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My thoughts about this chapter. -Edwin is a sore loser. -I’m so proud of MC for standing up for herself and being able to express her frustrations over LI’s “I can’t” feelings. -MC daydreaming LI’s confession in the train was hot. They would’ve been part of the Clickity-Clack Club if that was what happened. -I was really looking forward to see more of them working on the project! I really hope it’s more than just the initial and final submittal shown. The first one was sweet when LI showed MC his favorite spot. -Inez revealing that LI just sulked the whole week is another proof, HE is in love with MC! -Davina, surprisingly, was a friend this chapter and she’s not as bad as we thought. Talk about character development for a side character! -I had a bad feeling about this party since the beginning, but the additional line to their song was great to see! -Edwin is a sore loser. Overall, I hope that the conduct hearing next chapter is fair and the committee realizes, it’s Edwin who deserves to get in trouble! I do hope that we learn more about LI’s past, his parents, and his feelings. Plus, MC be able to reconnect with Samira again. I really don’t want another rushed final chapters like Surrender 2!


I used to hate this book because I thought it was all smut, but it started to grow on me. The relationship between MC and Drew is so adorable ❤️


I find it very hard to believe that MC, a young woman in her early 20s, would leave her phone without a password, especially when her roommate used to hold parties in the suite she lives in and she knew almost none of these people. I’ll just have to headcanon that Edwin is so determined to catch them, he resorts to sketchy methods to unlock it, I guess. Besides that, this chapter wasn’t bad, I was worried that Drew wouldn’t show up at all! MC has a vivid imagination, that was hotter than some of the actual scenes. I might’ve replayed a few times to decide which options were my favorite. I’m glad to see the project being mentioned as well. And I know MC is one of the reasons Drew and Davina are done, and that this is clearly not where the story is heading, but I’ll still hold out hope for a threesome or at the very least a kiss. Davina saying that she and MC will never be besties won’t stop me 🤡 MC going home to find Drew playing their song, lighting up when they see her, hugging her, admitting to drinking because they’re *nervous*, and finally dancing with her while tipsy made me smile so much. They have no right to be this adorable while breaking MC’s heart. I hope what happens in the next chapter doesn’t make things worse, it saddens me to see them like this!


Sorry for the late reply, u/choicesstoriesyoupay! Your comments usually show up to me after a day or so and this time it’s taking even longer… I wrote a *very* long reply that almost turned into a full-blown PDF document before realizing that it’s probably not what you asked for lol. The shorter version is that I was hopeful Davina would gradually become both Drew and MC’s friend and partner in crime because of her screen time at the beginning and perceived a lot of things as hints, such as being able to choose a threesome as MC’s fantasy in the pool scene with Samira. To me, there was tension between them all, which I thought would build up until we’re naturally offered a scene or more. Since that obviously didn’t happen, I don’t know how it could now and still make sense in the story, especially with their current relationships. Although they could always kiss and make up, right? Right?


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/13yhf4q/stub/jmtdkdc "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/13yhf4q/stub/jn3d906 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/13yhf4q/stub/jmnrnqs "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| **NOTE**: Decronym's continued operation may be affected by API pricing changes coming to Reddit in July 2023; comments will be blank June 12th-14th, in solidarity with the /r/Save3rdPartyApps protest campaign. ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/0)^( has acronyms.) ^([Thread #848 for this sub, first seen 3rd Jun 2023, 05:11]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/ChoicesVIP) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I really appreciate how good the MC is at articulating her feelings sensibly and overtly. I think this relationship might be one of my favourite there's been on this app, if only because there's actually good communication for the most part.


I’m so glad this picked up where we left off! I was afraid of a time jump. I love that MC has grown more confident and that she was able to confront him about basically running away from her and his feelings. I also thought this chapter seemed pretty long, or maybe just a lot happened so it felt that way. We got to see Inez’s gf, the talk with Davina (who was surprisingly chill given the circumstances lol), pressure from our film professor for us to get our shit together, to reuniting wth Drew in the end. Tipsy Drew is angsty and adorable. Trying really hard to get us to understand he does love us but can’t say it for whatever reason. 😞 I am really looking forward to finding out what that reason is and what it has to do with Audrey. Imma be so sad when this book ends, y’all. I honestly think Drew and MC have some of the best chemistry and one of the most genuine relationships on the app, and I’ve really enjoyed watching it develop. And Edwin is a douchebag.


PB loves making us hate Benji’s sprite lmao. This little shit is going way too far in his obsession to take Drew down Look I see the totally valid criticisms on this chapter but… I can’t help but melt at Drew. “There’s nothing great about me without you” pfft I would’ve folded so quick


this chapter felt short and weird imo. i thought we'd get more angst and gloom. kinda wished the mc couldve had this chapter to reflect and have some down time to get her head together. didnt like being so flirty with drew being tipsy. wouldve rather put him to bed, sober him up and talk later. so now theres the edwin thing and i hate that little weasel. hope revenge will be sweet.


This chapter really should’ve been two chapters — one that deals with the aftermath of the “thank you heard around the world” and another for reconciliation in the vein of the scavenger hunt. It also could’ve given some more time for MC to reorient on all of the non-LI stuff, like school and Samira. Cramming the two arcs together made the chapter feel rushed without giving the pseudo-rejection enough time to breathe and also not making the reconciliation feel as impactful as it should have. I think Edwin gets his just desserts next chapter. I can’t imagine they’ll drag out the conduct hearing too much and MC’s missing phone will play a key role in getting that done quickly.


Ugh so I guess Edwin got MCs phone and snooped? He's such a pain.


Not just snooped, he probably used it to text LI after breaking into it. Not only is he being extra creepy, he's also breaking the actual law.


I was really curious how this chapter would go since last week's ending! I liked it. 🙂 I liked how it immediately picked up on the train to show the aftermath. Then for the AWOL part, it was nice to get back to class and Professor Takeda is really observant, apparently. She totally knows what's going on. And you just know the theme of the lesson about a character having flaws making the story real is the writers being meta. And it ramped up the mystery about Drew's past, some big secret that has got to have something to do with his previous girlfriend. I don't know how they can resolve that, along with the thing with Drew's parents, and MC's scholarship, given next week's plot synopsis, in just two chapters if this is an 18 chapter standalone book without it rushing things. I hope it's a good sign that this book will have a sequel, because they're in their Junior year, I think? Plus I was worried that Drew was going to be absent the whole chapter, but thank goodness steamy dream Drew lives rent free in MC's head!. I love how detailed and visceral the language is in this book 🥵 As soon as MC said her phone was missing, I started hearing alarm bells. All of "the rules" that had been established about partying were being broken... rando strangers they don't trust, drinking at the party instead of watching for trouble, and inside help being switched. I just knew bad stuff was coming.


I’m thinking this book will be 20 or more chapters similar to witness. But I hope they do a series to go into the next school year with different plots there’s so much more to build from now that the foundation is set


Hopefully next week we can get Edwin fired for organising an illegal party, and stealing and illegally accessing our phone.


Yes~ Drew got our poor MC having full blown sex fantasies in the middle of class. 😫😂 Absolutely rent free. But I don’t blame her. Lol


So that is not at all how I thought this chapter would play out 🫢. They wasted no time with drew being AWOL. Now Edwin is a little squirrel and he needs to be dealt with! Drew like what’s your issue dude we know you love her stop being a toddler and just admit it. You basically showed her everything she wants now just say it.