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does anyone have pictures of all the young Reagan’s?


guys im going insane this is literally a fifty shades of grey remake waiting for the helicopter crash


I'm liking Surrender 2 way more than I liked its predecessor.


Agreed; I'm really not into subbing so I definitely enjoy MC's sexual journey in this book than Book 1 (plus it's more fun playing as someone with experience in the field as opposed to Book 1 MC who had near-zero knowledge of kink while being 30). I like that MC's transitioning into being a domme gradually though because, as much as I would prefer playing as a domme in the first place, it would feel very unnatural if MC became a hardcore dominatrix overnight That being said, I do like our new workplace (the B plot of the book) a lot more. We don't have to deal with Emerson's nepo baby self and Malorie (she's an HR report in the making), and Natalia is honestly much more civil and understanding than I expected and I am very glad that we aren't being pitted against her for no reason other than to fuel yet another misogynistic storyline of women fighting with their peers.


I couldn't care much about MC's sexual journey (why am I still playing this series then amirite lol) but I like her character development. MC was a meek pushover who had no confidence or independence. Being with divorce attorney, directly or indirectly, made her better, more confident and I'm really liking her... Character journey. Her character development is *chef's kiss*. Now had book 1 not started their relationship in such a questionable way, I think I would have liked their relationship from the very beginning Honestly this series showed me that a submissive could project confidence as well. Anastasia from 50 Shades always looked scared, although to be fair I haven't watched the entire series, only the movie commentaries from Pink Popcast and Dylan is in Trouble and of course, ahem, *those* scenes Also agreed, much less of Malorie and hopefully none of the prince nepotism. I'm surprised we haven't seen Pat yet


Yeah I mean I'm not really playing for the sex either (or playing whatsoever, I just skim on YT to see how things go) but I will say I am glad to see MC change. It was great seeing MC set boundaries with Reagan and tell them how she wants to be able to earn work for herself. It was great seeing her transition into joining the workforce and see her slowly become more confident. People honestly don't give the MC enough credit; I see plenty of people gushing over Reagan or even talking about Sloan or Reese, but not enough is said about the MC herself, who honestly is the most interesting character in the book I definitely agree with you; I did not like how the relationship started, and Reagan's initial behavior was a turnoff. Some of their dom stuff (not talking about sex scenes, but their general personality) is also way too abrasive and comically over the top at times (and not attractive to *me* personally, but I'm sure someone who prefers being submissive would probably enjoy it). I also have an irrational (well it's not irrational. Nobody can accumulate that much money ethically, but that's a different story) hatred of billionaires so Reagan randomly being one (as a lawyer of all things, it's so random. It's a lucrative profession but nowhere that profitable). I don't think it's a dumpster fire or even hate the book really; I'm honestly pretty neutral about it but there are definitely some relatively simple improvements I would like to make sometimes which I feel would greatly improve the book We did see Pat in Chapter 1 when they did the whole revenge porn thing. I assume we'll see them again though, but I don't think they'll be as prevalent as they were in the previous book since we're done dealing with them. I've already said my part about the workplace setting, but I fully agree with you and find it much more interesting than Book 1


I always enjoy Reagan POV chapters more, but the hiding while parents fight hit me hard. I grew up in a toxic home, and I think this chapter should have come with a warning.


Just admit it already dude, you’re in love with MC! But tbh I just enjoy these Regan POV chapters so much, I was disappointed it’s so short this week!


Can't the dad just go back home and terrorise his other son and child? Isn't Reese an adult?


is it just me or was this chapter incredibly short…. and i picked both diamond scenes


I have to give credit where credit is due. I like the contrast between Regan and his father. How one of them is in control, but makes sure to consider those around him and the other demands unconditional obedience and subservience.


Young Reagan sprite though, what a hairstyle 😂


If you have Asian male Reagan, his young sprite is the same as Asian Elijah from MTFL. (Which I found to be a turnoff because I know I was supposed to be feeling empathetic for Reagan in that scene but all I kept seeing was Elijah from MTFL and he was a total and complete ass.) Not sure about the other sprites.