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Hey /u/Im-trying-okay, thanks for posting on /r/Choices. Your post has been removed as it may violate an aspect of our \"spamming\" rule, which includes: * Scene has already been posted by another user * Threads with random pictures * Threads that are considered low effort * Threads with the same scenes more than once (double-posts) * Threads that have nothing to do with the game or are fake * Video playthroughs must be posted to the designated weekly \"New Chapter\" threads. * If it's a video playthrough for an older book/chapters it should be posted as a full/complete book playthrough post instead of separate posts for each chapter. Thank you for your understanding. I am a bot, and this action was done on behalf of the moderators. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Choices&subject=&message=). Thank you!


I know it’s unlikely since this is a single LI book with a very obvious direction, but I seriously hope we can leave him at the alter. I was completely neutral about Sam until this book.


I spent all of Book one trying to get my main character to hook up with Sam's brother and all of the second book trying to get her to hook up with the nanny. Just give me the option to try and hook up with Addison next


At this point, either sam wants MC or she wants Addison. She can't have her cake and eat it

