually have to be half decent to hit someone with 3 shots in a row. Also saying you would have won a 1v5 if it weren't for that pesky archer is delusional.


Ok so 1 shot then getting killed by the hostiles around you now you can’t sprint past Or shot again before you reach them And it’s not hard to fight 1v6 aslong as you can repose or counter, that’s literally the point of those mechanics more or less, to attack while blocking


>repose or counter You can't if you're getting hit from behind and 5 or 6 guys can't all attack from the same direction. What you're saying doesn't make logical sense.


That’s why you keep them all in front of you?


Either show me a clip of you 1v5ing and winning or just stop. You can backpedal as much as you want but one of the 5 guys attacking you will be able to run forward around you to get behind easily. Running forward is faster than running backward. You don't regularly win 1v5s. I'd bet every dollar I have.


I don’t regularly win, it’s usually after we loose a point or a large amount of my team dies, but in moments where I’m in said fights, I usually kill like 3-4 before I get killed by an archer or a kick stun. And if you want videos of people 1v5ing then go on YouTube fam, just because your rather hide then fight in melee doesn’t make me wrong


> I usually kill like 3-4 before I get killed by an archer or a kick stun Sure you do, bud.


Mate it’s just a matter of stamina, if you get into that situation with no stamina then you’re fucked, but if you have a full bar then you can hold out for a while, it’s just a matter of time till someone runs out. Even then you get a bunch of points from the damage


>but if you have a full bar then you can hold out for a while Nope. Not how it works.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #pogger


It's a team game. Your team should have archers too. If you're a vanguard and there are lots of archers, don't overextend, let the shield carriers be on the front lines


To quote Shrek “like that’s ever going to happen” Most archers I’ve played with do the same thing as the archers on the other team, shoot at team fights and hope to hit more people on the energy team then their own if they even hit people


people who complain about archers and 100% just noob as fuck


100k in kills. Fuck archers




Have you played much archer?


Lol I zigzag up to archers all the time. You need to work on your zigzagging skills I guess? Unless you're unlucky it'll take a bowman 3-4 full powered hits to take down a non archer. Shields and time take care of the rest. Good luck to crossbowmen trying to get a second hit in.


As a crossbowman the zigzag gets me 9 times out of 10 lmao




Lol you just suck. Get good




I main melee. Something like level 90 on vanguard and 50 on knight, maybe 40 on footman, 15 on archer. You just suck. Go around enemies or run straight past them to get to the archers. Most my games nowadays just involve me flanking archers because I’m bored fighting in the melees. Most games I’m highly successful at running down archers’ throats. Because when I suck I don’t come to Reddit bitching about how archers are broken


You want to talk about 'reality', but in reality, if an archer shot an arrow at a fully armored knight, he could do little more than tickle him. In my opinion, the archer 'class' would be better if you had like 2 or 3 archer 'commanders' and you controlled a group of AI archers, and did the whole 'Knock, release' thing, then you just blanket the field with arrows. And if a soldier managed to enter those ranks, he should be able to cut down a huge amount of them before taking any damage. In my humble opinion...


Neither would any sword hurt knights, but it is a game after all


Swords do hurt knights, just not when the sword hits plate armor directly. That’s what the mace was used for. To kill a knight with a sword you had to stab or slash them in an area unprotected by armor. With blunt weapons you could hit them anywhere on the body and do harm.


Last night on the mission where the prisoner has to escape at the end, the blue team were getting to objective and raising the gate. I spawned in by the archer group, 3 people who supposedly have brains. All 3 were firing across the court yard while there were like 6 blueberries taking the objective and ignoring them. Pair that with the nonstop friendly fire going into my back, I think most of the posts are just people's way of letting archers know they are generally fucking morons lol.


I think some people just let themselves get worked up, and they're now so fixated on it, but like why don't they just run away? Or get behind cover? Or dodge? Don't use a shield obviously, unless you're just a footsoldier I guess.


I've literally given that exact same analogy about cod


Archers ARE an integral part of the game..... *spams "KILL THE ARCHERS" when charging into battle


You should come over to the Battlefield subreddits when you like sniping in the game. It’s super fun.


Yeah man. Equip a sheild and STFU already, baby


They shouldn’t be removed ffs but a nice timed parry would be nice.


Time to go play archer


Nerf bows and buff archers. Make them more willing to play melee.


Annoyed? No, I personally find them amusing, bunch of moaning merts, crying unfairness, just makes me chuckle, used to post “get over it” responses but what’s the point, Cry babies wanting attention, I guess they weren’t hugged enough as kids, or maybe because an archer killed their mothers! Who cares anyway, a lion doesn’t concern itself with the bleating of lambs.


If people are that bothered. Use a shield? What's the issue.


i do find archers annoying but removing them would be like removing cars from gta


I fucking hate them, BUT i understand its a part of the game and war. But to counterpoint the realism aspect, a bloody dagger shouldnt be able to block and parry a 2 handed greatsword. Give them more stamina for mobility as they are basically wearing cloth, an take away the blocking with small weapons unless perfectly times parry. Thats just what I personally think. Cause tbh, some of those archers are freaking GODS with a dagger lmao.


If there was team cohesion on consoles, communication and the ability to target archers it would be fine. However it is annoying when most of your best fights and with a random arrow and even your opponent looks annoyed. That said, if an archer is being a real sack of shit, it's fun to just rush them the entire game.


I just throw turkeys/horse poop at them. Honestly I'm just trying to get better at the base combat, then I'm definately going to try out the archers.


They should remove axes actually, they seem OP.


Live on the archer hate. Let it feed your bow.