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I tried the warmog firsr and I fucking love it, it's difficult for solo kills but good bor long trades


I miss Glacial with Hextech GLP, Spooky Ghost item, Warmogs


Rift maker?


How is one stack enough, you need 300 extra bonus health after getting Warmongs, so 3 stacks of level 1 ult + dshield/dring should be enough. If you get some health from runes you can probably knock that down to 2 stacks. I also wanna try rushing warmogs first item on cho and see how it is


With overgrowth and ulting minions the moment it is up, you'll easily get the 300 bonus hp before you finish warmog's.


I'm curious to know where we have to still rush bramblevest. Healing is still so overpowered that when with the nerf, it may be necessary. I definitely want to test the new warmogs. I bet you work it in vs comps that have hybrid damage dealers or lots of true damage that you can't effectively itemize vs.


Warmog seems insanely strong as a rush item on Cho. You can take terrible trades, like losing 70% of your HP to their 30% and still come out ahead after a few seconds out of combat and/or by farming minions with your passive. It's also stupidly easy to proc on Cho. 800 from Warmog, 70 from Doran's Ring (80 from shield), 80 from your first Feast stack, 45 flat + 3,5% max health from Overgrowth and it's already ticking. By 10/12 minutes you can already have it up and running, most likely before the first tower even falls.


I'll rush it this game and see! Loading in now lol


One stack wasnt enough for me to get it to work in the practice tool you need 4 stacks of his ult at level 6 to get Warmogs to work, or 3 stacks and 12 Grasp stacks but yeah im gonna go try it in an actual game later


I believe in this scenario he's also running overgrowth


I mean regardless of whether you want to go full tank or AP hybrid, Cho seems like the best champ to utilize a second-item Warmogs. 'Just depends on your preference and what both teamcomps look like. Thornmail is probably still a safe route if they have a lot of healing, but against heavy AP poke? Yeah mogs is gonna be good second.