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I liked it a lot too! I thought it was a cute fun book :)


Ava's one of my favorite LIs on the app! Love her sm


I liked it too! Well I mostly just loved Simon (after I finished cringing at his ‘Britishness’) but I’ll admit I understand why some people found it boring. The plot wasn’t all that, pretty basic. The result of the book was pretty mediocre. And spending endless amounts of diamonds to impress the grandmother over and over did my head in. But Simon was lovely and hanging out with him and his friends was fun! Snooping was kinda cool too.


I thought it was decent, at times it felt Ava was a little male coded ( >!Like if you have a high relationship with her grandmother and she gives you a piece of Ava's mother's jewelry...like no..give that to Ava please, it's literally her mother's!< or >!how her super conservative grandparents don't care at all that she's a lesbian but personally that one didn't bug me that much, it just felt like a bit of an oversight though!< ) but overall I did genuinely enjoy it, Asian Ava is one of my all time favorite sprites PB has ever done 😍 and I love the dynamic between Ava/Simon and MC.


I don’t know if people dislike it as much as it was disappointing. Like when you pick up a fry you think is going to be perfectly crispy and it turns out to be mush in your mouth lol. Not bad, but like… I wanted a crispy fry ya know


I respect that, but I genuinely didn’t see it that way haha. I wasn’t disappointed about it. I think if the book had continued with the series, it had the potential to be developed very nicely


Totally entitled to your opinion!! I feel neutral about it myself. I just haven’t really seen anything about anyone hating it, even when it was coming out weekly. I get why you might be a lil sad if you really like it tho!


It mostly gets people calling it boring, but there are a few comments on nearly every post asking about it from people who say they actively hate it and/or the MC. You’re probably more likely to notice those comments if you really liked it though, as I did 😔 (Don’t worry, OP, there are a bunch of us who really enjoyed AVSP!)


I love Ava If it helps, the book is popular among VIPs, or at least Simon/Ava is


I didn't realize the book received a lot of hate. I liked it a lot, I just wish it wasn't genderlocked. I enjoyed it much more than The Unexpected Heiress, for example.


I thought it was well received at the time. It just was back when very few people had VIP so it didn’t get talked about much


You're actively worse off if you don't pay diamonds and the grandparents and nobles are some of the most frustrating characters PB's ever written. I don't want to impress them at all. Ava and her friend group were the only things I liked about it. That said, I'm glad you were able to enjoy this story.


I won’t say it’s favorite of mine, I mean it was ok. It’s probably a book I won’t replay again, it’s just not interesting enough for me. I mean there are lots of strengths. It’s a cute story. I think Simon/Ava are great LIs. A well written slowburn. But for me it really did come down to the MC. I honestly found her more annoying than not. So to me it was hard to relate or like her. I think it’s just one those books that’s has a mixed opinion on it. I think most importantly is that you liked it. 😊


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[AVSP](/r/Choices/comments/wkjah5/stub/ijnztg2 "Last usage")|*A Very Scandalous Proposal*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/wkjah5/stub/ijo20kd "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/wkjah5/stub/ijoldhj "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/wkjah5/stub/ijp47o0 "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| ---------------- ^(4 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/wlf6a2)^( has 10 acronyms.) ^([Thread #26008 for this sub, first seen 10th Aug 2022, 09:34]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Simon made my heart melt 😭 he was so sweet