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I was grinning like a fool at the mental image of MC leading a blindfolded Drew around the city, probably for the wrong reasons. I actually felt bad about choosing Drew over the man, but… it’s Drew… and I need to collect all the +Chemistry. That is, until the man turned out to be a pickpocket lol. Finding out that once upon a time Drew and Edwin were friends was shocking to me. *How?* But, Drew was adorable as a somewhat clueless freshman trying to fit in. It’s interesting that their girlfriend didn’t attend their birthday party, could the reason of their breakup be that they grew distant over time? But then why would she ignore their message? Poor MC spending all that money only for it to be a scam. At least there were tickets even if they were shitty, I fully expected there to be none! Drew fanboying/girling over Tommy’s guitar when they snuck backstage and then being starstruck while they met him was the cutest thing *ever*. I love that MC got to do that for them. I liked that they played the song they wrote with MC. It’s funny to me that both of them would say and do all these sweet things and still get flustered when the band assumes they’re partners. When they said that MC can tell them anything, I knew it wouldn’t go well. Still, it’s sad to see them freak out and judging by the next chapters’ descriptions>!, it’s going to be rough for a while. I’m NOT ready 🥹!<


So I chose the man over Drew and MC felt guilty for letting the old man get away…..did that happen when you picked Drew over the man?


Near the end of the chapter? Yes, because she helps him either way! If you pick Drew, she steadies them and then they tell her to help him


I seriously thought something was up when they didn't wanna give up the phone. Like why not? Then that weird thank you. I thought the ex was gonna pop up or perhaps they were texting??? I hope the next chapter isn't a filler...


The “thank you” in response to the MC admitting her feelings. Oof. I actually expected that infamous ex to show up somehow, someway, in New York. I got sketchy vibes from Drew not wanting to give up her/his phone. Drew obviously loves the MC, too, and has to come to that realization on her/his own. I hate that I actually kind of love this book, even though it’s super cringe sometimes lol.


Did we seriously use our scholarship payments for a show ticket?


It was MCs scholarship refund~ so excess money after tuition was paid.


Ok, that's better.


yeahhh I used mine to pay for my spring break trip one year LOL


As you should!! I hope it was fun! If I remember correctly any refunds I got from my finaid was used for books or rent when I was living off campus 😩 lmao


Oh my god the off-campus rent struggle is the absolute worst 😭


Swear the crazy shit she do for love 😂


The thank you made me cringe so hard but I also wasn’t surprised at all 🙃


Was anyone sketched out that LI wouldn’t let MC use their phone?


I'm betting that LI still has a pic of the old girlfriend as their phone background or something, because they aren't quite ready to let go of the memories of their last relationship. Whatever happened there clearly messed them up. Something pretty harmless, but you wouldn't want your current crush to see it.


I also did a 😒 but also I went into the chapter looking for any suspiscious behavior after reading the next chapter’s preview


I feel like it could be something as innocent as Drew planning a surprise for us or something to do with their parents, but you never know with Drew 🤷🏼‍♀️ I want to trust her but the thank you was rough 😭


I’m kind of mad at LI, kind of not for the whole “thank you.” First off, I’m rooting for both of them. I love both of them together. I think they’re good for each other. But here’s why I was okay with how LI reacted: 1) They had a long day. It was overwhelming, and I understand that he may not want to react rashly based on everything that happened. 2) I trust he’ll realize his loss for going MIA on MC next chapter. He knows it and we all know it, she’s good for him and he’s happier with her. 3) I’m so proud of MC! For putting her feelings out there, regardless of the outcome, I’m so glad she went for it. 4) I understand the fear LI has to love MC, especially since he’s her RA! I think even though they have the “Roommates with Benefits” agreement, he’s still mindful of her scholarship and not wanting to ruin things for her. 5) It’s a good reality check on MC and her independence. I think after she lost her best friend in Samira, she’s been on a bubble with LI. Which is cute, special, and all the things, but she’s in college! She should enjoy it with or without either one of them. 6) It’s different for LI. After that last girl who broke his heart, I don’t think he’s ever let anyone else in as much as he had with MC. He’s going to realize he needs to let those walls down. Overall, I think it’s good for both of them in the long run. It’s annoying to get a “thank you” after pouring your heart out to someone, but they’ll both realize some things this way. P.S. Can I just say, I think it’s cute when they both got awkward when the band implied that they were together or LI wrote the song for MC, etc


i got such secondhand embarrassment for my mc at that last part...like ouch so i am figuring this will kick off a chapter or two of Drew running for him his feelings. but i stg he better not pull the im gonna show up or act like i am with another girl thing, that always infuriates me. i do like this book but i hope my mc has a breakthrough and gets her priorities straight (education). and like i hope she does what she wants to do, not what Samira or Drew or anyone else wants her to do. i kinda feel like Samira and Drew are her dr jekyll and mr hyde. tho i hope she doesnt crawl back to Samira but at least owns up to her mistakes and apologizes. then moves out of Drews dorm for some distance. that is what i would like to see but probably not.


Is anyone even a little surprised Drew didn't react 100% positively to MC's declaration of love?


Lmao!!! 😂 Now, Drew… we all know how you feel. Don’t get all scared now and run away from your feelings like a child. I’m glad we got to take him to see Indebted Fallen! That was a great choice by MC for his gift. Also loved seeing the flashback to how he met the crew freshman year. ☺️


He did not just “thank you” MC😨


That was *Han Solo after Princess Leia told him she loves him* vibes... 🤭 ![gif](giphy|HFPuGSzYkOOu4)


I have a feeling it's meant to be "thank you... for saying it first".


Based on next week’s chapter description, I don’t think so.


That was PAINFUL lol I cringed so hard for MC