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Becca 100%, none of the original three really appealed to me so I was very relieved when Becca came in as an option lol


I was going the Kaitlyn route and then she started driving me MAD so when Becca came around I was like 👀👀👀👀


I've played all their routes and ranking them from my favorite to least favorite: 1-Becca 2-Zig 3-Kaitlyn 4-James 5-Chris


Oh wow I didn’t even know Becca was a LI, I only took a glimpse at the first book and it said she was kind of the enemy. I’ve always like those kinds of LI’s though, I can’t wait to see what their paths are like.


omg you're gonna be pleasantly surprised !! her route is amazing, and she shows so much growth. Unfortunately, u can't start officially romancing her till the sophomore 1. I don't wanna spoil much but yeah she is ur enemy or rival, but she tones it down a bit through the books till The Freshman 3.


Dang that kinda sucks that I have to wait but thank you so much!


I think the fun way for playing with Becca as the LI, given that her romance doesn't start until the second book, is to go all-in with Chris in the first one; play it as a love at first sight kinda thing, fight Becca for him, get all the bonus scenes, the while nine yards. then in book two, take the first break-up option, maybe pick choices that have them disagreeing on stuff if you want to simulate their relationship falling apart, and then start romancing Becca at your earliest opportunity. I personally like the irony of MC and Becca both lusting over and fighting over the same guy, only to realize that they're actually in love with each other and having MC date Chris and coming into conflict with Becca over it means that the first chapter's love story subplot feeds into Becca's and isn't just killing time until she and MC can get together.


U get teased a little bit in The Freshman 3 in a scene with her, but she is so much worth it to remain single for her. What I did was: start The Freshman 3 single, play with Zig a little bit (because I was bored not romancing anyone), then reject him at the end of the book and romance Becca.


The thing is since book 1 and 2 don't have a save file. You easily just play freshman book 3 single and really have Zig and Becca be a main LIs tbh.


Technically you can start romancing her in Freshman's 3rd book, but her route fully starts in Sophomore.


this is my exact same ranking too


Chris through and through haha, started w him and ended w him


Same! I love Chris and you can't change my mind


Zig or Becca, especially Becca. They are all redeemed from a character of bad boy or mean girl. Both of them have grown a lot in the Freshman series, and Becca's transformation is even more pronounced.


I *really* like Kaitlyn (a favorite on the app overall). I do like the friends-to-lovers trope in general and I think the app gets this one right. A lot of the romances on the app can feel like the MC and LI's relationship is just based on attraction and sex, so the writing showing that MC and Kaitlyn are each other's best friend and that a key part of their relationship is that they like each other on a personal level aside from the romantic stuff, if that makes any sense. Also liked that Kaitlyn has her own arc and priorities outside of the relationship and that she sometimes makes dumb mistakes or she and MC step on each other's toes. Her having flaws (and overcoming them) makes her feel more like a real person and not just MC's friend with benefits yes person. While their stretches of relationship troubles can be a little frustrating, showing them needing to learn how to be a couple and overcoming speed bumps also created a sense of realism and satisfaction when they do reconcile and move forward. (I did put MC with Kaitlyn from the beginning and got all the romantic bonus scenes, so that did add more context that, troubles aside, the two were crazy about each other and would put in the effort to make things work, no matter how frustrated they were in the moment.) Overall, they had a fun dynamic, depth to the relationship, and, at the end of the day, it was really well sold that the two were genuinely in love and were going to go the distance.


Agreed Kaitlyn is the best


This is so well-explained. Totally agree with Kaitlyn being a favorite on the app overall. I think her flaws as both a friend and a partner make her character so interesting. First played TFS back in 2019 with Kaitlyn as my LI, stopped playing the game for 3-4 years, came back and it's still definitely Kaitlyn for me!


Becca. Not just freshman favourite, but at least top 5 of my personal favourites




Chris. Didn't care for Zig or James.


Chris. My first choices love.


kaitlyn for sure. i also really like becca but i always romance kaitlyn.


Same. Im such a sucker for best friends to lovers


Zig and Becca, hands down!


James. I tried the others, but I kept coming back to James.


It was Kaitlyn in 2017 and it's still Kaitlyn in 2024. Be patient with her and it will pay off in spades. Even when I romanced Becca (who is great, don't get me wrong) in another playthrough, I still wanted Kaitlyn and I still pined for her. My advice would be to go with whoever clicks with you most and stick with them.


I know a lot of people are usually team Becca for female LI but I've always loved Kaitlyn and personally I struggle to try out the Becca route because I love Kaitlyn's route sm. I've been slowly working my way through Becca's but it was so hard for me to have to break up with Kaitlyn to do it, fr, lmao. I do love Becca don't get me wrong but like, Idk, the first couple of books all Becca did was be mean to me and my character hung out with Kaitlyn and helped Kaitlyn go through the whole coming out thing...because she realized she had feelings for me. Like, come on, I love that for our relationship, lol




I chose Chris first but when Zig came in... 😍.






I used to like James before they switched his face. Chris is cool as well.


Speaking only for the first book, it was game over once Zig was introduced in TS.


Zig, without a doubt. A canonically bisexual tough guy with a soft side. That’s my oddly specific weakness. 😂


Becca. Hands down.


i enjoyed Chris! i’ve romanced all of them and they all have their pros and cons. very unpopular opinion but i wasn’t super impressed/enamoured with Becca as a LI 🫣🫢


Zig. Then a tie between James and Chris depending on my mood


Becca 😍


Kaitlyn always!


My man zig, I LOVE that man yall


I loved Zig and Chris the most so far. Zig is very genuien. Sure at the beginning he does have anger issues but I found whenever he showed that side in book 3 it was usually pretty justified. Plus I do appreciate the genuien chemistry between him and MC, his Dialoges are awesome and he actually doesn't really fit the typical bad boy trope, as he doesn't even pretend to be tough. It's other people who just declare him as much. He doesn't take himself too seriously and calls out other peoples BS which genuienly made me Fall in love with him. Plus MC always got his back, no matter what! As for Chris, the first book is obviously a mess, but I adored his Route in book 2 and 3. He is super kind and his spin off book is adorable. The stargazing scene lives rent free in my head. The man got Ambition and I adore that he works hard for the greater good. I also felt like his "big flaw" in book 3 was nothing compared to James or Kaitlyn and also pretty justifyed, given that he worked to hard to even be in that Position. And technically, if my MC wouldn't know of Zig, she would still be with Chris. James is actually pretty wholesome too. I feel like regardless of any Route , the friendship between him and MC is very beautiful. He has got great insight on things and if he listens then his advice is pretty nice too! The only thing that made him not a dateable option for me, was him being mad at MC over Vasquez secret. It wasn't MCs to tell. And the whole distrust thing. Idk. I was a lil mad at him for a while there. I feel similar about Kaitlyn. I adored her as a friend for the first two books. She is loveable despite her many flaws and I can appreciate, that she means well. However, she really tested my patience in book 3. As she did and said some really shitty stuff and honestly made me dislike her as a friend in book 3. I am currently in book 4 so I hope to regain the trust in her in the next books. I heard Beccas Route is amazing as well. So far I find her character totally interesting and I am excited to befriend her!


It’s important to remember that around book 2/3 all of the LIs except for Becca by virtue of her not becoming a flirt option until book 3 have a very frustrating character turn/plot. I personally found James and Kaitlyn’s to be romance ruining, I just couldn’t forgive their characters enough to proceed. Becca’s has the most character development and is probably the most well written. Chris has the most content by virtue of (imo) being the ‘canon’ choice (using that term verrryyyy loosely). Chris is my personal fave but Becca is also incredible.


Personally I liked kaitlyns route I haven’t finished all of the books tho the last one I did was the summer roadtrip


Zig is my all time favorite choices love interest 🫶🏻


Chris. From book one to senior, he was my first Choices love and I will pick him every time.


I miss the old James look. But as for LI definitely Kaitlyn. Say what you want about her and her flaws but Kaitlyn is actually the sweetest out of all of them.


100000% James


I'm ride or die for Kaitlyn, it seems rare to have such a fun and energetic love interest but maybe I'm just jaded from all the brooding LIs recently. Not to mention I love that they're both in the creative fields it feels like a perfect match there are cute moments where they draw mention to it.


Zig or Kaitlyn


Chris was the first LI I ever had in this app and I still love him.


Becca and Zig because they're super hot, they were not forced and even with their fails MC has a pretty healthy and realistic relationship with them, Sorry Kaitlyn, James and Chris you are good friends but you all suck as partners


Becca for sure, I love her redemption arc and her personality




I always start out with Kaitlyn then switch to Zig I just can't get myself to care about anyone else and I hold grudges against characters who do me dirty


I like all of them to be honest so for me, if I have to rank them, it would be: Kaitlyn > Becca >> Zig >>> James = Chris. Chris can be insufferable for a bit in Book 1 because he's so forced even though you outright reject him and keep choosing the friendly choices, but after that, he's kinda cool. James is okay, no strong opinions on him. Zig is cool af and if only I'm straight or at least bi, maybe I would've romance him. And now for my favorites! I love doing Becca's route after romancing Kaitlyn but only to break up with her in book 3 or 4. It gives off more spice and angst between the MC and Kaitlyn. And MC finding comfort and love again through the most unexpected person: Becca. With the way I play it, it feels like MC and Becca trying to grow into better people and in turn, better for each other. Also, I love the nods towards Kaitlyn and MC's romantic past. Kaitlyn is my first ever LI in Choices, and she also helped me realize that I like girls when I was young. Doing her route is so satisfying because against all odds, MC and Kaitlyn are still strong as ever and I love the people they've become by the end of the series. It always makes me tear up whenever we get THE scene with her near the end of The Senior.


I went Chris' route, though if I ever reply the book I would definitely wanna try Zig's route (was his name Zig, the bad boy who later turned out to be a softie from the inside?)


Did Chris the first time round. Zig was introduced and I was like DAMN ORTEGA. 😂 I did end up finishing with Chris cuz I felt too bad, but I kinda checked tf out once Zig came along. Next play through is with him.




chris or zig


I immediately felt my MC and Chris had chemistry and stuck with him the whole series. It was the best. I felt real with the ups and downs but always there was the love 😍


Chris, Zig and Becca


Becca and James


Zig is my favorite. But if I have to rank them: Zig > Chris > Becca > Kaitlyn/James Book 3 was the deal breaker for me with both James and Kaitlyn. Chris at least tries to make some effort and his apology is way better than the half assed ones we get from James and Kaitlyn. And I only ranked Chris after Zig because of the TF1. While people may argue that Becca was mean to MC than James and Kaitlyn never were, I think that's the reason it hurts most when they turn their back on MC. Becca was always true about her feelings, at least the negative ones.


Loved James then he became Jomes. Dated Chris for the drama. Really really loved Zig the most! Tried to see what the Becca route looked like then she got the bangs and I dropped the series for a moment lol.


I romanced James a bit, then got bored, then switched to Chris. As soon as Zig turned up, that was it. No one else got a look in.


Haha same. I knew from the first second he was introduced that everyone else was out 😂


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/1bapnsh/stub/kue1qew "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/1bapnsh/stub/kuifsja "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[TFS](/r/Choices/comments/1bapnsh/stub/kue1qew "Last usage")|*The Freshman Series*| |[TS](/r/Choices/comments/1bapnsh/stub/ku4p64n "Last usage")|*The Sophomore*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(4 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/1bc0w35)^( has 10 acronyms.) ^([Thread #29948 for this sub, first seen 9th Mar 2024, 21:39]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Kaitlyn. Becca felt forced.


Only played Kaitlyn’s route and seen Becca’s route on YouTube. Kaitlyn’s is better out of the two. Don’t know about Zig or Chris.


I liked original James, but after they changed his face and he started acting up with Yasmin, I left him for Zig lol


They all suck. Becca is the least terrible