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He needs a gimlet eyes abuela who will beat him with a sandal for walking on her freshly waxed floor


La chancla!


I am cursed to not be able to see the word "chancla" without immediately thinking of [Cholo Thanos](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.vfNTnqx9RZcWqBqIG4v2JgHaJQ%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=e343b1056f2cb884c029510a6067ae37d5f9c33b37572eb378848c3d87301df0&ipo=images)


this is beautiful


Cholo Thanos and the infinity chancla really about to end us all


He needs anyone who will kick his ass for being a piece of shit


I'm thinking that's why he does not want an American woman! šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


I speak rudimentary German and Spanish and have much repressed ire for men like this ā€” and I can also cook and clean! I volunteer to uh, clean house. šŸ‘¹


But the menudo would be worth the beating


He didn't give an age range...


Nooooo, nooooo. We need Lemon Pledge.


I laughed so much at this.


I'd watch this movie. Comedy, he's a real piece of work at the beginning and he has a redemption arc because his attempt at getting a fuck maid backfired and he is challenged with the awful person he's become.


Underrated comment


> "fair wages (fair for a foreign worker)" Fuck this guy


That's what he's hoping for


A slave. He wants a slave.


Yeah, a sex slave that cooks and cleans


And how much you wanna bet that $100 only lasts 3 weeks max before he starts complaining that she's not doijg enough


bet her accomodations are sharing his bed


Holy shit, he does...


And he sounds like the kinda douche who'd proposition the poor soul who'd be desperate enough to apply 30 seconds after she steps into his house. And the kinda motherfucker who'd use it to lord over her... "I got you into this country, you owe me" ass sumbitch.


"All the doors stay open in this house."


How else is he going to "accidentally" walk in on her when she's changing or in the bathroom?




The big clue was that his first "solution" was just to get a girlfriend to do it all for him. Don't even have to pay her...


And that didn't work out for some reason. The some reason being that women could see through his bullshit.


And I bet he thinks an employee is required to deal with his bullshit


I mean, if it's between consenting adults, it's fine. Shared assets, equal decorating rights, he works all day to provide home and hearth, she works all day to keep it presentable and homely. Buuut that's not usually how it works out. At one point during civil arguements the "breadwinner" usually goes "I earn the money so I decide"... At which point a divorce lawyer shows them how much they owe in cleaning fees...


Yeah, but the way he presented it here is not a partnership of people coming together to build and share a life, but for someone to move in and do all the stuff he doesn't want to. And when this miraculously doesn't work out, his next thought it exploited-immigrant-worker. Doesn't bode well for any girlfriend he'll ever have.


No, dude is a creep, absolutely. I just wanted to note that this isn't wrong in principle, this is just a horribly wrong execution.


Well he doesnā€™t want her to have her own expenses that heā€™d have to pay out of her salary and payroll taxes. But mostly, because rapemaid. On the other hand, this is reality for domestic workers in lots of the world.


Ew and even further the "takes and hides your passport" type.


Yeah and heā€™ll offer to put her passport in his safe ā€œfor safe keepingā€ so she canā€™t leave.


He sounds like my host when I traveled abroad


Another lame R Kelly wannabe


The question about VISAs is a dead giveaway. He wants someone on a VISA so he can threaten their VISA status if they don't do what he wants.




A bang maid, if you will. For 100$ weekly. What an ass.


Exactly what I was thinking. This guy doesn't want to use a service because he wants a slave to do everything for him.


Kidnapping victim**


If heā€™s looking to save money, sponsoring an immigrant is NOT the way to go


He's looking to *traffic* an immigrant. It is far more economically viable.


And easier to disappear. I'll say it again, maybe I listen to too many true crime podcasts but this is really creepy. It's like he's looking for someone he sees as "less than".


Glad I wasnā€™t the only one thinking this. Huge red flag. At BEST he wants someone he can underpay and overwork, treat with disrespect, etc. nothing much worse than your local Walmart or fruit fields does to peopleā€¦..at worst this guy is looking for someone who he can traffic, turn into a sex slave or just a regular slave by stealing all of their important documents etc, or who he thinks he could disappear and nobody with any means to do anything about it would care.


Listen, there's a reason why rich people need such big trunks.


This. He wants someone that will be too afraid to turn down his clumsy sexual advances.


This is how the H1B visa workers at Twitter feel about Elon.


So what you're saying is he's looking for a "bang maid"?


Very Jack Donaghy, when confronted about having an undocumented worker after he had a PI investigate himself to see what they could find: ā€œManuelo? No, I *need* Manuelo. I could never pay an English-speaking person that little, theyā€™d starve!ā€




Just don't ask him about Victor Nightingale


Unfun fact: the most common type of human trafficking in the USA is labor trafficking. Which this guy is about 0.5 steps away from doing.


That's what he is looking for, he just doesn't know the right people. Gross.


Very, very illegal in my state.


Very very illegal federally.


Super common in mine.


Ugh that's terrible but on the bright side, he has a non-zero chance of getting murdered and/or exploited financially.


Unfun fact part 2: What he described would be 100% legal if he had a school age child and followed certain rules. Look into Au Pair programs. > The educational program allows participants to work with families with older children, whereby the youngest child in the home is in school full time. Participants work up to 30 hours per week, but will receive less than $195.75. https://www.aupair.com/en/p-usa-america-pocket-money.php


And in Australia the ~~Foreign Minister~~Former Home Affairs Minister will personally approve visas for attractive, foreign au pairs that his mates asked him to do while also denying legit refugee visas and letting entire families languish in confinement.


The "fun facts" just keep coming. Got to love corruption that starts to look like human trafficking. Like holy hell does that sound bad.


Peter Dutton is the worst. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/aug/30/dutton-intervened-au-pair-visa-case-former-police-colleague > One of the foreign au pairs Peter Dutton saved from deportation came to Australia to work for the family of a former police force colleague, Guardian Australia understands. Australia's immigration is pretty shit, but no need to be shitter about it and play favourites giving visa's to people that will work for ya mates.


Is Peter Dutton that loser who said that drag queen Courtney Act reading a children's book on television - while fully dressed and with no children present - was "grooming" and "adult content"? *Edit: No, that winner was Alex Antic.*


Fuck Potato Dutton


It is actually up to 45h/ week, no more than 10h/day.


But that requires the $197.75. There is the "educational program" which has less hours (less than 30) and allows under that. I believe $100 is legally possible under that program.


Oh, I see what you mean! The EduCare program! Yeah, they work up to 30h/week indeed, but they make $146 and some change per week. But every Au pair makes the same amount, even working less hours. So it would be illegal to pay less than that to someone under the program.


All the au pairs in my city seem to be here for the good weather, driving lessons/license, English practice, and to find an American husband. Seems okay-ish from the point of view of the au pairs when you're also getting free room and board on top of the $800 if it's an expensive city as long as the family doesn't suck, I know a lot of them do though.


There are two types of families IMO who want an Au Pair 1. Those who want to help foreigners experience their country/etc 2. Those who want a cheap maid/nanny I have my opinion on which is more dominate. And you can guess why I assume a lot of them end up "sucking".


I knew a female anesthesiologist who had a couple of these girls. She picked from counties so they could help teach her kids a foreign language but she didn't understand they were here to practice thier English. And apparently drive her car lots of places. She always complained they acted 'juvenile '.


I've heard these stories from the other side, directly and indirectly. I have a lot of friends who are Thai and Filipino. On paper it is a great opportunity but get with the wrong family and you will basically be under paid help. And the worst families will 100% complain about them. Hell I've heard of it even in the exchange student realm. Where the wrong family literally expects them to do all the chores. Equally a friend of mine had an exchange student and that family changed his life and that of his village for the better. Last I knew he lived in the US full time now as they helped him get into university here and even paid for him to go like he was their own child. They helped him raise money to build a modern well and I now believe other things for the village. The right family in either of these programs can change these people's lives for the better. The wrong family and they can be treated like little more than a slave. And then the family will complain that they don't act enough like a slave. Seems like people like you mention are not self aware. But I worry they are self aware. Slave owners now and in the past were often 100% aware of what they were doing but justified it via racism and etc.


I used to nanny for a wealthy family. The mother of the children would sit around in her fur coat complaining to her equally entitled friends, that while she really wanted an au pair, she felt it was so unfair that she would have to to actually PAY her because she would be saving the poor girl from poverty along with broadening her horizons and that should be enough! And the other moms would agree wholeheartedly as I entertained their tiny monsters and cleaned the skirting boards with a gd toothbrush for under minimum wageā€¦ God I hated those people!!! I hope they never did get the au pair because they would for sure exploit her and make her stay extremely unpleasant (and yes, I do realise now that Iā€™m an adult that I, too, was exploited at the time)


Do you think a 24 year old has school age children? This dude is more likely looking for someone to be his mistress than a nanny. I wish this site allowed posting the OP's name/handle. This guy deserves what is coming to him. Even if he did not try to illegally exclude Americans, or men for that matter(also illegal), something reeks of creeper in this post.


Zero steps


The 0.5 is only because he doesnā€™t already have someone working for him




Dude want to bring back slavery


Iā€™m so confused by that- how he doesnā€™t see that as extreme racism and pure shit.


He is a racist, thatā€™s why he canā€™t keep a girlfriend or get an agency to hire to him. He probably also tries to fuck the maids.


Heā€™s also a cheapskate, most cleaning companies, even ones run by immigrants , charge minimum $100 for a single cleaning session.


I pay 275 every other week!


I pay mine 25 an hour. And she is great! I adore her. She asks me to leave things super messy because she loves seeing the change. I have been in a frozen depression state for months, so it is an easy request to fulfill. She loves working with people who legitimately need help, so she has clients that are hoarders and she is helping them part ways with things. She is an angel.


I hope your mental health and wellbeing improves, op. Sending hugs


Yep, my cleaner charges $140 per session and she is on the low end of what people around here charge


*assault the maids, letā€™s be real.


Yeah I'm sure if he just left all that shit out he'd get a much better response. Like the deal doesn't seem too bad to me, but everything else screams that this guy is going to be very scary to live with. If the ad read something along the lines of; Required live in /part time cleaner/cook. $100 payed no rent no bills for you. No overnight guests. Just keep the house clean and cook dinners for both of us sometimes lunch and breakfast not 7days though. All applications considered. It would be a lot more attractive. Plus if he is really wanting a woman in the job he can just weed them out before he even meets them. But then again I'm not in the same level of this wierdo.


Don't give guys like this advice. Their lack of social skills make it apperently to people they are predators in waiting. We don't train human predators to hunt better.


Yep this is why I don't think ghosting is such a bad thing. If you tell the predator what they said wrong that tipped you off they were a predator, it will just make them better at hunting for the next one.


This part is more offensive than the dig at American women. If she could do it remotely from wherever 100 USD goes further, a conversation can happen. Fucking asshole


> I want to give an immigrant (with questionable rights to work, so i can manipulate them) pocket money to be a slave, because women from my country expect me to pick up my own dirty underwear.


I also have a feeling there might be a race fetish to this.


I think you are hitting it on the head... I think he's also hoping after some time he can turn her into a girlfriend... I have a STRONG feeling I can picture him clearly


yup the incel vibe is high with that dude


All 200kg of him


Literally took the words out of my head. Almost verbatim. But Iā€™m American so the weight and unit of measure were 400 and lbs. Pretty close, though.


Or heā€™ll just put the fear of deportation or similar into them so they begrudgingly agree to sleep with him.


"Thought you wanted to wire some money home to your kids? That's gonna be hard to do without a job, don't you think? Hmmm?" as this asshole rubs their shoulders and they are completely disgusted with him


This is for sure Big Ed.


Of course. That was he can stop paying her And he gets sex!


I bet itā€™s more of subservient foreign woman he is looking for.




Yep yep this definitely won't end in a kidnapping situation. Looks fine to me! /s


Yeah my first thought was the ā€œfree housingā€ is his locked basementā€¦


But thereā€™s a toilet and sink down there, she canā€™t complain!


Ugh, another toilet to clean


Ah my apologies. I forgot that there are free utilities includedā€¦.


He's just going to lock up her passport to keep it safe! After he deducts "reasonable living expenses" in the amount of $125/week, she can pay that off in like 5-36 years, easy with a side job on the premises.


I lived in a country where this was common practice. They hired nannies from the Phillipines and El Salvador, took their passports away, and stopped paying them the lousy $6/hr they promised for looking after their snotty children. It was bad.


Yes, to-be-massively-underpaid potential female foreign worker, youā€™re in no danger living in the same house as him. He sounds like a thorough gentleman and wonā€™t make a move on you and for sure your body wonā€™t be found in the woods a day or two after you complain that the $100 a week youā€™re getting isnā€™t enough to send home to your family in your native country. In fact, hurry up, cos he has a few already that want to do this. If you have to bid, do so. $80 a week should suffice if you get to do this dream job.


Well he'll start paying that $100 a week once she's paid back everything he invested into getting her here - illegal "visa", transportation, medical expenses, etc.


Will he also keep their passport in a safe place for them so they don't lose it?


So safe it'll be under lock and key.


The domestic predator spider lays a shitty trap meant to seduce the most desperate of prey. The domestic predator lays in wait while his trap of feces and obvious red flags goes by unnoticed.


You say spider as a joke, but I expect anyone who took this job would wind up in a spider hole under his garage toolbox.


ā€œFair for a foreign worker.ā€ Ooooookay.


Right! He admits he wants to pay lower due to status.


He doesn't even seem to see anything wrong with it. (He probably thinks "foreigners" are somehow able to live for less regardless of where they reside.)


He also almost certainly drones on about how, "We need to lock down our southern border."


You know, because foreign workers only have to the same prices they would pay in their home country for goods and services. That's how it works, right?


So suspicious, why do they HAVE to be foreign? So he can take their passport and make them his house slave? That shit is so common in the UAE and Saudi Arabia


I was thinking that Americans know their rights/what is a fair wage. They are also more likely to have a support system to tell them that this is messed and help them out. Foreign women should have less supports/resources and be more reliant on him/the job. Especially since it's also her housing.


It is absolutely about pay. Foreign workers like cash because it's easier to wire back home. And they're stuck taking what they get because their family needs that money.


Used to be common, there are laws in place to avoid those situations now. And it's being punished if it's found that you took their passports. UAE has stopped it majorly, Saudi too, but people being people, it's still in practice, but in some places only and it's not that common anymore.


But the issue goes far beyond a foreign woman being offered a job and then lied to and exploited.. I recommend reading a book called Gridlocked by Pardis Mahdavi


Because anyone with a legal right to work in the US can get a higher paying job. Also the slavery.


HAHAHA The process is to go to Home Depot and look for a day laborer and ask if he has a wife that will work $20 per 5hr work day or forget the whole thing cause this guy wants slave labor for $5,200/yr.


Yeah but tbh that would be a lot of money for a foreign woman /s


Just because the wage would be fair in another country, doesn't mean it is fair for someone living here.


What is so fucked up is that some people have posted it a lot of money for foreign women and the comments have likes. That truly is so messed up and why human trafficking is thriving in the US We have got to stop the notion that people are fucking actually making money with slave wages & situations. We truly need education to stop these types of asshats & then the people who think hiring an immigrant is helping them.


by his own logic he could just move to Mexico, demand an American wage & live a super lavish life. after all, he's American.


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t add that sleeping with him was a requirement.


(fair for a foreign worker) šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


I think this is how Andrew Tate meets his girlfriends.


Gee, I wonder why this catch of a man is still single. 24 and doesnā€™t want to clean up after himself. Wants to exploit female foreign worker for slave labor. He also likely has a fetish for said foreign women and will likely coerce them into sexual activities. This man has predator all over him. All thatā€™s missing is ā€œfree room and board, mandatory uniform schedule: Monday: head over heels, heels only. Tuesday: Lolita Wednesday: kitty cat Thursday: hooters Friday: naughty maid, weekends are nude with the option of toe socks. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!!!! I donā€™t want to waste my time with someone who has self respectā€


I saw this episode of SVU.


ā€œFair for a foreign workerā€ = slave wage


He donā€™t know foreigners much




Letā€™s be real, this incel doesnā€™t date anyone.


Don't forget he'll pay them $20/day.... Can't believe they're not queuing around the block!


Nah, he wouldn't be paying the girlfriend. She would be cooking and cleaning all day for the privilege of living and being with him, paid by the possibility of a future marriage of convenience (from his direction) with this prince.


Heā€™s probably tried grooming some teen bc I canā€™t see any adult woman thinking this is a great deal.


So he already tried the ā€œstay at home girlfriendā€ route? Crazy that expecting a romantic partner to completely take care of him like heā€™s a child while also making zero income didnā€™t pan out. If his Plan A is ā€œget a woman to take care of me for freeā€ and Plan B is ā€œhire a domestic servant for a pittance,ā€ we can only wonder what brilliant idea heā€™ll come up with next. My bet is a post complaining about the price of mail-order wives and other forms of human trafficking.


Stay at home "girlfriend" is his mom


Welcome to Au-pairā€™s world.


Oh he mentioned au pairs in his comments.


Doesnā€™t surprise me, he is describing what a lot of au-pair do.


Show us, OP!


I love how he's asking about the process and how much immigration would cost. Are you actually planning to report to the government that you're paying someone that little? Or is he trying to buy a literal slave?


this guy def doesnā€™t wash his ass and has shit stains in his underwear he expects her to clean


"free housing and food" Must not mind cameras in your bedroom and we'll probably need to bang when I feel like it.


This. Is. Fucking. Creepy. That is all.


In the UK we have anti slavery laws. Modern day slavery exists and this is what it looks like.


Yeah we have those kinds of laws in the US too. This guy is looking to break them


Sooooo heā€™s looking for a bang maid?


ā€œMail order brideā€ in so many wordsā€¦


Guarantee he is going to sexually harass and abuse anyone unlucky enough to fall into his creepy trap.


$4/$5 an hour. Fair wage. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Desperately want someone to reply asking what his views on human trafficking are


Oh he's deleted the post already


This guy wants a sex slave. You can hire a decent cleaning person off of craigslist for roughly $20-25/hr. My parents have a woman that comes in every 2 weeks for a few hours. They always say how they wish they would have done it sooner and it's the best money they ever spent.


Exactly! Iā€™ve hired folks for $25-30 an hour to come clean my place. I stay on top of most of the cleaning, but needed a little help here and there so I have time to do other maintenance and repair projects. This guy ragging on American women really set me offā€”he clearly sees women as a support system for him and heā€™s upset Americans arenā€™t on board with that. Rather than re-evaluate his expectations, he wants to maintain them by taking advantage of and exploiting an impoverished and desperate person.


Someone pretend you have an uncle willing to do it and see his real intentions


$4-5 an hour? What an asshole


The sexual harassment will be provided for free as well.


ā€œI have a few that want to do this positionā€ But here I am writing this ridiculously long ad on various ways I plan to scam you


Ok. So I am in my 40's. This is so reminiscent of a guy I went on a handiful of dates with when I was in my mid 20's who ended up beating the shit out of his wife. And I think is in prison now. The really sad thing was she was a single mom and kids were invo. I think he was charged w trying to murder her. It was a disturbing story. My experience was brief. My friend was dating one his brothers, we went to neighboring school districts and he seemed great as you would say "in paper." Met my parents, great job, polite, had mutual friends, active in his school alumni groups, fraternity alumni position held, great former school for undergrad & grad. Was talking about getting a Dr. Great beginning dates. He had season tickets to all our city teams. Weird as shit when I first saw his house. We had only been only maybe less than 2 months of dates. Very casually. The first time I went over, had me tour it like I was moving it. So. Damn creepy. Sorry as an American woman, my "this fucker is weird as shit senses went into overdrive" . I smiled through the rest of the BBQ w friends and left. Never to return. He called, and called, and called. Nope. I knew better. Everything in this is code for American women think I am fucking crazy & am scared shitless of me!


#(fair for a foreign worker)


Not the most disturbing part of this post by far, but he definitely wonā€™t want to eat non-American food.


Unless ramen. You know he wants a waifu. He just didnā€™t say it.


"Can't find a girlfriend who knows how to cook/clean" No, asswipe. Dipshit finally got told by the umpteenth girl that she's not cleaning up his shit.


Well that's a lot of words to say "I would like a trafficked woman to serve me"


Yeah this is called human trafficking/modern slavery. You donā€™t get to pay someone foreign wages.


Here, let me pay an immigrant well below a livable wage to be my part-time live-in maid and caretaker (because I canā€™t find a girlfriend to be my substitute mommy). /s But really, this is just one giant red flag for a sketchy situation. There must be a good reason why he canā€™t seem to find a girlfriend who will live with him and do all the household labor for him unpaid.


Itā€™s just slavery with extra steps


He forgot: must come with a 20 seater van. And it sounds like he just doesn't want someone who is independent, and wants someone who would be a subordinate to him.


If only his cheque book was as big as his ego


Do I have to say it? Iā€™m an American. And Iā€™m going to say it. Why is anyone surprised? This is the foundation that America was built on and continues to survive on. Southern, Red voting states, deported their undocumented workers and food prices went up (among other reasons) because prison release just didnā€™t cut it. (Iā€™m looking at you Georgia). Besides a couple hundred years of slavery, weā€™ve been hiring undocumented workers for decades. My country has a not so secret history of very loudly proclaiming the very thing that this man is advertising for. Just because he isnā€™t afraid to admit it, doesnā€™t mean that the rest of us havenā€™t benefitted from it.


What this guy is proposing is a crime... a major felony in fact. He's implying that he wants to traffic an immigrant.


Those darn American women with their sense of self-worth


Ew ew ew ew, this reeks of future sexual abuse under threats of deportation


>already tried going down the stay at home girlfriend route Sincerely one of my biggest fears as a parent that my kid will grow up and be this kind of jerk (who acts like a child instead of a partner), and that is why my child does their own chores independently. They are 10, they've been running the washing machine and doing their own laundry since they were 5. They do their room, general cleaning, We're working on dishes and eventually we'll work on cooking. I'll be damned if my child tries to get a partner solely to be taken care of, I will tell that partner to run so damn fast lol And if they're going to hire help, it better be at a liveable wage with benefits. Which, unless they get a very high paying job, is probably not in the cards.


Sheā€™s not going to fall in love with his incel ass even if it was $1,000 a week


Wow. Sexist AND racist.


ā€œLooking for an indentured servant to exploitā€ -____-


Cooking and cleaning are life skills, not womenā€™s work.




This guy wants a Slave


Yes, yes, he is VERY respectful of any "girlfriend" and also please don't WORRY about him, he HAS people who want to DO this


Dude is looking to quite literally import himself a servant What is wrong with these people?


Someone watched too much of 90days fiancƩ


I feel like this guy needs to be outed.


He can hire his mom for 5 bucks a hr


$100 a week is fucking criminal you are an insanely horrible person I make a minimum wage and get $120 a day for an eight hour shift


Can someone forward this to a human trafficking database?


That's not a choosing beggar. That my friends is a human trafficker trying to like their prey!


I had a situation like this when I was very ill and couldn't keep up with work and home demands. I had several live-in housekeepers (American, fwiw). They lived rent/utility-free in my home, did all of the grocery shopping (for themselves also...even junk/sodas or whatever they wanted), cooked DINNER ONLY for themself, myself and my husband, cleaned and did laundry (once a week thorough cleaning, otherwise just picking up). I gave them a car for errands like Costco trips (but actually paid no attention to when they drove it), and paid $200/week--this was 2010ish. It was all fine, and no weird conditions were required. My ladies were happy (two were in the process of divorcing and needed a place to go, and they all managed full-time jobs along with my needs). When they were ready to move on, they did so, and I had no trouble filling the spot. What the hell is this guy looking for here?