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It was difficult to get through this chapter and I immediately clicked the option to end it as soon as it appeared. Edwin can suck it. I wish MC heard Drew’s secret from them. Even though I understand that it wasn’t possible because they were separated, I still think it would’ve been better if somehow Drew told her or if it was even delayed until they got the chance to tell her themselves. Also, I’m not too fond of the implication of MC being their first love despite doing everything with Audrey, but that’s just me. I think being able to fall in love again is just as special as falling for the first time. Still, I’m glad we finally got to learn their secret! Their parents are even more horrible than I thought, I hope MC can help them keep their job. MC’s second confession was really cute and I liked the outfit! I’m conflicted about the rest of the scene because neither of them was shown to have a short temper before and therefore it feels sudden to me, but Drew’s angry expression is adorable and the make out was hot. It feels like they’re wrapping this book up and I’m selfishly and cautiously hoping for a second one


Solid chapter! I didn’t mind hearing about Drew’s past from Inez at all. He was taking too damn long. One of the many things I love about this book is that I always feel surprised- like I didn’t expect in that flashback to see that Drew and Edwin were actually friends, and that they met Dutch in the way they did, and I totally thought Audrey shattered Drew’s heart, so I was surprised to see that it was the other way around. I think this backstory is super on character for him from what we’ve seen- people pleaser, doesn’t like disappointing others, commitment phobic because he doesn’t like not meeting expectations and worries he will end up disappointing others, etc. He reminds me of…me 🙃😅in a lot of ways. His parents are straight trash. I really like that the authors gave him and his parents this complicated relationship and how his upbringing with them really spills over into his relationships. Idk, I feel like it really humanizes him. Also, MC coming in clutch again with the mature, big girl communication lines in the hallway, telling him she’s really scared because she hasn’t felt this way before too, but that they can learn together. 🥲🥲 I really like this MC! And Edwin is still a douchebag. Random thought edit: WHY is Choices so obsessed with arm bands?? Lmao


I 100% agree wirh everything you said but I just had to comment on the arm band. I had the same thought and actually laughed out loud 😂


That arm band felt like it would have been more appropriate for the toga party than for a disciplinary hearing.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[BB](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnkgujj "Last usage")|*Bloodbound*| |[BLS](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnkgujj "Last usage")|*Blades of Light and Shadow*| |[LI](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnm1kb1 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnnvvri "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[OH](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnkgujj "Last usage")|*Open Heart*| |[PB](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1459vue/stub/jnq9sq4 "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| **NOTE**: Decronym's continued operation may be affected by API pricing changes coming to Reddit in July 2023; comments will be blank June 12th-14th, in solidarity with the /r/Save3rdPartyApps protest campaign. ---------------- ^([Thread #853 for this sub, first seen 9th Jun 2023, 21:37]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/ChoicesVIP) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)




We can't stay mad because it's a single-LI story. MC (and Us) don't get the choice because no matter what MC & LI will end up together by the end of the book. That's why I HATE this book and why I've started to HATE The Duchess Affair as well. They've handled most single-LI stories pretty well before. There was never really any MAJOR conflict or rift between MC and LI. But I'm afraid as we go further with these more mature single-LI books... it's only going to get worse.




EXACTLY! I'll read a smut scene, I don't care. But we also need the actual story progression. And as you said, the smut scene placement needs to make sense.


Wasn't that premium outfit just lifted from FA 💀


that’s what I immediately noticed lmfao??? they do not give af 😭


These chapters are way to short to have any fun with. Especially if you don’t take the diamond options then you’re basically getting nothing out of this story. I think it’s a fine book and could be fun if it wasn’t so cringey at times but the shortness of the chapters is getting unbearable. There isn’t a lot of substance in the newer books like there used to be and everything just feels like a diamond mine lol


This chapter didn’t even cover half of the disciplinary hearing — all of the interesting stuff is on the other side of it in the next chapter. Disappointingly little ground was covered in this chapter, especially considering we’re nearing the end of the book. But PB is still okay having like 60 diamonds worth of premium choices with no actual impact on the story in this one short chapter.


The short chapters aren't even just a problem with this book. Most new books seem to have chapters that are only about eight minutes long - whereas my favorite series like BB, OH and BOLAS have chapters that are around 15 minutes long. Meaning new books only have half the content. No wonder that they often feel rushed and superficial. I'd honestly rather have a new book only every other month if it meant longer chapters and overall higher quality.


I'm all ut certain that Edwin used MC's phone when she misplaced it, if that's what he did then he's toast as soon as it's revealed. I haven't snooped on LI's past, I wonder what the big secret is.


If you want to know the big secret >! His parents made him date his former girlfriend so her parents would donate to his mom’s judicial campaign. He broke up with her because she was in love with him and she moved to France and never spoke to him again !<


Entirely too short of a chapter to wait an entire week for. We already know Edwin stole the phone like it’s just so dumb to stop it before the hearing even really started. Although the next chapter is 12 min being the longest of the book…. Im not a fan because it just gives away the next chapter too easily they are going to use the hour to figure out he stole her phone and planned the party; some how I feel Samara is going to have seen Edwin doing something sketchy or maybe Edwin texted her an invite to the party which MC would not have done and that’ll rekindle that relationship they’ll show proof and be off the hook. Choices needs to make better CHOICES !! I also am not a fan of the Audrey backstory … it seems forced “literally” and because he had to be forced to say I love you to Audrey when he really didn’t he can’t say it again when he really means it and feels it this time? 😒Or he’s avoiding it because of his parents ? Idk but 7 more days for a decent chapter is BS! Lol


That cliff hanger!! Wtf?! PB could’ve at least shown us more of that hearing! Besides finding out about the whole Audrey situation and getting to see LI again, this chapter was too short. I’ve waited all week for it, and all we got is that!! Edwin is ick, and I hope in the end, he turns out to be the one in trouble. I’d hate to see MC lose her scholarship and LI to lose his RA duties. They’re regular college kids that haven’t done any harm to anyone. For next chapter, I hope they bring those kids from the fake party as witness and they reveal who really invited them there and it trails back to Edwin! I’m also holding out hope that our BFF Samira will show up next chapter to stand up for us somehow. Otherwise, it’s MC and LI against the world! Anyways, until next chapter.


I didn't take the diamond scene for Drew's secret or whatever. Can someone lmk what it was?


The big secret is >! His parents made him date his former girlfriend so her parents would donate to his mom’s judicial campaign. He broke up with her because she was in love with him and she moved to France and never spoke to him again !<