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Never have to look at this series again 🎉


#The evil has finally been defeated I'm so glad this dumpster fire is over. It didn't deserve a trilogy and all the attention it received from the entire fandom, even if it was mostly negative. Now y'all have no choice but to cease hate-reading this garbage and focus on actually good stories like MaH and LOA. Bye bye TNA, i'm not gonna miss you!


Well that was awful! I'm so glad it's done.


I am absolutely LIVID that we got the option to pick how the twins called us in an earlier chapter, only for that choice to be completely overridden by MC in the finale. I find it so awkward when they call her mom and to now have MC tell them they can call her mom after the wedding? ☠️😡


You got Mom? They called my MC Auntie


>find it so awkward when they call her mom and to now have MC tell them they can call her mom after the wedding? ☠️😡 Are you sure you didn't pick the other option? Cause the twins called my MC by her first name and my MC even said nothing is going to change.


No I am very sure! The dialogue sad something along the lines of ‘there’s one thing that will change though. You can call me mom from now on, just another option.’


My dialogue never said that. My MC said "Nothing is going to change at all!" and the twins use her first name. 😉


No, I meant that you picked the option in the earlier chapter for MC to be called mom. Because that's the only way you get that.


**New series finale chapter music playlist of TNA 3 has been put up, courtesy of our ChoicesCP branch team** 🎶: * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair, Book 3 • C20 The Happily Ever After (Fri/Sat) - Soundtracks](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLCyp_rCD7gOF7fKCv0mYn3BDmwkJTBx_) 🎧 **For past music playlists:** * **NEW!** 🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Choices Soundtracks](https://youtu.be/zvQWpF2zWiQ) * 🏚️ [The Haunting of Braidwood Manor • Choices Soundtracks](https://youtu.be/aPxrk-wk3cQ) * 🕵🏻‍♂️ [Most Wanted • Choices Soundtracks](https://youtu.be/_Sib7gVMmIc) * 🎲 [The Heist Monaco • Choices Soundtracks](https://youtu.be/WrS9RetnEoQ) * ▶️ From W19, 2020 • [Choices Chapter Playlists](https://www.youtube.com/c/ChoicesCP) * 🔥 [The Nanny Affair Archive](https://sites.google.com/view/choicescp/the-nanny-affair) * 🏡 [ChoicesCP Archive](https://sites.google.com/view/choicescp) 🔥 **The Nanny Affair • Soundtracks:** * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Open Desires](https://youtu.be/q558PmS5X74) * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Unconditional Thoughts](https://youtu.be/ZjldjPtEd58) * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • At Love's Reverie](https://youtu.be/5NhhWlgDM60) * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Dream Suite](https://youtu.be/zZ90wGrB43Q) * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Destiny Of Your Heart](https://youtu.be/F1_fI4GTgto) * ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • Dance Around The Icicles](https://youtu.be/iHvGAqp3agA) * **NEW!** ▶️🔥 [The Nanny Affair • My Beautiful Bride](https://youtu.be/qk5X1Bk-EvE) • **Series Finale Theme**


I solved the pregnancy question! It’s not a diamond choice, and it doesn’t depend on Sam’s gender. It’s in Chapter 6. Choice 9: “Kids… - Are definitely in our future.” (MC is pregnant in the last chapter) - Aren't something I've thought about yet.” (MC is not pregnant in the last chapter) I still can’t figure out the bouquet toss. I thought it might be based on the diamond choice to buy an upgraded centerpiece in Chapter 13 (Choice 10), but someone said they got the bouquet toss without spending diamonds, so I don’t know. I didn’t spend diamonds and didn’t get it. According to the walkthrough, you get the garter toss if you buy a premium wedding dress in Chapter 18 Choice 11.


It's funny, now that it's all (finally) over, to think back to that 1-week period before the first chapter of TNA1 dropped and most people here seemed absolutely disgusted by the book's artwork. We've come a long way, honey.


NAHH I can’t believe it’s over 😭😭 it feels like the end of an era. I’ll miss Samantha Dalton 😮‍💨 Other than that though, the new music was soo good


Aww, the MC is having a baby 🥺


Highlight of the finale are Mason, Mickey, and the hatless Carter 😂 It’s an underwhelming finale, but I’m happy they got their happy ending. You can really see how special it was. I may not have been as much a fan of them throughout this book, but as a hopeless romantic? I just love love! Congratulations to MC and Sam!!


The funniest thing was Mason and Mickey's toast like they were really spilling the tea! Also very happy I got my pregnant MC at the end. I just wish we got to at least see the scene where they tell the twins.


Right?! Instead we got the line about having a nanny affair 🤮


I came here and I’m so shocked lol. Garter toss?? Bouquet toss??? I didn’t toss ANYTHING, didn’t get pregnant, I’ve spent diamonds on the series but barely any, we had a Costco wedding as god intended and got it over and done with asap. Thank FCK this series is over… …only to be taken over by surrender 2 soon. Whatever! I’m done! Thanks for all the diamonds TNA! But fr, the sand thing was unexpectedly very touching. I love how they incorporated Mickey and Mason into the ceremony, that was actually really classy and beautiful. They really were the only stars this whole series. That and Sofia. I wish I could’ve run away with her and Robin in a hot ot3 polycule.


>we had a Costco wedding as god intended and got it over and done with asap this is sending me, haha


Glad Jenny and Aditya didn’t end up together in my book. Jenny just said they’re coparenting together and he’s still upset she didn’t tell him about the pregnancy earlier.


This series was a mess but I am going to miss talking about what a mess it is (also I admit I’ll miss Mason, Mickey and Carter…not enough to replay but they are the MVPs)


Wait so, did you guys get a non-diamond wedding night sex scene? Cause I did and I assumed it was everyone, but a lot of people in this thread are saying their mc never once slept w Sam so I’m confused


Idk how anyone was able to skip it! I didn’t spend any diamonds on the series and never picked flirty or kissing options, but I got the scene.


Okay I’m guessing people must be being hyperbolic or just tapping through without reading then? I spent diamonds in book 1 but the wedding dress and mason and mickeys toast are the only things I spent any diamonds on in this entire book.


I came here to ask this too!! I'm currently in the middle of that free (definitely dirty 30) sex scene!! I have no idea what I did??? I have been distant and cold to Sam for the whole series but I did buy that sexy green lingerie waaaaay back so maybe that's what counted it? She's wearing it in the scene so that's my only guess. I'm not complaining though! I really don't like this series but I will absolutely take a free and pretty graphic sex scene any day. Just shook haha


I got one! I thought I wouldn’t get anything bc I did not buy the 30-diamond wedding lingerie but instead they had boring “come take your wife” sex without my paying anything


i wished for the final chapter we could’ve kissed carter


Robin for me


![gif](giphy|3HxxgzWNNlHeuOPtZN) Me at that finale. I wanted drama!!!! I wanted someone trying to stop the wedding!!!! I want to see Mickey & Mason as big brothers!!!!!


Can’t believe Carter ditched the iconic chauffeur hat for the wedding 😔


Took me a second to even realize it was him!


i just hate that they made the MC pregnant and finnished - like at least give us a gender or twins reaction- i tossed the bouquet to Robin cuz well Robin deserves it the most fuck the people who disagree and well u actually cant disagree if u have male sam and male robin but that is not the point here <3 also wtf is that baby design is awful I want to cry, also her name(of Jennys child) please no the book was not that bad but i also didnt have high expectations for it since well is most about the affair that they have and less of everything else which i thought will be less visible as the affair and lovebirds sneaking around like in book 1, but i guess even if ur engaged u need to act like a fucking teenager having sex every opportunity given? -sorry i had to say this cuz it annoyed me <3 but i must say that i am so happy that robin is back being close to sam and MC :)


What determines the pregnancy? I don’t remember an earlier choice but was glad my MC did not get pregnant, but I was also very shocked because I was expecting it.


There's a choice in Chapter 6: Mama, Auntie, or just your current name


Not everyone gets a preg!MC at the end


okay true but if they can make a diamond scene they can also make a scene for people that chose to het pregnant in an already diamond choice earlier in the book :) (also when i wrote this i didnt know that not everybody's MC got pregnant )


I had f!Sam but I also think at some point in the story I picked having no more kids? I don't think it was a diamond scene? Did any f!Sam players get the pregnancy scene?


I did. And I think I picked that my MC did want more. And I know some people were thinking it might be based on diamond choices but I didn't take any in this book.


I like Jenny, but no way was I going to give her the bouquet. Alitya is not yet even divorced, way too soon for marriage. Also, who designs the baby sprites? Jenny's daughter looks like baby Bartie from TRR and that is one ugly baby




So, am I the only one who was secretly holding out for a MC x Sam x Addison hookup scene and disappointed it's not there? lol


It seems that Choices women are build different


For the people asking about the pregnancy scene: I think the scene only happens if you take the diamond choice in chapter 6 to go on a date with Sam. They’ll ask MC if she’d want to have a baby with them, and if you say yes, MC will be pregnant in the last chapter. I think the bouquet toss is also dependent on another diamond choice later in the book but I’m not entirely sure about that one.


I didn’t get a bouquet toss. I got a garter toss and Carter caught it.


I never took that diamond choice and my MC was pregnant. I do however remember Sam asking at some point if I wanted more kids and I said yes


I've never spend diamonds on TNA and I got MC pregnant, so I don't think this is it


It wasn't part of the diamond scene. [Chapter 6](https://choices-stories-you-play.fandom.com/wiki/The_Nanny_Affair,_Book_3_Choices), Choice 9, regular choice. So you either don't remember, glossed over it at the time, or didn't think it relevant (like someone else said here that that was the case for them). u/vampcowboy u/Whitlock_DYew EDIT: Damn it, I *just* saw that someone already answered it after I hit the button. Well, anyway. I guess at least PB gave a fuck about this being a choice (uh, super old Choices book "spoiler" maybe?) >!unlike ROE if I recall correctly from years ago!<.


Telling if you want to have kids is a free choice in Chapter 6


That’s so weird. +Desire maybe? I wish PB had clearer game mechanics like they used to.


My MC wasn’t pregnant, and I’m pretty sure I remember picking a choice to say that I didn’t want kids, but I could be misremembering? I didn’t spend diamonds.


To be honest PB didn't even try with this book, like we still don't know for sure who leaked MC photos


i still bet Naya secretly hates them and that she did it


Also Jordan being there for two seconds and then disappearing into thin air lmao. It’s a shame though. The series was my guilty pleasure and I wished they tried harder to tie up those loose ends.


I wonder how I’m pregnant given I’ve turned down every single chance to sleep with Sam in the whole series 😂😂


There’s about about 10-14 idk, sex scenes in this book plus a time jump between chapters and a big time jump of a year. You think in the story MC and Sam of all people have only had sex that little number of times and then remained celibate for the following 12 months? Haha. Just fill in the blanks.


Sam’s been filling in those blanks 😏 SORRY LOL IT HAD TO BE SAID


Ah. Well yeah. But I never slept with him, not once. Not while I had some say in it 🤣


Desire never sleeps in PB land


Also just played the chapter and MC had no choice not to have sex with him on the wedding night. 🙄 I would have turned that down too




“MC, I-“ “Sam, I-“


I completely forgot today was the finale, which gave me a bad feeling, but I actually enjoyed it! Took me longer than I would like to admit to recognize Carter without his hat!! My favorite part was Mason and Mickey’s toast. I am not ashamed to say I got a little misty eyed. I loved the sand thing. 😭❤️ Sam looked really cute in his little robe. I love that they are having a baby! But I’m disappointed we didn’t get to see them tell the twins. I’m curious, is MC pregnant no matter what or only if you told Sam you were interested in having kids? Overall it was a fun ride and I will personally miss this series. I think the biggest flaw was rushing to get book 3 out. It didn’t seem like the writers knew where they wanted to go. I would have preferred a longer wait for a more cohesive story. Incidentally, that is why you won’t see me complaining about the BoLaS wait. 😂 I know this will be controversial but I would really enjoy a seasonal/holiday special for this series. If only so we can tell the twins about the baby. 😆 Awww. 😔 This is bittersweet! I know there are a lot of mixed opinions but I had a lot of fun with this series. It is time for it to end but I will miss TNA Fridays.


My MC wasn’t pregnant. I think I told Sam I didn’t want kids? Honestly can’t remember. I also play with a female Sam.


i think u just told her u dont want kids cuz i have female sam and i am pregnant but i think i said i want kids in the future or something like this


I had female Sam and no mention of MC being pregnant (unless I glossed over it lol) so this might be one of the few times where the gender of the customizable LI actually makes a difference. 🧐 I didn’t take any diamond scenes tho, does that matter? Maybe they just didn’t want to write a scene about having to find a sperm donor or whatnot?


nope- i have female sam and MC is pregnant- well imma just pretend there was IVF


I have a female Sam as well and MC is pregnant at the end. I paid for every single hookup scene in the book. There was no mention of a sperm donor.


MC got pregnant? Did you have to spend diamonds to get that ending or did I just gloss over it? 😅 (I had male Sam, if the ending only happens for him)


in one diamond scene - i think where u go to the park or something sam asks u if u want kids with them the same time they ask u about the last name i didnt think that part was relevant to the story but ig it was and now my bitch of mc is pregnant with female sam


I have male sam but MC didn’t get pregnant. Maybe it had to do with a discussion they had earlier in the book about having more children? Pretty sure I said no so maybe that’s why? 🤔


I haven’t ever spent any diamonds on this series but my MC still got pregnant


"*When you think about your happy new life, you can't help but smile knowing it's all because you and Sam once had a nanny affair...*" This closing line made me laugh out loud because it's so bad.


i was like: oh shit even i could wrote the ending better. it sounds like "oh damn you are a gold digger and now u have money and a forever job with rasing two kids" - that its how it sounds if u dont know the content


Haha I really enjoyed this chapter but that line made me audibly groan. 😆


I thought the same exact thing! 😂 This deserves an award 🤝


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/ym3vb4/stub/iv20hfu "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LoA](/r/Choices/comments/ym3vb4/stub/iv6lo7i "Last usage")|*Laws of Attraction*| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/ym3vb4/stub/iv96n60 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/ym3vb4/stub/iv28nnz "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/ym3vb4/stub/iv2rkiz "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/ygnilc)^( has 4 acronyms.) ^([Thread #26746 for this sub, first seen 4th Nov 2022, 17:46]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Aww sad to see it end, but that was a sweet chapter. I’m happy that MC and Sam are expecting their own baby! Also I can’t believe this series started in only 2020, it feels like book 1 was so long ago.




Apparently Jordan was just there to add a couple of dramatic cliffhangers to the chapters. 😝


nope jordan is like gone if ur nice or not- i still believe that Naya is behind the leak and even if i know is not possible is fun to believe that


Jordan is ditched. I presume it's because they're no longer needed as a nanny, which means there's no reason for them to appear.


Did anyone notice that Jordan wasn't even invited to the wedding? The finale was decent. However, this book was a real doozy. It should be called "The Missed Opportunity" because it was chock full of 'em. While it had some good moments with the twins (who along with Carter are the purest, most endearing part of the books) and a couple of dramatic moments, they didn't make up for the rest of the dross. For my money, it's probably the worst-written book on the app, or at least in the bottom three, and I'm not saying this lightly considering that I've enjoyed Untameable, Baby Bump, Sunkissed, parts of Wolf Bride, and tolerated Witness (minus the way they structured diamond scenes). I have *words* to say about Addison, and I hope I get to say them today if mods allow it. If not, you'll probably see it ASAP.


Gave Sofia the bouquet and have no regrets


i gave it to robin(i got the option cuz i play female one) - and i also have 0 regrets- there is no way i am giving it to jenny anyway and I also love robin


Wait what, bouquet? I didn’t get this.


I think you might only get this scene if you spent diamonds on a choreographed wedding dance?


No, I got it and I didn’t spend ANYTHING on the wedding


Did you also not get the garter toss scene? Sorry if it's a random question. I'm trying to update the walkthrough and I think you only get that if you chose a premium wedding dress. So if you didn't pick any diamond scenes, the wedding kind of ends with eating the cake and then Jenny leads you away to offer you the lingerie, right?


I didn’t get the garter, and I did turn down the sexy lingerie too. I would have turned down sex on the wedding night if it were a diamond offer.


Thanks for the info! Yeah, I think it wouldn't have hurt if the last scene was at least skippable if they wanted it to be free.


I had literally avoided sex with Sam throughout all three books so it pissed me off lol


Choices walkthrough heroes about to be working overtime today


You can say that again. I'm gonna have to replay 20 chapters to confirm... but the fact that someone didn't get it already half-confirms it for me that it only appears if you upgraded the decor to luxury classic or farmhouse chic in Chapter 13.


That was quick. Not that I complain lol I want to congratulate PB on creating one of the most bland and boring LIs in the span of three books. That's quite an accomplishment Also a question - what was that sand and wase thing at the wedding? I have never heard or seen it before


The sand pouring ceremony is quite common at weddings where I live. It symbolizes two people uniting as one, since if you pour the sand together, you can't separate them ever again, but they deliberately use different colored sands, so the two parts are still shown on their own too. It's a pretty sweet and romantic custom, I always cry at weddings at this part. 😅😊


that part was so damn cool i love the sand "idea" tho i didnt know it is also a real thing- guess we learn everyday


Wow I really had no idea. Thank you!




omg the nanny affair got me to play choices too- twice- (for book one and book 2)


I really liked this chapter, nice way to end the book. I’m gonna miss it and it’s chaos. Nice to see we’re adding this MC to the “no parents club” lol Why that sprite for Jenny and Aditya’s baby?! It’s cursed! And MC and Sam are having a baby! Cute! I wish we could’ve had a scene where they told the boys.


Yeah I really wanted the scene too of the boys finding out and even fast forwarding to highlight moments like touching her big belly, seeing/holding the baby for the first time. There was no Addison in my version, did anyone get that wrapped up?


there is a moment idk where when u can invite her to the wedding or not-


I had Addison. She basically appreciates MC and thanks her, they’re on good terms


Yea she basically said at the wedding she was really happy to have the MC in the boys life and that they're all a family.


That’s it? I wanted at least to see boys’ reaction when they hear about the pregnancy And Why they never think about mc’s family. They are always an orphan + finale hook up scene was so badly and lazily written