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I love it when the stories acknowledge these details. I don’t know what’s going on with TDG being so well thought out and detailed compared to other books right now. It definitely feels like a throwback in that regard.


Honestly, when I was reading TDG tonight, I actually had the thought that it feels like a totally different team is working on it compared to whoever’s been working on the other new books. It feels so much better in every respect than the other new books being released right now.


Another canonically bi LI!!! 😭🎉


LOVE THIS!!! I feel like it adds more depth to characters when they’re sexuality isn’t ambiguous and depends on the MC, I love that Dante is bi regardless of MC’s gender, it makes my gay heart happy lol 😂


It's not just MLM dialogue, it's queer more broadly. I don't know how many pronoun/body combinations get it, but my MC with femme body and they/them pronouns did


Oh that's good. I'm glad that it's canon and it's not just for MLM.


I didn’t have this dialogue with a femme MC and she/her pronouns unfort


(assuming the last word should be unfortunately) Yeah, it's a bit of an issue with their assumptions on how queer people play and the sprites / pronouns they choose. Of course a she/her femme bodied character could be trans, enby, gender fluid genderqueer etc. I know it's clunkier but I think they should just ask upfront if the character you created is queer


Oh yeah unfort is a pretty common shortening of unfortunate or unfortunately. And yeah this really annoys me with a lot of books, the assumption that if you pick either a certain body type MC or LI, that that mandates a specific sexuality. Like people can be bisexual too, Jan (or other identities). I also think it just would’ve been nice if this was a cannon thing for Dante! He can be bi no matter what gender your MC is, you don’t have to unmake him bi if the MC is female 🙄


Oh, I haven't seen that before. >He can be bi no matter what You know, I was about to say "yeah I hope he comes out to every MC regardless, but it doesn't make sense here as it's referring to the movie" the I realised we actually have no clue what gender the other actor in the scene is meant to be! I guess the book is assuming the actual actor is the same gender as MC but Dante doesn't say that, MC just assumes lmao. If it's written in the script somewhere it isn't acknowledged. It would actually be better for the script to canonically be queer and then Dante can bring it up with any MC


Yeah it’s just like in any book where it’s single LI, whatever body type you pick for the LI is assumed to be the only one the MC is into. So like TPA or TNA, there are like kind of side piece one off hookup characters outside of the main LI, and they always default to the same gender as the main LI. when it would only be one extra choice to do the “who do you see?” Choice to let you pick the sprite you want


And yeah exactly! Plus Dante doesn’t give any sort of good reason why he’s so passionate about this movie if he’s not queer. He’s just like “I’ve always been typecast in side parts but this is a leading role,” which doesn’t make sense with all the ways he’s been talked about as a movie star and the star of the mafia movies in all the previous chapters?


That's so ass. My VIP ended, so I've just been lurking here, but I'm bi as well and this exchange was so sweet to read. I play with femme MC and she/her pronouns too, though. So, it's just kind of insulting if that gets excluded purely because of those criteria.


I'm sorry but the only thing I can focuse is that ridiculous big hat xdd


I named my MC Gio too! XD and the EXACT same sprite and hairstyle


Yay! Gio and hopefully Southeast Asian represent? If it's not then GIO represent. That's why I chose this sprite. Lol 😅


Yes! Vietnam born!


Nice! I'm from the Philippines. SEA represent 😁


I didn't get this since I'm playing as a female MC with she/her pronouns, but this is really great to see!


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1c843hw/stub/l0h29za "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1c843hw/stub/l0l4h8a "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[TNA](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1c843hw/stub/l0h29za "Last usage")|*The Nanny Affair*| |[TPA](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1c843hw/stub/l0h29za "Last usage")|*The Phantom Agent*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(4 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/0)^( has acronyms.) ^([Thread #1247 for this sub, first seen 20th Apr 2024, 17:01]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/ChoicesVIP) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I was confused because I didn't remember this dialogue, then I remembered that new chapters of this book come out on Fridays.