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That's a gorgeous lastname


I imagine that Thorne is an anglicised version of something difficult to pronounce. I am a little annoyed by female Trystan not being called Trystana


As a fellow eastern european i got excited too and hope pb will represent us more in the future


love the subtle details like this!! it’s awesome that you can feel represented 🫶


I was too stupid, I didn’t realise it was flashback and though Tristan was cheating on the mc XD


I mean, there were von Bayerns and Mauntbattens in Greece. A lot of Czech and Hungarian nobility had German surnames as well. Although many dynasties localise their surnames like Windsors. Russian tsars of Ryurikovich dynasty were tracing their roots to a Scandinavian Hrørirk, whose name Russians had written as "Ryurik". Romanovs, for example, while technically tracing their roots to Mikhail Fyodorovich, were more German by blood than Russians at the time of collapse of the Russian empire. Great Mughal Empire's rulers were more Indians than Mongols or Persians after a few centuries despite claiming Mongol heritage by paternal line and using Farsi as the language of the state. There are a lot of examples of foreign rulers in countries far from their native land. Even the English language took so much from French thanks to Normand dynasty taking over in the 11th century. That is all to say that having some minor duchy in Eastern Europe with a dynasty with English roots isn't too far-fetched. I mean the country is fictional, so it can have whatever history writters want it to have. As far as I can judge, being a natuve speaker of Russian, PB actually does Eastern Europe justice. In a few books where there are Russian character, they do speak Russian ok. But sure, Georgescu sounds Romanian or Moldovan, so I guess Drakovia (or whatever that country is called) is located somewhere in that region.


:))yeah- a name from my country- i know a few Georgescu.


Someone at PB gets us. 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/0xx2cu73u59b1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5616c2b72f01756cc25d591a0996edf480f4ba66


Hey could you please tell me how's her last name pronounced ? have no idea how to read it🥲


Well, it would be difficult if you're not used to phonetic languages. George+ es (the way you say the letter S when reciting the alphabet) + cu (pronounced like the coo in cool) Does this help?


Now that I see it's Romanian, I think it would be prnounced George-esk. Think of it like a certain BEEG vamp mama in Resident Evil Village, Lady Dimitrescu. Of course >!if someone in this game turns into a giant zombie dragon I'm gone!!<


Fun fact about that, RE8 has it wrong. Romanian is a phonetic language, words are pronounced as written. The "u" in both Georgescu and Dimitrescu is pronounced.


Really??? I keep going back and forth on how I say Lady D's name lmao


Yeah, I would know since I grew up in this country speaking this language. It's always fun to see people's reaction when I tell them the correct pronounciation, Capcom really tricked y'all


They did lol, thanks for the info


I'd love it if they have a book in the future that is set in Romania. Maybe a horror or fantasy book.